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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Jake @ Oct 5, 2012 -> 04:14 PM)


Wow, absolutely terribad photoshopping.


There is an actual good version of that I posted at one point...but that one's f***ing so bad, looking it makes it unfunny.

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DENVER—Saying that he wasn’t going to take any s*** tonight and that the debate podiums “looked just as ****ing lame as all the dressed-up suits in this godforsaken hellhole of a room,” Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney appeared tonight at the University of Denver’s Magness Arena as Ronnie Ferocious, the aggressive, no-rules punk-rock persona he has reportedly adopted for his three debates against President Barack Obama.


Wearing a sleeveless cutoff suit jacket, tight leather pants, and a blue tie knotted around his head of spiky, red-white-and-blue-streaked hair, Romney swaggered on stage, took his position beside Obama, and ordered debate moderator Jim Lehrer to “****ing do this already.”


“You know what? I’ll ask the first question,” the former Massachusetts governor said before putting out his cigarette on his forearm and flicking the butt at Lehrer. “What kind of little s*** show do we have here this evening, folks? That’s my question. Because from where I’m standing, seems like a big ol’ s*** show. And Lehrer, shut your fat mouth when Ronnie Ferocious is talking, or I’ll pound your goddamn face in.”


“As for you, Mr. President, you can wipe that smug grin off your face or I can do it for you,” he added before sticking out his diamond-pierced tongue and wagging it at everyone in the auditorium. “I don’t need any of that ‘Forward’ s*** from you tonight.”


After he signaled sound technicians to cut the Dead Kennedys' track blasting from the speakers and kissed his large bald eagle tattoo, Romney proceeded to offer his opening remarks on domestic policy, a low 45-second moan that turned into a high-pitched howl, which political analysts speculate may have been about health care, discretionary spending and entitlements, gay marriage, the Dream Act, or some kind of food or taxes.


When asked by Lehrer to elaborate on his response, Romney dropped his head in silence for five seconds before taking a swig of bourbon, kicking over his podium, and marching up to the moderator’s table.


“Where the hell do you get off, huh?” Romney asked Lehrer before tossing his empty flask on the table and head-butting the journalist in the forehead. “You wanna ask Ronnie a question? Do you?”


“Here’s what I think about raising taxes on the nation’s top 2 percent of earners,” he said before grabbing his crotch and performing a jerk-off motion with his hand. “Suck on that.”


While very few were aware Romney would adopt an alter ego for the debates, sources confirmed that loud music was heard blaring from the candidate’s dressing room two hours before he was scheduled to take the stage. At approximately 7:30 p.m., three blond women dressed in short miniskirts and red leather tube tops entered the room carrying multiple bottles of Jack Daniel’s.


At one point, Ferocious was observed throwing a chair through the dressing room mirror.


“You can all go to hell,” a visibly intoxicated Romney told the debate audience. “Straight to bloody hell, especially if you reelect President Obama, who would give us nothing more than four more years of a stagnant economy, constant apologies for American values at home and abroad, and a fiscally irresponsible approach to bringing down our national debt.”


Romney then began barking like a dog right in President Obama’s face.


According to Romney’s staff, Ronnie Ferocious is a tough-love candidate who accurately represents the Republican nominee’s hardcore stance on both improving the economy and fighting for middle-class Americans.


“I would say Ronnie is a cross between Sid Vicious and Ronald Reagan,” Romney adviser Jim Talent said of the Ferocious persona, which Romney conceived of several days ago when, during a bus ride through Nevada, he began painting his fingernails with black nail polish. “He has a pro-business, pro-growth agenda, but a nihilistic, apathetic disdain for big-government excess and poor job-growth initiatives.”


“And most important, deep down under his hardened punk-rock exterior, and through the haze of alcohol and cigarette smoke, Ronnie has a really sweet soul and a huge heart,” he added.


Over Twitter, debate watchers expressed measured approval of the brash new doppelgänger. While some felt his reckless energy and heavily tattooed appearance were too extreme for a political leader, others admired his bold initiative, particularly when he slammed a glass tumbler on the podium and told the audience he would “drink anything [they] put in this cup. Especially piss.”


“On the one hand, Ronnie Ferocious isn’t as composed as Obama,” undecided Colorado voter Brendan Thompson said after an early question in which Romney strutted to the back of the auditorium, leaned against the wall, and said, “I’ll stand wherever the **** I want to stand.” “But at the same time, I think he could be just what the country needs right now. Yeah, I guess I like Ronnie Ferocious.”


At press time, Romney called for a profusely bleeding Lehrer to either move forward with the debate or “man up and punch [him] in the balls.”

Edited by MexSoxFan#1
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another member of the house science committee had some brilliant things to say:


The office of U.S. Rep. Paul C. Broun (R., Ga.) wasn’t commenting Monday following the widespread dissemination late last week of the video in which Mr. Broun, a doctor, labeled evolution, embryology and the Big Bang theory “lies straight from the pit of hell.”


