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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 1, 2011 -> 07:57 AM)
First, I couldn't possibly disagree more with the bolded. Deciding to not vote at all because you don't love either choice is actually contributing to the very erosion of candidates you loathe.


Second, its simply intellectual laziness to say "they ALL do it", whatever exactly you mean by "it". It is never "All", but that certainly would make things easier, wouldn't it?


If you have to make a choice between two bad candidates, they're both bad choices, even if one of them may be a little less bad than the other in someones opinion. The problem isn't having choice, it's lack there of. Our system is producing garbage politicians...as George Carlin says, garbage in, garbage out. While it pains me to agree with a comedian on this specific subject, he's right. It's rare that I see what I feel is a good politician, but when I do, you can be rest assured I'd vote for him/her.


I think in order to play the game in this system, you HAVE to become part of the system, otherwise you get nothing done. This is a problem, and it's a problem that's not being addressed. There are probably a lot of very honest politicians that get voted into office with the best intentions in mind, and realize shortly thereafter that in order to get anything done, they need to play the secret back room deal game...and that makes them the opposite of what they intended.


Where you say deciding not to vote at all because I love neither choice is contributing to the erosion of candidates I loathe, I say they're already eroded, because this is the best our system is producing...and my choice to not vote is a clear vote of no confidence. While many disagree with my view on that, it's my choice to make.

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A lot of people have been asking me why I started Colbert Super PAC. A lot of those people are lawyers. I'll tell you what I tell them: "I'm doing this for my country. And if you're going to bill me for the full hour, you may as well make yourself useful and stuff some envelopes."


A few months ago I looked up and saw our country at a crossroads. Down one road lay moral and financial ruin. Down another road lay the fulfillment of the American dream. Down a third lay Cincinnati. There was another one, but I think it was some sort of service road, it had a big locked gate on it. The point is: We must steer America down the right road (the second one).


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So, once again, {VALUE=FIRSTNAME} I want to thank you for joining Colbert Super PAC. Together, we will speak with one voice – mine. Together, we will stands against those who wish to unite us. Together, we will rent a private jet to take me to rallies, where together we will cheer me on.


Together, we'll Be Making A Better Tomorrow – Tomorrow.


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Stephen Colbert

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 1, 2011 -> 01:25 AM)
Unfortunately, my no-sided stance is pretty well documented around here, considering there are things I agree with both sides on. My voting record (back when I still voted), also speaks for itself, as a person that's actually voted both ways in multiple presidential elections. I merely pointed out the obvious, which is standard fare when it comes to politics around here, that one group loves to point to one side, and the other points right back at them...which is what you've been doing for a long time now.


We get it, anything the democrats say, is not only correct, but you agree with it.


My post about Jesse Jackson was merely showing that it's not just one side that plays these games, it's both sides. According to you, rich people suppress poor people from voting to steal elections...but the other side never partakes in any such voting shenanigans!


Don't think I'm going to post here and defend the republicans innocence, either...but don't dare try to play the unfair game, which is exactly what you're doing.


We ALL have things both sides agree on. But you have selective innocence. Just because you may think one of the worst presidents in history did a bad job does not make you objective. The dems have s*** on clinton and have s*** on obama all the time in here. You guys act like I haven't been here since 2003 and remember you all during the Bush administration. I'm going to agree far more with a dem president than a republican president. You are going to agree far more with a Republican president than a Democratic president. I remember this much as true. Just because you disagreed with bush a handful of times doesn't mean you are king s*** of objectiveness.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 09:34 AM)
We ALL have things both sides agree on. But you have selective innocence. Just because you may think one of the worst presidents in history did a bad job does not make you objective. The dems have s*** on clinton and have s*** on obama all the time in here. You guys act like I haven't been here since 2003 and remember you all during the Bush administration. I'm going to agree far more with a dem president than a republican president. You are going to agree far more with a Republican president than a Democratic president. I remember this much as true. Just because you disagreed with bush a handful of times doesn't mean you are king s*** of objectiveness.


Yes it does. I declared myself so.



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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 09:59 AM)
also, selective innocence. i was listening to a podcast and that word came out. Memory.


but, whichever you'd prefer.


