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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 07:48 PM)
He's out giving interviews. And just how did the media go after her 17 year old daughter, they reported on the press release the McCain campaign put out?

Giving an interview and delivering a campaign speech are two very different things. If you can't see thru your rage enough to realize that, there is no point in discussing that any more. As for the daughter, yeah, they reposted on the press release. And then sent how many reporters up there to 'double check'? Sifted thru hospital records, chased down friends and some even called her a liar by saying that the kid isn't hers.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 06:29 PM)
Todd isn't out giving campaign speeches, Michelle is. That makes her fair game. But yeah, they are giving such a free pass to the Palin kids. Just totally ignoring them.

Well, one other point...Todd Palin is also involved in a non-trivial investigation in Alaska, faced a subpoena, and has had his testimony contradicted by another witness, such that one of them isn't telling the truth.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 07:49 AM)
I was actually surprised at how quickly the Palin's pregnant daughter thing faded out. I think the American public spoke on that one - once the Obamaites saw picking on a 17 yr old pregnant girl backfiring, they didn't want to pursue it anymore. The press obliged.


Edited by Controlled Chaos
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Obama's ties with ACORN revealed:


Barack Obama's Involvement with ACORN Unearthed, Missing Articles RecoveredBarack Obama's Involvement with ACORN Unearthed, Missing Articles Recovered


While Barack Obama's connection with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) has not gone entirely unreported, it has not been fully explained. Most media background pieces simply note Obama's involvement in a 1995 lawsuit on behalf of ACORN. Obama's own website, as well as most major media, fail to reveal the full depth and extent of his relationship with the organization.


Attempts to hide evidence of Obama's involvement with ACORN have included wiping the web clean of potentially damaging articles that had appeared, and were previously publicly accessible. Unfortunately, those behind the attempted cover-up failed to realize that in today's day and age, nothing disappears forever. There also exists another layer of the web, the hidden web, which is full of information included in proprietary scholarly databases where these very same "missing" articles can be easily uncovered.


Obama's campaign website states:


Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.


Is that really a FACT, or just another lie? Let's take a look at a quote from a 2004 article - Case Study: Chicago- The Barack Obama Campaign - written Toni Foulkes, a Chicago ACORN Leader, which was published in the journal Social Policy. Did we mention that Social Policy recently pulled this particular article from their website, while leaving links to all articles up?


"Obama took the case, known as ACORN vs. Edgar (the name of the Republican governor at the time) and we won. Obama then went on to run a voter registration project with Project VOTE in 1992 that made it possible for Carol Moseley Braun to win the Senate that year. Project VOTE delivered 50,000 newly registered voters in that campaign (ACORN delivered about 5,000 of them).


Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for STate Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends."


Not only does Foulkes boast of Obama's ACORN leadership training, but also makes it clear that Obama's post-law school organizing of "Project VOTE" in 1992 was undertaken in direct partnership with ACORN. The tie between Project VOTE and ACORN is also something that Obama and others have attempted to disprove in recent weeks as ACORN has come under fire for allegations of voter registration fraud.


As recently as March 2008, the Los Angeles Times also made reference to Barack Obama's involvement with ACORN:


"At the time, Talbot worked at the social action group ACORN and initially considered Obama a competitor. But she became so impressed with his work that she invited him to help train her staff." (LA Times, March 2, 2008)


All this information was easily pulled up with minimal time investment. It took less than thirty minutes to find, despite attempts by some to bury the truth. If I could find this with little effort, imagine what could be dug up with a serious, in-depth investigation. Scary, isn't it?


Nevertheless, Barack Obama's campaign website continues to lie and deny the truth about his involvement and association with ACORN. No matter how many times you say it, it does not make it true. The facts do not lie, Senator Obama. It's time to come clean and tell the truth, and it's time for the American people to demand it.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Oct 7, 2008 -> 07:09 PM)
And I'll bet that we'll wind up finding maybe 20, 25 people in the country who actually try to vote twice. And in an effort to prevent that, we'll wind up making sure a few hundred thousand people don't vote.

Well, this story here says 'dozens', and that was just in texas. And that is all that they actually found. 49 other states not included in that number. or by Obama math, 56 more states.


