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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 09:57 AM)
I disagree, and for the reasons I've already stated.


This is entirely weak minded reasoning in hindsight. IE, it's easy to blame them now, but this happened so early on into his administration, it's as if you're pretending they ignored threats from AQ for YEARS because they were focused on Iraq...it's just twisting reality to suit your agenda. GW was hardly in office when 9/11 hit...you make it sound the exact opposite. It's fabrication and stretching of truth, and like I said, weak.

I get kind of pissy when politicians f*** up and then call it an "intelligence failure"


No, you f***ed up. Own it.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 10:08 AM)
Wow, 8 months!


For a new president, it takes about a year to even settle into the job, let alone sift through wads of information like this.


You're being purposefully dishonest in order to further your anti-Bush agenda...that's pretty damn apparent. And it's still weak minded. You're smarter than this/better than this IMO.

That's not the administration... career intelligence officers do this stuff.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 13, 2012 -> 10:20 AM)
1) I said it's apparently what your saying...as if he had nothing else to do that 8 months BUT concentrate on reports from a previous administration.


2) This may or may not be accurate, and to what degree. Again, it was just 8 months of time.


3) You once again show your agenda. Thanks. You make this easy.

You're aware that SS has gone on in the past couple of years for dozens of pages (many in this thread) about how he doesn't like Obama and feels justified in not voting for him?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 17, 2012 -> 07:30 PM)
You're aware that SS has gone on in the past couple of years for dozens of pages (many in this thread) about how he doesn't like Obama and feels justified in not voting for him?

f*** Obama, but he's right. I do have an agenda of pointing out just how epically horrible Bush was.

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The 47% thing is a mythical number anyway, it got that high because of a one-time unique situation where unemployment skyrocketed and people took tax credits/unemployment exemptions. A lot of the whiny people on twitter talking about the "I am the 53%" meme ironically didn't pay any income taxes that year.


edit: Ironically, leaving the very poor out of the income tax rolls started with Reagan in the mid 80s.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 07:52 AM)
The 47% thing is a mythical number anyway, it got that high because of a one-time unique situation where unemployment skyrocketed and people took tax credits/unemployment exemptions. A lot of the whiny people on twitter talking about the "I am the 53%" meme ironically didn't pay any income taxes that year.


edit: Ironically, leaving the very poor out of the income tax rolls started with Reagan in the mid 80s.

Just to say it again...the other irony is that having the lower-income people not hit by the income tax is a huge boon to the wealthiest wage earners...because the payroll tax, state taxes, and local taxes are much more regressive, and a good lobbyist can poke tons of loopholes in the income tax.

When all federal, state, and local taxes are taken into account, the bottom fifth of households pays about 16 percent of their incomes in taxes, on average. The second-poorest fifth pays about 21 percent
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Mother Jones may be milking this for a while. More segments of video today, this time discussing Israel/Palestine, Iran, and Obama's personality:

During the freewheeling conversation, a donor asked Romney how the "Palestinian problem" can be solved. Romney immediately launched into a detailed reply, asserting that the Palestinians have "no interest whatsoever in establishing peace, and that the pathway to peace is almost unthinkable to accomplish."


Romney spoke of "the Palestinians" as a united bloc of one mindset, and he said: "I look at the Palestinians not wanting to see peace anyway, for political purposes, committed to the destruction and elimination of Israel, and these thorny issues, and I say there's just no way.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 10:27 AM)
Game, set, match.


Thanks Mitt, you beat yourself. :)


...and if too many liberals believe what you just said, less of them will actually turn up to vote. Careful.


Keep in mind that anything they say right now, almost nobody will remember in November.

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 10:13 AM)
...and if too many liberals believe what you just said, less of them will actually turn up to vote. Careful.


Keep in mind that anything they say right now, almost nobody will remember in November.

this is a pretty big bombshell... and if the polls do enough reflecting of it now, they won't come back up.

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 11:16 AM)
this is a pretty big bombshell... and if the polls do enough reflecting of it now, they won't come back up.


I still don't think it matters come November. Peoples attention spans are far too short these days.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 12:18 PM)
I still don't think it matters come November. Peoples attention spans are far too short these days.

This may not matter to more than a handful of people directly...but where it does matter is...if Obama is currently winning, which by most polls he appears to be...Romney needs to halt that impression.


In the last week, he's had the drip-drip of this video, the starting of the "CYA" period of staffers calling out the campaign manager as a failure, and the spectacle of him calling out an embassy for apologizing (which they didn't do) while bullets were still being fired at the embassy, and a couple days of fair is fair stupidity for him not having "thanked the troops" in his convention speech.


Obviously there is more to come...but "Continually making yourself look bad" makes the turnaround a lot harder.


Oh, and it's also worth noting...mid-September was basically when the last Republican candidate doomed himself, with the insane "I'll suspend my campaign (but all it really means is I'm not going on Letterman)" stunt.

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Mitt Romney's courageous foreign policy:


So what you do is, you say, you move things along the best way you can. You hope for some degree of stability, but you recognize that this is going to remain an unsolved problem....and we kick the ball down the field and hope that ultimately, somehow, something will happen and resolve it.


Will the exact specifics of this video matter in 50 days or whatever it is? No, probably not for most people who might still be convinced to vote for either candidate. Typically, these "swing" voters are low-information voters anyway, so they're not likely to sit down and read some blogs about this and sure as hell aren't going to watch the full hour long video.


But it's yet another bad week of news for Romney where he's on the defensive, where he has to try to spin his statements and is attacked by pundits and politicians both left and right. His campaign is one misstep after another at this point. Every day from here on out is incredibly important for him to start to chip into Obama's EC vote lead, and every day he's addressing this or the Libya comments or anything else besides "Obama has done a bad job" is a lost opportunity.

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“First and foremost, I would like to offer a heartfelt apology to all the whores, junkies, bums, and grime-covered derelicts out there who make up nearly half our nation,” a visibly contrite and solemn Romney said outside a campaign stop at a local high school. “Let me assure you that I in no way meant to offend any of the putrid-smelling, barefoot masses out there. My campaign is not about dividing this nation, but about bringing all sides together—the rich, elegant members of the upper class, as well as the 47 percent who are covered in flies and eat directly from back-alley dumpsters.”


“I am fully committed to building a better future for every American,” Romney continued, “and that means ensuring all 150 million grease-and-urine-soaked members of our society get a fair shake.”


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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 08:47 AM)
Mother Jones may be milking this for a while. More segments of video today, this time discussing Israel/Palestine, Iran, and Obama's personality:

Romney is a foreign policy mental midget, he still thinks Russia is our biggest international threat, wtf is this? 1984?


God help us if that moron wins...

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 18, 2012 -> 11:18 AM)
I still don't think it matters come November. Peoples attention spans are far too short these days.

Obama, Clinton and the rest of the Democratic party need to keep reminding voters right up until Election Day that Romney believes elderly people, college students, disabled vets and the working poor are a bunch of leeches...

Edited by MexSoxFan#1
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