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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 02:09 AM)
Yea, those blogs tell you how much of a great idea a civilian trial is, so that has to be the truth, even though our president already convicted our murder before he got convicted, oh wait a minute...


Which set of Democrat double standards do you want to honor?



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 9, 2010 -> 07:38 AM)
kap is just trolling.

There was a moment in 2002 on Crossfire that this makes me reminisce about. GWB had just released his first budget, after 9/11, and the budget as released was wrapped in an American Flag cover. James Carville got the chance to comment on it, and he somehow just kinda froze, seemed to spout out gibberish for a few seconds, and wound up being able to get out 2 words of actual commentary. It went something like this.


"Well I, um, (unintelligible)...flag desecration!"

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Damn socialists and their healthy schools.


School Lunches in France: Nursery-School Gourmets


When the public school office of the 6th district of Paris summoned me to a meeting late last year, the tone of urgency in the letter sent me running down the block, into the 19th century courtyard of the town hall and up the narrow stairs to the top floor.


"What does your son eat for lunch?" the woman asked after I ran in breathless. I had no idea what to say. When my son started nursery school last September at the age of 3, I had registered him for the school lunch program. But when he failed to appear in the lunchroom after that, city officials quickly took notice. My explanation — that I thought he should take a break and eat lunch at home in the middle of the day — was apparently not sufficient. This was personal.


"The food is very good, Madame. The meat is 100% French," the official said, picking up a brochure from her desk. I knew this brochure well, having e-mailed it to friends in the U.S. last year as a this-could-only-happen-in-France conversation piece. It lists in great detail the lunch menu for each school day over a two-month period. On Mondays, the menus are also posted on the wall outside every school in the country. The variety on the menus is astonishing: no single meal is repeated over the 32 school days in the period, and every meal includes an hors d'oeuvre, salad, main course, cheese plate and dessert.


There is more: the final column in the brochure carries the title "Suggestions for the evening." That, too, changes daily. If your child has eaten turkey, ratatouille and a raspberry-filled crepe for lunch, the city of Paris suggests pasta, green beans and a fruit salad for dinner.


I finally saw the system in action earlier this month. Caught short by a sick nanny, my son, who was accustomed to eating leftovers from the refrigerator, sat in silence with his 25 classmates at tables in the nursery-school cafeteria, while city workers served a leisurely, five-course meal. One day, when I arrived to collect him, a server whispered for me to wait until the dessert course was over. Out in the hall, one of the staff shouted for "total quiet" to a crowd of 4-year-olds awaiting the next lunch seating. "I will now read you today's menu," he told them. "First, you will begin with a salad."


Americans struggling with obesity epidemics have for years wondered how the so-called French paradox works: How does a nation that ingests huge quantities of butter, beef and cakes keep trim and have such long lives? It could be the red wine, as some believe. But another reason has to be this: in a country where con artists and adulterers are tolerated, the laws governing meals are sacrosanct and are drummed into children before they can even hold a knife. The French don't need their First Lady to plant a vegetable garden at the Élysée Palace to encourage good eating habits. They already know the rules: sit down and take your time, because food is serious business.


In his new book Food Rules, Michael Pollan states in rule No. 58: "Do all your eating at a table." French children quickly learn that they won't be fed anywhere else. Snack and soda machines are banned from school buildings in France — a battle that is now raging across the U.S. And France's lunch programs are well funded. While the country is cutting public programs and civil-servant jobs to try to slash a debt of about $2.1 trillion, no one has dared to mention touching the money spent on school lunches.


Public schools in France are overcrowded, rigid and hierarchical. And parents, who are never addressed by their first names, are strongly discouraged from entering school buildings, let alone the classrooms. I cannot tell you what my child learns, paints or builds on any given school day. But I do know that on Feb. 4, he ate hake in Basque sauce, mashed pumpkin, cracked rice, Edam cheese and organic fruits for lunch. That meant stuffed marrows and apples for dinner. The city of Paris said so.



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I'm just going to put this here because it's anti-Blackwater.


