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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 02:07 PM)
I love that when the Repubs do this it's evil, but when liberals do it it's standing up for what they believe in...

True, but what Maddow pointed out in that video (and what Obama said in the Q&A that I keep referencing) is that they can't claim they're standing up for what they believe in if the policy proposal is something they said was a good idea or officially supported before the Obama administration proposed it, when they suddenly decided it was evil, unconstitutional, and destined to destroy the American economy and way of life. She gave several specific examples in that video.


I guess I could take that claim at face value if they were giving serious, constructive ideas, which some are, and actually supported them when the administration or the Democratic party agrees that they're good ideas and tries to do something with them.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 02:16 PM)
how about an increase in nuclear power? off shore drilling? other attempted energy policies/changes they didn't care for?

The U.S. has guaranteed over $20 billion in nuclear power loans currently. It's not federal law that is preventing those from being built, its the fact that private investors won't put up the funds. Congress has passed several bills attempting to expand offshore drilling in the past few years as well.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 02:16 PM)
how about an increase in nuclear power? off shore drilling? other attempted energy policies/changes they didn't care for?

I think the democrats would support offshore drilling if the Republicans would get on board with serious, non half-assed alternative energy investment. The official Republican answer to energy seems to be "drill in ANWR and we'll have oil for centuries and be completely energy-independent at no cost to the environment"

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 01:24 PM)
I think the democrats would support offshore drilling if the Republicans would get on board with serious, non half-assed alternative energy investment. The official Republican answer to energy seems to be "drill in ANWR and we'll have oil for centuries and be completely energy-independent at no cost to the environment"

Unfortunately, this is correct, from what we have seen. The Dems, in all their disorganized glory, have made multiple overtures about nuke power and drilling - and the GOP doesn't seem interested in reciprocating.


JIMB was right about both parties being all about power and not governing, though.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 07:30 PM)
JIMB was right about both parties being all about power and not governing, though.


This is just kind of a throwaway statement. The point is about one party not really care about governing, is when the republicans had their turn at a health care initiative, they passed medicare part D, a COMPLETELy unfunded bill to gain favor with old people.


Now the dems take on a bill that will provide for 30 million, though many in southern states that refuse to acknowledge how federally subsidized they are, and they not only take on the trying to provide health insurance, but made cuts in medicare to make it a bill to bend the cost curve.


And meanwhile? The repubs offer a bill with the soundbites "COSTS LESS" but does nothing, say that the other bill is full of death panels and other outrageous s***...and what is their platform right now?


Tax cuts.

Cutting discretionary spending.



i.e. elect us, we won't make you think.

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If that's the repub. platform, then the dem. platform is:


take over you and your property

take over you and your property

take over you and your property

take over you and your property




take over you and your property.


If you think my statement is crap, then yours is just as crappy.



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If they wanted to take over you and your property, I'd fully support it. I truly hate how they could have extended unemployment benefits, that truly must have hurt you and yours.


And since they SO WANTED SOOOO BADLY to take over the health care system, the bill proposed pushes 30 million new customers on to them as long as they don't deny.


But that doesn't matter kap, everything is equal. If the dems want to (SHOCK!) raise taxes to help raise for the programs the country wants (Medicare, Medicaid) and the the country needs (War Funding) = taking over your property.


You really think they won't sell off their interest in GM any taken over company as soon as they can? No you don't. But hey, work hard for those great republicans to go cut taxes and raise defense spending and don't do anything else (except maybe anything the christian base finds immoral). That will solve soooo many problems.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 06:31 PM)
If they wanted to take over you and your property, I'd fully support it. I truly hate how they could have extended unemployment benefits, that truly must have hurt you and yours.


And since they SO WANTED SOOOO BADLY to take over the health care system, the bill proposed pushes 30 million new customers on to them as long as they don't deny.


But that doesn't matter kap, everything is equal. If the dems want to (SHOCK!) raise taxes to help raise for the programs the country wants (Medicare, Medicaid) and the the country needs (War Funding) = taking over your property.


You really think they won't sell off their interest in GM any taken over company as soon as they can? No you don't. But hey, work hard for those great republicans to go cut taxes and raise defense spending and don't do anything else (except maybe anything the christian base finds immoral). That will solve soooo many problems.


To be fair, they have been taking potentially an extra 6% of his paycheck for his whole lifetime now.

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No kap, I didn't miss the point. I'm saying your point is predictable and stupid.


Say negative about the republicans. Kap response: "OOohhhooHHHHHH the DEMS are SOOoooOOOO GREEEEAAAAAATTTT nananananana"


Say something positive about democrats. Kap response "RIIIIGHHHT because the dems NEEEEVVER do wrong when they HIKE UP ALL OF OUR TAXES until our economy is that of HAITI"


and so on and so on.

