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The Democrat Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Steff @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 11:30 AM)
I bet (hope) they will rescue a mix.


From Time's Mark Halperin:


Says they're looking at two criteria when picking their new puppy: If it's hypoallergenic because Malia is allergic and if it's a shelter dog, or "mut" -- quickly adding, "like me."
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 02:32 PM)
From Time's Mark Halperin:


"Hi, Humane Society? This is President Elect Obama. We're looking for a new puppy. It has to be hypoallergenic and it needs to be a rescue. Let me know if there are any shelters or rescue societies out there with matches."


They'll be beating his door down to give him a puppy. It might be more of a PITA for a regular family to find a certain type of dog at a shelter, but I don't see them having much of a problem. I'd be really disappointed if it isn't a rescue.

Edited by StrangeSox
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Dated July 26, 2008:




July 26, 2008


Advocates will rally for Puppy Mill legislation on Capitol steps



Arlington, Va. -- President and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States Wayne Pacelle verified that Barack Obama will adopt a dog. He made the announcement during his dinner speech at the 4th Annual Taking Action for Animals (TAFA) conference.


The presidential hopeful announced on-air during a television interview that he promised his daughters he would get them a dog. Since that time animal welfare groups throughout the country have been forwarding petitions requesting that Obama "adopt" a dog for his children.


Author Jana Kohl, Psy.D. started a nationwide trip six weeks ago in Los Angeles to promote her new book, "A Rare Breed of Love: The True Story of Baby and the Mission She Inspired to Help Dogs Everywhere." Speaking at the conference she told the tale of her adopted dog Baby, a three-legged Puppy Mill survivor.


She is making the road trip on a bus that is basically a four sided mobile billboard advocating against Puppy Mills. In addition to other sports and TV celebrities, the right side of the bus is adorned with a larger than life picture of Obama holding Baby with the Lincoln Memorial as a backdrop.


Kohl told people gathered for a book signing during the afternoon that Obama said he would "adopt" a dog, but Pacelle's announcement made it official.


She will conclude her cross country tour on Monday, July 21 on the Capitol steps. Many of the nearly 1,000 conference attendees are expected to join her in a rally to raise awareness about the abuses at Puppy Mills.

Edited by BigSqwert
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2008 -> 04:41 PM)
Compared to Europe we are center right, most Democrats would be considered conservative there.


But we just voted in the most liberal member of the senate into the White House. How can we possibly be center-right?

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This is already fascinating. Seems the Obama victory has already helped President Bush's negotiating teams in Iraq, because the Iraqis believe he might actually hold to any agreement they sign with the U.S., while they felt like another Republican would never do so.

Barack Obama may have been elected only three days ago, but his victory is already beginning to shift the political ground in Iraq and the region.


Iraqi Shiite politicians are indicating that they will move faster toward a new security agreement about American troops, and a Bush administration official said he believed that Iraqis could ratify the agreement as early as the middle of this month.


“Before, the Iraqis were thinking that if they sign the pact, there will be no respect for the schedule of troop withdrawal by Dec. 31, 2011,” said Hadi al-Ameri, a powerful member of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, a major Shiite party. “If Republicans were still there, there would be no respect for this timetable. This is a positive step to have the same theory about the timetable as Mr. Obama.”

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 09:20 PM)
But we just voted in the most liberal member of the senate into the White House. How can we possibly be center-right?


ANY democrat would have been voted into the White House after the last 8 years. We are for sure a center right country compared to the rest of the world. The one thing that worries me after this election though is the amount of control the democrats have. I think we're better off when the balance of power is just that, balanced relatively close to even between the two parties. And I would be saying this if the republicans had a major stranglehold on the balance of power as well.

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 7, 2008 -> 10:20 PM)
But we just voted in the most liberal member of the senate into the White House. How can we possibly be center-right?

Still, compared to Europe, he is conservative. Remember he is pro-death penalty and against gay marriage, for example. This is also something I read in either a German or French editorial (I really wish I could link these things I read to you guys but even if I could, they are in different languages).



QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 12:10 AM)
ANY democrat would have been voted into the White House after the last 8 years. We are for sure a center right country compared to the rest of the world. The one thing that worries me after this election though is the amount of control the democrats have. I think we're better off when the balance of power is just that, balanced relatively close to even between the two parties. And I would be saying this if the republicans had a major stranglehold on the balance of power as well.

Agreed on the last 2 points. I voted Republican for my representative not because I didn't like the Dem in office but because I wanted a balance of power. Of course my vote was purely symbolic though since I live in a dark blue district.

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Even when she tries to correct herself, she gets it wrong... again!

Sarah Palin is defending herself from the allegation that she thought Africa was a single country, and not a continent: "If there are allegations based on questions or comments I made in debate prep about NAFTA -- about the continent versus the country when we talk about Africa there -- then those were taken out of context."


Note: There is no such country that is simply called "Africa."

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I was at the club last night (Zanzibar if any of you have ever been to DC) and Obama was getting shoutouts every 5-10 minutes from the DJ, with some pretty loud cheers each time. Just like the time when I went to that Jay-Z/Mary J concert some months ago and Jay-Z put his picture up. They were selling Obama '08 baby tees and everything. The excitement is actually pretty hilarious.

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Of the last 30 Congresses, since 1945, Republicans have controlled the House for a grand total of seven Congresses. Seven out of 30. The 80th Congress, and the 104th-109th. In the Senate, the numbers are slightly better. Ten out of 30.