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The American people don't give a s*** about anything except their pocketbook. RSO could be the sleazies MF'er on the earth, but no one cares. And the funny thing is, RSO is going to take more money then they have now by his policy.


I'm glad that the USA wants to model Germany and France, according to the latest polls...

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:42 PM)
First, he sought their endorsement and that doesn't make him a member, though it would've given him their votes, which now is considered unconstitutional I believe. Second, do you really think seeking the endorsement of a left leaning group is on the same plane as a group wanting to secede from the United States and whose leader had Hugo Chavez type language about the United States? I assure you it isn't. Obama's move was just a political play to get votes early in his career.



Was she a member?

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 9, 2008 -> 03:42 PM)
First, he sought their endorsement and that doesn't make him a member, though it would've given him their votes, which now is considered unconstitutional I believe. Second, do you really think seeking the endorsement of a left leaning group is on the same plane as a group wanting to secede from the United States and whose leader had Hugo Chavez type language about the United States? I assure you it isn't. Obama's move was just a political play to get votes early in his career.


BARACK "not the man I knew" OBAMA

BARACK "not the ACORN I knew" OBAMA

BARACK "not the pastor I knew" OBAMA



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Obama's "Fight the Smears" campaign website denies any ties to ACORN other than his representation of the group in a 1995 lawsuit:


Fact: Barack was never an ACORN community organizer.

Fact: Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity.


Fact: ACORN was not part of Project Vote, the successful voter registration drive Barack ran in 1992.


As the Cleveland Leader points out, this is flatly contradicted by an article written by ACORN head Toni Foulkes, which was conveniently removed from the internet (a common practice in the drive to scrub all evidence of Obama's career prior to 2004) after it was quoted by Stanley Kurtz of the National Review and other sources, while the rest of the articles on the same site remain up:


Obama then went on to run a voter registration project with Project VOTE in 1992 that made it possible for Carol Moseley Braun to win the Senate that year. Project VOTE delivered 50,000 newly registered voters in that campaign (ACORN delivered about 5,000 of them). Since then, we have invited Obama to our leadership training sessions to run the session on power every year, and, as a result, many of our newly developing leaders got to know him before he ever ran for office. Thus it was natural for many of us to be active volunteers in his first campaign for STate Senate and then his failed bid for U.S. Congress in 1996. By the time he ran for U.S. Senate, we were old friends."

This stuff has been out there in plain sight, yet still Obama denies it:

As recently as March 2008, the Los Angeles Times also made reference to Barack Obama's involvement with ACORN:

"At the time, Talbot worked at the social action group ACORN and initially considered Obama a competitor. But she became so impressed with his work that she invited him to help train her staff." (LA Times, March 2, 2008)

It was also reported contemporaneously by the left-wing Chicago press:

A 1995 Chicago Reader article on Obama stated "Obama continues his work largely through classes for future leaders identified by ACORN and the Centers for New Horizons."

During the 2008 Democrat primary, the Obama campaign paid Citizen Services Inc., a subsidiary of ACORN, more than $800,000, a payment that Obama's campaign somehow managed to misreport to the FEC As of yet, we can only speculate about why Obama is lying about his involvement with ACORN, what other aspects of that relationship he has failed to disclose, and what other things have been conveniently "disappeared" from his Chicago past. + - See the following on ACORN's pervasive involvement in voter fraud: * * * * * * * * * *


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Obama's Muslim Outreach reaches out to controversial muslim figures, including people who support of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah and Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. It was also supposed to be kept secret.

"The meeting was not advertised and some attendees got text phone messages notifying them that day of the meeting’s location, the participant said." And this is from MSNBC!!!!! I have to give props when they get somethign right once in a while. i wonder if the Messiah has pissed them off somehow?



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 05:24 PM)
Obama's Muslim Outreach reaches out to controversial muslim figures, including people who support of the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah and Nihad Awad, executive director of CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation terrorism financing case. It was also supposed to be kept secret.

"The meeting was not advertised and some attendees got text phone messages notifying them that day of the meeting’s location, the participant said." And this is from MSNBC!!!!! I have to give props when they get somethign right once in a while. i wonder if the Messiah has pissed them off somehow?



