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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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I just can't believe how little talk there is about how Fiorina out and out lied about what is in those videos. I saw George Stephanopoulos interview her this morning and he told her that those images are not in any of those videos. She just said anyone who claims that hasn't seen the videos and that George needed to go check his facts. But there are plenty of reliable people who have sat through all of those "unedited" videos and have seen no graphic full-formed fetuses wiggling around, etc.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 06:36 PM)
I just can't believe how little talk there is about how Fiorina out and out lied about what is in those videos. I saw George Stephanopoulos interview her this morning and he told her that those images are not in any of those videos. She just said anyone who claims that hasn't seen the videos and that George needed to go check his facts. But there are plenty of reliable people who have sat through all of those "unedited" videos and have seen no graphic full-formed fetuses wiggling around, etc.


Definitely the whopper of the night. And it drew the biggest crowd pop.

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QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 12:36 PM)
I just can't believe how little talk there is about how Fiorina out and out lied about what is in those videos. I saw George Stephanopoulos interview her this morning and he told her that those images are not in any of those videos. She just said anyone who claims that hasn't seen the videos and that George needed to go check his facts. But there are plenty of reliable people who have sat through all of those "unedited" videos and have seen no graphic full-formed fetuses wiggling around, etc.

Turns out she was referring to a different video, put out by an anti-abortion group. Which wasn't taken at PP apparently. And no one is aware of the context of the video either. She conflated (intentionally or not I have no idea) that with the PP body parts video.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 12:48 PM)
Turns out she was referring to a different video, put out by an anti-abortion group. Which wasn't taken at PP apparently. And no one is aware of the context of the video either. She conflated (intentionally or not I have no idea) that with the PP body parts video.


That in itself is the problem. The republicans are bellowing about how they must defund PP over a video and the video in question didn't even come from PP.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:56 AM)
Would anyone think it is a good idea if Trump treated other world leaders the way he treats people he didn't like?

About the 50th time Kim Jong Whateverthef***hisnameis threatens to rain nuclear fire down upon the United States because he was too short for the roller coaster at Disneyland, maybe a little pimp hand across the chops would be a refreshing change.

(half-green text above)

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This is one thing I dont get about the socially conservative republicans. Theyre anti abortion and PP but are also the first people to complain that they dont want to have to financially support other peoples mistakes. Its kind of like how liberals are all up in arms about how corrupt police can be but will also blindly support any union. Well congratulations, you created an environment where police can do whatever they want and essentially get away with it.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 02:24 PM)
This is one thing I dont get about the socially conservative republicans. Theyre anti abortion and PP but are also the first people to complain that they dont want to have to financially support other peoples mistakes. Its kind of like how liberals are all up in arms about how corrupt police can be but will also blindly support any union. Well congratulations, you created an environment where police can do whatever they want and essentially get away with it.


Social conservative republicans don't have a chance in hell of getting elected. They are worried about stupid things like defunding PP instead of what they would do to be better than Obama. It was kind of funny how they just blamed Obama for everything when there was a giant elephant in the room last night.

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Is there anything Fiorina did well as CEO of HP which would merit her consideration?


Still believe that the only candidates capable of performing the job itself are Kasich, Rubio (but domestic policies...separating with the Tea Party won't happen so easily) and MAYBE Bush are the only ones from that long list.


Possibly Christie as well.

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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 02:24 PM)
This is one thing I dont get about the socially conservative republicans. Theyre anti abortion and PP but are also the first people to complain that they dont want to have to financially support other peoples mistakes. Its kind of like how liberals are all up in arms about how corrupt police can be but will also blindly support any union. Well congratulations, you created an environment where police can do whatever they want and essentially get away with it.

Because in both cases you are asking THEM to take responsibility for someone else's choices. Either abortion or welfare, you still digging into their pockets to pay for it.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 02:37 PM)
Because in both cases you are asking THEM to take responsibility for someone else's choices. Either abortion or welfare, you still digging into their pockets to pay for it.

I understand that but its not like there is some magic fix that is going to make everyone happy. We know there is no way that they are going to outlaw abortions. Im certainly not well versed enough with PP to be able to claim I know what theyre doing with their money or how its allocated but IMO if I had to choose between publicly funding an abortion for someone who is in no way fit to support or raise a child then to be on the hook for supporting the child for 18+ years.


I do agree, in a perfect world tax payers shouldnt have to pay for either of these choices but its just not realistic to me. We're going to have to pay for something and Id prefer it to be the cheaper of the two options.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 04:18 PM)
Politics has moved from speeches, to clips, to blurbs, to tweets, and now to meme's. At some point we started decided candidates by who had the best quotes instead of things like policy and the like. Trump is a quote machine, for those who like to decide by simple things, he is ideal. People get what they deserve.

