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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 06:59 AM)
"I cannot recall..."


Yup, I can see this coming a mile away.


I think we still have to hold them responsible, but are we holding them responsible for poor hiring and poorly instructing the campaign on what funds to accept and under what conditions, or are we holding them responsible for what they had direct knowledge of?


Plus, I'm just fascinated regarding the money aspect of campaigns and the daunting task of putting together an organization in all 50 states.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 09:52 AM)
It's a nice fat revenue stream because people break the law. They chose to make that payment.

If you ever go to DC and experience their red light camera system, good luck. That's a nice, fat, steady revenue stream for the district. But the traffic patterns in the city are probably the worst I've ever seen, and you can easily get stuck with a ticket when you didn't run a red light. The appeal process is so tedious you may as well just pay it.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 08:47 AM)
I think we still have to hold them responsible, but are we holding them responsible for poor hiring and poorly instructing the campaign on what funds to accept and under what conditions, or are we holding them responsible for what they had direct knowledge of?


Plus, I'm just fascinated regarding the money aspect of campaigns and the daunting task of putting together an organization in all 50 states.

In response to your quote which appears to be gone, there isnt a single person in the world who doesnt break some victimless crime every once in a while. Crimes like that shouldnt be enforced by cameras. Whats next, cameras in peoples houses to see if they cut the tags off their mattresses? Cameras to prevent people from jaywalking? Liberals inability to govern themselves and thirst for the government to control every aspect of their life baffles me. If they want shootings on the south side to stop maybe they need better cops not more cops. I hope I dont have to explain why Blowjobavich claiming he needs more money is so criminal it should piss off every Illinoisan. The man is so corrupt and irresponsible financially and now people are going to defend something like this?

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OK, check out this screen grab. With all the hoopla from certain leftist pundits of racism in every ad or speech, look at all the interesting choice of words here, to go along with Obama's new logo.

"The head throbs", "The American voter will get the shaft", "by not seizing the moment", "growing movement"


Also, just interesting how this columinst refers to "Bill & Hillary Clinton, geraldine ferrero and OTHER Republicans." I wonder when they switched parties?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 11, 2008 -> 09:20 PM)

OK, check out this screen grab. With all the hoopla from certain leftist pundits of racism in every ad or speech, look at all the interesting choice of words here, to go along with Obama's new logo.

"The head throbs", "The American voter will get the shaft", "by not seizing the moment", "growing movement"


Also, just interesting how this columinst refers to "Bill & Hillary Clinton, geraldine ferrero and OTHER Republicans." I wonder when they switched parties?

Is he the same guy that was on Morning Joe last week? Basically he was talking about veiled racism. Which is there, but he was stretching so far it was embarrassing and making me cringe.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 06:22 PM)
In response to your quote which appears to be gone, there isnt a single person in the world who doesnt break some victimless crime every once in a while. Crimes like that shouldnt be enforced by cameras. Whats next, cameras in peoples houses to see if they cut the tags off their mattresses? Cameras to prevent people from jaywalking? Liberals inability to govern themselves and thirst for the government to control every aspect of their life baffles me. If they want shootings on the south side to stop maybe they need better cops not more cops. I hope I dont have to explain why Blowjobavich claiming he needs more money is so criminal it should piss off every Illinoisan. The man is so corrupt and irresponsible financially and now people are going to defend something like this?


Liberals want the government to control every aspect? Let's review. The liberal is saying don't speed and there will be no fines to pay. The conservative is saying people will break the law and speed and will have to pay fines? Who can't control themselves?


The governor is corrupt, so don't enforce laws? Brilliant!

Drunk, are you telling me conservatives are against the enforcement of laws?


The end user can remove the tags from a mattress.


But you are correct in one thing, with a Governor like this Illinois can't defend anything.



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What Obama and McCain Have Said About Putin in the Past


This is going to be fun. Speechwars.com offers a search capability for Obama and McCain's major speeches. Plugging "Putin" into their system reveals that Barack Obama has named Putin once in a speech, back in May 2005.