A few weeks ago, we learned that Blackwater employees in Afghanistan had made large quantities of U.S. government-purchased supplies disappear, including 500 AK-47's...in one case by signing for the weapons as "Eric Cartman".


On March 17's South Park season premier...Eric Cartman is going to sign off on a purchase of 500 AK-47's.


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Eric Massa is going on Glenn Beck today for a full hour to claim that he was forced out of Congress because he wouldn't support health care reform. (Never mind that the other 38 Democrats who chose not to vote for the measure weren't forced out of Congress.)


Unfortunately, its coming out that the real reason isn't cancer, or politics. It's playing grabby with male intern's privates. Rather than face the investigation publicly. And now he's making all sorts of noise about another issue that he's trying to drown out the real story. It's like McGreevy all over again.




Former Rep. Eric Massa (D-N.Y.) has been under investigation for allegations that he groped multiple male staffers working in his office, according to three sources familiar with the probe.


The allegations surrounding the former lawmaker date back at least a year, and involve "a pattern of behavior and physical harassment," according to one source. The new claims of alleged groping contradict statements by Massa, who resigned his office on Monday after it became public that he was the subject of a House ethics committee investigation for possible harassment.


Massa had said that the allegations were limited to his use of "salty language" with his staff. He apologized for making some inappropriate comments and argued he was being unfairly villified. Days later, Massa accused the White House and Democratic congressional leaders of trying to oust him from office to improve their chances of passing health care reform legislation. Massa could not be reached for comment Tuesday, and no one answered the phone at his home in New York or his campaign office. Staff at his former congressional offices declined to relay messages to him and said they did not know how to reach him.


According to two sources familiar with the probe, Massa's former deputy chief of staff Ron Hikel provided the information about the staffers' allegations to the House ethics committee three weeks ago. Hikel had earlier sought advice from Majority Leader Steny Hoyer's office about brewing internal complaints, the sources said, and had been urged to report the allegations to the committee.

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Why does Tom Delay keep getting airtime lately? No seriously, why? I was about to make a liberal media joke but there is nothing funny about this imo - Delay has nothing to contribute to anything except dumbass partisan rants and various lies. Also, I'm not sure why Dick and Liz (especially Liz) Cheney get more coverage than the current VP. I mean I can see Gingrich since he at least actually has something to say but these other guys? WTF.

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The people who are predictably making a fuss out of the Census and turning it into a political issue (again) amuse me. Fine, don't fill the f***ing thing out, throw it in the trash and ignore the interviewer when they come to find you. Seriously. Do that. Then encourage all your like-minded friends that live near you to do it too.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 01:49 PM)
The people who are predictably making a fuss out of the Census and turning it into a political issue (again) amuse me. Fine, don't fill the f***ing thing out, throw it in the trash and ignore the interviewer when they come to find you. Seriously. Do that. Then encourage all your like-minded friends that live near you to do it too.

Unfortunately, every time someone listens to you, we spend on average $25 in tax dollars to send a person to ask them to fill it out in person


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 01:50 PM)
Unfortunately, every time someone listens to you, we spend on average $25 in tax dollars to send a person to ask them to fill it out in person

Which is just one more reason to believe these people are hypocrites and morons.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 07:50 PM)
Unfortunately, every time someone listens to you, we spend on average $25 in tax dollars to send a person to ask them to fill it out in person


haha, and that person is ME, keep throwin that s*** out betches, Brothas gettin PAID

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Mar 10, 2010 -> 07:34 AM)
Why does Tom Delay keep getting airtime lately? No seriously, why? I was about to make a liberal media joke but there is nothing funny about this imo - Delay has nothing to contribute to anything except dumbass partisan rants and various lies. Also, I'm not sure why Dick and Liz (especially Liz) Cheney get more coverage than the current VP. I mean I can see Gingrich since he at least actually has something to say but these other guys? WTF.



Stop watching MSNBC. :lolhitting

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The Census is important, and it's one of the first thing the new government did when the Constitution was adopted, and I haven't looked it up but I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court said the government was allowed to ask all those demographic questions that came later. A protest against the Census is a protest against yourself

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