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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 11:01 AM)
Time Magazine sat down with an interview with the new, non-Mavericky John McCain. They seemed to come away pretty shocked at how things had changed with the guy.

There's a theme that recurs in your books and your speeches, both about putting country first but also about honor. I wonder if you could define honor for us?

Read it in my books.


I've read your books.

No, I'm not going to define it.


But honor in politics?

I defined it in five books. Read my books.



[Your] campaign today is more disciplined, more traditional, more aggressive. From your point of view, why the change?

I will do as much as we possibly can do to provide as much access to the press as possible.


But beyond the press, sir, just in terms of ...

I think we're running a fine campaign, and this is where we are.

Do you miss the old way of doing it?

I don't know what you're talking about.


Really? Come on, Senator.

I'll provide as much access as possible ...


I hate to use the grumpy old man thing... but damn! he is Abe Simpson.

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Have no health insurance? No Big Deal! McCain's Campaign the ER is a wonderful health care plan!

In an interview with the Dallas Morning News, a health care policy adviser to John McCain appeared to suggest that anyone with access to an emergency room effectively has health insurance.


The adviser, John Goodman, who is not paid by the McCain campaign but is widely quoted as one of the campaign's advisers and an author of McCain's health care policy, offered the following solution to the health care crisis to the paper:

o I have a
olution. And it will co
t not one thin dime," Mr. Goodman
aid. "The next pre
ident of the United
ign an executive order requiring the Cen
Bureau to cea
e and de
t from de
cribing any American -- even illegal alien
-- a
ured. In
tead, the bureau
hould categorize people according to the li
ource of payment
hould they need care.


o, there you have it. Voila! Problem


o in
tead of producing worthle
that people fling around in vacuou
and pointle
, the Cen
hould produce meaningful number
, identifying all of the
of fund
people will draw on if they need medical care,"


Of course, the ER doesn't cover regular check-ups and preventative health care. But when you start having those sever headaches caused by undetected cancer, or you have the massive heart attack from high cholesterol.. no worries. Just go to the ER!

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Democrats Plan McCain Birthday Bashes in Battlegrounds


Lost in the frenzy of Barack Obama’s speech and John McCain’s vice presidential pick is another big milestone: the Republican presidential candidate’s 72nd birthday Friday.


The McCain campaign is hoping to bury the news in the announcement of his running mate — but the Democrats have a different way of marking the big day, Washington Wire has learned. They plan to celebrate with the septuagenarian all weekend, accusing him of being close with President Bush by throwing “More of the Same” birthday parties on Friday and Saturday in key states like Ohio and Pennsylvania.


A Democratic Party insider said local officials and voters will deliver birthday cakes to the parties, complete with 72 candles, that read “Another Year of More of the Same.”

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 12:12 PM)
Have no health insurance? No Big Deal! McCain's Campaign the ER is a wonderful health care plan!



Of course, the ER doesn't cover regular check-ups and preventative health care. But when you start having those sever headaches caused by undetected cancer, or you have the massive heart attack from high cholesterol.. no worries. Just go to the ER!

Yeah... do that... and raise my healthcare costs even more so they can afford to pay for you! :headbang

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Obama get's 70,000 + in Denver, 30,000+ in Springfield last week...

McCain in Ohio... umm... hello? Yes you? Wanna see McCain? we have room!


Tickets are still available for Sen. John McCain's Friday, Aug. 29, rally at Wright State University's Nutter Center in Fairborn.


McCain and his wife Cindy will appear at the event, dubbed the "Road to the Convention Rally." Doors open at 9 a.m. and the event begins at 11 a.m.


Tickets are being given away at county GOP offices in southwest Ohio and in Indiana and Kentucky.


So, let's use the celebrity analogy. Barack Obama = Hanna Montana. John McCain = Gary Colman.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 12:12 PM)
Have no health insurance? No Big Deal! McCain's Campaign the ER is a wonderful health care plan!



Of course, the ER doesn't cover regular check-ups and preventative health care. But when you start having those sever headaches caused by undetected cancer, or you have the massive heart attack from high cholesterol.. no worries. Just go to the ER!

