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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 11:41 AM)

I'm a bit embarrassed to say I actually know something about this... that is not why she was ejected from her position, according to the people that manage these things. The Donald, who is that manager, said she had been missing engagements she had agreed to do, in order instead to make unapproved speeches about this whole gay marriage thing. He called her out publically, and gave her another chance, then she missed engagements again. According to Trump, that is why she was removed from that postiion.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 01:14 PM)
I'm a bit embarrassed to say I actually know something about this... that is not why she was ejected from her position, according to the people that manage these things. The Donald, who is that manager, said she had been missing engagements she had agreed to do, in order instead to make unapproved speeches about this whole gay marriage thing. He called her out publically, and gave her another chance, then she missed engagements again. According to Trump, that is why she was removed from that postiion.

Yeah... she was really treated like s*** just for giving an honest answer, but it looks like she did this much to herself. Or at least Trump is really good at manipulating the public, myself included.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:14 AM)
I'm a bit embarrassed to say I actually know something about this... that is not why she was ejected from her position, according to the people that manage these things. The Donald, who is that manager, said she had been missing engagements she had agreed to do, in order instead to make unapproved speeches about this whole gay marriage thing. He called her out publically, and gave her another chance, then she missed engagements again. According to Trump, that is why she was removed from that postiion.

Think about the other side though...she's made her name already...she's gotten an enormous amount of publicity, and some implants, courtesy of the Miss America organization. Now that she's a runner up, she's essentially an indentured servant to them under contract for what, a year? She's made enough of a name that she can go out right now and make a fortune through speaking engagements, running ads, etc., on an issue that Trump's organization doesn't want to deal with in the slightest. So...there's actually a potentially large benefit to her to find a way to get them to fire her, because it frees her from her contractual obligations with Trump's organization.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 12:30 PM)
Yeah... she was really treated like s*** just for giving an honest answer, but it looks like she did this much to herself. Or at least Trump is really good at manipulating the public, myself included.


I would have loved to see what would have happened if she answered the question as: "My view on gay marriage is the same as President Barack Obama's and I feel marriage should be only between a man and a woman."


The thing I hate about the media isn't that they are far left, I could give a s***. If you love Obama, fine, it's a free country... The thing I hate is all the personal attacks they put out on people who disagree with their ideology. I understand trying to make the other side look stupid or bad, that's all politics... but do you have no decency?


I also love how all the feminists aren't making a big deal about any of this, or the Palin situations...

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:31 PM)
I would have loved to see what would have happened if she answered the question as: "My view on gay marriage is the same as President Barack Obama's and I feel marriage should be only between a man and a woman."


The thing I hate about the media isn't that they are far left, I could give a s***. If you love Obama, fine, it's a free country... The thing I hate is all the personal attacks they put out on people who disagree with their ideology. I understand trying to make the other side look stupid or bad, that's all politics... but do you have no decency?


I also love how all the feminists aren't making a big deal about any of this, or the Palin situations...


I think the book deal and political appearances that were in initial violation of her contract to begin with justify her termination. And her not acknowledging invitations and not showing up for events she was contracted to be at also justify her termination.


But for all the talk about liberals wanting everyone to be the victim, it seems that nobody seems to whine louder about being persecuted than a conservative these days.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:30 PM)
I think the book deal and political appearances that were in initial violation of her contract to begin with justify her termination. And her not acknowledging invitations and not showing up for events she was contracted to be at also justify her termination.


But for all the talk about liberals wanting everyone to be the victim, it seems that nobody seems to whine louder about being persecuted than a conservative these days.


who gives a f***? like this is important

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:30 PM)
I think the book deal and political appearances that were in initial violation of her contract to begin with justify her termination. And her not acknowledging invitations and not showing up for events she was contracted to be at also justify her termination.

I really don't care. She's not attacking anyone, and she's making a living out of this. Good for her.


QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 12, 2009 -> 10:30 PM)
But for all the talk about liberals wanting everyone to be the victim, it seems that nobody seems to whine louder about being persecuted than a conservative these days.