In the last few years, we have seen some disturbing trends in Russia - the rapid deterioration of democracy and the rule of law; bizarre and troubling statements from President Putin about the fall of the Soviet Union; the abuses in Chechnya; and Russian meddling in the former Soviet Union from the Baltics to Ukraine to Georgia.


The Russians must understand that their actions on some of these issues are completely unacceptable.


McCain has named him three times. First, November 30, 2004 at the Oxford Union:



"Nowhere on the continent is this as important today as in Russia, where President Vladimir Putin rules as an autocrat. I have described as a ‘creeping coup†his efforts to use the Chechen war to roll back the democratic gains Russia won in the 1990s. In recent months Iâ€ve had to start calling this a ‘galloping coup.†Mr. Putin has moved to eliminate the popular election of Russiaâ€s 89 regional governors, and instead appoint them himself, and to eliminate independent members of parliament, so that Russians would vote not for specific candidates but rather for political parties – the candidates of which would be chosen by party heads, like Mr. Putin. His crackdowns on independent media continue, as does the repression of business executives who oppose the President. Mr. Putin is reasserting the Kremlinâ€s old-style central control. Russia continues to interfere in so-called ‘frozen conflicts†in portions of Georgia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan, and maintains troops deployed in two of these countries without their consent. Mr. Putin is pursuing autocracy at home and exporting autocracy abroad. And yet in the face of these outrages, both Europe and the United States have remained too acquiescent, preferring to deal with Mr. Putin as an equal. We have the power to hold Russia to a higher standard, both at home and in Europeâ€s backyard. A strong, unified message is necessary: reversing democracy in Russia will inevitably cause our relations with Russia to suffer, however much we value its cooperation in other areas.



February 3, 2006:


To its shame, the country with the most influence over Belarus continues to aid and abet this state of affairs. Russia provides cut-rate natural gas to Belarus through state owned Gazprom, at the same time that it uses its supplies as a weapon against democratic Ukraine. In January, Mr. Lukashenko and Mr. Putin met to sign various legal accords and champion their growing integration. Mr. Putin noted their "common wish for energetic progress in the union," and the Speaker of Russia's State Duma has said that parallel referendums on a union state constitution could take place later this year. It is quite unfortunate, though perhaps not unanticipated, that these two rulers so dedicated to autocracy would find common cause. Indeed, many of the anti-democratic practices that the West condemned in Belarus over the past several years have begun to surface in Russia.



May 4, 2006:


This is not to say that our interests and our values are always identical. Sometimes our interests and our values point us in different directions, and balancing these can be the most difficult task policymakers face. How hard should we push President Putin, for example, on his rollback of democracy? All of us seek a fully democratic Russia, but we also hope for a Russia that cooperates with us to confront Iran's nuclear ambitions.


Mind you, this doesn't search every comment by the candidate, just their major speeches. This means it doesn't include McCain's oft-repeated line that he looked into Putin's eyes and saw three letters: a "K," a "G," and a "B."


UPDATE: Obama has never mentioned "Ossetia" in a major speech; McCain has twice, including this at an April 2006 speech at the German Marshall Fund:


In the past few months alone, Russia has used its natural gas supplies to punish democratic Ukraine in the middle of winter, embargoed the import of wine from Moldova and Georgia, invited Hamas to Moscow, expressed public opposition to sanctioning Iran, and taken several steps to link North and South Ossetia.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 11:14 AM)
That article really draws some half-assed conclusions. What exactly is the author trying to say, because he never said it.

That is basically an interesting, two sentence factoid, that was fluffed into a feature length article.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 07:37 AM)
Is he the same guy that was on Morning Joe last week? Basically he was talking about veiled racism. Which is there, but he was stretching so far it was embarrassing and making me cringe.


