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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 11:17 PM)
He left the party. He isn't a Democrat. He asked the Democrats for help. If you were Harry Reid would you say, well we'll just ignore our nominee for nothing in exchange? Last time I checked electoral politics were never part of TARP.

Oh, but the party left him, you know. If it's good for Olympia Snowe, why isn't it good for Joementum? It's hypocritcal.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 12:01 AM)
It just depends on your perspective. For example, Corzine is a billionaire who ran Goldman Sachs. By that definition, Democrats should hate the man, but since he's a liberal, they love him. So which story do you want to talk about? Same with George Soros. Same with... you get the point. There's so much hypocrisy on every level on both sides of the aisle.

Outside of me, I don't think anybody loves Corzine. Including his girlfriend.


But he liked my beard so :wub:

He's also the best Governor NJ has seen in a generation. But that's a whole other conversation, and probably the reason why so few people like him.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 12:19 AM)
Oh, but the party left him, you know. If it's good for Olympia Snowe, why isn't it good for Joementum? It's hypocritcal.


Did I miss the story of Olympia Snowe caucusing with the Democrats? Or maybe I missed the story where the Democrats deserted their candidate in the Maine senate race to protect the Republican senate seat. When did that happen again?

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 11:21 PM)
Did I miss the story of Olympia Snowe caucusing with the Democrats? Or maybe I missed the story where the Democrats deserted their candidate in the Maine senate race to protect the Republican senate seat. When did that happen again?



Seriously, Joementum is on board with the Dems most of the time. Obamacare and the war stuff... he left the party. Ok. I guess that means anyone who votes against Obamacare left the party as well.

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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 12:32 AM)


Seriously, Joementum is on board with the Dems most of the time. Obamacare and the war stuff... he left the party. Ok. I guess that means anyone who votes against Obamacare left the party as well.


And on the Presidential election. And torture.


He almost lost his chairmanship after the election last year after campaigning for McCain. He spoke at the RNC. Democrats don't do that. Democrats like me oppose a non party member who caucuses with our party having a gavel in a committee if they agree to filibuster and campaign with the Republicans. There are plenty of deserving Democrats in the Senate who could have that gavel too.


There are a dozen caucusing Senators who have wavered on this in one form or another. And in many cases, their no vote may bite them in the ass if they're up for reelection next year. They may face a primary challenge, too. This is what happens when you stray from the mainstream of a party. Especially when you are less popular than the issue you oppose. But nobody is looking to kick them out of the party.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 12:02 AM)
And on the Presidential election. And torture.


He almost lost his chairmanship after the election last year after campaigning for McCain. He spoke at the RNC. Democrats don't do that. Democrats like me oppose a non party member who caucuses with our party having a gavel in a committee if they agree to filibuster and campaign with the Republicans. There are plenty of deserving Democrats in the Senate who could have that gavel too.


There are a dozen caucusing Senators who have wavered on this in one form or another. And in many cases, their no vote may bite them in the ass if they're up for reelection next year. They may face a primary challenge, too. This is what happens when you stray from the mainstream of a party. Especially when you are less popular than the issue you oppose. But nobody is looking to kick them out of the party.

The one thing I will agree with is the campaigning against Obama. But it shows that the party left him, he didn't leave the party. You all want to paint Obama as a moderate, and he's just not. But that's a whole 'nother subject.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Nov 2, 2009 -> 07:39 PM)




and you usually threaten to ban them




the voters wanted a fiscal conservative, and if you think she is a fiscal conservative.... how the f*** is a pro-bailout, pro-deficit, pro-cap and trade politician a fiscal conservative? since when? what the hell is going on in this country when THAT is a fiscal conservative. she was a big spending Republican and lost to a 3rd party candidate. no surprise to me.




a lot of 'Blue dogs' are the worst. merely political wind socks. some good though, can't use a broad brush i suppose.




the Dems went far left last election and won. mainly because GW Bush sucked so bad, but still.... Al Franken is a moderate now?

Who have I threatened to ban for using stupid nicknames like The Messiah or ObamaCare or Teabaggers or anything like that? No one.


Cap and Trade will have the effect of a tax, but it is NOT a tax, because the revenue doesn't go to the gov't (necessarily - depends on the model they adapt). As I said before, its definitely not a pro-business move though. I don't know her stance on the bailout, so I can't comment there.


The Dems went left AND right, and that's one of the reasons they won - they decided to not run their party as stringent in ideology as the GOP did. That is what we are seeing here. The GOP is much better at lining up their own support, because they are lock-step - but they are also a minority party for the same reason. The Dems on the other hand are ineffective at getting concensus on, well, almost anything, but they are in the majority.


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Just wondering if N.Y will count all absentee military votes in the special election being held today seeing that the ballots were not mailed out using the 45 day window stated under the law. Virginia has a similar problem with their military ballots. ;)

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 09:42 AM)
That is what we are seeing here. The GOP is much better at lining up their own support, because they are lock-step


but this whole argument is about how usual GOP voters are completely revolting against the big spending ways of the party. Not very lock-step to IMO. if they were lock-step Scozzafava would be on her way to a victory tonight.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 3, 2009 -> 05:17 PM)
Nah dont worry the Supreme Court can just give the election to the Repbulicans no matter what.