Most conservatives are getting pissed cause every f***ing day they're called crazy gun nuts who are homophobic, etc. etc. etc. And all the double standards. It gets f***ing annoying.


You know for a fact if Dennis Miller or anyone stated that Michelle Obama looks like slutty stewardess, the media would be going crazy and feminists would be protesting outside his house... but when David Letterman stats Sarah Palin looks like a slutty stewardess, he's just a silly comedian making a joke!

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 13, 2009 -> 12:02 AM)
I really don't care. She's not attacking anyone, and she's making a living out of this. Good for her.



Most conservatives are getting pissed cause every f***ing day they're called crazy gun nuts who are homophobic, etc. etc. etc. And all the double standards. It gets f***ing annoying.


You know for a fact if Dennis Miller or anyone stated that Michelle Obama looks like slutty stewardess, the media would be going crazy and feminists would be protesting outside his house... but when David Letterman stats Sarah Palin looks like a slutty stewardess, he's just a silly comedian making a joke!


I think when you have Sarah Palin retorting by calling David Letterman a child molester, after he apologized for telling what he, in retrospect, viewed as an inappropriate joke, it kinda gets harder to see her point. When you keep bringing it up day after day, it kinda gets hard to see the actual damage done to her children... because if she was looking to protect her children from this, maybe she wouldn't be talking about this incident to anyone that will have her on their radio or television show for days after the incident.


But its part of a broader point here - maybe one that I should have brought up in a separate thread or elsewhere - but given the cross pollination of the party threads, I think its reasonable to bring it up here. When the GOP was in power, they complained about the culture of victimization of the "liberals" and the "democrats." But now that they've found themselves out of power and in the wilderness, the whining seems to have started almost immediately.


Sarah Palin: It's not enough that lame jokes were inappropriate and I got an apology, I have to say that Letterman is oppressing all women and call him a child molester, because people don't see how much of a victim I am.


Miss California USA: I didn't lose my position because I broke my contract and stopped showing up to obligatory appearances, it's because I became a political activist.


All sorts of Republican governors: We have had our state's rights taken away because the Federal Government offered us extra money for specific purposes and we can't move the money around elsewhere and it's not fair!


That's not to say that Democrats have suddenly stopped whining, or that Dem politicians have suddenly started to no longer play the victim - but I will say that I think its odd to support an ideology of taking personal responsibility for your actions, and expect to make an exception for that standard when it comes to yourself. It's just plain out hypocrisy. The same hypocrisy that so many Republicans on this board seem to accuse the Democrats of for any little thing in the past few years.


But I'm sure that it's different. After all, it's always different....

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 12:05 AM)
I think when you have Sarah Palin retorting by calling David Letterman a child molester, after he apologized for telling what he, in retrospect, viewed as an inappropriate joke, it kinda gets harder to see her point.

They didn’t call him a child molester, they called him out for trying to make the rape of (what the Palin’s saw as a) 14 year old girl a laughing matter. Also, you can’t tell me you found anything about Letterman’s apology sincere, right? He was trying to cover his own ass and did so by showing no remorse and digging himself a slightly greater hole.

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QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 12:40 AM)
They didn’t call him a child molester, they called him out for trying to make the rape of (what the Palin’s saw as a) 14 year old girl a laughing matter. Also, you can’t tell me you found anything about Letterman’s apology sincere, right? He was trying to cover his own ass and did so by showing no remorse and digging himself a slightly greater hole.


Sarah Palin on the Today show on Friday:


The Palins have no intention of providing a rating's boost for David Letterman by appearing on his show. Plus, it would be wise to keep Willow away from David Letterman



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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 10:12 AM)
You're right, and Letterman did not specifically indicate Willow Palin, either. But I'm sure, that's different. It's always different.


Um, Willow was at the game with Sarah. Bristol wasn't.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 01:32 PM)
Um, Willow was at the game with Sarah. Bristol wasn't.