I've seen him on TV with his claims that anyone not voting Obama is a racist. CNN has also had some segments saying that the only reason the election is close is because of racists not voting Obama. Which is crazy, considering how the split the country usually seems to be when two white guys are running. But I think a lot of people knew the MSM media was going to do this, so it's not really a surprise.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 05:15 PM)
I've seen him on TV with his claims that anyone not voting Obama is a racist. CNN has also had some segments saying that the only reason the election is close is because of racists not voting Obama. Which is crazy, considering how the split the country usually seems to be when two white guys are running. But I think a lot of people knew the MSM media was going to do this, so it's not really a surprise.



Talking heads. I would love to have news without the staggerringly stupid "analysis" that the media, particularly TV media, feels they have to provide.


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 06:15 PM)
I've seen him on TV with his claims that anyone not voting Obama is a racist. CNN has also had some segments saying that the only reason the election is close is because of racists not voting Obama. Which is crazy, considering how the split the country usually seems to be when two white guys are running. But I think a lot of people knew the MSM media was going to do this, so it's not really a surprise.

I really hate when people do that though. Because when somebody actually wants to talk about REAL racism, the claims that actually exist and need to be addressed honestly, they get shouted down because they're associated with these kinds of idiots.


He was talking something about the Paris Hilton ad that McCain made, and he was talking about how they had the Brandenburg Gate and Eiffel Tower at the beginning then he asks "why do they have to have those PHALLIC symbols at the beginning, how is that relevant?" Haha at that point i had to keep watching, it was like a train wreck, hard to look away. I dunno, was he saying Republicans are secretly jealous of Obama's cock? wtf?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 06:37 PM)
I really hate when people do that though. Because when somebody actually wants to talk about REAL racism, the claims that actually exist and need to be addressed honestly, they get shouted down because they're associated with these kinds of idiots.


He was talking something about the Paris Hilton ad that McCain made, and he was talking about how they had the Brandenburg Gate and Eiffel Tower at the beginning then he asks "why do they have to have those PHALLIC symbols at the beginning, how is that relevant?" Haha at that point i had to keep watching, it was like a train wreck, hard to look away. I dunno, was he saying Republicans are secretly jealous of Obama's cock? wtf?

No, he is saying that all white men secretly fear losing their white women to black men. Same argument they said in the Ford/Playboy mansion ad.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 08:27 PM)
No, he is saying that all white men secretly fear losing their white women to black men. Same argument they said in the Ford/Playboy mansion ad.

Oh phew, I thought I was the only one...

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 12, 2008 -> 09:17 AM)
Liberals want the government to control every aspect? Let's review. The liberal is saying don't speed and there will be no fines to pay. The conservative is saying people will break the law and speed and will have to pay fines? Who can't control themselves?


The governor is corrupt, so don't enforce laws? Brilliant!

Drunk, are you telling me conservatives are against the enforcement of laws?


The end user can remove the tags from a mattress.


But you are correct in one thing, with a Governor like this Illinois can't defend anything.



Youre twisting of everything Im saying may dazzle some on here but you can save it on me. You can continue to pick and choose your stances or harp on insignificant points in every topic but you havent added anything to this conversation. You keep saying "Well dont speed" and you ignore everything else said. How many times have I said its not about speeding and that Im not worried about it because I care about the actual ticket. Also, where did I say say its ok to break the law because I disagree with it. *cough* illegal immigration *cough*


This is also coming from someone who thought a woman who leased a car should be bailed out by the government because she couldnt afford it and you huffed at anyone asking for people to be held accountable for their own actions. PICK A STANCE ON SOMETHING


See if you can follow me if I put it very basic.


The camera system is flawed and their is absolute certainty there will be tons of conflicts with people getting tickets when they werent driving (parking tickets are a terrible analogy so save it, those are placed on the car at the time on the incident, not mailed to you later)


Since its obvious you have no idea what goes on in Illinois government, google Blagojevich corruption and see what comes up, this isnt a conspiracy theory I have, this guy is a criminal and I doubt anyone who lives in Illinois is going to claim Im out of line. The guys budgets are so messed up that this state is going to be in unfixable for years. The last thing this guy needs is more money. The guy is also up for a raise soon. Believe me, when you start talking about the injustice of having to put a seat belt on your shotgun when its in the front seat Im not gonna chime in because Im not from Texas. So you can continue to make light of the fact that corruption is a problem in Illinois, but it is a huge problem.