How do you explain Hillary then? She's gonna win in a landslide and is the dullest of the dull.


QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 05:10 PM)
By the way, of all the candidates, I feel bad for Bush. He has to deal with trump and it just isn't a pretty situation for him when they go back and forth. Bush makes a good statement, Trump just blutters and jumps over...Bush tries to be the gentlemen but looks bad either way and to a reasonable person, you realize Trump is the ass, but somehow I just imagine everyone will go, yeah Donald...stick it to Bush for making a true statement about how you tried to BUY / bribe your way into Casino gambling.


Sucks cause the debate should be more about the policies and it just doesn't happen with Trump in their. That said, as the night went on and questions got more pointed, you could see Trump take a back seat. But seriously...do people think for a second about his sound bites...on day 1 as president I am going to evict 11M people. How the f*** are you going to do that? Are we going to have whack an illegal day and just take a national holiday with everyone beating anyone they thinks is an illegal till they all flee the country? Lets apply some realism to the scenario, which I will give Kasich and Bush credit for (more then anyone else), who understand, you can't just do the things that some of these people are saying..it is f***ing impossible (let alone in most cases stupid).


Do people not have BS meters or do they just ignore reality. By the way, I also think what Bush says about 4% growth is absurd, but s***, at least what he's talking about is to try and create positive energy and vibe and something that is ultimately good for our country (no one could argue that if we had 4% growth that was sustained over a few year run that it would be a great thing). Maybe I'm just an optimist but I like the people who talk about making this country great and being great. I don't want to hear what a s***hole this place is and blah blah blah and how we suck at everything (see the Donald). And his solution is, he's smarter and his friends are smarter and he's a billionaire, so yeah, I'll make it great again. I'll build walls and magically evict all illegal's and I'll solve the foreign issues by getting along with these people better (HOW Mr Trump...How?). I don't think having a scotch and cigar with Russia's president is going to solve much of anything.

Great great post. But I disagreed with a lot of your other posts. This one was great.


QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 05:21 PM)
And Greg...how do you like Donald just lying to the entire audience (and not some little white lie or minor mistake, but a big f*** you kind of lie). Guy is a f***wad. He could care less about anyone but himself. Trump is by definition a megalomaniac.

But in honor of fair and balance, I will give Trump credit for saying he would waive the right to have social security and I do agree with him that the breaks around hedge funds are a joke (Bush and a few others also agree).

What about Carlie? Apparently she lied about the videos of PP. The thought of what she stated sickened me.


QUOTE (Jake @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 05:36 PM)
I just can't believe how little talk there is about how Fiorina out and out lied about what is in those videos. I saw George Stephanopoulos interview her this morning and he told her that those images are not in any of those videos. She just said anyone who claims that hasn't seen the videos and that George needed to go check his facts. But there are plenty of reliable people who have sat through all of those "unedited" videos and have seen no graphic full-formed fetuses wiggling around, etc.

I want the truth. Why is there never any outrage about stuff like this. Some poor fetus kept alive for its brain? This is one of the most sickening images of the year. Truthfully, we can be such disgusting people sometimes.


QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 07:36 PM)
Is there anything Fiorina did well as CEO of HP which would merit her consideration?


Still believe that the only candidates capable of performing the job itself are Kasich, Rubio (but domestic policies...separating with the Tea Party won't happen so easily) and MAYBE Bush are the only ones from that long list.


Possibly Christie as well.


Bush obviously is gonna be the Republican candidate. Carlie was a disaster with HP. Can't win because of that. Donald's political career will flame out. I still say his 20 minutes of fame (politics wise) is going to definitely run out. He'll need a way to save face and ultimately will drop out.

BTW I couldn't watch the Hlllary skit on Jimmy Fallon. What a chickenbleep move by Fallon.So the republicans have this serious debate and Hillary gets the most out of the night with a dumb skit on the Tonight Show. Sad, sad world. Hillary is the choice of Hollywood and the media thus she WINS and WINS big. Sad. My only hope is Bill is a co-president.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 01:37 PM)
Because in both cases you are asking THEM to take responsibility for someone else's choices. Either abortion or welfare, you still digging into their pockets to pay for it.


Isn't that what the New Testament suggests should be the outcome...essentially...regardless of our own self-congratulatory concepts of guilt/accountability/responsibility and what brought about the choice in the first place?


