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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 28, 2015 -> 09:45 PM)
Before Obama, there was only Carter and then Clinton.


12 years of Dems, 28 years of GOP presidents....Nixon/Ford, Reagan, Bush, GW Bush.


So even with demographics seemingly in favor of the Dems, there's no overconfidence because of issues like Citizens United and the continued deterioration of labor groups/influence.


Not to mention the fact that Asians are going to be an even faster growing demo than Hispanics until 2065, and it's way too early to assume the GOP will continue to piss off/offend both and force the majority to the Dem side.


A young candidate like Rubio with charisma can carve off a lot of votes if he can only manage to articulate moderate or reasonable policies which appeal to both sides from the middle. Triangulation in Clinton vernacular. Can he get there from the right/Tea Party side without offending those same groups that put him in office, only time will tell.


I still can't imagine Sanders being electable, Trump...no way, so that leaves Rubio, Kasich and Christie. Kasich has the most experience, but he might have a little too much of that Carson soft-spoken/understated thing going. He's almost too reasonable. Would like to see more fire out of him but playing it close to the vest and watchingthe field implode around him has its merits as well.


But Caulfield, does any candidate excite you and make you all happy about the future? I'm a bit scared of Trump, but I tell you the economy is in such a shambles and almost everybody agrees there's no hope for ever having a boon again, I almost would be willing to let Trump try as a last resort. There's no $$$ in America; no prosperity right now, just exorbitant costs of everything with a serious illness threatening to wipe each one of us (except the totally wealthy) out. For some reasons corporations current goals are to pay one person -- the CEO -- about 40 million a year and pay everybody else pennies. What a weird country/world.

Edited by greg775
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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 28, 2015 -> 05:35 PM)
But Caulfield, does any candidate excite you and make you all happy about the future? I'm a bit scared of Trump, but I tell you the economy is in such a shambles and almost everybody agrees there's no hope for ever having a boon again, I almost would be willing to let Trump try as a last resort. There's no $$$ in America; no prosperity right now, just exorbitant costs of everything with a serious illness threatening to wipe each one of us (except the totally wealthy) out. For some reasons corporations current goals are to pay one person -- the CEO -- about 40 million a year and pay everybody else pennies. What a weird country/world.

Have you see his tax plan? Tax cuts for the poor, also tax cuts (big ones) for the wealthy. And his promised plan for how to cover the costs doesn't even come close to actually covering it, so really what he is suggesting is just "tax cuts for everyone!" without doing anything to cut spending or add revenue, so he just wants to run up giant deficits.


That's not even touching on the fact that he spent all this time saying "hedge fund managers will hate me", then handed them a giant tax cut.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 29, 2015 -> 12:52 PM)
Have you see his tax plan? Tax cuts for the poor, also tax cuts (big ones) for the wealthy. And his promised plan for how to cover the costs doesn't even come close to actually covering it, so really what he is suggesting is just "tax cuts for everyone!" without doing anything to cut spending or add revenue, so he just wants to run up giant deficits.


That's not even touching on the fact that he spent all this time saying "hedge fund managers will hate me", then handed them a giant tax cut.

I'm not a Trump fanatic but I can say he and the Surgeon are the only 2 who excite me at all.

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I would like to see Democrats counter the talking point that Republicans have used for several years about the federal budget. They go crazy about budget deficits, etc. and how it should be treated like a household budget. But if the budget being balanced was really your top priority, you would never decrease your income. The truth is that most of both parties are comfortable running a deficit, but they disagree over what makes a deficit productive. Democrats feel that government spending is morally important and stimulates the economy in such a way that leads to longterm solvency since more people will earn a living and pay taxes. Republicans feel that lowering the tax burden will stimulate the economy and ultimately lead to more people making more money who will make up for the lower rates.


What's really going on is the Republicans both want to cut taxes out of some economic concern—and, to be sure, to please donors and be consistent with their worship of successful businesspeople—but also want to cut spending because they have moral or other disagreements with what the spending is for. Regardless of the purposes, though, you can't with a straight face say that you care about the budget being balanced while you decrease your income. Any business owner would know that too, since they like to compare it to real world budgets; you would never cut your business's earnings on purpose, but you might increase spending (investment) even if it cost you debt.


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Guys I don't make up this stuff. Go ahead and blame the messenger, this investigative reporter obviously made all this stuff up. I like the last quote: A person with Hillary's temperament should not even be hired by a McDonalds much less the presidency. She is evil, but go ahead and blame the messenger.