Then there's this from Gallup:

• Americans are pro-choice (67 percent)

• Americans support the Geneva Conventions with regards to torture (57 percent)

• Americans don't want the government snooping in their bank and internet records (67 percent)

• Americans want the USA Patriot Act changed or eliminated entirely (81 percent)

• Americans support protecting the environment at the expense of economic growth (55 percent)

• Americans believe that global warming is happening (86 percent)

• Americans believe that it's the government's responsibility to provide health care (69 percent)

• Americans support the decriminalization of marijuana (55 percent) and support the legalization of medical marijuana (78 percent)

• Americans are opposed to attacking Iran (68 percent, according to a CNN Poll)

• Americans support labor unions (60 percent)

• Americans want government funding of embryonic stem cell research (56 percent)

• Americans believe that free trade hurts American workers (65 percent)

• Americans believe rich people and corporations aren't paying enough taxes (66 and 71 percent respectively)

• And overall party affiliation? 54 percent of Americans are Democrats (with leaners) and 39 percent are Republicans (with leaners).

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 8, 2008 -> 08:29 PM)
Then there's this from Gallup:

• Americans are pro-choice (67 percent)

• Americans support the Geneva Conventions with regards to torture (57 percent)

• Americans don't want the government snooping in their bank and internet records (67 percent)

• Americans want the USA Patriot Act changed or eliminated entirely (81 percent)

• Americans support protecting the environment at the expense of economic growth (55 percent)

• Americans believe that global warming is happening (86 percent)

• Americans believe that it's the government's responsibility to provide health care (69 percent)

• Americans support the decriminalization of marijuana (55 percent) and support the legalization of medical marijuana (78 percent)

• Americans are opposed to attacking Iran (68 percent, according to a CNN Poll)

• Americans support labor unions (60 percent)

• Americans want government funding of embryonic stem cell research (56 percent)

• Americans believe that free trade hurts American workers (65 percent)

• Americans believe rich people and corporations aren't paying enough taxes (66 and 71 percent respectively)

• And overall party affiliation? 54 percent of Americans are Democrats (with leaners) and 39 percent are Republicans (with leaners).

I've argued for a long time that the majority (50%+) of Americans tend to lean more to the left than the GOP wants you to believe. We always hear this is a Center-Right country. I've thought most polls tend to show its the opposite. And these gallup polls backup my point.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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Again, the center-right thing has nothing do with whether we prefer Democrats to Republicans, it's where we are as a country on the actual political scale. Compared to a full-blown socialist country the Democrats are still "right-wing." Which is why I laugh to myself whenever someone calls the Democrats socialists, that word has lost so much of its meaning.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 02:10 PM)
Again, the center-right thing has nothing do with whether we prefer Democrats to Republicans, it's where we are as a country on the actual political scale. Compared to a full-blown socialist country the Democrats are still "right-wing." Which is why I laugh to myself whenever someone calls the Democrats socialists, that word has lost so much of its meaning.


Why do you have to make a comparison to socialist countries? If you compare us to North Korea we're extremely leftist.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 02:10 PM)
Again, the center-right thing has nothing do with whether we prefer Democrats to Republicans, it's where we are as a country on the actual political scale. Compared to a full-blown socialist country the Democrats are still "right-wing."


See, the GOP isnt using it in that frame. They say it as in "In America, we have the left (Democrats) and the right (Republicans) and America is a little to the right of center."


So, when they say America is right of center, they mean American's prefer the policies of the GOP over Democrats and the Gallup poll tends to show the opposite. Especially on the moral "hot button" issues.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 03:59 PM)
Why do you have to make a comparison to socialist countries? If you compare us to North Korea we're extremely leftist.

??? North Korea is communist/authoritarian, that's something altogether different actually. Socialist countries are like Germany and France.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Nov 9, 2008 -> 04:06 PM)
See, the GOP isnt using it in that frame. They say it as in "In America, we have the left (Democrats) and the right (Republicans) and America is a little to the right of center."


So, when they say America is right of center, they mean American's prefer the policies of the GOP over Democrats and the Gallup poll tends to show the opposite. Especially on the moral "hot button" issues.

Yeah, that's a fallacy. This IS a center-right country, but it doesn't mean we are somehow predisposed to being Republican.

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I'm Glad I Don't Have A Brain Yet, Because I Hate Elitism


POSTED BY: Gary Brunson, 5-Week-Old Fetus


Oct 25, 2008, 5:00 pm



If there's one thing I am sick and tired of listening to as I sit here growing clusters of nerve cells that will eventually form ears, it's the elites . And the worst elite of them all is this Washington insider, career politician, and writer of too many books Joseph R. Biden. Just listen to him talk! Every single time he appears on TV, it's "analysis of the issues" this and "informed opinion" that. Blah blah blah! Even I make more sense than this asshole, and I don't have a f***ing speech center yet!


Seriously, doesn't Mr. Biden and his kind know how sick of all their fancy "thinking" we are? I'd rather spend all day listening to the monotonous beating of my mother's heart than hear one more word from this jackass. After all, at least my mother's heart doesn't drone on about "the economic challenges facing our nation" all the damn time.


As a pre-born entity who has yet to develop any higher brain functions, I am uniquely in touch with what voters are looking for this election. They are looking for 3 things: heartfelt emotion, righteous rage, and good old-fashioned Joe Six-Pack-style values. … three things that an elitist like Joe Biden will simply never understand.


I'm sorry but that's the facts, elitists! And if you don't like it, as soon as I grow a digestive tract you can kiss my ass.

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