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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 05:02 PM)
According to the liberals I didnt build anything. That money I make? Its not my money, its our money. And it doesnt get to be "ours" until its filtered through a pile of private sector washouts.

I'm still waiting for photos of the highway you built with your own 2 hands.

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Go move to one of those military-like communities in Montana and have sex with guns with the rest of those weirdos.

There's that good ole statist brainwashing. Nobody is allowed to be sick and tired of this farce where we get controlled and taxed and generally raped by a government who's essentially criminalized existence with such a staggering amount of laws to follow, regulations to adhere to and permits to apply for that you're basically born with original sin in the eyes of your government. Were all criminals, we all break tons of laws every day, and they know it. The government doesn't try and track down criminals, they just try to uncover whatever draconian, mundane, retarded law we've been breaking then extort us over it. Its just control. Don't buy our healthcare? Here's your penalty for being a human being and making a decision. Have 3 beers and drive? Thanks for the $20,000, oh and if some idiot hits your cold sober ass you get to go to jail too! Do a f***ing drug? (I don't even like drugs to be honest) Get ready for the fury of god to hit you.


But you're trained that this all to help you. Its not to regulate your behavior and make you an optimal little worker bee, its for your protection. And anyone who doesn't want to live in a police state is probably just some loony gun but from the mountains. And you do not want to disappoint your masters by being one of them so you keep on being a good little slave.



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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 05:31 PM)
Quit trying to pin me as an anarchist. Its beneath the level you're capable of arguing at.

I'm using your exact words.

And, I think I've made this clear before but I'll reiterate, if your paycheck is directly a result of taxpayer dollars and youre not part of a legitimate arm of the government (military, police, judge, fireman) you aren't really a person... you're just the enemy.

Your paycheck would not exist without actions of the government you just deemed illegitimate. You use roads that you did not build. They were built by collective action that you deem illegitimate.


You are willing to go so far as to declare people "the enemy" just because you don't like the kind of job they do but you are totally unwilling to point that mirror of hatred at yourself. You build walls to protect yourself while labeling the people your life relies on as sub-human.


It's disgusting.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 05:49 PM)
The interstate highways were a defense project, I think defense falls under military. If I wasn't clear enough on that my bad.



And I'm sure those flowers you told us about hauling did a damn fine job of defending the U.S. and it's national security interests.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 06:00 PM)
Though I wouldn't put it past the government to restrict our access to them it makes very little sense to have them just sitting there unused until the military needs them.

And I'm sure you support a strong, federally funded school system and higher education system as well, right? Because after all, the defense department relies on an educated population to develop new weapons systems, find resources, and operate its equipment.


And strong environmental protection as well, since you can't have soldiers getting sick when they get home. They need clean air as much as anyone. And strong action on climate change since that is already a hugely destabilizing influence on nation-states. Environmental protection is just as connected as most of the federal highways today are to defense spending based on the standard you just put out there..



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And I'm sure you support a strong, federally funded school system and higher education system as well, right? Because after all, the defense department relies on an educated population to develop new weapons systems, find resources, and operate its equipment.


And strong environmental protection as well, since you can't have soldiers getting sick when they get home. They need clean air as much as anyone. And strong action on climate change since that is already a hugely destabilizing influence on nation-states. Environmental protection is just as connected as most of the federal highways today are to defense spending based on the standard you just put out there..

Except the IHS was designed and implemented as a defense program. The Supreme Allied Commander oversaw its construction! He got the idea in war, he literally said this would be for the defense of the USA. Stated goals and s*** dog.


That's a whole different story than cowardly adhering to my definition of what government should do (mainly because there's no real way to defend anything else they're up to) and then trying to improvise ways all your pet issues help defense. B-b-but the soldiers want free stuff and I want free stuff! Gubmint, oh lord and savior Gubmint, give us some more free stuff because itll make us safer.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 06:45 PM)
Except the IHS was designed and implemented as a defense program. The Supreme Allied Commander oversaw its construction! He got the idea in war, he literally said this would be for the defense of the USA. Stated goals and s*** dog.


That's a whole different story than cowardly adhering to my definition of what government should do (mainly because there's no real way to defend anything else they're up to) and then trying to improvise ways all your pet issues help defense. B-b-but the soldiers want free stuff and I want free stuff! Gubmint, oh lord and savior Gubmint, give us some more free stuff because itll make us safer.

And now it's barely used for that. When new roads are built, they're not conceived for defense purposes. Literally no one thinks "Hey we need to rebuild this road because the army might need it" or "we need a new highway here to allow for troop movement in the event of a soviet invasion".