I really doubt Letterman knew which daughter was there to be honest. In fact, I doubt he even wrote the joke.


And for that matter, the jokes weren't even really about Palins as they were about A-Rod and Spitzer for being sexual predators.


But, its a great way for Palin to keep in the news for her 2012 run.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 01:45 PM)
I really doubt Letterman knew which daughter was there to be honest. In fact, I doubt he even wrote the joke.


And for that matter, the jokes weren't even really about Palins as they were about A-Rod and Spitzer for being sexual predators.


But, its a great way for Palin to keep in the news for her 2012 run.

Yeah, I'm sure the "joke" about Palin looking like a slutty flight attendant wasn't about her.


I love how all the feminist groups have no problem with these jokes... shows how much they are about "equality" for women, it's just all politics with them and the groups like them.

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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 15, 2009 -> 05:49 PM)
Yeah, I'm sure the "joke" about Palin looking like a slutty flight attendant wasn't about her.


I love how all the feminist groups have no problem with these jokes... shows how much they are about "equality" for women, it's just all politics with them and the groups like them.

I'll even reply by quoting Fox News. See I fit right in!

The National Organization of Women also blasted Letterman for inappropriate "jokes" on its Web site Thursday.


"Comedians in search of a laugh should really know better than to snicker about men having sex with teenage girls (or young women) less than half their age," NOW said.


"The sexualization of girls and women in the media is reaching new lows these days — it is exploitative and has a negative effect on how all women and girls are perceived and how they view themselves."

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Letterman tonight.


All right, here - I've been thinking about this situation with Governor Palin and her family now for about a week - it was a week ago tonight, and maybe you know about it, maybe you don't know about it. But there was a joke that I told, and I thought I was telling it about the older daughter being at Yankee Stadium. And it was kind of a coarse joke. There's no getting around it, but I never thought it was anybody other than the older daughter, and before the show, I checked to make sure in fact that she is of legal age, 18. Yeah. But the joke really, in and of itself, can't be defended. The next day, people are outraged. They're angry at me because they said, 'How could you make a lousy joke like that about the 14-year-old girl who was at the ball game?' And I had, honestly, no idea that the 14-year-old girl, I had no idea that anybody was at the ball game except the Governor and I was told at the time she was there with Rudy Giuliani...And I really should have made the joke about Rudy..." (audience applauds) "But I didn't, and now people are getting angry and they're saying, 'Well, how can you say something like that about a 14-year-old girl, and does that make you feel good to make those horrible jokes about a kid who's completely innocent, minding her own business,' and, turns out, she was at the ball game. I had no idea she was there. So she's now at the ball game and people think that I made the joke about her. And, but still, I'm wondering, 'Well, what can I do to help people understand that I would never make a joke like this?' I've never made jokes like this as long as we've been on the air, 30 long years, and you can't really be doing jokes like that. And I understand, of course, why people are upset. I would be upset myself.


"And then I was watching the Jim Lehrer 'Newshour' - this commentator, the columnist Mark Shields, was talking about how I had made this indefensible joke about the 14-year-old girl, and I thought, 'Oh, boy, now I'm beginning to understand what the problem is here. It's the perception rather than the intent.' It doesn't make any difference what my intent was, it's the perception. And, as they say about jokes, if you have to explain the joke, it's not a very good joke. And I'm certainly - " (audience applause) "- thank you. Well, my responsibility - I take full blame for that. I told a bad joke. I told a joke that was beyond flawed, and my intent is completely meaningless compared to the perception. And since it was a joke I told, I feel that I need to do the right thing here and apologize for having told that joke. It's not your fault that it was misunderstood, it's my fault. That it was misunderstood." (audience applauds) "Thank you. So I would like to apologize, especially to the two daughters involved, Bristol and Willow, and also to the Governor and her family and everybody else who was outraged by the joke. I'm sorry about it and I'll try to do better in the future. Thank you very much." (audience applause)



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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 02:38 AM)
I'm calling BS on this. If he felt so bad, why did he wait a week after he made the "joke." Also, this apology came after CBS lost an advertiser.

