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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 12:26 PM)

lol. I'm not surprised at all. I was thinking this earlier, I'm just surprised that I read something to confirm that I was right so soon. Conservative pro-war hypocrites on Iran:

On Ahmadinejad, under a Republican president: he is a clear and present threat to America and must be confronted militarily

On a reformist Iranian president, under a Republican president: It's proof that Republican policies are working, and helping Iran grow as a democracy.


On Ahmadinejad, under a Democratic president: Attempts at diplomacy do not work, and are naive. Military option must be considered but liberals are too weak to do it.

On a reformist Iranian president, under a Republican president: whoever is the president of Iran is irrelevant, he has no power anyway.


It's funny how the significance of the Iranian presidency is only strong when discussing war. I'm surprised that he was so transparent about how he arbitrarily dismissed diplomacy though.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 12:00 PM)

You don't want to see it that way, but I do see where she's coming from. Obama's s*** never stinks, because he has all his surrogates play in the s*** for him. That much is true. I think the statement itself is stupid, but I see the bigger point.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 01:25 PM)
Are you saying that Letterman is a surrogate for Obama?


Last I checked Letterman is a Republican.


People need to learn how to take a joke, if they cant handle it, dont get into politics.

No, but I understand the sentiment that Obama lets this all go - because it benefits him. It happened in the election cycle, and continues to happen now. This has little do with the "joke".

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 01:29 PM)
No, but I understand the sentiment that Obama lets this all go - because it benefits him. It happened in the election cycle, and continues to happen now. This has little do with the "joke".

You have got to be kidding me. You actually think that Obama has some blame in this? Seriously?


Look, as I said, what Letterman said was way out of line, and he should apologize for it, repeatedly.


And by the way, from a purely political aspect, this does not help Obama, in fact it hurts him. Palin looks like (and is) the victim here, of inappropriate and slimy jokes from an icon. No to mention that it keeps her in the spotlight. This helps Palin, not Obama.

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I guess Im not understanding the accusations here.


What exactly did Obama let go, the personal attacks?


I mean its not like Obama wasnt being attacked personally?


So why is there a double standard?


Is it because Palin is a woman and they believe she should be off limits for comedians?


I guess its my belief that if you are going to be in the public eye, you are going to be attacked. And If you cant handle it, politics is probably not the job for you.


Personally (and this is just my opinion) it seems like Republican's are the kid on your team who just cant admit that they lost, so the rest of the night they spend b****ing and moaning about how the other team "cheated" or it was "unfair" or the "umpire favored them", at a certain point you just have to get over it. And the Democrats werent much better with Bush, but at least when Kerry was getting blasted on talk shows Democrats werent saying "Oh this is Bush's fault."


Or when Clinton was getting flamed daily by talk shows, no one was saying "Oh this is all the Republicans, he made Leno put on this routine."


So how they can blame Obama for talk show hosts taking shots at politicians is beyond me as its been going on before anyone even knew who Obama was.


People need to take personal responsibility for their actions, if Palin doesnt want to be called a slutty flight attendant, she shouldnt dress as one.




Why do you think Letterman's joke was out of line?

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I'm just not understanding here how Obama could possibly have anything to do with this whatsoever. What could he do differently to stem the tide of anti-Republican jokes and such? In a country with free speech rights, he's free to address his own critics, but that's about the extent of it. There's no way he can "call off the dogs" so to speak.


And surrogates (or political allies), they talk. That's not something that began with Obama and that's something that will stop when he leaves office, either. To pretend otherwise just comes off as whining.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 02:41 PM)
Why do you think Letterman's joke was out of line?

The joke about her daughter was the one that was out of line. The joke about being a slutty flight attendant is fair game, IMO. She's a grown ass woman, she should be able to take it as a public figure. I mean, how are Bill Clinton BJ jokes any different?

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I disagree, I dont think any joke is out of line (about an adult) if you put yourself into the public eye.


If Bristol was 13, Id say you should probably not go after a child. But Bristol is 18 and you live with the choices that you make.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 03:04 PM)
I disagree, I dont think any joke is out of line (about an adult) if you put yourself into the public eye.


If Bristol was 13, Id say you should probably not go after a child. But Bristol is 18 and you live with the choices that you make.

Letterman was pretty obviously talking about Bristol (he said "knocked up by A-Rod," and she is the one who was actually knocked up) but Willow (14 years old) was the one that was actually at the Yankees game. That's what made it out of line.


Still, though, Bristol never asked to be in the public eye (she's done interviews, but that's after the cat was already out of the bag), so I still don't think it's fair to her to be cracking jokes about her. But that's just life, I guess.

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Still, though, Bristol never asked to be in the public eye (she's done interviews, but that's after the cat was already out of the bag), so I still don't think it's fair to her to be cracking jokes about her. But that's just life, I guess.


I disagree.


I think Sarah put her daughter purposefully into the spotlight to try and show everyone how great it is that a young girl is not having an abortion.


For every action there is a reaction.


And if you come out as the poster child for a very debated topic, expect that you are going to get caught in the crossfire.


If one of Obama's daughters was going on the campaign trail saying how she had an abortion, etc etc, you think that would be off limits for jokes?


I have no sympathy.




As for the Willow part, I dont see how you could think he was talking about her. But he left it open to interpretation, so his detractors are going to jump all over it.

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The fact that Palin had her family out there as a prop is on her, not her daughter. The only reaction I had to Bristol's pregnancy was to point out the irony of people who support abstinence-only education as she does. It's like they're advocating issues in an alternate reality.

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I really dont see anything absurd about my stance.


Bristol Palin is 18.


I pretty clearly stated that a child, which an 18 year old isnt, should be off limits.


If you are going around telling the world how great you are because you chose to have your child instead of abort it, then you should expect there is going to be some backlash.


Just like if she had been parading around saying how great she was because she had an abortion, she should expect some backlash.


I mean do people get upset when Letterman and others take shots at Miley Cyrus, Zach Effron or other child stars?


Why do the Palin's deserve some sort of special protection?


So no, I dont think my stance is absurd, I think my stance is completely in line with how normal celebrities would be treated by the media regardless of political affiliation.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 04:49 PM)
Didn't Letterman already apologize?

Yeah, and it should've ended there, but she's clearly grandstanding now. She actually said something to the effect that Letterman was a child molester.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 02:09 PM)
Yeah, and it should've ended there, but she's clearly grandstanding now. She actually said something to the effect that Letterman was a child molester.

So basically the only reason anyone is still talking about this is that it is press for Sarah Palin that makes someone else look bad?

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