I prefer either, since you apply universally valid statements only to me, but not yourself...so I say you too, have selective innocence, and since it would be impossible for you to refute such a generalized/global statement, I guess we both win. :P

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 03:05 PM)
I prefer either, since you apply universally valid statements only to me, but not yourself...so I say you too, have selective innocence, and since it would be impossible for you to refute such a generalized/global statement, I guess we both win. :P


The difference is I'm not going into the Republican thread trolling calling you guys biased. I know I'm biased. I also try to back up my arguments, as do many of the posters in this thread. You guys might disagree with us, but as trying to back up our claims is a sign of respect. I expect the same.

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Oh, and also, for the record here...I don't think GW is as good as far right Republicans claim he was...and I don't think he was as bad as the far left Liberals say he was...


That said, my voting record makes a pretty clear statement IMO:





I could not vote for McCain because of his choice of VP, nor did I like what Obama was selling...which was a dream.


To say I agree with republicans more than democrats is stretching reality, at best...since I've voted for less Republicans in my life than Democrats. :P As Lostfan has said, after meeting me, he realized I'm less of a republican than most think...but I hate you democrats most of the time, too. :D

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 04:34 PM)
Oh, and also, for the record here...I don't think GW is as good as far right Republicans claim he was...and I don't think he was as bad as the far left Liberals say he was...


That said, my voting record makes a pretty clear statement IMO:





I could not vote for McCain because of his choice of VP, nor did I like what Obama was selling...which was a dream.


To say I agree with republicans more than democrats is stretching reality, at best...since I've voted for less Republicans in my life than Democrats. :P As Lostfan has said, after meeting me, he realized I'm less of a republican than most think...but I hate you democrats most of the time, too. :D


Wasn't lostfan's quote that you were so far right you met bigsqwert on the other side?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 10:30 AM)
The difference is I'm not going into the Republican thread trolling calling you guys biased. I know I'm biased. I also try to back up my arguments, as do many of the posters in this thread. You guys might disagree with us, but as trying to back up our claims is a sign of respect. I expect the same.


Oh, and you may not know it but I do respect you and your opinion even if I don't agree with it sometimes.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 10:35 AM)
Wasn't lostfan's quote that you were so far right you met bigsqwert on the other side?


I don't believe so, I think he said I'm more of an anarchist.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 10:43 AM)
Further left than BigSqwert and you're also in anarchist territory.


Y2HH has the same distrust of corporate money and special interests that the left does.


Possibly on some issues...I just have a wide range of opinions on various subjects...some coincide with things republicans say, others coincide with the democrats...it really depends on the specific subject.


That and I tend to play devils advocate more than I should.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 03:43 PM)
Further left than BigSqwert and you're also in anarchist territory.


Y2HH has the same distrust of corporate money and special interests that the left does.


I really don't think he's that bad. Do you think BigSqwert would actually propose a large nationalization of companies in the US? I think he just favors heavy regulation.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 11:53 AM)
I really don't think he's that bad. Do you think BigSqwert would actually propose a large nationalization of companies in the US? I think he just favors heavy regulation.

I wouldn't use the word "bad" cuz I don't make judgments of people's political views, just as I understand them. He's critical of capitalism as an economic system and said he'd want to try something else (though he would be able to explain that a lot better, if he's reading this)

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 04:00 PM)
I wouldn't use the word "bad" cuz I don't make judgments of people's political views, just as I understand them. He's critical of capitalism as an economic system and said he'd want to try something else (though he would be able to explain that a lot better, if he's reading this)


i guess i view anarchy as "bad", but to the left of anarchy would be communist and I don't think he is a communist. I think he's just a scandinavian socialist which in historical standards is pretty light on the spectrum.

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I'm actually enjoying reading what others think of me. :shades


And I have some social anarchist leanings but I wouldn't necessarily label myself as one. I have a hodge podge of beliefs that I go by that mostly lean pretty far left on the spectrum.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 12:03 PM)
I'm actually enjoying reading what others think of me. :shades

lol. am I that far off? as US lefties go you're pretty left but not really radical, but further than you is radical territory

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 11:05 AM)
lol. am I that far off? as US lefties go you're pretty left but not really radical, but further than you is radical territory

Define radical. I know a lot of my beliefs are pretty radical to most (i.e., abolitionist vegan).

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QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 11:07 AM)
I don't really consider veganism to be a political institution.

Maybe if it were a dietary choice I'd see your point. I work with others to abolish animal use of all forms. I view it more as a social movement.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 6, 2011 -> 04:08 PM)
Maybe if it were a dietary choice I'd see your point. I work with others to abolish animal use of all forms. I view it more as a social movement.


I think so too.

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