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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 01:10 PM)
Incorrect. There was a substantial additional tax credit included in the stimulus package known as "Making work Pay". That was then followed up a year later by a 1 year payroll tax cut. Those were done on top of the only extension done of the Bush Tax cuts so far, which happened in 2010 during the Lame Duck session, at which point they were extended for 2 years (hence, they expire at the end of 2012).

I like Balta


I'm far from a policy wonk so I'll cede the floor to someone more knowledgeable^^

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 01:10 PM)
Incorrect. There was a substantial additional tax credit included in the stimulus package known as "Making work Pay". That was then followed up a year later by a 1 year payroll tax cut. Those were done on top of the only extension done of the Bush Tax cuts so far, which happened in 2010 during the Lame Duck session, at which point they were extended for 2 years (hence, they expire at the end of 2012).


I forgot about that, I stand corrected.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 01:17 PM)
Wow, this entire time I've read that as METSoxFan. :/ Sorry about that. :(

no problemo, I will admit that Obama has let me down a bit because I'm a liberal and he hasn't been very liberal at all (Gitmo, drone attacks etc.), but Romney really scares me because I fear the NeoCons will come back in full force under Romney and an Iran war would be imminent.

Edited by MexSoxFan#1
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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 01:23 PM)
no problemo, I will admit that Obama has let me down a bit because I'm a liberal and he hasn't been very liberal at all (Gitmo, drone attacks etc.), but Romney really scares me because I fear the NeoCons will come back in full force under Romney and an Iran war would be imminent.


I think Romney scares anyone that isn't a complete GOP kool aid drinking nutbar. But it doesn't make me like Obama any more.

Edited by Y2HH
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 05:54 PM)
"At a 14 billion+ loss to the American people and a boon to my reelection chances because I pandered to the auto unions."

GM has about 75,000 direct, full time employees in the United States. If they pay, on average, $5000 in taxes total per year, a rate low for even people like Mitt Romney, then the U.S. government has received $15 billion in taxes solely from GM employees in the United States over that time period.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 19, 2012 -> 05:00 PM)
GM has about 75,000 direct, full time employees in the United States. If they pay, on average, $5000 in taxes total per year, a rate low for even people like Mitt Romney, then the U.S. government has received $15 billion in taxes solely from GM employees in the United States over that time period.

And, conversely, they haven't been paying medicaid and food stamps and all the other aid an extra couple hundred thousand people would otherwise need.

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What Mitt Romney Doesn't Get About Responsibility


Still, for my money, the worst of Romney’s comments were these: “My job is not to worry about those people. I’ll never convince them that they should take personal responsibility and care for their lives.”


When he said this, Romney didn’t just write off half the country behind closed doors. He also confirmed the worst suspicions about who he is: an entitled rich guy with no understanding of how people who aren’t rich actually live.


The thing about not having much money is you have to take much more responsibility for your life. You can’t pay people to watch your kids or clean your house or fix your meals. You can’t necessarily afford a car or a washing machine or a home in a good school district. That’s what money buys you: goods and services that make your life easier.


That’s what money has bought Romney, too. He’s a guy who sold his dad’s stock to pay for college, who built an elevator to ensure easier access to his multiple cars and who was able to support his wife’s decision to be a stay-at-home mom. That’s great! That’s the dream.


The problem is that he doesn’t seem to realize how difficult it is to focus on college when you’re also working full time, how much planning it takes to reliably commute to work without a car, or the agonizing choices faced by families in which both parents work and a child falls ill. The working poor haven’t abdicated responsibility for their lives. They’re drowning in it.

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QUOTE (SOXOBAMA @ Sep 20, 2012 -> 09:47 AM)
Electoral vote count, giving Romney all states where he leads, or trails Obama by less than 4 pts in RCP avg: Obama 278, Romney 260.

Wow, even with that generous handicap, Romney still comes up short. :headbang

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Since the language filter is going to catch that URL I'll just post the relevant part:


Black people don’t want free s***, you out of touch Dr. Reed Richards hair having motherf***er.