Also, Im not saying they shouldnt enforce the laws or that I even disagree with them. If they want to have cops running radar more aggressively than thats fine. I would say the same thing you would, well dont speed if you dont want a ticket.

Edited by DrunkBomber
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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 15, 2008 -> 12:44 PM)


looks like we're in for another close election. But it is still early.

Gallup is a VERY finicky poll. It's interesting, but that's about it. It was pointed out a while back by someone on MSNBC that typically Obama gets a "weekend bounce" that jumps him to a 5 point lead by midweek, then it declines as the weekend approaches.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Aug 13, 2008 -> 07:51 PM)
Youre twisting of everything Im saying may dazzle some on here but you can save it on me. You can continue to pick and choose your stances or harp on insignificant points in every topic but you havent added anything to this conversation. You keep saying "Well dont speed" and you ignore everything else said. How many times have I said its not about speeding and that Im not worried about it because I care about the actual ticket. Also, where did I say say its ok to break the law because I disagree with it. *cough* illegal immigration *cough*


This is also coming from someone who thought a woman who leased a car should be bailed out by the government because she couldnt afford it and you huffed at anyone asking for people to be held accountable for their own actions. PICK A STANCE ON SOMETHING


See if you can follow me if I put it very basic.


The camera system is flawed and their is absolute certainty there will be tons of conflicts with people getting tickets when they werent driving (parking tickets are a terrible analogy so save it, those are placed on the car at the time on the incident, not mailed to you later)


Since its obvious you have no idea what goes on in Illinois government, google Blagojevich corruption and see what comes up, this isnt a conspiracy theory I have, this guy is a criminal and I doubt anyone who lives in Illinois is going to claim Im out of line. The guys budgets are so messed up that this state is going to be in unfixable for years. The last thing this guy needs is more money. The guy is also up for a raise soon. Believe me, when you start talking about the injustice of having to put a seat belt on your shotgun when its in the front seat Im not gonna chime in because Im not from Texas. So you can continue to make light of the fact that corruption is a problem in Illinois, but it is a huge problem.


Also, Im not saying they shouldnt enforce the laws or that I even disagree with them. If they want to have cops running radar more aggressively than thats fine. I would say the same thing you would, well dont speed if you dont want a ticket.


Basic so I can understand :lolhitting

Speaking of dazzling, look what you have brought to this conversation.


The lady in California. My bottom line position was that con men get people to do things to take their money. I said the lady could have been a victim of a con. You mentioned this as why I should not support enforcement of speeding laws. When some widow is bilked out of her life savings by a con man, you say hey, the old lady had it coming, personal responsibility, I believe the government should bail her out. Again, why did you bring this up? Because in the car salesman case I don't think someone should be responsible, I should never think anyone should ever be held responsible in any other area? GMAFB


I said we need a guest worker program, tied to jobs, instead of rounding up millions of workers are crippling our agriculture industry. You twisted that into I shouldn't be in favor of any laws being enforced? Whoa, dazzling


I agree corruption is a huge problem in Illinois. Hell, for the sake of this discussion, I'll say it is the worst, most corrupt state in the Union with your Governor is the worst, most corrupt Governor ever to hold office in the history of mankind. Now tell me how that has anything to do with enforcing laws and paying fines?


And I understand you don't care about speeding, only if you get caught and receive a ticket. QFT:

How many times have I said its not about speeding and that Im not worried about it because I care about the actual ticket
That tells me a lot about your ethics and morals. You don't mind breaking the law, you just don't want to get caught and pay a fine in the worst, most corrupt state in the Union. And since you are so consistent in your life, this must mean you don't mind breaking other laws, as long as you don't get caught.


