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Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 07:29 AM)
Judging by the time you put into your avatar and sig, I'm sure yours is firmly in place.

Do you deny that certain progressives instituted the gun running scheme that allowed guns to flow into mexico with pretty much zero accountability or tracking? If you deny that it exists, your hat is bigger than Ron Paul's. And once you admit that they royally screwed up there, please let us all know what their motive was. Go check a few blogs and get back to us on that once you stop sucking the all mighty progressive c*ck. The people in charge of that program should be in jail. And sued 9 ways to sunday by anyone who was shot or killed with weapons that they LET go to Mexico. They did it because they thought they were doing the right thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and progressives seem to lay an awful lot of bricks down on that road.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:16 PM)
Do you deny that certain progressives instituted the gun running scheme that allowed guns to flow into mexico with pretty much zero accountability or tracking? If you deny that it exists, your hat is bigger than Ron Paul's. And once you admit that they royally screwed up there, please let us all know what their motive was. Go check a few blogs and get back to us on that once you stop sucking the all mighty progressive c*ck. The people in charge of that program should be in jail. And sued 9 ways to sunday by anyone who was shot or killed with weapons that they LET go to Mexico. They did it because they thought they were doing the right thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and progressives seem to lay an awful lot of bricks down on that road.

GMAFB. I honestly am not aware of the particular story you're referring to regarding guns but didn't your beloved party arm Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the 80s? This s*** goes both ways.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:16 PM)
Do you deny that certain progressives instituted the gun running scheme that allowed guns to flow into mexico with pretty much zero accountability or tracking? If you deny that it exists, your hat is bigger than Ron Paul's. And once you admit that they royally screwed up there, please let us all know what their motive was. Go check a few blogs and get back to us on that once you stop sucking the all mighty progressive c*ck. The people in charge of that program should be in jail. And sued 9 ways to sunday by anyone who was shot or killed with weapons that they LET go to Mexico. They did it because they thought they were doing the right thing. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and progressives seem to lay an awful lot of bricks down on that road.

Democrats =/= prorgressives, and you still don't have anything but tinhat speculation on dubious "lets turn public opinion against guns!" motivations to back up even more ridiculous "lets burn down Texas to make Perry look bad!" speculation, hth

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:25 PM)
GMAFB. I honestly am not aware of the particular story you're referring to regarding guns but didn't your beloved party arm Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the 80s? This s*** goes both ways.


It was the really, really dumb "fast and furious/gunwalker" ATF operation. Some of the right-wing blogs claim that the whole thing was planned to fail from the start so that Obama can take their guns.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:29 PM)
It was the really, really dumb "fast and furious/gunwalker" ATF operation. Some of the right-wing blogs claim that the whole thing was planned to fail from the start so that Obama can take their guns.

Ah of course. Now I see why it's obvious that some crazy liberals purposely started wild fires in Texas. It all makes sense now.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:27 PM)
Guys, to be fair, the program he's talking about was something of a complete and utter disaster of the worst order. You might want to read up on it a bit.


Oh no doubt, but that doesn't lend credence to the idea that it was a planned failure by "progressives" (lol) in order to get support for more gun control, nor does it lead to jumping off from that conclusion to "I wonder if progressives burned Texas to the ground to make Perry look bad!"

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:25 PM)
GMAFB. I honestly am not aware of the particular story you're referring to regarding guns but didn't your beloved party arm Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein in the 80s? This s*** goes both ways.

You mean think progress,Msnbc,daily kos, the nation, ABC,CBS,NBC, Ny Times,Wash Post are not covering it? Shocking!

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I'm pretty sure every one of those outlets has run headline stories on it, maybe not TP or DK but they're not really the same category as MSM. They're not running the crazy right-wing "omg! it was planned to steal ur guns!" angle, though.


the nefarious bill presented to Congress after this debacle started coming out. Most other right-wing blogs seemed to be saying that the law was a rushed attempt to distract from the program's failure; the idea that it was all pre-planned seems to be an incredibly fringe one. It also assumes complex, Machiavellian orchestration on the part of the Dems, so...


