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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2008 -> 02:18 PM)
I think we should all do a better job of keeping perspective on these sorts of things. I've personally made a strong effort to ignore the frivolous b.s. that others bash McCain over. Am I perfect? No but I'm doing my best.

That you are. I wish others would show the same restraint. I, for one, appreciate it. You've pretty much stuck to issues. My entire point is that both guys have issues, and neither is perfect, but the defense of every single piece of s*** that is flung is starting to get annoying from the Obamatrons.


I don't like McCain, either... I've made that clear, but I don't also post every little detail about Obama that could be s*** slinging either.

Edited by kapkomet
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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 25, 2008 -> 03:16 PM)
It is stupid, yet, it was clearly (IMO) Obama's choice. Campaign staff is not allowed. Okay. But he could have still gone and chose not to because he wouldn't get the mileage out of it. Yet, it's frivilous in a sense... people looking to manufacture news. At the same time, how many Obamatron posts would we have if McCain would have done the same thing? I guess that's what bothers me about this whole cycle.



This is what's really burning my ass right now. How much relevance does this have to what kind of president Obama would make? ZERO. And if I actually cared enough to participate in the argument I could easily come up with at least 3 examples to mitigate or completely refute the implied point this "ordeal" is trying to make in the first place.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Jul 25, 2008 -> 03:18 PM)
I think we should all do a better job of keeping perspective on these sorts of things. I've personally made a strong effort to ignore the frivolous b.s. that others bash McCain over. Am I perfect? No but I'm doing my best.

Yeah, you seem to have toned down quite a bit from the primary days.

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So much of public debate, and campaigns, seems to be find a slight misstep, start screaming, and see if the story has legs. And I do not blame the candidates as much as I blame the public. It seems to happen more in forums like this then from press releases, etc. I know the campaign staffs do it as well, but we demand it, for some strange reason.

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From Obama's Berlin speech:

Now the world will watch and remember what we do here – what we do with this moment. Will we extend our hand to the people in the forgotten corners of this world who yearn for lives marked by dignity and opportunity; by security and justice? Will we lift the child in Bangladesh from poverty, shelter the refugee in Chad, and banish the scourge of AIDS in our time?


Um, Obama? Mccain already did that bolded part, in 1991.


For example, in 1991 Cindy McCain was visiting Mother Teresa's orphanage in Bangladesh when a dying infant was thrust into her hands. The orphanage could not provide the medical care needed to save her life, so Mrs. McCain brought the child home to America with her. She was met at the airport by her husband, who asked what all this was about.


Mrs. McCain replied that the child desperately needed surgery and years of rehabilitation. "I hope she can stay with us," she told her husband. Mr. McCain agreed. Today that child is their teenage daughter Bridget.



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 08:41 AM)
From Obama's Berlin speech:



Um, Obama? Mccain already did that bolded part, in 1991.



Um, McCain? George Harrison and friends already did that bolded part, in 1971. http://www.theconcertforbangladesh.com/




So Bangladesh is off limits for politicians looking to help some poor kids, McCain called it first, go find some other poor children, God knows our planet has enough of them.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 03:26 PM)
Um, McCain? George Harrison and friends already did that bolded part, in 1971. http://www.theconcertforbangladesh.com/




So Bangladesh is off limits for politicians looking to help some poor kids, McCain called it first, go find some other poor children, God knows our planet has enough of them.

Whoa, bring it down a little Tex. I just found it quite funny that of all the crappy countries to pick from, he picked that one.


And Georgie and friends did what, sang for an hour or two? John and wife (and perhaps a nanny or two? I don't know.) raised a kid.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 26, 2008 -> 03:07 PM)
Whoa, bring it down a little Tex. I just found it quite funny that of all the crappy countries to pick from, he picked that one.


And Georgie and friends did what, sang for an hour or two? John and wife (and perhaps a nanny or two? I don't know.) raised a kid.



:cheers just kidding you. It's all good.

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Found this on a different board. A timeline McCain can go for!

McCain Backs Timeline to Get Obama Out of Iraq

by Scott Ott for ScrappleFace · 55 Comments

(2008-07-20) — Republican presidential nominee John McCain today for the first time said he can now support a timeline to reduce the American presence in Iraq, specifically advocating the withdrawal from Iraq of Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama, and several battalions of U.S. news anchors and reporters.


“It’s time to bring them home,” said Sen. McCain at a news conference attended by a journalism intern from the Des Moines Register. “The surge has worked, and it’s time to redeploy.”


Sen. McCain said bringing Sen. Obama home would help to ensure that “people in the U.S., who desperately need media attention, will get the help they deserve.”