If you understood why that was said the way it was said, you wouldn't mock it. The sad thing, it's truer then not (it's not completely true, but it has SOME merit).


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 28, 2008 -> 07:19 PM)
If you understood why that was said the way it was said, you wouldn't mock it. The sad thing, it's truer then not (it's not completely true, but it has SOME merit).


please elaborate

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QUOTE (Nokona @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 03:40 PM)
The selection of Governor Palin will likely make Hil rabid. Attack dog II will be fired up, ready to go


You know once I got re-introduced to Biden I realized why he was such a great pick. I, like many others, hate hate hate that bankruptcy bill. However, as a VP, he's a great speaker, he's relateable, he has a great story, and can attack the republicans on foreign policy.


Palin is from Alaska, a state even more whacked out in its politics than Texas, HUGE ties to Oil companies and she has a miny scandal going on. People are going to say "she's one McCain heart failure from president for being governor for two years of a state with like 10 people in it?"


Really poor choice.

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Some of you may recall, I posted in here a couple weeks ago about the X factors in this election. One was the ground game. The other, relevant here, was the fear factor. Fear of the unknown, the inexperienced, the question marks. That would drive some people to vote McCain at the last second, who would have otherwise been saying they were for Obama.


This choice now throws that X factor into the delta-neutral category. People know how old McCain is, and what his body has gone through. The idea of Palin being so close to the Presidency (an unknown, inexperienced, and female) will scare some voters TOWARDS Obama.


I think this pick was a mistake for McCain.


*** By the way, when I talk about this fear factor, I am in NO way endorsing it. I am just saying, some people will do this.


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Next, Carey asked about teaching alternatives to evolution - such as creationism and intelligent design - in public schools. […]


Palin: “Teach both. You know, don’t be afraid of information.


Healthy debate is so important and it’s so valuable in our schools. I am a proponent of teaching both.


And, you know, I say this, too, as the daughter of a science teacher. Growing up with being so privileged and blessed to be given a lot of information on, on both sides of the subject — creationism and evolution.


It’s been a healthy foundation for me. But don’t be afraid of information and let kids debate both sides.”

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 09:39 AM)
So? What's wrong with that? The "evangelicals" will go ballistic? Screw them anyway.

Why would the evangelicals go ballistic? That's exactly what they want. That's her endorsing teaching creintelligent designation in the classroom.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 11:17 AM)

See what she did there? Very slick. She pads her statements with all this "inclusive" talk. But what she is trying to "include" is the bizarre idea that creationism is science.


That's like saying they should teach Spanish and English in English class, because "you know, we should be inclusive, and teach other theories".


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 12:00 PM)
See what she did there? Very slick. She pads her statements with all this "inclusive" talk. But what she is trying to "include" is the bizarre idea that creationism is science.


That's like saying they should teach Spanish and English in English class, because "you know, we should be inclusive, and teach other theories".


Bad analogy. There aren't mountains and mountains of evidence supporting English and some religious texts supporting Spanish.


I don't know much about Palin, but those statements is a big negative for me.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 29, 2008 -> 12:04 PM)
Bad analogy. There aren't mountains and mountains of evidence supporting English and some religious texts supporting Spanish.


I don't know much about Palin, but those statements is a big negative for me.

I think its a pretty darn good analogy, because how much "evidence" there is, isn't the relevant point (IMO). Creationism isn't science, therefore it doesn't belong in the science classroom.


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Very quickly. Remember when Pat Buchanan ran a number of hard-right, fringe campaigns for president in the late 1980s, 1990s and 2000? Well, guess who was supporting him:


From an AP report in 1999:


"Pat Buchanan brought his conservative message of a smaller government and an America First foreign policy to Fairbanks and Wasilla on Friday as he continued a campaign swing through Alaska. Buchanan's strong message championing states rights resonated with the roughly 85 people gathered for an Interior Republican luncheon in Fairbanks. … Among those sporting Buchanan buttons were Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin and state Sen. Jerry Ward, R-Anchorage."

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