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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 04:12 PM)
When? That's been around for much longer than this political cycle. I remember my college roommate got me a Proud Member of the Intellectual Elite button around the time I went to grad school.

In this election cycle, I meant. When she went into kitchen-sink mode against Obama. More specifically, around the time that Obama made his "bitter" gaffe before the PA primaries.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
Balta that article really get to the heart of what drives me the most nuts about Sarah Palin. I'll admit it, I'm kind of an intellectual elite. I think that the country should be governed by highly educated and knowledgeable people. So, I'll take the right's label as an elitist with pride.


And I look at Sarah Palin and it just frustrates me so much that this woman who seems to pride herself on ignorance and being outside these educated circles. Sometimes being educated means being out of touch with people--I'll admit that. But her whole cutesy, folksy attitude is such an affront to me. I am so proud to be well educated. To have a deep understanding about statistics, neuroscience, cognitive science. I work just as hard at my job to be well educated as a Joe Sixpack working at a construction site. We finally have reached the point where we can put a woman candidate up in a viable ticket (sorry Geraldine), and we pick this gorgeous non-threatening mess of a woman. We pick a woman that is in no danger of showing a man up in foreign policy or economic knowledge. We pick a woman who is PROUD of her ignorance. What the f*** kind of role model is that? We pick a woman who thinks she can win a debate by attacking her opponent and winking--WINKING. What is that teaching girls about how to debate--how to express themselves? We pick a woman that would rather resort to personal attacks and cliche slogans than an actual substantial debate. What kind of role model is that? Let's say that a male candidate pulled the winking and gibberish that she did. There is no way he would be taken seriously. NO f***ING WAY.


I am so incredibly upset that it is this woman who is proud of her ignorance and would rather rely on her cutesy folksy self than her knowledge and credentials is there. I think of all the generations of intelligent, capable women who were DENIED this opportunity and I don't even know what to think.


I know this probably comes off as crazy feminist gibberish (just like my Hillary supporting moments did) to a vast majority of this board. But dear god. If I am ever blessed with kids, I would be so ashamed to offer them Sarah Palin as a role model. I want my children, girls and boys, to have role models who rely on the contents of their minds and souls and not populist panderings. I want a Virginia Woolf, a Marie Curie, f*** it--a Hillary, a Shakespeare's sister to portray what it means to be a woman.




I completely agree, Soxy. This act of hers, the country bumpkin thing, is incredibly insulting and damaging to all of us, particularly to women. She really is a female Bush analog, but even more exaggerated in terms of the joy of stupidity. Amazingly, too, I don't think she is actually that much of a troglodyte. I think she puts in on thick, on purpose. Its disgusting.


Also, one interesting quote from the article about Obama stuck out to me:


"He's phenomenally good at surrounding himself with a team," Brooks said. "I disagree with them on most issues, but I am given a lot of comfort by the fact that the people he's chosen are exactly the people I think most of us would want to choose if we were in his shoes. So again, I have doubts about him just because he was such a mediocre senator, but his capacity to pick staff is impressive."


This, I am glad to see. The writer shares my concern about his lack of experience. But he also feels that Obama is a very fast learner, and very good at surrounding himself with the right folks who know what he doesn't know. That is one of the things that made Bush so lousy as a manager. It would be nice to see the opposite.



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I'll add this article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/162789?from=rss


The article is about how minority lending pressure is being unfairly blamed for the subprime lending debacle.


But, the following is in response to Soxy and Northside:


I don't know if either of you saw the Daily Show last night, but it had on an author who also appears on This American Life, I forgot her name. They were talking about Palin, and Stewart brought up how it angers him when people like Palin come to New York, make themselves sympathetic to the tragedy of 9/11 and spirit of the people, then when they leave badmouth the residents of the city as elitists and not "real" america. The latter half of that sentence was a combination of both of their arguments, being that they both live in New York. It reminded me of how angry I got during the primaries when Clinton pushed that since Obama was getting great support from people with college degrees, that she was the candidate of "real, working Americans". How odd and silly a statement. You can't preach to America, all politicians, about how important education is to moving forward our economy, then marginalize the people who get that education.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 02:04 PM)
Balta that article really get to the heart of what drives me the most nuts about Sarah Palin. I'll admit it, I'm kind of an intellectual elite. I think that the country should be governed by highly educated and knowledgeable people. So, I'll take the right's label as an elitist with pride.