This was his second on air apology.


And here's why the whole thing is BS and manufactured outrage.


Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it.


Jay Leno - September 2, 2008


There was a skit on SNL in September 2008 that referred to the Palin family as being fans of incest and accused her husband of sleeping with her daughters. Where was that outrage?


Saturday night, Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers' hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box.

Conan O'Brien - Oct 8, 2008. At the time, Palin was traveling with her 13 and 6 year old daughters.





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I was directed here from the catch-all thread about this topic.


I'm basically a moderate, if any labels need to be applied I'm a social democrat and a governmental republican. This is not a political issue for me at all. I'm actually a big Letterman fan, but I thought the joke was ridiculously in bad taste and the Palin's have every right to be outraged. Are they taking it too far by labeling him a child molester and the like? Yes, but I think Letterman should be called out. It's totally irresponsible that Letterman and his writing staff wrote that joke then put it on the air. It would have been in bad taste if it was about her "legal" daughter, but it's horrible that it was about a 14 year old girl.


As for the Palin's letting other jokes about their kids go in the past, well they shouldn't of and they are being a little hypocritical, but in no way shape or form does that excuse Letterman.


Also, I'm not easily offended. I was a public defender for 2 years, and the type of dark humor that is floated around that type of office is very dark. This joke struck a horrible chord with me, maybe because I've been involved in cases with sexual abuse to minors.

Edited by SoxFan562004
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QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 12:55 PM)
As for the Palin's letting other jokes about their kids go in the past, well they shouldn't of and they are being a little hypocritical, but in no way shape or form does that excuse Letterman.


Also, I'm not easily offended. I was a public defender for 2 years, and the type of dark humor that is floated around that type of office is very dark. This joke struck a horrible chord with me, maybe because I've been involved in cases with sexual abuse to minors.


I never said that this excuses Letterman who has given two fairly detailed and very public apologies. It does fail to justify the outrage that Palin has had, and who has, as a sidenote, accepted the second public Letterman apology.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 07:47 AM)
And here's why the whole thing is BS and manufactured outrage.



Gov. Palin announced over the weekend that her 17-year-old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant. And you thought John Edwards was in trouble before! Now he has really done it.


Jay Leno - September 2, 2008


There was a skit on SNL in September 2008 that referred to the Palin family as being fans of incest and accused her husband of sleeping with her daughters. Where was that outrage?



Saturday night, Sarah Palin is going to drop the first puck at the Philadelphia Flyers' hockey game. Then Palin will spend the rest of the game trying to keep the hockey players out of her daughter's penalty box.


Conan O'Brien - Oct 8, 2008. At the time, Palin was traveling with her 13 and 6 year old daughters.


That's very interesting. Good find.


I can't help but notice the dates of those virtually identical late-night TV jokes. The governor wasn't exactly in need of attention back then though, was she? Nothing like taking on the Washington/New York "media elite" to help keep one's self in the limelight while firing up the base.


Again, doesn't excuse Letterman one bit.


They're BOTH big doofusses. Difference is, he knows it.

Edited by PlaySumFnJurny
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QUOTE (BearSox @ Jun 16, 2009 -> 08:17 PM)

I heard about this on Glenn Beck. Obama just eliminated the only real check on power that people had over his community organizer friends. Wanna see something funny?


Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 (co-sponsored by Obama)


(a) ESTABLISHMENTS.—Section 3 of the Inspector General


Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.) is amended by striking the second


sentence and inserting ‘‘If an Inspector General is removed from

office or is transferred to another position or location within an

establishment, the President shall communicate in writing the reasons

for any such removal or transfer to both Houses of Congress,

not later than 30 days before the removal or transfer. Nothing

in this subsection shall prohibit a personnel action otherwise

authorized by law, other than transfer or removal.’’.


Yeah, Obama didn't do that.

Edited by Thunderbolt
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