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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 31, 2008 -> 09:18 PM)
The Palin pick seems to be a pretty good one. It helps with some of the GOP base, puts a woman on the ticket, adds someone with at least some executive experience, and she has very high approval ratings. Of course, McCain isn't going to pick someone Obama voters will approve of, as nothing besides McCain dropping out of the race could appease them. I think the 'state trooper scandal' will be a big deal to the DailyKos and such, but not the average voter. Speaking of which, it seems the Dems are already launching attacks on the Palin family, really no surprise here.






The same group that yelled at the GOP to leave Michelle alone, right? Stay classy.

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Maybe Obama should watch his back? joe might still have his heart set of being President.




Political Punch

Power, pop, and probings from ABC News Senior National Correspondent Jake Tapper


Jake Tapper is ABC News' Senior National Correspondent based in the network's Washington bureau. He writes about politics and popular culture and covers a range of national stories.


Oh, That Joe! (No. 5 in a Series) -- Biden: Now is the Moment for me 'as a US Senator Running for President' to Put Aside Politics

September 01, 2008 5:13 PM


At a Scranton, Penn., Italian festival this afternoon, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del. standing on the side of a black Suburban, took the microphone to address the downtown crowd and explain why Hurricane Gustav precluded his campaigning today.


"I will be back, I'll be back to campaign in earnest," Biden said, "but today is not the moment for me to campaign. Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there" in the Gulf Coast.


Biden has still spent more time this election cycle campaigning for president than he has running for vice president.


-- Jake Tapper and Matt Jaffe



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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 12:37 PM)
Not NEARLY what Palin's daughter has received. Yesterday pretty much every news story was either Gustav or Palin.

I think all the coverage is bulls***, but it will die down and go away pretty soon (barring something else coming out) and in the end this won't matter.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 11:38 AM)
I think all the coverage is bulls***, but it will die down and go away pretty soon (barring something else coming out) and in the end this won't matter.


I hope so. It really shouldn't matter, like so much of the other BS in this election that keeps playing ad naseum.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 01:37 PM)
Not NEARLY what Palin's daughter has received. Yesterday pretty much every news story was either Gustav or Palin.


His connection to William Ayers consists of one $200 donation to a state senate reelection fund in 2001 while serving on a board with him for a group that works to overcome poverty in Chicagoland.


I guess that is highly controversial.


A google news search shows that it has come up in the media 1,623 times in the past month. The story broke in February. Something tells me in a week, very few people will mention Palin's daughter. Or care.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 11:59 AM)
His connection to William Ayers consists of one $200 donation to a state senate reelection fund in 2001 while serving on a board with him for a group that works to overcome poverty in Chicagoland.


I guess that is highly controversial.


A google news search shows that it has come up in the media 1,623 times in the past month. The story broke in February. Something tells me in a week, very few people will mention Palin's daughter. Or care.

Nothing about Ayers hosting a fundraiser for him in his home, or Obama chairing the Annenberg Challenge, being picked personally by Ayers? His connection is way deeper than one $200 donation.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 10:54 AM)
It is really sad that Palin's pregnant kid has gotten more attention than the William Ayers connections did...


The election coverage has been really bad. now the media is attacking the kids of a VP candidate, a new low.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 11:59 AM)
His connection to William Ayers consists of one $200 donation to a state senate reelection fund in 2001 while serving on a board with him for a group that works to overcome poverty in Chicagoland.


I guess that is highly controversial.


A google news search shows that it has come up in the media 1,623 times in the past month. The story broke in February. Something tells me in a week, very few people will mention Palin's daughter. Or care.




Keep in mind that only one of these has been news for longer than a couple of days...


A quick check at Yahoo news for stories about these two different people reveals the following counts:

"Bristol Palin" - 665

"William Ayers" - 442

"Bill Ayers" - 135


Total stories mentioning Bristol Palin in the last 30 days: 665

Total stories mentioning William Ayers in the last 30 days: 577


Let's check Google news:

"Bristol Palin" - 2148

"William Ayers" - 1502

"Bill Ayers" - 515


Total stories mentioning Bristol Palin in the last 30 days: 2148

Total stories mentioning William Ayers in the last 30 days: 2017


Because a Vice-Presidential candidate's daughter's life is far more relevant than the long-time associates of a Presidential candidate...

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 02:33 PM)


Keep in mind that only one of these has been news for longer than a couple of days...


The William Ayers story broke in February, not last week.


Why would a scandal that broke 6 months ago get the same attention today as a new development in a brand new face in the election?

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 01:42 PM)
That's kind of irrelevant, because the government f***ed up the case and the evidence was inadmissible.


Yeah. He technically hasn't been convicted of anything as far as I know, but that's why. He's not an innocent guy at all, but a beneficiary of government failure (I know, government failure, shocking).

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 01:04 PM)
The William Ayers story broke in February, not last week.