And I look at Sarah Palin and it just frustrates me so much that this woman who seems to pride herself on ignorance and being outside these educated circles. Sometimes being educated means being out of touch with people--I'll admit that. But her whole cutesy, folksy attitude is such an affront to me. I am so proud to be well educated. To have a deep understanding about statistics, neuroscience, cognitive science. I work just as hard at my job to be well educated as a Joe Sixpack working at a construction site. We finally have reached the point where we can put a woman candidate up in a viable ticket (sorry Geraldine), and we pick this gorgeous non-threatening mess of a woman. We pick a woman that is in no danger of showing a man up in foreign policy or economic knowledge. We pick a woman who is PROUD of her ignorance. What the f*** kind of role model is that? We pick a woman who thinks she can win a debate by attacking her opponent and winking--WINKING. What is that teaching girls about how to debate--how to express themselves? We pick a woman that would rather resort to personal attacks and cliche slogans than an actual substantial debate. What kind of role model is that? Let's say that a male candidate pulled the winking and gibberish that she did. There is no way he would be taken seriously. NO f***ING WAY.


I am so incredibly upset that it is this woman who is proud of her ignorance and would rather rely on her cutesy folksy self than her knowledge and credentials is there. I think of all the generations of intelligent, capable women who were DENIED this opportunity and I don't even know what to think.


I know this probably comes off as crazy feminist gibberish (just like my Hillary supporting moments did) to a vast majority of this board. But dear god. If I am ever blessed with kids, I would be so ashamed to offer them Sarah Palin as a role model. I want my children, girls and boys, to have role models who rely on the contents of their minds and souls and not populist panderings. I want a Virginia Woolf, a Marie Curie, f*** it--a Hillary, a Shakespeare's sister to portray what it means to be a woman.





Followed by a refreshing sigh of relief. :headbang

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 07:18 PM)
I'll add this article: http://www.newsweek.com/id/162789?from=rss


The article is about how minority lending pressure is being unfairly blamed for the subprime lending debacle.


But, the following is in response to Soxy and Northside:


I don't know if either of you saw the Daily Show last night, but it had on an author who also appears on This American Life, I forgot her name. They were talking about Palin, and Stewart brought up how it angers him when people like Palin come to New York, make themselves sympathetic to the tragedy of 9/11 and spirit of the people, then when they leave badmouth the residents of the city as elitists and not "real" america. The latter half of that sentence was a combination of both of their arguments, being that they both live in New York. It reminded me of how angry I got during the primaries when Clinton pushed that since Obama was getting great support from people with college degrees, that she was the candidate of "real, working Americans". How odd and silly a statement. You can't preach to America, all politicians, about how important education is to moving forward our economy, then marginalize the people who get that education.

Sarah Vowell

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 03:04 PM)
Balta that article really get to the heart of what drives me the most nuts about Sarah Palin. I'll admit it, I'm kind of an intellectual elite. I think that the country should be governed by highly educated and knowledgeable people. So, I'll take the right's label as an elitist with pride.


And I look at Sarah Palin and it just frustrates me so much that this woman who seems to pride herself on ignorance and being outside these educated circles. Sometimes being educated means being out of touch with people--I'll admit that. But her whole cutesy, folksy attitude is such an affront to me. I am so proud to be well educated. To have a deep understanding about statistics, neuroscience, cognitive science. I work just as hard at my job to be well educated as a Joe Sixpack working at a construction site. We finally have reached the point where we can put a woman candidate up in a viable ticket (sorry Geraldine), and we pick this gorgeous non-threatening mess of a woman. We pick a woman that is in no danger of showing a man up in foreign policy or economic knowledge. We pick a woman who is PROUD of her ignorance. What the f*** kind of role model is that? We pick a woman who thinks she can win a debate by attacking her opponent and winking--WINKING. What is that teaching girls about how to debate--how to express themselves? We pick a woman that would rather resort to personal attacks and cliche slogans than an actual substantial debate. What kind of role model is that? Let's say that a male candidate pulled the winking and gibberish that she did. There is no way he would be taken seriously. NO f***ING WAY.


I am so incredibly upset that it is this woman who is proud of her ignorance and would rather rely on her cutesy folksy self than her knowledge and credentials is there. I think of all the generations of intelligent, capable women who were DENIED this opportunity and I don't even know what to think.


I know this probably comes off as crazy feminist gibberish (just like my Hillary supporting moments did) to a vast majority of this board. But dear god. If I am ever blessed with kids, I would be so ashamed to offer them Sarah Palin as a role model. I want my children, girls and boys, to have role models who rely on the contents of their minds and souls and not populist panderings. I want a Virginia Woolf, a Marie Curie, f*** it--a Hillary, a Shakespeare's sister to portray what it means to be a woman.




You'll be shocked to know that I agree with you for once on this type of subject. I think that Sarah Palin's portrayal is all an act, a gimmick, to "groud out John McCain to the right wing side of the Republican party.