How can a party so proud of their religious faith be so willing to ignore the peace and social justice elements of that belief?


Isn't Bernie Sanders closer to addressing that topic directly than anyone in the GOP at this moment...other than Kasich to an extent? Other than Huckabee, Santorum and recently Fiorina, but they usually go for red meat social issues pandering to the right.


With how important religious conservatives are in Iowa, you would think there would be someone jumping to fill the gap....clearly Carson and Fiorina now are the closest, but still not genuinely getting into any type of uncomfortable argument.


One would imagine Rubio has some room to expand here but still not engaging with a broad domestic issues platform that rarely diverges from his standard boilerplate stuff. Holding serve, essentially.

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 01:52 PM)
How do you explain Hillary then? She's gonna win in a landslide and is the dullest of the dull.



Great great post. But I disagreed with a lot of your other posts. This one was great.



What about Carlie? Apparently she lied about the videos of PP. The thought of what she stated sickened me.



I want the truth. Why is there never any outrage about stuff like this. Some poor fetus kept alive for its brain? This is one of the most sickening images of the year. Truthfully, we can be such disgusting people sometimes.




Bush obviously is gonna be the Republican candidate. Carlie was a disaster with HP. Can't win because of that. Donald's political career will flame out. I still say his 20 minutes of fame (politics wise) is going to definitely run out. He'll need a way to save face and ultimately will drop out.

BTW I couldn't watch the Hlllary skit on Jimmy Fallon. What a chickenbleep move by Fallon.So the republicans have this serious debate and Hillary gets the most out of the night with a dumb skit on the Tonight Show. Sad, sad world. Hillary is the choice of Hollywood and the media thus she WINS and WINS big. Sad. My only hope is Bill is a co-president.


Bush is far from a sure thing right now...as much as the GOP establisment would prefer it.


The two main things to come out of the last debate were "blood coming out of her whatever/wherever" and Carly Fiorina got a huge bump in a debate watched by almost nobody.


Fallon's skit will have zero effect on the race, other than exemplifying how desperate her camp is to move on from e-mail servers and attempt to humanize her for about the one-hundredth time since the surprise New Hampshire primary win in the wake of Obama's Iowa caucus shocker almost eight years ago.


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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 03:06 PM)
Bush is far from a sure thing right now...as much as the GOP establisment would prefer it.


The two main things to come out of the last debate were "blood coming out of her whatever/wherever" and Carly Fiorina got a huge bump in a debate watched by almost nobody.


Fallon's skit will have zero effect on the race, other than exemplifying how desperate her camp is to move on from e-mail servers and attempt to humanize her for about the one-hundredth time since the surprise New Hampshire primary win in the wake of Obama's Iowa caucus shocker almost eight years ago.


Today I learned that 23 million viewers = almost nobody. That debate drew monster ratings. It was the largest audience in CNN's history.

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QUOTE (CrimsonWeltall @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 04:21 PM)
He was talking about the "JV" debate before the first Fox debate.


Why would he be referring to a JV debate when he mentioned the blood comment, which came from the first Fox debate, which had even higher ratings than CNN's?

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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 09:22 PM)
Why would he be referring to a JV debate when he mentioned the blood comment, which came from the first Fox debate, which had even higher ratings than CNN's?


He said the two main takeaways from the first debate (Fox) were the blood comment and Fiorina winning the JV portion.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 03:37 PM)
Because in both cases you are asking THEM to take responsibility for someone else's choices. Either abortion or welfare, you still digging into their pockets to pay for it.


No, nobody is being asked to pay for somebody's abortion

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How can a party so proud of their religious faith be so willing to ignore the peace and social justice elements of that belief?


The National Right to Life Committee tries very hard to not be associated with the Republican Party in general, or specifically with politicians who do not balance their abortion views with being reasonable on social justice. The Republican Party has greatly distorted the true pro-life position. Every church I've ever been a part of has given a great deal of money to non-profit centers that provide pregnancy care, post-pregnancy care, and adoption placement help to women who can't financially afford to not have an abortion. I would never attend a church that didn't do this. True pro-life advocates cringe at the kind of things that come out of the mouths of people like Ted Cruz.

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After Carson's idiotic statement, it is interesting to look backwards at this, which basically got no coverage.




Twenty-four percent of Democrats and 18% of independents said they would not vote for a well-qualified Mormon who was nominated by their party, while 10% of Republicans expressed such opposition.


Resistance to a Mormon candidate was much higher among Americans with lower levels of education, with 23% of those without a high school diploma saying they would not support a well-qualified Mormon. Six percent of those with postgraduate education shared that view.

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