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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 29, 2009 -> 01:17 PM)
I think that might actually kill the party. No hyperbole.

and some... including myself... think that may actually be the healthiest thing for the GOP. It really needs to breakup and restructure. Unfortunately, that could take 10+ years to build up another strong party and I'm not sure a one party america is the best option.

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I'm afraid I don't know where the discussion of McAuliffe's lines and lines of signs went, so I'm just going to put these new Survey USA results here.

SurveyUSA. 4/25-27. Likely voters. MoE 4.9% (No trend lines)


Democratic Primary


Terry McAuliffe (D) 38

Creigh Deeds (D) 22

Brian Moran (D) 22

Previous polls have shown a dead heat or Moran with a small lead, so this would be a major jump for the former head of the DNC.

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U.S. officials were on message today: It's no longer "swine flu" that Mexican and global health authorities are fighting, but the "2009 H1N1 virus outbreak."


"This really isn't swine flu. It's H1N1 virus," Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack said at an afternoon news briefing with U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano.


"We want to say to consumers here and abroad that there is no risk to you, there is no scientific evidence whatsoever that there is any link between consuming pork, prepared pork products, and the H1N1 virus," Kirk added.


Lest the point be lost, Napolitano threw in, "We are establishing an operations coordination task force to deal with the 2009 H1N1 outbreak."


The switch was anything but casual. International prices of U.S. pork, corn and soybeans plummeted yesterday after Russia, China and the Philippines suspended pork imports from Mexico and some U.S. states where the virus has been detected, despite the absence of any link between pork consumption and the virus.



Vilsack said the change came after Obama officials heard protests from the meat and grain industries. "It is significant, because there are a lot of hardworking families whose livelihood depends on us conveying this message of safety," said Vilsack, " ... and we want to reinforce the fact that we're doing everything we possibly can to make sure that our hog industry is sound and safe and to make sure that consumers in this country and around the world know that American products are safe."

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Former (thank god!) NSA and Secretary of State Condi Rice gave some mind-bogglingly stupid answers to questions at Stanford U. during a talk last night. Video can be found at links.


First, she comes out and says that Al Qaeda posed a bigger threat to the U.S. than Nazi Germany...

Q: Even in World War II facing Nazi Germany, probably the greatest threat that America has ever faced –


RICE: Uh, with all due respect, Nazi Germany never attacked the homeland of the United States.


Q: No, but they bombed our allies –


RICE: No, just a second, just a second. Three-thousand Americans died in the Twin Towers and the Pentagon.


Q: 500,000 died in World War II –


RICE: Fighting a war in Europe.


Q: — and yet we did not torture the prisoners of war.


RICE: We didn’t torture anybody here either.


On another torture related question...she literally gave the "if the President does it, it's not illegal" defense.

"The president instructed us that nothing we would do would be outside of our obligations, legal obligations under the Convention Against Torture."



"The United States was told, we were told, nothing that violates our obligations under the Convention Against Torture, and so by definition, if it was authorized by the president, it did not violate our obligations under the Convention Against Torture." (emphasis added)

If the President says it's ok, it doesn't matter what it is...it's ok.


This woman was one of the most powerful people in the world for 8 years.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 30, 2009 -> 02:13 PM)
Former (thank god!) NSA and Secretary of State Condi Rice gave some mind-bogglingly stupid answers to questions at Stanford U. during a talk last night. Video can be found at links.


First, she comes out and says that Al Qaeda posed a bigger threat to the U.S. than Nazi Germany...



On another torture related question...she literally gave the "if the President does it, it's not illegal" defense.

If the President says it's ok, it doesn't matter what it is...it's ok.


This woman was one of the most powerful people in the world for 8 years.


Despite these shyte answers I'd still say that Cheney and Addington make Condi and her staff look like pacifists in comparison.