Parking tickets are a great analogy of the owner of the vehicle getting ticketed even though there is no proof they were in control of the vehicle at the time the ticket was written.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 02:50 PM)
I agree corruption is a huge problem in Illinois. Hell, for the sake of this discussion, I'll say it is the worst, most corrupt state in the Union with your Governor is the worst, most corrupt Governor ever to hold office in the history of mankind. Now tell me how that has anything to do with enforcing laws and paying fines?

I can answer that, to a point. Earlier he expressed his anger at Blago wanting to institute this policy and high fines just for the purpose of creating a special fund to finance a new police tactical unit under his control. With the most corrupt governor ever, we should be fearfull at giving him any more money, or police, to play with.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 03:12 PM)
I can answer that, to a point. Earlier he expressed his anger at Blago wanting to institute this policy and high fines just for the purpose of creating a special fund to finance a new police tactical unit under his control. With the most corrupt governor ever, we should be fearfull at giving him any more money, or police, to play with.

Now I get it. if the money is not being used for a valid purpose, speeders should not be fined. :wacko: I don't see where I ever said this special fund was a good idea. That seems like two different issues.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 16, 2008 -> 03:50 PM)
Basic so I can understand :lolhitting

Speaking of dazzling, look what you have brought to this conversation.


The lady in California. My bottom line position was that con men get people to do things to take their money. I said the lady could have been a victim of a con. You mentioned this as why I should not support enforcement of speeding laws. When some widow is bilked out of her life savings by a con man, you say hey, the old lady had it coming, personal responsibility, I believe the government should bail her out. Again, why did you bring this up? Because in the car salesman case I don't think someone should be responsible, I should never think anyone should ever be held responsible in any other area? GMAFB


I said we need a guest worker program, tied to jobs, instead of rounding up millions of workers are crippling our agriculture industry. You twisted that into I shouldn't be in favor of any laws being enforced? Whoa, dazzling


I agree corruption is a huge problem in Illinois. Hell, for the sake of this discussion, I'll say it is the worst, most corrupt state in the Union with your Governor is the worst, most corrupt Governor ever to hold office in the history of mankind. Now tell me how that has anything to do with enforcing laws and paying fines?


And I understand you don't care about speeding, only if you get caught and receive a ticket. QFT: That tells me a lot about your ethics and morals. You don't mind breaking the law, you just don't want to get caught and pay a fine in the worst, most corrupt state in the Union. And since you are so consistent in your life, this must mean you don't mind breaking other laws, as long as you don't get caught.


Parking tickets are a great analogy of the owner of the vehicle getting ticketed even though there is no proof they were in control of the vehicle at the time the ticket was written.

Before you question my morals why dont you read what I said. I have never said I go around speeding or that I go around breaking laws. Its irrelevant and you keep bringing it up because you have no argument. You have come nowhere near addressing anything Ive said of importance and keep harping on stuff that is insignificant because it is the only way you can respond without admitting you dont know what youre talking about. ITS NOT ABOUT BEING ABLE TO BREAK LAWS, IM NOT SAYING I BREAK LAWS, I DONT DISAGREE WITH SPEEDING LAWS, I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH MONEY FROM SPEEDING TICKETS GOING TO THE STATE.


Ready, here it comes so you can dance around it again. I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A CRIMINAL LIKE BLOWJOBAVICH USING A FLAWED SYSTEM TO TRY AND RAISE MONEY WHEN THERE IS NO DOUBT THE MONEY IS NEEDED FOR SHADY REASONS. Thats it. You wont acknowledge it because its a good point and I would actually like anyone reading this to tell me whats wrong with it.


Since youre such an expert in my life, FIND ME IN THIS WHOLE THREAD WHERE I SAID I GO AROUND SPEEDING, PLEASE FIND IT. IF YOURE GOING TO ATTACK MY MORALS AND USE THAT POINT AS A REASON AT LEAST SHOW ME WHERE ITS COMING FROM. Look how bad youre trying to twist my words around to make it look like Im saying things Im not. Im calling you out. Find where I said that because Im not going to have some guy who doesnt know me say I have no morals and use something that I never said as a reason. Every single time I state my point you go back to your third grade answers that have no relevance here.


