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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 10:43 AM)
And see, there is a key there - the loan dependency is a definite issue, but I actually think the belt tightening on loans will be a good thing in the long run. People get loans on too many things, and run up credit card bills for too many others. If it gets harder to do that, there will be an ugly interim adjustment period, but then people will simply not be able to stretch as far, and that's actually good.

The banks and their lobbyists will do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in their power to prevent any new restrictions from appearing on their lending of credit at usurious interest rates to people who shouldn't be taking out such big loans.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 11:43 AM)
And see, there is a key there - the loan dependency is a definite issue, but I actually think the belt tightening on loans will be a good thing in the long run. People get loans on too many things, and run up credit card bills for too many others. If it gets harder to do that, there will be an ugly interim adjustment period, but then people will simply not be able to stretch as far, and that's actually good.


I just don't think this is like the pre-depression days here. I don't see it.


I am not saying IT IS, I am saying if you keep committing the same mistakes that turned into the Great Depression, you will probably end up in another one.


The first big difference is that the Fed Bank has already reacted in making sure that liquidity is maintained to some extent. But on the other hand the disruption need to sidetrack the economy is smaller than it was then too.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:43 PM)
And see, there is a key there - the loan dependency is a definite issue, but I actually think the belt tightening on loans will be a good thing in the long run. People get loans on too many things, and run up credit card bills for too many others. If it gets harder to do that, there will be an ugly interim adjustment period, but then people will simply not be able to stretch as far, and that's actually good.


I just don't think this is like the pre-depression days here. I don't see it.

But, to that, I say, what is it that's been propping up the economy through the 2000's (let's not talk about mortgages, :lol:) -- consumer spending. We spend as fast as we get it and more. Take that away, abruptly, and we're royally screwed.


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 11:44 AM)
The banks and their lobbyists will do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in their power to prevent any new restrictions from appearing on their lending of credit at usurious interest rates to people who shouldn't be taking out such big loans.


Like giving Senators $75,000 discounts on home loans?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:44 PM)
The banks and their lobbyists will do everything, and I mean EVERYTHING in their power to prevent any new restrictions from appearing on their lending of credit at usurious interest rates to people who shouldn't be taking out such big loans.

Not entirely accurate, IMO. Banks are now seeing the longer term consequences of bad lending, and how it effects them, so at least SOME of the restrictions work in their favor. They will mostly stick to those.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:46 PM)
But, to that, I say, what is it that's been propping up the economy through the 2000's (let's not talk about mortgages, :lol:) -- consumer spending. We spend as fast as we get it and more. Take that away, abruptly, and we're royally screwed.

Those two are already gone. I said in this forum a couple years ago, the mini-boom in the economy that happened in 2004-2006 or so was proppelled by consumer spending, but more to the point, that consumer spending was in great part boosted by home equity. That was not sustainable, as we now see. So really, that's already gone, and has been for a year or so. In fact, overall, I am surprised that the economy isn't uglier at this point.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:46 PM)
But, to that, I say, what is it that's been propping up the economy through the 2000's (let's not talk about mortgages, :lol:) -- consumer spending. We spend as fast as we get it and more. Take that away, abruptly, and we're royally screwed.

Let me add one more thing to this line of thought... the best way we can create sustainable economic growth is job growth, and more specifically, middle to high income job growth. And the best way to do that is to make a serious push - like, moon shot type push - into energy alternatives. This would also have the nice secondary financial gain of being leaders in the field globally, which could create a big shift in the balance of trade and the value of the dollar.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 01:51 PM)
Let me add one more thing to this line of thought... the best way we can create sustainable economic growth is job growth, and more specifically, middle to high income job growth. And the best way to do that is to make a serious push - like, moon shot type push - into energy alternatives. This would also have the nice secondary financial gain of being leaders in the field globally, which could create a big shift in the balance of trade and the value of the dollar.

No let's drill more drill drill drill give me oil I neeeeeeeeed oil

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Make the 5... yes 5 negative attack ads in a row:


John McCain's advisers are doing their best to convince media outlets that they're not interested in talking about race ever again, though that message might become more difficult to push if they keep sending out new web ads meant to stir up racial uncertainty about Barack Obama.


No, not among white people, but Latinos.


Perhaps it's meant to be all in good fun. But someone at McCain HQ evidently thinks it's really important that, in his speech from Berlin, Barack Obama neglected to cite a Latin American country.


The new web ad, which features exclusively Spanish-language super-titles and a saucy Latin percussion rhythm, is entitled: "Barack Obama Forgot Latin America."


Another point of potential humor: at first blush, the negative reaction to Obama's speech in conservative circles was focused around the "citizen of the world" line. Now, apparently, Obama is at fault for not citing enough foreign nations in his speech.


Correction: 6 in a row-

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:57 PM)
Make the 5... yes




Correction: 6 in a row-

Dude. We got the idea like a hundred posts ago - McCain's ads are all very negative. Got it. Please, for all our sakes, move on.


And has the irony of your posts on this matter occurred to you yet?


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English Script For "Barack Obama Forgot Latin America" (WEB 1:00)


CHYRON: The World According To Barack Obama

BARACK OBAMA: Tonight I speak to you not as a candidate for President, but as a citizen; a proud citizen of the United States and a fellow citizen of the world.

CHYRON: But Entire Nations Were Forgotten!

BARACK OBAMA: France, Berlin, Hamburg, Britain, Kandahar, London, Rwanda, Iran, Bangladesh...

