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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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Man, the religious right got all spun up about Obama hating God and everything because he chose to observe the National Day of Prayer in private... first of all, the "tradition" of making it a major event every year started with Bush, and secondly, this is right out of the Bible:


Matthew 6:5 "And whenever you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. I tell you with certainty, they have their full reward!

Matthew 6:6 But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees from the hidden place will reward you.


I'm no religious scholar but that sounds pretty simple to me - directly contradicts all of these people who make a big issue out of praying in public. If you want to do it, then do it, nobody's stopping you. Just don't expect everybody to follow you with some kind of fanatical devotion, and don't get offended when some people just don't want to be bothered.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 11, 2009 -> 04:27 AM)
Man, the religious right got all spun up about Obama hating God and everything because he chose to observe the National Day of Prayer in private... first of all, the "tradition" of making it a major event every year started with Bush, and secondly, this is right out of the Bible:


Matthew 6:5 "And whenever you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. I tell you with certainty, they have their full reward!

Matthew 6:6 But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees from the hidden place will reward you.


I'm no religious scholar but that sounds pretty simple to me - directly contradicts all of these people who make a big issue out of praying in public. If you want to do it, then do it, nobody's stopping you. Just don't expect everybody to follow you with some kind of fanatical devotion, and don't get offended when some people just don't want to be bothered.

oh very interesting. I'm gonna have to bookmark this.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 11, 2009 -> 04:27 AM)
Man, the religious right got all spun up about Obama hating God and everything because he chose to observe the National Day of Prayer in private... first of all, the "tradition" of making it a major event every year started with Bush, and secondly, this is right out of the Bible:


Matthew 6:5 "And whenever you pray, don't be like the hypocrites who love to stand in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. I tell you with certainty, they have their full reward!

Matthew 6:6 But whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees from the hidden place will reward you.


I'm no religious scholar but that sounds pretty simple to me - directly contradicts all of these people who make a big issue out of praying in public. If you want to do it, then do it, nobody's stopping you. Just don't expect everybody to follow you with some kind of fanatical devotion, and don't get offended when some people just don't want to be bothered.


Obama Derangement Syndrome. The man can't even order a cheeseburger without being criticized.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ May 11, 2009 -> 02:43 PM)
Cut taxes not defense? That's f***ing retarded. Where do they think the deficit (that they blame him for) comes from?

That's exactly what I thought, first thing. Do you want to fund a Trillion dollar war and hundreds of billions a year for defense on a bake sale?


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You want a great summary of everything that is totally f***ed up about our media today? It's Bob Schieffer's end-of-show talk on CBS yesterday morning. He went after Justice Souter...not for his job performance, not for leaving, not for anything related to his job, but because he's not nice enough on the cocktail circuit with all the media buddies.

I had no problem with the Justice's legal work. But as one who has lived 40 years in Washington, I'll be honest: I didn't care for his attitude.


He made it no secret that he hated the city, once describing his work as the best job in the world in the worst city in the world.


Another time he called life here "akin to an intellectual lobotomy."


Really? Our nation's capital? One of the most beautiful cities in the world?


Call me corny, but I have to confess, I've run into some pretty smart people here over the years, but then again I tried to get to know the city and its inhabitants. Who wouldn't if you were going to live in a place? Justice Souter, obviously.


I've never known anyone who ever saw him outside the court. But now he's leaving. I take it he won't miss Washington - but my guess is Washington will hardly miss him.

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Wanda Sykes' comedy routine at the White House Correspondent's Dinner was really offensive. In it, Sykes suggested that conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh is supported by Hamas, and that Islamists are "constantly issuing Limbaugh talking points." She joked about terrorists supporting conservatives in general, suggesting that recent violent events in Iraq are attempts by terrorists to swing the upcoming midterm elections in favor of Republicans.


Then she got really personal. She joked that Limbaugh was a racist who doesn't want black people to "escap[e] the underclass." She accused him of being responsible for killing "a million babies a year," and aired her friend's theory that Limbaugh himself was a terrorist attack," a followup to 9/11. She also, most disgustingly, said that if conservatives kept apologizing to Limbaugh, they'd eventually contract "anal poisoning." She wondered when Republicans would finally stop "bending over and grabbing their ankles" for Limbaugh, and finally concluded that Limbaugh was just a "bad guy."


Oh wait. Wanda Sykes didn't say any of these things. These are things Rush Limbaugh has said about Obama or other Democrats in the past year, the kind of statements few reporters found offensive enough to write about, despite the fact that most of them were said with the utmost seriousness. And while Sykes is a mere comedian whose influence on the Democratic Party is negligible, Limbaugh's influence in the party is so great that Republican leaders can't even criticize him without having to issue apologies after the fact.



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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 13, 2009 -> 02:05 PM)
Actually, the Republicans are renaming it the "Democrat Socialist" party, I believe. So your thread title is too grammatically correct.

Good point.

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There were a number of interesting things today in the Senate's hearing on Bush's torture methods, including Senator Graham berating the man who did the interrogation of Zubaydah before they started the torture and using a previously retracted report to do it, but some of the more interesting stuff that we didn't already know came from Phil Zelikow, who worked under Rice in the 2nd term and who opposed the torture program.


First, he says that copies of a memo that he wrote contradicting the OLC torture memos have been found, despite attempts by people at the top of the Bush admin. to make sure that all copies were destroyed, so we may well see some of that later.


He also gives a lot of detail regarding exactly how the Democrats in Congress were "Briefed", that random obsession of the righties that somehow is supposed to make the fact that they were breaking the law ok. It's actually an interesting summary of how they maneuvered around the typical procedure...I'll let people who have been following the cases more completely than me give the summary here.

The Republicans are working so hard to argue that Democrats were properly briefed because--per Lindsey Graham--if it becomes clear they weren't, then it is evidence of criminal intent. And--per Zelikow--because the Bush Administration was rebutting its own internal critics with claims about whether or not members of Congress bought off on the program. (Incidentally, the appeal to Congressional approval is precisely what BushCo was attempting with their March 10 pre-hospital briefing to Congress, and undoubtedly the reason Bush had Gonzales makes notes of the meeting after the fact--this was a pattern for these guys.)


Zelikow doesn't say it (in fact, in his statement, he claims that members of Congress from both parties are responsible), but his desciption of the way Congressional briefings should work, and his description of how BushCo made claims about Congressional approval that may not be true, show how false the Republicans appeals to Congressional briefings is. Philip Zelikow explains how briefing Congress is supposed to work, but all the available evidence shows that's not what happened. Rather than briefing Congress to get even the appearance of Congressional consultation, BushCo was briefing Congress to help win bureaucratic battles within the Administration.

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