It's an insane stretch, but hey it lets you sleep at night and hate the right people without feeling guilty, so go with it I guess. Maybe the next time you look down at those miles of concrete and aggregate, you'll realize that today, you hate everyone driving on that including yourself and think they're all scum.

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I guess we shouldn't get rid of the interstates, as we need them there in case we are attacked.


...what is the most efficient way to keep them up?


I've got it! We won't let heavy trucks on them. After all, one loaded semi damages the road nearly 10,000 times more than a car. We will only allow them to be on there if they accept a tax burden 10,000 higher than me for their gas and registration.

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I laughed out loud at that article.


Local bureaucrat: "7.8 million? Thats like one smaller sized contracting favor. How am I supposed to get all my nephews jobs holding the "Slow" sign with $7.8m?"


But you liberals got the answer, tax em more.


Yea, that'll do it! Levy 10,000% taxes on something that is literally in every product you have ever bought and everything you physically own. It protects the precious roads so your rolling deathtraps held together by duct tape and one working brake you get irresponsibly wasted on will have a slightly easier time.


You want this plush life of yours where youre comfortable enough to give a s*** about starving Africans or run around with some pretentious "Save the Planet" petition? Thank the trucking industry.


And yea, the point of the IHS being a defense project is that it wasnt set out to be some pork laden work project and contracting sweepstakes. The people in charge of it where discplined, smart, and resourceful which is a far f***ing cry from the idiotic, wasteful, spoiled, lazy, entitled ingrates who make up the unnecessary side of the public sector now.


"But they maintain the roads, Duke!", no they dont. They go to the capitol begging the legislature there to increase their budget then use that money (after giving themselves big fat raises of course) on private contractors to do the actual work. Its a sham, theyre like big crooked brokers leeching taxpayer dollars without doing jack s***.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 04:02 PM)
According to the liberals I didnt build anything. That money I make? Its not my money, its our money. And it doesnt get to be "ours" until its filtered through a pile of private sector washouts.


I just want to live one day in pre-Reagan America. Just a day, see what it was like. Ive seen nanny state, big government, "FOR YOUR PROTECTION AND UH.. ERR.. BENEFIT? LOL" America and it bores the s*** out of me. Give me the place where even the most mundane expansion of the state was leading us on the path of our bitter rival. Get rid of all these bulls*** government employees I pay for and just see what happens because this going-on 6 year recession isnt being cured and, worse yet, I cant have any f***in fun.


You want to live in Jimmy Carter America? Or Nixon America? Or LBJ America, with its Civil Rights Act and the Great Society? Or did you mean WWII-era America, when the entire country was more or less unified towards one goal?


edit: by the way, we're at the lowest number of federal employees since 1966. So on a raw-numbers basis, we've got less government than the previous several decades, and a per-capita basis, we've got drastically less.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 05:45 PM)
Except the IHS was designed and implemented as a defense program. The Supreme Allied Commander oversaw its construction! He got the idea in war, he literally said this would be for the defense of the USA. Stated goals and s*** dog.


That's a whole different story than cowardly adhering to my definition of what government should do (mainly because there's no real way to defend anything else they're up to) and then trying to improvise ways all your pet issues help defense. B-b-but the soldiers want free stuff and I want free stuff! Gubmint, oh lord and savior Gubmint, give us some more free stuff because itll make us safer.

I'm not sure if you're aware of this or not, but there has been quite a bit of expansion of our interstate system since the 1950's.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 08:41 PM)
I laughed out loud at that article.


Local bureaucrat: "7.8 million? Thats like one smaller sized contracting favor. How am I supposed to get all my nephews jobs holding the "Slow" sign with $7.8m?"


But you liberals got the answer, tax em more.


Yea, that'll do it! Levy 10,000% taxes on something that is literally in every product you have ever bought and everything you physically own. It protects the precious roads so your rolling deathtraps held together by duct tape and one working brake you get irresponsibly wasted on will have a slightly easier time.


You want this plush life of yours where youre comfortable enough to give a s*** about starving Africans or run around with some pretentious "Save the Planet" petition? Thank the trucking industry.


And yea, the point of the IHS being a defense project is that it wasnt set out to be some pork laden work project and contracting sweepstakes. The people in charge of it where discplined, smart, and resourceful which is a far f***ing cry from the idiotic, wasteful, spoiled, lazy, entitled ingrates who make up the unnecessary side of the public sector now.


"But they maintain the roads, Duke!", no they dont. They go to the capitol begging the legislature there to increase their budget then use that money (after giving themselves big fat raises of course) on private contractors to do the actual work. Its a sham, theyre like big crooked brokers leeching taxpayer dollars without doing jack s***.




