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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 6, 2011 -> 03:32 PM)
It's not just his ratings. Aside from 3-4 companies, no one, and I mean no one, was dumb enough to buy advertising time with him. That's why 1/2 his ads were for goldline and for survival packs and shelters. No major company wanted to be buying advertising time on his show if one of his fans went on a shooting rampage, or if he said something like "Obama has a deep-seated hatred of white people".


On top of that, the demographics were terrible. Almost as old as O'Reilly's, less educated, lower income.

There wasn't really much of a use for his style anymore. Not coincidentally his show started in January 2009 so the whole "liberals/progressives/socialists/communists/muslims/white people haters have a secret plot to destroy America and I'm going to show you how" schtick could work, since Obama had just gotten elected in a landslide (by modern standards) and his party had huge majorities in Congress. Then the GOP took over the House. The end.

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QUOTE (Heads22 @ Apr 6, 2011 -> 08:24 PM)
As soon as anyone ever refers to healthcare as "Obamacare" you can't get me to listen anymore. Anyone else the same way?

I laugh, since what ended up actually passing is a gnarled, demented shadow of what Obama was actually wanting to do. That animal I put 90% on the Dem Congress.


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To be fair I have the same reaction whenever I hear [MSNBC talking head] ranting about the "KOCH BROTHERS!" in the same manner that Limbaugh etc. have ranted about Soros in the past. It's just that the Republicans are so much better at politics that their memes just end up as the default starting point.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 11, 2011 -> 01:36 PM)
The budget deal will remove Grey Wolves from the endangered species list, for some reason.


Of course, this means that after a few years of "Defending the livestock", the wolves will be back on the endangered species list.



To expand on another part of that article about for-profit colleges, The Post Company (parent company of The Washington Post and Kaplan) relies on government-provided student loans for 1/3 of its revenue and 90% of Kaplan's revenue. No wonder they're fighting so hard to get the "Gainful Employment" provisions stripped out.

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Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) thinks President Franklin Delano Roosevelt loved Joseph Stalin so much that he sent advisers to Russia to see "what Stalin was doing there so that FDR could replicate it here in the United States."


Broun was speaking Wednesday on the House floor about how the "original intent" of the Constitution was to promote the "general welfare of the nation, not welfare of individuals." The concept of promoting the "welfare of individuals" started with Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson, he said: "Both progressives. Both had socialist beliefs."


"In fact," Broun continued, "Franklin Delano Roosevelt sent his advisers, his close friends, his Cabinet people to go visit with Stalin in communist Russia to study what he was doing, what Stalin was doing there, so that FDR could replicate it here in the United States. And he did everything that he possibly could to do so."



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emot-qq.gifPoor Paul Ryan, Mr. Obama was just so mean to him!emot-qq.gif


Did someone move the 2012 election to June 1? We ask because President Obama's extraordinary response to Paul Ryan's budget yesterday—with its blistering partisanship and multiple distortions—was the kind Presidents usually outsource to some junior lieutenant. Mr. Obama's fundamentally political document would have been unusual even for a Vice President in the fervor of a campaign.


The great political challenge of the moment is how to update the 20th-century entitlement state so that it is affordable. With incremental change, Mr. Ryan is trying maintain a social safety net and the economic growth necessary to finance it. Mr. Obama presented what some might call the false choice of merely preserving the government we have with no realistic plan for doing so, aside from proposing $4 trillion in phantom deficit reduction over a gimmicky 12-year budget window that makes that reduction seem larger than it would be over the normal 10-year window.


Mr. Obama rallied the left with a summons for major tax increases on "the rich." Every U.S. fiscal trouble, he claimed, flows from the Bush tax cuts "for the wealthiest 2%," conveniently passing over what he euphemistically called his own "series of emergency steps that saved millions of jobs." Apparently he means the $814 billion stimulus that failed and a new multitrillion-dollar entitlement in ObamaCare that harmed job creation.





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It sounds bizarre but there is some truth to what the guy is saying. Stalin used goal programs and many public works projects http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Pla...he_Soviet_Union. FDR was responsible for some of the greatest public works projects.


I just dont think the word communist or socialist are necessarily bad things, nor am I sure the US trying to steal from the USSR's successful programs would make them socialists or communists, anymore than the US stealing from Nazi Germany would make them Nazis.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 14, 2011 -> 10:08 AM)
It sounds bizarre but there is some truth to what the guy is saying. Stalin used goal programs and many public works projects http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five-Year_Pla...he_Soviet_Union. FDR was responsible for some of the greatest public works projects.