We want the same s*** that your white constituency wants: Opportunity, good schools, safe streets, JOBS, a house that doesn’t f***ing double and triple in interest rate while the value plummets, a place to s*** with a door on it and the ability to not be denied coverage when we have a medical problem. We’re no different than anybody else but you wouldn’t know that because the only black person you probably know personally you just happen to be running against him for president.


I’m tired of these piece of s*** Republicans talking DOWN and whitesplaining to people of color AS IF they had it hard all their lives. NO Mitt Romney, you never had to worry about the price of milk ever in your f***ing life. You were raised with a silver spoon in your mouth and your father probably owned a silver spoon factory.


If you were really in touch, you’d talk about JOBS because we have a 14% unemployment rate in the black community but your party couldn’t pass a fart through cotton much less a f***ing jobs bill. You’d talk about the safety net but we all know that you and Rand Paul are looking to take a pair of comically large shears to that motherf***er.


Instead you walk in front of the NAACP and talk PAST them and your message hits your goddamn racist, sexist, homophobic, bible thumping, hate ridden, against their own interest base that ignores when we spend half a million on cruise missiles but complain when they see somebody cashing an unemployment check that happens to own an iPhone. f*** YOU.


I have a goddamn question for you, Willard:


What about your perpetually poor white voters in states like West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri and Louisiana that vote for you even though you give no f***ing care about them. As long as you hammer on how black Obama is, how the liberals want to shoot their white women with abortion guns and the fact that gays want to marry your children they’ll continue voting for you. They staff your f***ed up infantry and you’ve spent the past 60 years brainwashing them into thinking they deserve to get welfare checks but the second black people get them, it’s a problem.


f*** you and your face. f*** your hair. f*** your party. f*** Newt Gingrich and f*** the whole conservative movement that has allowed their side to turn into this giant self-eating mutated blob.


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Speaking of the Republicans not being able to pass s***, yesterday they killed a veterans' jobs bill (veterans have a higher unemployment rate than the average) that 4 Republicans actually wrote. Dems said "hey this is good s***! we'll all vote for it too!" Republicans filibustered their own f***ing bill (5 of them sensibly voted for it, to their credit, but couldn't break the filibuster). Including the 4 people who wrote it. Why did they do that, you ask? Well, the election is in 6 weeks, Obama would look pretty good.


They made up some bulls*** reason as to why they couldn't pay for it and didn't want to add debt but this has never stopped them from any defense project, ever, and certainly didn't stop them from voting for the war they sent these veterans to. f*** them!

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 20, 2012 -> 07:05 PM)
Speaking of the Republicans not being able to pass s***, yesterday they killed a veterans' jobs bill (veterans have a higher unemployment rate than the average) that 4 Republicans actually wrote. Dems said "hey this is good s***! we'll all vote for it too!" Republicans filibustered their own f***ing bill (5 of them sensibly voted for it, to their credit, but couldn't break the filibuster). Including the 4 people who wrote it. Why did they do that, you ask? Well, the election is in 6 weeks, Obama would look pretty good.


They made up some bulls*** reason as to why they couldn't pay for it and didn't want to add debt but this has never stopped them from any defense project, ever, and certainly didn't stop them from voting for the war they sent these veterans to. f*** them!


While, I too, am sick of s*** like this...let's not pretend it would have been passed if the tables were turned in the same exact situation. This is, unfortunately, what the political landscape has become in this country.


The real problem, LF, is that we've gotten older and see/understand this bulls*** now...but it's always been going on.

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 06:57 AM)
While, I too, am sick of s*** like this...let's not pretend it would have been passed if the tables were turned in the same exact situation. This is, unfortunately, what the political landscape has become in this country.


The real problem, LF, is that we've gotten older and see/understand this bulls*** now...but it's always been going on.

Maybe, but there's not really a total equivalence between how the Dems and Republicans operate. The filibuster was never used like this before until 2009. Cue Balta to bring up charts and graphs showing this

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