She's doing exactly what she's told, and when to do it, and the right wing people are eating it up. You all know me well enough to know that I'm a conservative, but I'll tell you that Sarah Palin RIGHT NOW is in way over her head. WAAAAAAAY. Much like I get on RSO about lack of substance, Palin's worse. The pick was nothing more then sticking it in the eye of RSO for not picking Hillary (which if you want really tinfoil hat stuff, just wait)... ...


Anyway, Sarah Palin has sold herself way short, and not really done anything about it other then hang out at the cool halls and stuff. She is not about substance, that's for darn sure. I think she could have been someday, but right now, no way.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 07:22 PM)
You'll be shocked to know that I agree with you for once on this type of subject. I think that Sarah Palin's portrayal is all an act, a gimmick, to "groud out John McCain to the right wing side of the Republican party.


She's doing exactly what she's told, and when to do it, and the right wing people are eating it up. You all know me well enough to know that I'm a conservative, but I'll tell you that Sarah Palin RIGHT NOW is in way over her head. WAAAAAAAY. Much like I get on RSO about lack of substance, Palin's worse. The pick was nothing more then sticking it in the eye of RSO for not picking Hillary (which if you want really tinfoil hat stuff, just wait)... ...


Anyway, Sarah Palin has sold herself way short, and not really done anything about it other then hang out at the cool halls and stuff. She is not about substance, that's for darn sure. I think she could have been someday, but right now, no way.


You betcha!


Her folksy bulls*** has made me despise the McCain campaign.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 8, 2008 -> 07:31 PM)
Sarah Vowell

omg I love her. Assasination Vacation is one of my favorite works of nonfiction. I will have to check that one out on the internets. Gracia LF and Bmags.

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Does anyone else find it odd that Sarah Palin is quoting Westbrook Pegler. A man who once said "some white patriot of the Southern tier will spatter his spoonful of brains in pubic premises before the snow flies" about RFK.



This with the recent screams at her rallies about "treason", "off with his head" and "terrorist". Is it all just Coincidence or is she helping create a dangerous atmosphere?


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 06:33 AM)
You betcha!


Her folksy bulls*** has made me despise the McCain campaign.



When he announced her I was like "oh yea baby...." until she opened her mouth. I have tried so hard to like her. She is just way too good at seeming to not be taking all of this seriously. It's shamefull. Although not as shamefull as Cindy McCain getting in front of a crowd yesterday and saying that (sic) Obama not voting for funds to help her son in Iraq sent chills down her spine... This topic is sooo under my skin it's not even funny. I wish someone, anyone, would just say "Yo John.. you also voted no so how about letting it go...". I have an uncontrollable urge to slap Cindy upside the head at times.

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QUOTE (Steff @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 10:28 AM)
When he announced her I was like "oh yea baby...." until she opened her mouth. I have tried so hard to like her. She is just way too good at seeming to not be taking all of this seriously. It's shamefull. Although not as shamefull as Cindy McCain getting in front of a crowd yesterday and saying that (sic) Obama not voting for funds to help her son in Iraq sent chills down her spine... This topic is sooo under my skin it's not even funny. I wish someone, anyone, would just say "Yo John.. you also voted no so how about letting it go...". I have an uncontrollable urge to slap Cindy upside the head at times.

I don't even know how she said that with a straight face. That was the first thing that came to my mind... both Obama and McCain have voted for funding the troops every time it's come up, McCain did the same thing Obama did.


Also, when it comes to supporting vets, McCain is all talk.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (Chet Lemon @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 10:59 AM)
How would she be treated if she used to belong to a secessionist political party?

She may as well just join a black separatist group and get her money's worth, she's already being treated like she is in one.


I just would really wonder the reaction if she had been on TV talking about "I'd like to give a shout-out..."

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:05 PM)
She may as well just join a black separatist group and get her money's worth, she's already being treated like she is in one.


I just would really wonder the reaction if she had been on TV talking about "I'd like to give a shout-out..."


damn, I just said money's worth! We are on the same page lostfan, the same page.


BTW how does Michele have to act to be considered folksy. Ugh, is the only way she would be likeable to some people if she talked like the 30s Paramount movie extra "Yessa Ize is so happy thats my huzbin iz runnin for de presidenzy!"

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 10:09 AM)
damn, I just said money's worth! We are on the same page lostfan, the same page.


BTW how does Michele have to act to be considered folksy. Ugh, is the only way she would be likeable to some people if she talked like the 30s Paramount movie extra "Yessa Ize is so happy thats my huzbin iz runnin for de presidenzy!"

Did you see her Larry King interview last night? The way she actually carries herself is the complete opposite of the "angry black woman" caricature that the righty blogosphere has turned her into... which is literally based on one verbal miscue in a stump speech from months ago.

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