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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 12:29 AM)
Guys I don't make up this stuff. Go ahead and blame the messenger, this investigative reporter obviously made all this stuff up. I like the last quote: A person with Hillary's temperament should not even be hired by a McDonalds much less the presidency. She is evil, but go ahead and blame the messenger.



Seriously, go to the d*** Republican thread. That's why we have it. You want to rip Democrats, there's a thread for it. You can spout off all the NY Post rumors and tell us the virtues of mass deportation all you want.

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Saying someone is evil is a little over the top.


You can take pretty much every politician apart other than Jimmy Carter, and he was arguably one of the five worst presidents of all-time. Taking a quote from a Secret Secret agent (probably with an axe to grind, maybe he was relieved from her detail or caught up in one of the numerous scandals over the past couple of decades?) isn't going to convince anyone to compare her with Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.


It's not a popularity contest. For every good trait of Bill Clinton as a politician or intellectually, there are just as many "evil/manipulative/lawyerly" ones that always worked to his detriment and will forever stain his two terms in office.


Let's face it, the same characteristics in men...women always get described as "b----es."

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 12:59 PM)
Seriously, go to the d*** Republican thread. That's why we have it. You want to rip Democrats, there's a thread for it. You can spout off all the NY Post rumors and tell us the virtues of mass deportation all you want.

I didn't know specific comments about Hillary should be in the Republican thread. That confuses me. She's Democrat.


QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 02:17 PM)
Saying someone is evil is a little over the top.


You can take pretty much every politician apart other than Jimmy Carter, and he was arguably one of the five worst presidents of all-time. Taking a quote from a Secret Secret agent (probably with an axe to grind, maybe he was relieved from her detail or caught up in one of the numerous scandals over the past couple of decades?) isn't going to convince anyone to compare her with Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Hitler and Joseph Goebbels.


It's not a popularity contest. For every good trait of Bill Clinton as a politician or intellectually, there are just as many "evil/manipulative/lawyerly" ones that always worked to his detriment and will forever stain his two terms in office.


Let's face it, the same characteristics in men...women always get described as "b----es."

How come nobody ever believes articles where people say Hillary is one lousy person? Evil is the wrong word but excessively rude? Amazingly rude? Disrespectful? You rarely hear about people being this nasty who are serving the public.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 03:06 PM)
I didn't know specific comments about Hillary should be in the Republican thread. That confuses me. She's Democrat.



How come nobody ever believes articles where people say Hillary is one lousy person? Evil is the wrong word but excessively rude? Amazingly rude? Disrespectful? You rarely hear about people being this nasty who are serving the public.

1. Because you're not interested in actually discussing anything about Democrats, you're interested in insulting one of them. You're the guy who won't stop talking about the Cubs in every single White Sox game thread.


2. This week, one of the senior Republicans in the House admitted publicly that the goal of holding so many hearings on Benghazi was not to actually improve security or to discover what happened during the attack, it's to hurt Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. They literally tell you that the point of this for the Republicans is to make Hillary Clinton look bad, and you wonder why no one believes that a bunch of Republicans writing bad things about Hillary Clinton isn't clear evidence that Hillary is terrible.


Maybe you should try the Republican thread with that waste, because Republicans saying terrible things about Hillary Clinton seems more likely to be treated as the word of god over there. If you want it questioned and called BS, then feel free to continue posting BS waste of space stupid dumb foolish waste of time New York Post Rupert Murdoch Fox News co articles in here. Because that's what you're posting. But don't be surprised when it gets called a waste of time and an embarrassment to the person posting it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 3, 2015 -> 08:17 PM)
1. Because you're not interested in actually discussing anything about Democrats, you're interested in insulting one of them. You're the guy who won't stop talking about the Cubs in every single White Sox game thread.


2. This week, one of the senior Republicans in the House admitted publicly that the goal of holding so many hearings on Benghazi was not to actually improve security or to discover what happened during the attack, it's to hurt Hillary Clinton's poll numbers. They literally tell you that the point of this for the Republicans is to make Hillary Clinton look bad, and you wonder why no one believes that a bunch of Republicans writing bad things about Hillary Clinton isn't clear evidence that Hillary is terrible.


Maybe you should try the Republican thread with that waste, because Republicans saying terrible things about Hillary Clinton seems more likely to be treated as the word of god over there. If you want it questioned and called BS, then feel free to continue posting BS waste of space stupid dumb foolish waste of time New York Post Rupert Murdoch Fox News co articles in here. Because that's what you're posting. But don't be surprised when it gets called a waste of time and an embarrassment to the person posting it.