Son, we live in a world that has trucks, and those trucks have to be driven by men with guns. Who's gonna do it? You? You, Lt. Weinburg? I have a greater responsibility than you could possibly fathom. You weep for Santiago, and you curse the truck drivers. You have that luxury. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. That Santiago's death, while tragic, probably saved lives. And my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that road, you need me on that road. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent delivering something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it. I would rather you just said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up the keys, and drive a load. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to.
Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 10, 2013 -> 08:41 PM)
I laughed out loud at that article.


Local bureaucrat: "7.8 million? Thats like one smaller sized contracting favor. How am I supposed to get all my nephews jobs holding the "Slow" sign with $7.8m?"


But you liberals got the answer, tax em more.


Yea, that'll do it! Levy 10,000% taxes on something that is literally in every product you have ever bought and everything you physically own. It protects the precious roads so your rolling deathtraps held together by duct tape and one working brake you get irresponsibly wasted on will have a slightly easier time.


You want this plush life of yours where youre comfortable enough to give a s*** about starving Africans or run around with some pretentious "Save the Planet" petition? Thank the trucking industry.


And yea, the point of the IHS being a defense project is that it wasnt set out to be some pork laden work project and contracting sweepstakes. The people in charge of it where discplined, smart, and resourceful which is a far f***ing cry from the idiotic, wasteful, spoiled, lazy, entitled ingrates who make up the unnecessary side of the public sector now.


"But they maintain the roads, Duke!", no they dont. They go to the capitol begging the legislature there to increase their budget then use that money (after giving themselves big fat raises of course) on private contractors to do the actual work. Its a sham, theyre like big crooked brokers leeching taxpayer dollars without doing jack s***.


So what you're saying is that with an essential service like trucking, we should all pitch in to make sure it happens without burdening that industry with too many expenses. This is what governance is all about. There are things that are dearly important and we are all willing to pay a little bit to make sure they don't pay so much that the activity is no longer economically feasible. Since the government owns the roads, it serves the democratic function of allowing people to move around without too much expense as well - not as cheaply as high speed rail, for instance, but still cheaply and independently.


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Except the government's attitude towards the trucking industry has been adversarial at best. Now if I wanted to direct a play or study sheep migration theyd hurl money at me, but these essential services you imagine the federal government providing are non-existant. They f*** over drivers, they f*** over carriers, they f*** over shippers... they may have taken 40 years to build a whole bunch of limited access roads but their current attitude towards the industry is destructive.


Also, though it was initially a federal defense project the highways are all but entitely maintained by states, which makes it only slightly better since its pretty easy to flee a state trying to choke every cent of you (hi, Illinois).

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You want to live in Jimmy Carter America? Or Nixon America? Or LBJ America, with its Civil Rights Act and the Great Society? Or did you mean WWII-era America, when the entire country was more or less unified towards one goal?


edit: by the way, we're at the lowest number of federal employees since 1966. So on a raw-numbers basis, we've got less government than the previous several decades, and a per-capita basis, we've got drastically less.

Well the military shrank durastically for a littany of reasons and thankfully technology probably eliminated the need for dudes who just have to count stuff for 12 hours, but I'm more alluding to the scope of government which has done nothing but rocket upwards in my lifetime.


Anything pre-Reagan is fine by me for my one day amusenent trip to a free country.

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Its a cornball speech but I adore that piece of dialouge from that movie. A lot of people have not the slightest idea what makes this country run, they just migrate from apartment to cubicle and get so fat and sensitive in that sterile enviroment theyd be incapable of existing in a world were "how you feel about that" is irrelevant.


Im not proud of driving truck any further than being proud of myself for making a middle class wage at my age (which is kinda rare) doing something I love. I could care less about the load of organic soy milk going to Whole Foods and the people who depend on it. It is nice to remind them that my industry isnt just expendable when they start whining about drivers going too slow.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 11, 2013 -> 08:17 AM)
Its a cornball speech but I adore that piece of dialouge from that movie. A lot of people have not the slightest idea what makes this country run, they just migrate from apartment to cubicle and get so fat and sensitive in that sterile enviroment theyd be incapable of existing in a world were "how you feel about that" is irrelevant.


Im not proud of driving truck any further than being proud of myself for making a middle class wage at my age (which is kinda rare) doing something I love. I could care less about the load of organic soy milk going to Whole Foods and the people who depend on it. It is nice to remind them that my industry isnt just expendable when they start whining about drivers going too slow.

Again, I think people would respect your position a bit more if you'd have been doing it for more than say, 6 months...

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Nov 11, 2013 -> 11:12 PM)


Not sure I understand this:

Is this a percent of the total population of low income students at or under poverty line enrolled in public schools v. private?


Or is this a percentage of the total public school population that has low income students.

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