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I don't really know where Republicans get off thinking they're so awesome on national security, though. Sure they can say "we haven't been attacked on our soil" but that's because of good work from the intelligence and law enforcement communities, not because of Republican foreign policies (read: Guantanamo Bay, Iraq).

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 30, 2009 -> 03:21 PM)
I don't really know where Republicans get off thinking they're so awesome on national security, though. Sure they can say "we haven't been attacked on our soil" but that's because of good work from the intelligence and law enforcement communities, not because of Republican foreign policies (read: Guantanamo Bay, Iraq).

Tough on national security = a willingness to bomb anyone, anywhere, for any reason. The more wars you start, the better you are at national security.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Apr 30, 2009 -> 05:21 PM)
I don't really know where Republicans get off thinking they're so awesome on national security, though. Sure they can say "we haven't been attacked on our soil" but that's because of good work from the intelligence and law enforcement communities, not because of Republican foreign policies (read: Guantanamo Bay, Iraq).


Don't wuss out on this one. The Bush administration has a horrible record on "national security." Make them wear it!


Pakistan and Afghanistan is being ravaged. Period. You simply cannot say that the Bush administration has been successful in fighting terrorism if you look at the situation in Pakistan.


Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed in Iraq and it continues. And while there is now a fragile democracy in Iraq, there's little doubt that the fury that this conflict has caused has increased the risk to Americans and Westerners 10-fold.


North Korea has not been slowed in the least in its pursuit of nuclear weapons and not only the people of North Korea, but people of the region and the west coast of North America are at risk.


Iran is steadily moving toward nuclear weapons. None of the administration's bluster did a damn thing to stop it.


It's just bulls*** posturing that the Republicans hope they can build up so that when the Obama administration makes mistakes, which they inevitably will, they can paint Obama as weak.


Gotta fight back on this one.

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Seems like a reasonable guy to vote for...

Candidate for Georgia governorship says he’d kill his own son to secede


By John Byrne

Published: April 30, 2009


A longshot Georgia candidate for governor who’s already admitted having sex with a mule before finding God says he’s ready to sacrifice his own son in an effort to get his state to secede from the union.


Neal Horsley made national headlines when he posted the names, phone numbers and addresses of abortion doctors online. His “Nuremberg Files” website also crossed off the names of doctors as they were killed.


Now he’s ready to make new news. In an interview by Dylan Otto Krider published late Wednesday, he indicated he’d kill his own son to dissolve the United States (in an effort to overturn Roe v. Wade).


Asked if he was ready to sacrifice his own son in a national insurrection, Horsley recounts a fight with his son where he almost killed him.


“I was one foot from killing my own son, or hurting him really, really bad,” Horsley told Krider. “If he would have attacked me again, I would have stuck him. Or cut him or sliced him or done something to stop him. That’s the point, you hypothetical has literally already been worked out with me, and that’s what makes me different from the other candidates for Governor. They understand I’m not like no politician they have looked at, ever. I am prepared to do a John Brown. I’m not prepared to do an Abe Lincoln and talk out both sides of my mouth and try to get a majority together. I’m looking for the people who are prepared to go with me and take over the foundry, then set up shop and prepare to fight to the death. I’ll do it.”


Asked again if he was willing to sacrifice his son, he was even more explicit, telling the interview to read the Bible’s Matthew 10.


“Your own family are going to be your greatest enemy because unless you love me more than you love your father, your son, your wife, your daughter, you’re not fit to be my disciple,” Horsley said. “That’s why there’s a real rift of estrangement in my family,” he says. “I contend this is really about people’s ability to believe in God. When it comes to that place, when your’re talking about God’s plan to protect himself, then the lives of people become, really, almost irrelevant… in the degree that they result in Him being glorified. That’s the nature of the truth.”


In an earlier television interview with Alan Combs, the would be secessionist said he’d had sex with a mule when he was a child.


“When you grow up on a farm in Georgia, your first girlfriend is a mule,” he said, adding, “You experiment with anything that moves when you are growing up sexually.”

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