Mr. Broun’s spokeswoman, Meredith Griffanti, didn’t return calls for comment. Mr. Broun’s office was closed for Columbus Day and its voicemail box was full. The video of Mr. Broun’s remarks has been removed from the Liberty Baptist Church website and the church’s pastor, Michael Griffin Sr., didn’t return calls for comment. The remarks, however, are now widely available across the web, including on YouTube.


Mr. Broun, a conservative Republican who is running unopposed this November, sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology.


He made his remarks at a hunter’s banquet at the Liberty Baptist Church of Hartwell, Ga., on Sept. 27. The remarks were then posted on the church’s website. Mr. Broun’s district, which covers the northeast portion of the state, is heavily conservative and evangelical, though it includes the liberal city of Athens, home to the University of Georgia.


“All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and Big Bang theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of hell,” he said at the banquet. “And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who are taught that from understanding that they need a savior.”


Mr. Broun went on to say that he believed the earth was about 9,000 years old, an age rejected by most scientists as far too young. Scientists put the age of the earth at about 4.5 billion to 5 billion years.


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Mr. Broun went on to say that he believed the earth was about 9,000 years old, an age rejected by most scientists as far too young. Scientists put the age of the earth at about 4.5 billion to 5 billion years.



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This is why people should need to take a simple, basic, multiple choice exam before they're allowed to vote.


Without allowing the dumb to vote, we'd have no people like this in office. None. And no, I don't care if you disagree with me on being against "rights" to vote. I think voting should be treated as a privilege, not an inherent right people get just for being a citizen of a certain age regardless of how f***ing stupid they are. It should be something you care about enough that you can pass a basic quiz, which takes less than a minute to complete, which allows you to cast a vote.

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More stupid things, this time from Arkansas Representative Jon Hubbard:


“… the institution of slavery that the black race has long believed to be an abomination upon its people may actually have been a blessing in disguise. The blacks who could endure those conditions and circumstances would someday be rewarded with citizenship in the greatest nation ever established upon the face of the Earth.” (Pages 183-89)

African Americans must “understand that even while in the throes of slavery, their lives as Americans are likely much better than they ever would have enjoyed living in sub-Saharan Africa…Knowing what we know today about life on the African continent, would an existence spent in slavery have been any crueler than a life spent in sub-Saharan Africa?” (Pages 93 and 189)


Slavery and over a dozen decades of institutionalized racism weren't so bad!


Also, desegregation makes everyone else dumber thanks to blacks!


“… one of the stated purposes of school integration was to bring black students up to a level close to that of white students. But, to the great disappointment of everyone, the results of this theory worked exactly in reverse of its intended purpose, and instead of black students rising to the educational levels previously attained by white students, the white students dropped to the level of black students. To make matters worse the lack of discipline and ambition of black students soon became shared by their white classmates, and our educational system has been in a steady decline ever since.” (Page 27)



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And get elected to office, don't forget that part.


that doesn't mean he represents "today's Republican party," that the whole party is that racist, but it's just the extreme end of a party that believes, on average, that white people face just as much if not more problems from racism and discrimination.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Oct 9, 2012 -> 01:11 PM)
Or just one crazy guy who happens to put an R next to his name.

It's just more than one guy, Todd Akin, Michelle Bauchmann, Sarah Palin, these last two congressmen in this thread. Obviously there are extremists on both parties but the GOP sure has a knack of getting them elected, these anti-science throwbacks.

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CEO Of Westgate Resorts Threatens Workers With Unemployment If Obama Elected


What does threaten your job however, is another 4 years of the same Presidential administration. Of course, as your employer, I can’t tell you whom to vote for, and I certainly wouldn’t interfere with your right to vote for whomever you choose. In fact, I encourage you to vote for whomever you think will serve your interests the best.


Nice implied threat there! Do as your masters command, or you will suffer in poverty.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Oct 10, 2012 -> 09:24 AM)
CEO Of Westgate Resorts Threatens Workers With Unemployment If Obama Elected




Nice implied threat there! Do as your masters command, or you will suffer in poverty.


When was the last time you were at a meeting sponsored by a teachers union? I hear this every, single election.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Oct 10, 2012 -> 09:30 AM)
When was the last time you were at a meeting sponsored by a teachers union? I hear this every, single election.


There's a bit of a difference in the power that the union holds and what the CEO/owner of a company holds. Teachers unions don't actually have the power to shut down the school and fire you because they don't like some political outcome.


edit: more bluntly, unions imploring their workers to vote what is (in their view) the workers' own economic interests is different from a CEO throwing a temper tantrum and telling his employees they'll be fired if Obama is elected. Not that I think this giant baby of a CEO would actually follow through on this; it seems like a version of "I'm moving to Canada!"

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