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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:48 PM)
Great, so the standard we get to use now to justify spending is whether or not it does something for the benefit of society? I'm game! Sign me up!


Well I would certainly hope that's the initial hurdle at the Congressional committee meeting

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:42 PM)
It's very easy, just like how Democrats have percentages they want certain ethnic groups to vote for them. Are the Democrats anti-White racists? if they oppose our fair and just efforts to help poor working class white people, then we will just call the Democrats racist. 65% is within reach!

The reason minorities vote Democrat is because they are seen as more inclusive and more helpful to the working class. Latinos are more culturally conservative (family oriented, church goers) but they vote for theireconomic interests, simple as that. The GOP could nominate Rubio next time but Latinos won't vote for him if his policies don't help working class citizens.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:51 PM)
You get a max of $2500/year for that credit. So someone can attend one class for about 4 weeks. Great system!


That was one specific example, but the net effect is the same thing. Giving you a big Pell Grant upfront is, budget-wise, no different than forgiving the exact same amount of dollars in taxes on the back end.


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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:54 PM)
That was one specific example, but the net effect is the same thing. Giving you a big Pell Grant upfront is, budget-wise, no different than forgiving the exact same amount of dollars in taxes on the back end.


The problem with this, of course, is that the "giving up front" would need to be given to everyone, regardless of whether they go buy a house, have a kid or get some kind of post-high school education. Giving the credit ensures that you actually do those things first.

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:53 PM)
The reason minorities vote Democrat is because they are seen as more inclusive and more helpful to the working class. Latinos are more culturally conservative (family oriented, church goers) but they vote for theireconomic interests, simple as that. The GOP could nominate Rubio next time but Latinos won't vote for him if his policies don't help working class citizens.



Operation 65% will merely do the same. It will be inclusive and give equal opportunity to everyone. We will make it in the 65% economic interest to vote GOP.

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:56 PM)
The problem with this, of course, is that the "giving up front" would need to be given to everyone, regardless of whether they go buy a house, have a kid or get some kind of post-high school education. Giving the credit ensures that you actually do those things first.


But the end result is the same. It's social spending no different from other types of spending. And it's not really practical to structure WIC that way because, you know, the people on WIC don't have money to pay up front and wait for refunds. And it's not necessarily problematic, see Pell Grants vs. student loan interest deductions.


edit: however, I do favor a basic income over a myriad of tax credits.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:57 PM)
Operation 65% will merely do the same. It will be inclusive and give equal opportunity to everyone. We will make it in the 65% economic interest to vote GOP.

Then you should run because Romney doesn't give a fakk about 47% of the country.


Mr Genius 2016 :headbang

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QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:45 PM)
How the heck do you try to win 60-65% of the white vote without being divisive and or racist? I hope Mr Genius wasn't being serious with that post.


It's more that certain messages appeal to that demographic. You don't say "hey white people, policy policy policy!" You just say "policy policy policy" and realize that it won't appeal to most minorities. "policy policy policy" being whatever you think is a message that appeals to whites opposed to non-whites


QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:53 PM)
The reason minorities vote Democrat is because they are seen as more inclusive and more helpful to the working class. Latinos are more culturally conservative (family oriented, church goers) but they vote for theireconomic interests, simple as that. The GOP could nominate Rubio next time but Latinos won't vote for him if his policies don't help working class citizens.


Not to mention Rubio would just be seen as a Cuban, a demographic that already votes Republican and makes up about 30% of Hispanics in the USA

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 12:48 PM)
There is nothing racist about it. We will merely talk to the poor and working class white people that have been left behind. Under attack from the Democrats. Laid from Bain by Romney.


What programs do they see, on the ground, that they are not allowed to participate because the Democrats have excluded them. We will simply give them equal opportunity to programs just like those. The exact opposite of racism.




This is the worst idea ever. No way any Republican is going to win on giving things away. The only way to do this is to go Goerbels and just start lying.


If you want to be a socialist, be a socialist. Youre idea is incompatible with the current Republican platform. You are merely suggesting a Democratic platform and repackaging it to try and convince Republicans that should be Democrats. Guess what, you cant convince them.


Maybe Im missing something here, but it sounds like your a Democrat who just refuses to accept it.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 03:34 AM)


This is the worst idea ever. No way any Republican is going to win on giving things away. The only way to do this is to go Goerbels and just start lying.


If you want to be a socialist, be a socialist. Youre idea is incompatible with the current Republican platform. You are merely suggesting a Democratic platform and repackaging it to try and convince Republicans that should be Democrats. Guess what, you cant convince them.


Maybe Im missing something here, but it sounds like your a Democrat who just refuses to accept it.


don't be ridiculous. i am merely suggesting some harmless pandering, listening to the 65%'s complaints and making a few campaign promises. Reagan was a mastermind of this. we won't increase any spending, maybe we cut a few programs then put those resources into the hard working middle class 65%. If there are any government programs the 65% is excluded from (which they think they are) we will merely give them equal opportunity.


all while keeping taxes low and shrinking government ;)

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Sep 22, 2012 -> 10:08 AM)
don't be ridiculous. i am merely suggesting some harmless pandering, listening to the 65%'s complaints and making a few campaign promises. Reagan was a mastermind of this. we won't increase any spending, maybe we cut a few programs then put those resources into the hard working middle class 65%. If there are any government programs the 65% is excluded from (which they think they are) we will merely give them equal opportunity.


all while keeping taxes low and shrinking government ;)


What I really want to know is if you have any ideas on how to solve the problem of the masses of street urchins overrunning the fine city of Dublin?



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QUOTE (FlaSoxxJim @ Sep 23, 2012 -> 01:59 PM)
What I really want to know is if you have any ideas on how to solve the problem of the masses of street urchins overrunning the fine city of Dublin?


I'll send an apology to Ireland for some random Youtube video that makes fun of Irish people.


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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Sep 21, 2012 -> 01:46 PM)
Tax credits as a "social program" is bulls***. You're actively doing something for the benefit of society (owning a home, having a kid, etc) to get those credits.



I don't think you realized that you've effectively endorsed liberalism with this post

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The message of the comic is that Romney's 47% of irresponsible, lazy, worthless Americans living off of government subsidization because they don't pay income taxes includes guys like him. The economy doesn't need more guys like Romney who continue to hoover up most of the wealth in the country while receiving the lion's share of the benefits of tax expenditures.


I think most of his $4m charitable donations went to the LDS. Given the size of the commercial operations they run, the amount of money they spend on fancy buildings and the political campaigning they bankroll, I think classifying it as selfless charity is a bit dubious.

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