CHYRON: Where Was Latin America Left?

BARACK OBAMA: Karachi, Beijing, the former Soviet Union, Pakistan, Paris, Bali, Russia, Chad, Zimbabwe...

CHYRON: And Latinos?

BARACK OBAMA: Afghanistan, Somalia, Darfur, Belfast, South Africa, Madrid, Europe, Burma, Amman...

CHYRON: Maybe He Forget About Us?

JOHN MCCAIN: I'm John McCain and I approve this message.


Really? He didnt mention a few countries and you have to call him out on that? yea, real smart john McCain. That's almost as low as the Britteny / Paris ad.

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But, to that, I say, what is it that's been propping up the government through the 2000's (let's not talk about mortgages, :lol: ) -- foreign borrowing. We spend as fast as we get it and more. Take that away, abruptly, and we're royally screwed.


Now that too many consumers cannot qualify for credit cards and such, the government will borrow the money for us and give us the loans directly in the form of economic incentive checks. But this is even better. Other people will pay back this debt! ;)

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 03:03 PM)
But, to that, I say, what is it that's been propping up the government through the 2000's (let's not talk about mortgages, :lol: ) -- foreign borrowing. We spend as fast as we get it and more. Take that away, abruptly, and we're royally screwed.


Now that too many consumers cannot qualify for credit cards and such, the government will borrow the money for us and give us the loans directly in the form of economic incentive checks. But this is even better. Other people will pay back this debt! ;)

I already addressed that, somewhere in this thread.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 12:57 PM)
Make the 5... yes 5 negative attack ads in a row:




Correction: 6 in a row-


Now tell me why this makes Obama a better President then McCain? Connect the dots for us. In this age of terrorism and anti-American senetiment all over the world, perhaps Obama is too thin skined to be President? He's going to see and hear a lot worse if he gets elected.

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Obama camp responds

"It’s downright sad that on a day when we learned that 51,000 Americans lost their jobs, a candidate for the presidency is spending all of his time and the powerful platform he has on these sorts of juvenile antics," said spokesman Hari Sevugan. "Senator McCain can keep telling everyone how ‘proud’ he is of these political stunts which even his Republican friends and advisors have called ‘childish’, but Barack Obama will continue talking about his plan to jumpstart our economy by giving working families $1,000 of immediate relief."


Response to McCain's Urban League Speech Today:

Newark Mayor Cory Booker, whom McCain had praised in a speech at the Urban League today.


"In yet another dishonest attack at the Urban League, Senator McCain misled the American people about Senator Obama's record and his own," Booker, an Obama supporter, said, praising Obama's support for charter schools in Illinois, and attacking McCain's opposition to spending on a range of education programs.


"With that kind of track record, Senator McCain should be the last person lecturing Senator Obama about a commitment to quality education for our nation's children," he said.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 04:07 PM)
Now tell me why this makes Obama a better President then McCain? Connect the dots for us. In this age of terrorism and anti-American senetiment all over the world, perhaps Obama is too thin skined to be President? He's going to see and hear a lot worse if he gets elected.

Again - you're equating AHB's actions (and now thoughts, apparently) to Barack Obama. Have you seen Obama's responses (I doubt it)? If so, what about them gives you the impression that he's so thin-skinned?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 02:11 PM)
Again - you're equating AHB's actions (and now thoughts, apparently) to Barack Obama. Have you seen Obama's responses (I doubt it)? If so, what about them gives you the impression that he's so thin-skinned?


Good point.


So do you care to take a guess why all of the links? Besides padding a post count and spamming the threads?

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 02:23 PM)
Obama received over 100,000 donations YESTERDAY alone. 200,000 donations since McCain went negative. Not 100,000 dollars, 100,000 donors.


If you factor in that in June, the average donation was $68... that's $13.6 million in the last week.


Has it occurred to you that when you load up this thread with SOOOOOO much Obama promotional material, you are actually repelling voters from him? People here are actually tiring of Obama all the more because of your posts. What you are doing is counterproductive.


How about some discussion? How about some pieces about his policy statements, and how they might help the country?



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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 03:26 PM)
Has it occurred to you that when you load up this thread with SOOOOOO much Obama promotional material, you are actually repelling voters from him? People here are actually tiring of Obama all the more because of your posts. What you are doing is counterproductive.


How about some discussion? How about some pieces about his policy statements, and how they might help the country?

so, I attack McCain... get attacked.

Promote Obama... get attacked.




Ok, let's talk about Obama's plan to offer a $1000 stimulus package to Middle and lower class Americans by using a windfall profits tax on Oil profits. While McCain pushes a lame $30 gas tax holiday, Obama is pushing a $1000 check.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 03:30 PM)
so, I attack McCain... get attacked.

Promote Obama... get attacked.




Ok, let's talk about Obama's plan to offer a $1000 stimulus package to Middle and lower class Americans by using a windfall profits tax on Oil profits. While McCain pushes a lame $30 gas tax holiday, Obama is pushing a $1000 check.

Let's just ignore the ridiculous stuff on top, and focus on the policy discussion. Excellent.


I will put it in its own thread, and we can discuss the merits of both plans.


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 02:30 PM)
so, I attack McCain... get attacked.

Promote Obama... get attacked.

Lets face it. You've done very little to promote Obama on this board as of late. It's almost exclusively whining about McCain. That kind of stuff is better suited for the message board/blogs on Obama's site. Even die-hards like me are getting tired of it. Act Obama-like and stay above the fray. Focus on the positive.

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