I just dont think the word communist or socialist are necessarily bad things, nor am I sure the US trying to steal from the USSR's successful programs would make them socialists or communists, anymore than the US stealing from Nazi Germany would make them Nazis.


Sure, but that's not his intent. It's just a really s***ty ad hominem at best, gigantic ignorance more likely.

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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Apr 14, 2011 -> 11:16 AM)
It is only an attack to those people who are still living in the past where communists or socialists are going to take over the world.


I thought our new enemy was terrorists.


Uh, domestic political 'discussion' has seen an awful lot of attacking Obummer and the left-wing radical dems as evil socialist and marxist commies. There's still plenty of America Capitalism vs. USSR Communism rhetoric underlying a lot of the economic discussions.

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And would you say those people are making logical arguments? Or would you say that they are living in the past.


Because Id say they were living in the past. Just because stupid people make stupid arguments, doesnt mean I have to put any stock in them. And further there is no way to convince the people who believe the arguments otherwise, because if they actually were capable of being convinced they wouldnt believe it in the first place.


Id think the bigger Communist fear would be China, not the USSR which hasnt won a gold medal since the 1990s.

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F*** it, give them back to Mexico. I don't even want the canyon.

The Arizona Senate formally passed the "Birther Bill" today, but not in its original version.


Apparently, requiring presidential candidates to provide a long-form birth certificate before allowing their names on the ballot in Arizona -- despite it already being a federal requirement to run for president -- was a bit too much for a few GOP lawmakers. So they made some amendments: if you can't find your birth certificate, and you have a penis, a document describing your lack of foreskin will suffice.


A circumcision certificate -- a document given to the parents of a male Jewish child after his foreskin is snipped off during a circumcision ceremony -- is not a legal document (see an example of one here) but if you have one, under the amended bill, it's apparently enough to prove you're a U.S. citizen and your name can be permitted on the ballot in Arizona.



Pulling out your penis in front of election officials, however, will not prove citizenship -- and, in the worst case scenario, could get labeled a sex offender.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 15, 2011 -> 09:43 AM)
Pulling out your penis in front of an adult is a sex offense as well.


well right, but I kinda assumed that if it's a requirement than those people wouldn't be just normal adults who get flashed by a creep-o in public.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 01:21 PM)
The Tea Part isn't racist. I swear.

Ugh. Can't believe I am going to defend the Tea Party, but here I go...


Are there racists in the Tea Party? Of course, just like there are in any other political party or sub-party.


Does the Tea Party probably attract racism more than other political segments? Probably, by nature of the fact that they attract the right wing in general, and there is a portion of that part of American politics that still thinks that way.


Is the Tea Party racist? Of course not, since you can't say everyone, or even be confident of a majority, feel this way.


As much as I hate people who are as ignorant and small-minded as this idiot who sent the email... and hate even more that there are other idiots who follow this idiot "leader" and so the idiocy proliferates... I think I despise even more than either of those the broad characterization of millions of people by the actions of individuals.


Do you not see the hyporcisy here? You hate that someone in a leadship position would seek to insult and degrade a group of people (a race in this case) by characterizing them all as something insulting.... and then you do the exact same thing by calling all Tea Partiers racists.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 01:44 PM)
Ugh. Can't believe I am going to defend the Tea Party, but here I go...


Are there racists in the Tea Party? Of course, just like there are in any other political party or sub-party.


Does the Tea Party probably attract racism more than other political segments? Probably, by nature of the fact that they attract the right wing in general, and there is a portion of that part of American politics that still thinks that way.


Is the Tea Party racist? Of course not, since you can't say everyone, or even be confident of a majority, feel this way.


As much as I hate people who are as ignorant and small-minded as this idiot who sent the email... and hate even more that there are other idiots who follow this idiot "leader" and so the idiocy proliferates... I think I despise even more than either of those the broad characterization of millions of people by the actions of individuals.


Do you not see the hyporcisy here? You hate that someone in a leadship position would seek to insult and degrade a group of people (a race in this case) by characterizing them all as something insulting.... and then you do the exact same thing by calling all Tea Partiers racists.


Meh. It doesn't seem to be a few outliers in this case. Actual leaders get caught repeatedly doing or saying racist things. And yes I'm sure not everyone in the party is racist but "probably" is an understatement.

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