This game goes both ways.



That made no sense. Law says you must mail ballots out 45 days prior to election. Governor scheduled election giving only 35 days for soldiers half way around the world to receive their ballots, fill them out, and return them in time for the election. Seems like a pretty blatant attempt to discount the military vote. WTF does the Supreme Court have to do with anything?

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 08:52 AM)
That made no sense. Law says you must mail ballots out 45 days prior to election. Governor scheduled election giving only 35 days for soldiers half way around the world to receive their ballots, fill them out, and return them in time for the election. Seems like a pretty blatant attempt to discount the military vote. WTF does the Supreme Court have to do with anything?

Dems will always be bitter about this and use this as their debate du jour when they don't want to talk about anything else.


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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:41 AM)

Uh oh....

Prejean Sex Tape Triggers Settlement

Carrie Prejean demanded more than a million dollars during her settlement

negotiations with Miss California USA Pageant officials -- that is, until the lawyer for the Pageant showed Carrie an XXX home video of her handiwork.


The video the lawyer showed Carrie is extremely graphic and has never been released publicly. We know that, because TMZ obtained the video months ago but decided not to post it because it was so racy. Let's just say, Carrie has a promising solo career.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 12:38 PM)
The last time a Republican didn't hold this Congressional seat, a Whig did.


It's Newt Gingrich's fault. I just saw it on FOX. Breaking news: "Newt a traitor". I'm not making this up.

Edited by mr_genius
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That made no sense. Law says you must mail ballots out 45 days prior to election. Governor scheduled election giving only 35 days for soldiers half way around the world to receive their ballots, fill them out, and return them in time for the election. Seems like a pretty blatant attempt to discount the military vote. WTF does the Supreme Court have to do with anything?

Each side is obsessed with this inane notion that their votes wont matter. Its just an excuse for people to be crazy and stupid.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Nov 4, 2009 -> 07:24 PM)
Each side is obsessed with this inane notion that their votes wont matter. Its just an excuse for people to be crazy and stupid.



The state did not follow the law. How hard is this? If ballots are/were not counted because they were late, seems like they have a good case, no?

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People should be recalled for crap like this. Not even one day before he reverses his pre-election positions.

GOUVERNEUR, NY - Congressman-elect Bill Owens was sworn in at noon today.


Owens indicated in a press release released shortly afterwards that he was now in favor of the the "Affordable Healthcare for America Act" bill in direct contrast to his earlier position during the election campaign.



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 03:43 PM)
People should be recalled for crap like this. Not even one day before he reverses his pre-election positions.





He actually flip-flopped during his campaign, not after:


UPDATED: A spokesman for Congressman Owens indicated correctly that Mr. Owens had recanted his solid position against public option later in the campaign, clarifying that he did not wish public option to be a 'litmus test' for the Health Reform bill and that on Oct. 30th, several days prior to the election, in a debate had stated that he generally supported the public option as it was now written (at that time.)


Mr. Owens also indicated during his campaign that he was firmly opposed to cutting Medicare benefits, taxing health care benefits, and increased taxes on the middle class in any way as you can see clearly in the screenshot below, taken directly from Mr. Owens' campaign website.


Not that it makes it much better, but, he apaprently flip-flopped around the time his competition for the seat changed. Equally annoying, but, just wanted to be clear here.


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Party of inclusion has major group raise millioons to attack party mederates.


A few days ago, the left-wing activist group MoveOn.org began sending out emails seeking contributions to fund primary challenges against any Democratic senator who does not fully support "health care reform with a public option." Now there's an update: MoveOn executive director Justin Ruben says the group has raised $3,578,117 for the project and is thinking of new ways to punish errant Democratic lawmakers.




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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 07:06 PM)
That's activists, not the party. Democrats don't always like being associated with moveon.org much like Republicans don't always like being associated with guys like Falwell, Michael Savage, etc.

Yet they actively seek Moveon.org endorsements and campaign contributions? Mr. Soros and his group are so far into the Democratic party that it should be investigated for something. Has to be an incestious relationship there or somethign. Comparing them to Falwell and Savage is NOT the same, not even close. And Savage isn't a Republican, his political venom goes both ways when he feels like it, which is often.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 08:10 PM)
Yet they actively seek Moveon.org endorsements and campaign contributions? Mr. Soros and his group are so far into the Democratic party that it should be investigated for something. Has to be an incestious relationship there or somethign. Comparing them to Falwell and Savage is NOT the same, not even close. And Savage isn't a Republican, his political venom goes both ways when he feels like it, which is often.

What politician DOESN'T seek endorsements and campaign contributions?


And I'm just talking about people say obnoxious things that you have to back away from.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Nov 6, 2009 -> 07:11 PM)
What politician DOESN'T seek endorsements and campaign contributions?


And I'm just talking about people say obnoxious things that you have to back away from.

So are you saying that the Democratic Party is going to come out and disavow this campaign, because they don't want to chase anyone out of the party? The party leadership won't say anything, and may even support this movement by Moveon.org, as it puts addiutional pressure on Blue Dogs to toe the party line without the party itself having to exert pressure itself.

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