“Our mainstream media forces are stretched too thin,” he said. “If news should break here in the homeland, who’s going to cover it? We’re vulnerable.”

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Something finally hit me today. Barack Obama is running a campaign straight out of Karl Rove's playbook. Complete with the glittering generalities and the vague giant promises for everyone. He never really attacks anyone, but he has all of his surrogates who do it for him so he never really looks like he is attacking anyone and stays above the fray. McCain is constantly attacked, and then when McCain attacks back, the attack machine goes into effect talking about how negative he has been. He gets off scottfree. Anything he does is made to look so incredible and is portrayed in a huge glare, even if McCain has already done the exact samething and was generally ignored.


We have our first GOP style democrat.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:13 PM)
Something finally hit me today. Barack Obama is running a campaign straight out of Karl Rove's playbook. Complete with the glittering generalities and the vague giant promises for everyone. He never really attacks anyone, but he has all of his surrogates who do it for him so he never really looks like he is attacking anyone and stays above the fray. McCain is constantly attacked, and then when McCain attacks back, the attack machine goes into effect talking about how negative he has been. He gets off scottfree. Anything he does is made to look so incredible and is portrayed in a huge glare, even if McCain has already done the exact samething and was generally ignored.


We have our first GOP style democrat.

Anyone can say that about any political candidate if they wanted to. Seriously.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:19 PM)
Anyone can say that about any political candidate if they wanted to. Seriously.

Yes, but it takes a special machine to pull it off, and Obama's got one of the best machines I have EVER seen in politics, well above and beyond the Clinton machine. He beat her at her own game, which still amazes the s*** out of me.


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QUOTE (kapkomet @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:43 PM)
Yes, but it takes a special machine to pull it off, and Obama's got one of the best machines I have EVER seen in politics, well above and beyond the Clinton machine. He beat her at her own game, which still amazes the s*** out of me.

Mayor Daley says hi.


Same thing on a smaller scale. Not coincidentally, Obama is a product of dirty Chicago politics, you can't make it very far without slinging a little mud. First election he won in Chicago, he did it on a technicality by getting everybody else disqualified and running unopposed.

Edited by lostfan
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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 07:53 PM)
Mayor Daley says hi.


Same thing on a smaller scale. Not coincidentally, Obama is a product of dirty Chicago politics, you can't make it very far without slinging a little mud. First election he won in Chicago, he did it on a technicality by getting everybody else disqualified and running unopposed.

And then of course 'someone' managed to get at those sealed divorce papers of Ryan's. Those don't show up, Obama is back organizing communities. I still want to know who it was that had leaked those.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:58 PM)
And then of course 'someone' managed to get at those sealed divorce papers of Ryan's. Those don't show up, Obama is back organizing communities. I still want to know who it was that had leaked those.

I dunno, weren't those in California? I can see Obama having the political clout to do something like that now, but he was still basically a nobody back then and I doubt if he can pull something like that off.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 09:05 PM)
I dunno, weren't those in California? I can see Obama having the political clout to do something like that now, but he was still basically a nobody back then and I doubt if he can pull something like that off.

He was friends with Rezko, anything is possible. Not saying he knew about it, but if he had frineds who were looking out for him.....

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:07 PM)
He was friends with Rezko, anything is possible. Not saying he knew about it, but if he had frineds who were looking out for him.....

Frankly, there was more apolitical motivation to get those than politcal. Remember, the woman involved was Jeri Ryan - the actress. There were all sorts of people who wanted those documents.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 07:53 PM)
Mayor Daley says hi.


Same thing on a smaller scale. Not coincidentally, Obama is a product of dirty Chicago politics, you can't make it very far without slinging a little mud. First election he won in Chicago, he did it on a technicality by getting everybody else disqualified and running unopposed.

You're right about that.


I'm just going to put this out there, and you can make what you will of it, but SOMEONE/SOMETHING/SOME ORG. is backing Obama, like huge, and I don't mean through the "normal" channels. You just don't erupt onto the scene like this to three years in national politics be our next president. (Yes, McCain's a doofus and won't win, at least unless something drastic changes, which I hope it does, even though I can't stand him).


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jul 27, 2008 -> 08:53 PM)
Mayor Daley says hi.


Same thing on a smaller scale. Not coincidentally, Obama is a product of dirty Chicago politics, you can't make it very far without slinging a little mud. First election he won in Chicago, he did it on a technicality by getting everybody else disqualified and running unopposed.


Where do you think he learned his trade from? He learned from some of the slimiest dirtiest politicians in the country. The smart part about what he is doing is farming out out of the mudslinging to his surrogates and general public. He looks clean because he just has everyone else doing in for him.

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