You usually know me pretty well. But mentioning the Cubs a lot? I don't know where you got that one. I think I've said a few times we're really going to be f***ed if the Cubs win it all. The Sox will be totally irrelevant. But other than that ... WTF? As far as being a Republican, I told u all I voted for Obama in the last election, so obviously I'm not a freak Republican. I also blasted the Republican moron governor of Kansas. s***, I see a timely article on Hillary and I post it. The guy tore her a new one, saying she's one of the meanest, rudest people of all time and gave examples. It wasn't even an anonymous source but a real one. I have no axe to grind. Yes I despise her but it's not like I vote all Republican. I might even vote for Bernie, who knows?

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How John Kasich Rewrote Welfare Laws and Is Keeping Food Off Family Dinner Tables


In 2014, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) had the option to waive time limits on food stamps for the entire state. Due to a struggling economy and high unemployment, Ohio had qualified for and accepted this statewide waiver from the US Department of Agriculture every year since 2007, including during most of Kasich’s first term as governor. But this time, Kasich rejected the waiver for the next two years in most of the state’s 88 counties. His administration did accept them for 16 counties in 2014 and for 17 counties in 2015. Most of these were rural counties with small and predominantly white populations. Urban counties and cities, most of which had high minority populations, did not get waivers.


The decision would result in a drastic downsizing of food aid in the state, but the administration moved with surprising speed given the enormity of the impact. “It was really fast,” says Kate McGarvey, deputy director of the Legal Aid Society of Columbus. In August 2013, she says, the legal services community had heard that Ohio qualified for a statewide waiver, and was setting up meetings with the ODJFS to discuss how the state might proceed. “Within a week or two, we were told, ‘It’s going to be a partial waiver, it’s already been submitted, it’s done,'” McGarvey says. “No advocates that I know of were given a chance to give feedback on the wisdom of the partial waiver.”


The policy went into effect in October 2013. By January—the three-month mark where those without waivers began losing their food stamps if they couldn’t meet the work requirement—it had become clear that the policy had spawned a stark racial disparity in food aid. Across the 16 counties the state had selected for waivers, about 94 percent of food stamp recipients were white. Overall in Ohio in December 2013—immediately before the new policy’s effects began to surface—food stamp recipients were 65 percent white.


By March 2014, six months into the new system, the six counties with the highest rate of terminating food stamps for able-bodied, childless adults were all counties populated mostly by minorities.

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I saw Sicario this weekend.


Even though I think the movie aimed to make a point about our meddling and moral ambiguity...


I get very uncomfortable with how hollywood continues to portray torture scenes as something badass men who need to do get something done...do.


But I support Emily Blunt as an action star so go see it.

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Graham opposed Sandy aid but wants help in South Carolina


Washington (CNN)Sen. Lindsey Graham is asking for federal aid for his home state of South Carolina as it battles raging floods, but he voted to oppose similar help for New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy in 2013.


"Let's just get through this thing, and whatever it costs, it costs," Graham told CNN's Wolf Blitzer on "The Situation Room" on Monday of the devastating floods in his home state.


Graham was among the Republican senators who opposed a federal aid package in January 2013 to assist states hit by Hurricane Sandy, but now he doesn't remember why.


"I'm all for helping the people in New Jersey. I don't really remember me voting that way," Graham said.

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"I don't recall that." "I don't remember doing that." "I must have had a reason to do that."


Politicians are good at blowing stuff off. What a joke this guy is for screwing Jersey people and wanting his home state saved.

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Carson: I've Had A Gun Held On Me And I Told The Guy To Attack Someone Else (AUDIO)


Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson said Wednesday that when he had a gun pointed at him, he told the attacker to approach someone else, as The Hill flagged.


Carson had said, following the shooting at an Oregon community college, that he would've stormed the gunman and that he had never seen a bullet-hole ravaged body more "devastating" than the thought of taking gun rights away.


Carson shared a personal anecdote on Sirius XM Radio on Wednesday.


“I have had a gun held on me when I was in a Popeye’s,” Carson said, reportedly referring to a Baltimore location of the fast food chain.


“Guy comes in, puts the gun in my ribs,” he added. “And I just said, ‘I believe that you want the guy behind the counter.’”


"He said, 'Oh, OK.'"

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