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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 01:46 PM)
Meh. It doesn't seem to be a few outliers in this case. Actual leaders get caught repeatedly doing or saying racist things. And yes I'm sure not everyone in the party is racist but "probably" is an understatement.


Look at these two statements:


"The Tea Party is racist"


"The Tea Party seems to have a lot leaders/spokespeople who are racist"


To me, those are vastly different statements. The former is untrue and does the exact thing you are railing against. The latter can be demonstrated in fact, and I'd agree with you.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 01:44 PM)
Ugh. Can't believe I am going to defend the Tea Party, but here I go...


Are there racists in the Tea Party? Of course, just like there are in any other political party or sub-party.


Does the Tea Party probably attract racism more than other political segments? Probably, by nature of the fact that they attract the right wing in general, and there is a portion of that part of American politics that still thinks that way.


Is the Tea Party racist? Of course not, since you can't say everyone, or even be confident of a majority, feel this way.


As much as I hate people who are as ignorant and small-minded as this idiot who sent the email... and hate even more that there are other idiots who follow this idiot "leader" and so the idiocy proliferates... I think I despise even more than either of those the broad characterization of millions of people by the actions of individuals.


Do you not see the hyporcisy here? You hate that someone in a leadship position would seek to insult and degrade a group of people (a race in this case) by characterizing them all as something insulting.... and then you do the exact same thing by calling all Tea Partiers racists.


Its akin to me calling the Democrats all racist because of Jesse Jackson and company.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 01:52 PM)
Its akin to me calling the Democrats all racist because of Jesse Jackson and company.

Yes, thank you.


Now to piss off the other side... I do think the Tea Party will tend to have more racism in it than, say, a Dennis Kucinich rally. As I said, that isn't because the Tea Party is racist - its because the Tea Party attracts right wingers of varying breeds, and that tends to encompass some racist groups. Which is really unfortunate for everyone involved - it makes the rest of the Tea Party look bad, it partially legitimizes morons who think that way putting their influence on larger coattails, it creates ignorance on the other side of the aisle because they can point and say "look! Racists!!!", and it derails useful polical discourse.


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that jesse jackson comment is stupid. I get that he's divisive. But in contrast to things like the tea party leader's HILARIOUS card in california, Jackson's comments aren't based on pushing the thinking that white people are devolved and an inferior race, which is the basis of the jokes this person finds so funny. It's such a different dynamic, he continually puts charges of racism that completely undermine any chances of progress, but there is such a huge difference between things essentially saying "You are not my equal" and "You are not seeing me as an equal".


This whole anti-anti-racism being some huge rallying cry is just ridiculous and isn't even worth entertaining.

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Someone ought to post this.

Retired Lt. Gen. Rick Sanchez, former commander of US forces in Iraq who resigned his command in the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib scandal, is seriously considering a run for Senate from Texas as a Democrat.

To be perfectly honest, if I were voting in Texas, and it was him versus, let's say, Rick Perry or someone like that...I might well just leave that line blank.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Apr 18, 2011 -> 08:28 PM)


i typed 'FOX News' into google and found this. was pretty happy with the search results.


It's a wonderful painting, but why does he have pancakes on his head?

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QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 08:59 AM)
Pawlenty's Education Committee: Kindergarten Sharing Is "Socialist"



Maybe kindergarten kids should be reading Atlas Shrugged.


It's being taught in at least one public HS in Illinois.


For a pretty ridiculous yet accurate plot summary, check out uncyclopedia


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 11:17 AM)
S&P or USA?


Really though, why are their ratings worth a penny these days after the spectacular failures of just about everyone in finance?


So who exactly are you trusting on it? Our politicians? Our regulators?

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Here's my take: I don't think the S&P's statement is wrong. I think people who use the S&P's statement to argue that we clearly need to cut back on spending like certain people here are fools...but if you really understand what the S&P is saying, it's investment advice that I'm already following.


Right now, we're in the midst of an oil price spike. Every time there's been an oil price spike of this magnitude in the last 40 years it has correlated with the start of a recession. That is a strong economic worry right now.


If that were my only concern, I'd be gradually taking money out of the market and moving larger shares into Treasuries because their stability will be valued in an unstable economic situation. However, I'm not doing that yet, and it's not because of confidence in the economy...


It's because I'm not confident that the U.S. Congress won't decide to default on the debt. The motivations are there..."it'll just hurt China who holds all our debt"..."We won't agree to this unless more pregnant women die", "the Bonds in the Social Security trust fund don't exist" or whatever version you choose.


Furthermore, if oil prices happen to start pushing the economy towards a recession, that's going to push the deficit even higher and make those concerns stronger.


The last time the S&P warned that it might consider lowering the U.S. credit rating, it was in 1996, over concerns that the U.S. would default on its debt. That is the right approach for investors right now. I shouldn't have to worry about U.S. T-Bills as much as I am right now.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 11:18 AM)
So who exactly are you trusting on it? Our politicians? Our regulators?


No one, it's all just a plutocracy. We're all f***ed. :(


But that aside, honestly, why wasn't S&P's (and others') credibility trashed after they were found to be completely incompetent at actually evaluating ratings and risk?

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 11:24 AM)
No one, it's all just a plutocracy. We're all f***ed. :(


But that aside, honestly, why wasn't S&P's (and others') credibility trashed after they were found to be completely incompetent at actually evaluating ratings and risk?


Maybe it wasn't in the MSM, but it sure was in the industry standards.

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What we need is more guns and less regulation:


6-year-old brings gun to Texas school, 3 hurt when it accidentally discharges


HOUSTON (AP) — Officials say three students have been injured after a 6-year-old brought a loaded gun to his Houston elementary school that accidentally discharged when it fell out of the child’s pocket.


Houston Independent School District Public Information Officer Norm Uhl tells Fox News that none of the injuries appears to be life-threatening.


Officials say Ross Elementary school was placed on lockdown Tuesday.


Images taken from Houston television KPRC’s news helicopter show three children being wheeled to ambulances on stretchers.



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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 12:17 PM)
What we need is more guns and less regulation:





So explain to me what gun control laws would have accomplished here. You want to make it illegal for a 6 year old to carry a gun to school? Guess what... it already is, in multiple ways.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Apr 19, 2011 -> 12:21 PM)
So explain to me what gun control laws would have accomplished here. You want to make it illegal for a 6 year old to carry a gun to school? Guess what... it already is, in multiple ways.

I guess I should have stressed the "more guns" part of my statement.

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