Why would a scandal that broke 6 months ago get the same attention today as a new development in a brand new face in the election?


Personally I'd rather them track down the real Tony Rezko story, but that is just me. Hearing the Justice Department might be quietly interviewing him brings my hopes up.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 02:24 PM)
Nothing about Ayers hosting a fundraiser for him in his home, or Obama chairing the Annenberg Challenge, being picked personally by Ayers? His connection is way deeper than one $200 donation.


The Annenberg Challenge is a program that awarded grants to schools across the country. He was picked to chair a program devoted to improving education? Scandalous!


Announced in December 1993 at the White House, Ambassador Walter H. Annenberg's $500 million "Challenge to the Nation" became the largest public/private endeavor in U.S. history dedicated to improving public schools.


Eighteen locally designed Challenge projects operated in 35 states, funding 2,400 public schools that served more than 1.5 million students and 80,000 teachers. Over 1,600 businesses, foundations, colleges and universities, and individuals contributed $600 million in private matching funds.


Each Challenge project fit unique local conditions. Each was designed by a local planning group comprised of educators, foundation officers, and community and business leaders. Independent, non-profit entities - in most instances, specially created organizations that evolved from the collaborative planning groups and led by a community governing board - ran the projects.


Grants ranging from $10 million to $53 million were awarded to sites in Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, the San Francisco Bay Area, South Florida (encompassing Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach Counties), and the Rural Challenge, which worked in hundreds of communities.


Smaller "opportunity grants" of $1 to $4 million were awarded to sites in Atlanta, Baltimore, Chattanooga, Chelsea (MA), and Salt Lake City.


Three additional Challenge sites focused on enhancing arts education: The Center for Arts Education in New York City, the Arts for Academic Achievement in Minneapolis, and the national Transforming Education through the Arts Challenge, comprised of six regional consortia members in California, Florida, Ohio, Nebraska, Tennessee, and Texas.


The Challenge also awarded grants of $56.7 million to New American Schools, $50 million to the Annenberg Institute for School Reform, and $6.5 million to the Education Commission of the States. To coordinate and support the reform projects, the Annenberg Foundation provided supplemental funding to staff a small national Challenge office at the Annenberg Institute.


This isn't exactly super damaging to Obama in any situation, I think. You seem to want to taint Obama by having received one donation and having one fundraising party thrown by him by someone who wasn't convicted of anything. Oh, and he served on a board or two with him.


Funny that you make a big deal out of this, when John McCain accepted over $112,000 in legal contributions by a convicted felon named Charles Keating who served 4 1/2 years in prison. And trips on corporate jets. And after all that, John McCain stepped in to try to get regulators out of Keating's Savings and Loan mess. I don't know, if you ride the Straight Talk Express, maybe you can tell me which should give you the greater pause.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 01:19 PM)
The Annenberg Challenge is a program that awarded grants to schools across the country. He was picked to chair a program devoted to improving education? Scandalous!




This isn't exactly super damaging to Obama in any situation, I think. You seem to want to taint Obama by having received one donation and having one fundraising party thrown by him by someone who wasn't convicted of anything. Oh, and he served on a board or two with him.


Funny that you make a big deal out of this, when John McCain accepted over $112,000 in legal contributions by a convicted felon named Charles Keating who served 4 1/2 years in prison. And trips on corporate jets. And after all that, John McCain stepped in to try to get regulators out of Keating's Savings and Loan mess. I don't know, if you ride the Straight Talk Express, maybe you can tell me which should give you the greater pause.


William Ayers was the chair of that? no wonder our schools suck, we have idiots like him in charge. that is scandal.


*my 2 cents spent*

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 2, 2008 -> 02:06 PM)
Personally I'd rather them track down the real Tony Rezko story, but that is just me. Hearing the Justice Department might be quietly interviewing him brings my hopes up.

During his 19 months of campaigning I can only recall Obama being asked about Rezco and his role in the purchase of his house once. Obama said, its a coincidence and that he may have mentioned the developers name to Tony in passing and that was all that there is to it. Now, I know libs will say its beating a dead horse, but that is irresponsible journalism. I know more about whats going on with a VP candidate of less than a weeks 17 year old daughter than I do about this. Since the media has such a hard on for Obama he never has to answer the tough questions. If theres anyone that thinks that there wasnt more to that real estate transaction than mentioning the developers name in passing I would like to hear about it. Also, if someone hasnt heard the story behind that deal, which would surprise me, I would be happy to elaborate and theres no way thats all that there was to it. Then, when we think we have Obama in a position to answer the tough questions, "That question is above my pay grade"


I mean seriously, this guy is running for President, is it too much to ask for him to have at least one interview where he is asked the tough questions and has to answer them? McCain aside, its insane that Obama has gone this long without having to address the Rezco situation, his relationship with Ayers etc.

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