IANAL but the bill appears to make it illegal to sell a weapon, knowing that it's intended customer is a felon. I dunno if its a good law or a necessary one, but it seems that it would have zero impact on legal gun owners. Maybe some more paperwork for gun dealers/stores? Either way, not exactly a huge gun grab worthy of a devious operation designed to funnel weapons to Mexican drug lords, have those weapons be used in crimes and then use said crimes to sway public opinion to get behind a pretty low-key measure.


there's some "OBAMA!!!" reaction from some posters, but even an AR-15 forum sees it as an (unnecessary) law that just restates existing "straw purchase" regulations.

Edited by StrangeSox
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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:39 PM)
I'm pretty sure every one of those outlets has run headline stories on it, maybe not TP or DK but they're not really the same category as MSM. They're not running the crazy right-wing "omg! it was planned to steal ur guns!" angle, though.

That is not what I was referring to. Are they covering this story? Are they running a story about the White House denying knowing about this program while the National Security team in the White House was briefed on it? Maybe if they remove their rose colored glasses, just once.

Edited by Cknolls
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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 04:48 PM)
That is not what I was referring to. Are they covering this story? Are they running a story about the White House denying knowing about this program while the National Security team in the White House was briefed on it? Maybe if they remove their rose colored glasses, just once.

Well, considering that the report that the White House had 3 different people briefed on the program came from the LA Times, I'd say it's quite clear that the MSM just wants to shove this story away. After all, how better than to hide it than to continue investigating and reporting?

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:48 PM)
That is not what I was referring to. Are they covering this story? Are they running a story about the White House denying knowing about this program while the National Security team in the White House was briefed on it? Maybe if they remove their rose colored glasses, just once.

LOL how, exactly, was I to know that you were referring to one particular aspect of a months-long story? This kind of seems like backpedaling after your initial "biased media!" claim was called.








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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 03:31 PM)
Oh no doubt, but that doesn't lend credence to the idea that it was a planned failure by "progressives" (lol) in order to get support for more gun control, nor does it lead to jumping off from that conclusion to "I wonder if progressives burned Texas to the ground to make Perry look bad!"

Read the stuff about it, even from the few msn outlets that covered it. Tell me how it was NOT destined to fail. Explain the coverup, the people ordered NOT to testify about it. If it wasn't planned to fail, the people who planned it should be put down for the good of society so that they never reproduce again and infect the world with their special kind of stupid.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 04:57 PM)
Oh right, she is a democrat, so some 'nuance' is needed.


It's not like the context makes it any less populist or a particularly intelligent bit of rhetoric, but it does make it sound a lot less stupid than a simple desire to eliminate banks via taxation.


bring the gangsters in, put them around the table, and let them know that if they don’t come up with loan modifications and keep people in their homes, that they’ve worked so hard for, we’re gonna tax them out of business.


The idea was to hold hard negotiations with banks that received billions in TARP bailout funds but are doing seemingly nothing to provide relief for people who are underwater in their mortgages. She wasn't advocating for the elimination of banks.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 05:01 PM)
Read the stuff about it, even from the few msn outlets that covered it. Tell me how it was NOT destined to fail. Explain the coverup, the people ordered NOT to testify about it. If it wasn't planned to fail, the people who planned it should be put down for the good of society so that they never reproduce again and infect the world with their special kind of stupid.


You know, some on the crazy left say the same things about Iraq and Afghanistan just being imperial wars of conquest or to build an oil pipeline etc. etc. If we follow your logic above, that this was some grand plan to get a law that appears to already be on the books (straw purchase law) passed, well, you sort of have to grant credibility to the more grandiose plans that are the real reasons we invaded. This ventures into the same realm as every other "massive cover up" government conspiracy theory, but it lacks any real motivation or hopeful end game.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 7, 2011 -> 05:03 PM)
It's not like the context makes it any less populist or a particularly intelligent bit of rhetoric, but it does make it sound a lot less stupid than a simple desire to eliminate banks via taxation.




The idea was to hold hard negotiations with banks that received billions in TARP bailout funds but are doing seemingly nothing to provide relief for people who are underwater in their mortgages. She wasn't advocating for the elimination of banks.

The same banks they held hard negotiations with to MAKE those risky loans to begin with. Nothing like a little extortion to get your way.

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