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kap that whole line of "attack" (for lack of a better word) was pretty much supported by specific examples of the Republicans doing what they/we were saying they were doing whereas you just blurted out "Dems suck and want to control you" (for, like... I don't know, the 150th time in this thread)

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 06:59 PM)
kap that whole line of "attack" (for lack of a better word) was pretty much supported by specific examples of the Republicans doing what they/we were saying they were doing whereas you just blurted out "Dems suck and want to control you" (for, like... I don't know, the 150th time in this thread)


Dems want:


control of health care system

taxation of carbon dioxide

regulations on every industry related to one and two above


(all this equals taking away "property" or "wealth" of individuals to funnel into gov't)


bmags said:


repbs just want to say no

and no

and no

and tax cuts

and TORTURE (holy f***!)

and that's about it,


which is patently false. Therefore, my statements are just as "stupid and predictible" as his, and that's the point. If my statements are "false" and "examples" then so are his.

Edited by kapkomet
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Yeah kap, that really wasn't what was being talked about, people in this thread were talking about specific times where the Republicans in Congress were being useless and/or hypocrites and not just saying "republicans like to say no" but ok. I probably wouldn't bother saying anything if you didn't come into the Dem thread which is basically for people to rant about how much Republicans suck, and pretty much say the same thing over and over and over.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 07:30 PM)
Yeah kap, that really wasn't what was being talked about, people in this thread were talking about specific times where the Republicans in Congress were being useless and/or hypocrites and not just saying "republicans like to say no" but ok. I probably wouldn't bother saying anything if you didn't come into the Dem thread which is basically for people to rant about how much Republicans suck, and pretty much say the same thing over and over and over.



The point is, if they suck, at least be correct in your falsifying.


Republicans do suck, but the righteous "Dems are better" is crap.

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This is the Dem thread so if they want to say "Dems are better than Republicans" they should be able to do so freely with minimal interference for the most part, this is the thread that's created for people to do that with. I doubt you'd get that anyway, if you paid attention you'd probably notice most people that post in here about Democrats are much more likely to post "eat s*** Democrats, you bunch of f***ing p*****s"

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Feb 11, 2010 -> 01:34 AM)
The point is, if they suck, at least be correct in your falsifying.


Republicans do suck, but the righteous "Dems are better" is crap.


I wrote accurately why the republicans suck.


The dems may be inept, but at least they TRY to govern. They are TRYING to address a huge problem in health care. They are TRYING to address a huge environmental problem. They are TRYING to solve a 2 war problem.


The republicans are just masturbating to it.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 07:50 PM)
I wrote accurately why the republicans suck.


The dems may be inept, but at least they TRY to govern. They are TRYING to address a huge problem in health care. They are TRYING to address a huge environmental problem. They are TRYING to solve a 2 war problem.


The republicans are just masturbating to it.


I really hope you're joking about them trying. This Congress, with a majority, and a President, hasn't done JACK s*** in THREE plus years. How are they TRYING to govern right now? They should have been able to pass ANYTHING they wanted WITHOUT OPPOSITION until 2 weeks ago. They went through TWO election cycles where they CREAMED the Repubs because the country wanted CHANGE. But they didn't. Any why not? Because they don't give a f*** all about any one of us. They want votes. They want reelection. They want a nice ass pension so they can retire next to a bridge they built in their district.


I don't want to bash any specific party, because they both suck big donkey balls (for lack of a better phrase), and if you can't see that, then there's no helping you. The entire system is a failure right now because no one governs for anyone but the people that paid for the fancy plate at campaign dinners.


And this squabble right now is EXACTLY what both parties want. Because then we have no choice but to choose between a douche and a turd sandwich.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Feb 10, 2010 -> 09:23 PM)



That's really the entire point, now isn't it?


And you wonder why Democrats get branded as liberal knuckleheads that want to do nothing but ram their utopia up everyone's ass? Let's see now - if people don't think like you or disagree, they're labeled and have a bunch of ad hominem attacks placed against them, yet, it's the gosphel when you read it in some liberalsfordumbassescomedrinkmykoolaid.com website.


This isn't "Democrat" or "Republican" at this point, it's outright ignorance.


To just generically rant over a party and their ideas shows why Democrats can't get anything done. Because they're fundamentally wrong and unwilling to embrace anything else.


It's never as simple as "they are for it before they are against it"... oh the irony. But to you, it is. Because you want it to be in your utopia, fraa laaa make believe world. Someday, people will arrive at the real world and actually solve issues instead of over-reaching.


And by the way, that goes for both parties. And by default, if the Republicans mean it, less government - better. But they don't. So they're just assholes in a different kind of way, but not a stupdity laced rant by some people who love utopia that cannot exist.

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