Let me get this straight. Obama is bad because one of his lieutenants hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who attended the PUBLIC meeting were unsavory?


I need a yawning while playing a tiny violin emoticon.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 06:11 PM)
Let me get this straight. Obama is bad because one of his lieutenants hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who attended the PUBLIC meeting were unsavory?


I need a yawning while playing a tiny violin emoticon.



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One of the things I had hoped McCain could achieve was distancing himself from Bush and not allowing the dismal performances of the Bush Family Dynasty (BFD) hang around him.


So far it seems he hasn't done that. In the end, Bush may have cost him to chances at President.It also may have stopped the BFD, And I thought Jeb may have been the best of the lot.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 10, 2008 -> 06:11 PM)
Let me get this straight. Obama is bad because one of his lieutenants hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who attended the PUBLIC meeting were unsavory?


I need a yawning while playing a tiny violin emoticon.

lets switch a few things around. Say a McCain staffer hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who were INVITED (not just attended, but they were INVITED) were unsavory? Maybe a few people with strong ties to white supremecy groups, or something along those lines. Just a yawn? I can guarantee you that within 5 minutes of it being printed or broadcast anywhere, AHB would have a post on here about how bad this is for the McCain campaign, followed by 30 more posts from you, Balta, Kip and others trying to downplay AHB's enthusiasm, but reiterating that it sure looks bad. I just can't believe that Obama's ties and connections to some pretty bad people like Ayers, Dorn and others doesn't bother you guys in the least. I can understand that it may not change your mind, but how can it not give you pause, just for a moment?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 10:48 AM)
lets switch a few things around. Say a McCain staffer hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who were INVITED (not just attended, but they were INVITED) were unsavory? Maybe a few people with strong ties to white supremecy groups, or something along those lines. Just a yawn? I can guarantee you that within 5 minutes of it being printed or broadcast anywhere, AHB would have a post on here about how bad this is for the McCain campaign, followed by 30 more posts from you, Balta, Kip and others trying to downplay AHB's enthusiasm, but reiterating that it sure looks bad. I just can't believe that Obama's ties and connections to some pretty bad people like Ayers, Dorn and others doesn't bother you guys in the least. I can understand that it may not change your mind, but how can it not give you pause, just for a moment?

I don't think you have been reading NSS and some of the others you mentioned. They have been extremely fair in this regard. Specific to NSS, he has been much more equal than some of the hardcore GOP on the board such as you pards.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 10:48 AM)
lets switch a few things around. Say a McCain staffer hosted a community meeting/pep rally and some of the people who were INVITED (not just attended, but they were INVITED) were unsavory? Maybe a few people with strong ties to white supremecy groups, or something along those lines. Just a yawn? I can guarantee you that within 5 minutes of it being printed or broadcast anywhere, AHB would have a post on here about how bad this is for the McCain campaign, followed by 30 more posts from you, Balta, Kip and others trying to downplay AHB's enthusiasm, but reiterating that it sure looks bad. I just can't believe that Obama's ties and connections to some pretty bad people like Ayers, Dorn and others doesn't bother you guys in the least. I can understand that it may not change your mind, but how can it not give you pause, just for a moment?

The word INVITED appears once in that article. It describes exactly what happened - a campaign staffer was INVITED to attend a meeting where, as it happens, some unsavory characters were also INVITED.


And to answer your question, I am 100% sure that McCain staffers have ended up at meetings with some slimeballs. And I don't care, as long as there isn't any sort of endorsement or encouragement of anything illegal or slimy.


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And it is a fact of politics that every campaign attracts an element that candidates would wish go away. Who would the racist, nazi loving, n***** hating, voters turn? I'm not going to attack McCain for that, nor will I attack Obama for the wack jobs he attracts.


Or are you suggesting that Obama is part of a vast Muslim extremist plot to get him elected then he will transform the United States into an extremist Muslim country? Much like Bush was able to do with his Christian Faith Based Initiative during his candidacy? Because obviously a Muslim Initiative would be even easier to pull off than a Christian one in this country.

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