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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Feb 5, 2010 -> 07:06 AM)
I never understood why so many so called liberals weren't rooting for Al Franken when he was running for Senate. He's one of the few that actually has any balls.

he's really impressed me. I was skeptical because of his comedic background. It still bothers me when conservatives I know rip on Franken when ever something bad happens to a GOP person. "Well, at least he isnt Al Franken" or something like that.

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GOP Rep Puts Hold on Obama nominations... to fight terror!

Sen. Richard Shelby's (R-AL) office has confirmed to TPMDC the reports that Shelby has placed a hold on President Obama's nominees over a pair of government programs set to be based in Alabama. He did not confirm that Shelby has taken the rare step of blocking all of Obama's nominees, as was reported yesterday.


"Sen. Shelby has placed holds on several pending nominees due to unaddressed national security concerns," Shelby spokesperson Jonathan Graffeo said in a statement. "Among his concerns" are the progress on multi-billion dollar defense contract that would see planes built in Mobile, AL and Obama's decision to scrap a $45 million FBI improvised explosive device lab Shelby secured an earmark for in 2008.


Graffeo lashed out at Obama's decision to cancel the lab, which he says "impedes" the ability of the military and intelligence agencies in their efforts to fight terrorism.


He said the decision was part of a pattern on the part of the White House to put political concerns over fighting terror. Graffeo also suggested the holds were no big deal.


"The Obama Administration wants to read terrorists our Miranda rights and try them in U.S. courts but is impeding the processing of evidence that could lead to convictions," he said. "If this administration were as worried about hunting down terrorists as it is about the confirmation of low-level political nominations, America would be a safer place."


Graffeo said Shelby "has made the Administration aware" of his concerns "and is willing to discuss them at any time."

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So I was flipping around the TV and it landed on CSPAN and they have the National Tea Party Convention on with Joseph Farah the founder of WorldNetDaily speaking. Why does everything anybody does have to be a conspiracy to the tea party people?

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A few "Sit-down meetings" with lobbyists = Tens of billions of free dollars to the banking industry.

President Obama called the idea a “no-brainer” last fall, predicting it would take billions of dollars from the profits of private lenders and give it directly to students, and many colleges were already moving to get loans directly from the federal government in anticipation of the next move by Congress.


But an aggressive lobbying campaign by the nation’s biggest student lenders has now put one of the White House’s signature plans in peril, with lenders using sit-downs with lawmakers, town-hall-style meetings and petition drives to plead their case and stay in business.


House and Senate aides say that the administration’s plan faces a far tougher fight than it did last fall, when the House passed its version. The fierce attacks from the lending industry, the Massachusetts election that cost the Democrats their filibuster-proof majority in the Senate and the fight over a health care bill have all damaged the chances for the student loan measure, said the aides, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

A $40 billion subsidy to the banks that earns the government absolutely no benefits every year. Sounds like something we ought to expand, right?
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I watched that hour and a half Q&A session and there was one point that Obama kept coming back to over and over whenever the person asking the question complained about their ideas being ignored. He kept saying, "you guys keep saying you have ideas, I actually read your bills and analyze them and when I think it'll work I incorporate them into my platform, but no matter what I do you guys categorically refuse to support it because you've been telling your constituents that I'm a Communist committed to destroying America. WTF, can't you see what's wrong with this picture? Your base is going to vote you out if you actually try to get anything done because that's how you set it up."


He really did have his ducks in a row on that one, I don't know if they were expecting him to come out swinging on so many of those answers.

Edited by lostfan
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Also the last question from that guy from Texas was hilarious, he was rambling on and on and Obama interrupted like "is this a question or are you going to just make me sit and listen to your talking points?" Then when he finally did get the question out Obama basically destroyed his argument.

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Taking an idea from one of the commenters on that video, I'd donate $100 to Sarah Palin's PAC if she had a similar session in front of the Democratic caucus and they asked real questions that aren't scripted and she hasn't had time to prepare. I'm dead serious. That would be pure gold.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 6, 2010 -> 09:27 PM)
Taking an idea from one of the commenters on that video, I'd donate $100 to Sarah Palin's PAC if she had a similar session in front of the Democratic caucus and they asked real questions that aren't scripted and she hasn't had time to prepare. I'm dead serious. That would be pure gold.

She had a cheat sheet for the Q&A.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 01:39 PM)
Sarah Palin scares the ever loving s*** out of me. Seriously. It's like she escaped from my nightmares. So f***ing scary.


That's all.

She's like a Subaru. She has a cult-like following, but fortunately, won't ever build up major market position. Too much plastic.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 03:15 PM)
She's like a Subaru. She has a cult-like following, but fortunately, won't ever build up major market position. Too much plastic.

Subaru doesn't have an entire broadcast and media empire devoted to selling their product.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 02:15 PM)
She's like a Subaru. She has a cult-like following, but fortunately, won't ever build up major market position. Too much plastic.



i would think she'll be popular enough to win the GOP nomination but couldnt possibly be respected enough to win a general - barring total disaster happening as a precursor to that election year

Edited by Princess Dye
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QUOTE (Princess Dye @ Feb 7, 2010 -> 03:44 PM)
i would think she'll be popular enough to win the GOP nomination but couldnt possibly be respected enough to win a general - barring total disaster happening as a precursor to that election year

Like say, being in the middle of the 3rd year of 10%+ unemployment?

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So, last Friday we were treated to Robert Gibbs making a big deal about the fact that Senator Shelby had basically shut down the entire Senate in order to get a couple of his earmarks inserted into the budget for this year in an unprecedented use of the Senate's rules. Thankfully, the media is on the Democrats side, as 2k5 just noted, so they clearly went crazy about it on the Sunday talk shows.


* NBC's "Meet the Press" ignored the story.


* CBS's "Face the Nation" ignored the story.


* ABC's "This Week" ignored the story.


* "Fox News Sunday" ignored the story.


CNN actually gave it mention. And their reporting of course defended the Republicans and was flat-out incorrect by going with the "The Dems did it too" when the facts, of course, disagree.

"I think, politically, the reason why you heard Robert Gibbs go crazy at -- at the White House on Friday, because this is like political manna from heaven for -- for them, you know, of course they say they would rather have their nominees, but because the point that they have been trying to make, the point that the president has been trying to make since Scott Brown was elected is, wait a minute, Washington is frozen because all of a sudden we need 60 votes to do anything in the Senate, you know, never mind the fact that Democrats did the exact same thing when -- when Republicans were in the White House."
Thank God the Media is on my side. If it wasn't, then they might have covered that matter even more incorrectly.
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