"And since you are so consistent in your life, this must mean you don't mind breaking other laws, as long as you don't get caught. " SHow me where you drew this conclusion from. This is my problem with you. You want so bad to try and be right on things you fabricate stuff just so you can stay in every debate even if you have no idea what youre talking about. So since you dont agree with me you make things up and change my words.


I said the lady could have been a victim of a con. You mentioned this as why I should not support enforcement of speeding laws. - I'll say it is the worst, most corrupt state in the Union with your Governor is the worst, most corrupt Governor ever to hold office in the history of mankind. Hmm, the lady was a victim of a con by conmen, you call blago a criminal and he is trying to change a law allowing these cameras to happen to generate money for his budget. So both stories have "conmen/criminals" who had an agenda to make money. In both cases nobody forced the victims to do anything but only one has to be held accountable for their actions? Brilliant. Im not even going to ask you how to solve the problem of tickets being sent to people on accident or if they werent driving because, come on, theres no way you can come up with anything.


As far as ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION. I dont care what youre for, as of right now there are millions of them here ILLEGALLY. Now just because you think a better guest worker program should be in place should we let them slide? As of right now is what theyre doing illegal? Is it ok because youre for a guest worker program?


To give you another example of how pathetic your tactics to make me look like a criminal are : I said we need a guest worker program, tied to jobs, instead of rounding up millions of workers are crippling our agriculture industry. You twisted that into I shouldn't be in favor of any laws being enforced? "Im" twisting thing huh, look what you said there about yourself...then lets look at what you said about me : And I understand you don't care about speeding, only if you get caught and receive a ticket. QFT: That tells me a lot about your ethics and morals. You don't mind breaking the law, you just don't want to get caught and pay a fine in the worst, most corrupt state in the Union. And since you are so consistent in your life, this must mean you don't mind breaking other laws, as long as you don't get caught.


So me using your stance on immigration, which you reiterated brilliantly in your point, as an analogy is "twisting" your words and generalizing but you manage to start a statement with a lie, "And I understand you don't care about speeding, only if you get caught and receive a ticket." and you conclude your pathetic lie with this " And since you are so consistent in your life, this must mean you don't mind breaking other laws, as long as you don't get caught. "


If this is what you need to do to impress people on a message board than you can have it, its pathetic and I feel sorry for you. So unless you have a reason why Im wrong for questioning an illegal flawed ticketing system ordered by the "most corrupt governer in the union" save your bulls*** instead of making stuff up. I know you dont think I know anything because of my screen name and because I dont go to all the self help seminars like you but I can tell you that there havent been many issues Im passionate enough about to continue to argue them on here but when I do choose to chime in you simply dont have the tools to be in the arena which is apparent as shown by the reasons above.


For spite I will be saying I told you so to you when you get all huffy because your shotgun has to wear a seatbelt in the front seat of your pick up truck cowboy.

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Ready, here it comes so you can dance around it again. I HAVE A PROBLEM WITH A CRIMINAL LIKE BLOWJOBAVICH USING A FLAWED SYSTEM TO TRY AND RAISE MONEY WHEN THERE IS NO DOUBT THE MONEY IS NEEDED FOR SHADY REASONS. Thats it. You wont acknowledge it because its a good point and I would actually like anyone reading this to tell me whats wrong with it.


I THINK SPPEDERS SHOULD BE CHARGED AND PAY A FINE! Thats it. You wont acknowledge it because its a good point and I would actually like anyone reading this to tell me whats wrong with it.


So far your case against this simple concept involves california car buyers and illegal immigration. :lolhitting


For the record, my firearms travel in cases and locked in my truck, a seat belt would be redundant. :lol:

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