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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Jun 1, 2010 -> 04:11 PM)


ZOMG! Pelosi is guided by the Word (of God)! ZOMG!



*awaits liberal blog/media attack equating this to Bush, claiming religion is the worst thing on earth, and expressing outrage that a public official is guided by it*



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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 08:23 PM)

Is there a place where i can find a comparison of Q v B on the issues? I think I want to like Brady, but I dont know enough about him... i havent been following this as closely as I should have.

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QUOTE (KipWellsFan @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 10:47 PM)
Have any local Illinois pollsters looked at the race recently? That's probably what you should pay attention to.


found this cbs2 poll from April 7th.




Gov. Pat Quinn has a lot of work to do to get voters in his corner by November if he is going to beat Republican State Sen. Bill Brady in the general election. A new poll has Brady leading Quinn 43 percent to 33 percent. Even worse for Quinn, his approval rating is a dismal 25 percent.


Public Policy Polling -- based in Raleigh, N.C. -- surveyed 591 likely Illinois voters from April 1 to April 5. While the poll shows a solid majority of Republicans – 80 percent – already support Brady, only a small majority of Democrats – 53 percent – are supporting Quinn.


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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 10:51 PM)
KInda like the South Park episode, do we elect a Giant Dooshe, or a turd sandwich.


pretty much. but Turd Sandwich has already promised to raise taxes, so i won't vote for him. maybe i'll just vote for Giant Douche even though he's, well, a Giant Douche.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 12:04 PM)
pretty much. but Turd Sandwich has already promised to raise taxes, so i won't vote for him. maybe i'll just vote for Giant Douche even though he's, well, a Giant Douche.

This is definitely a bad set of choices, but amazingly, not the worst we've seen. The last IL Gov election featured Blago and Judy Baar-Topinka. I chose death (I actually chose the Green Party, which 9% of Illinoisans also chose, for probably the same reasons).


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QUOTE (Y2HH @ Jun 4, 2010 -> 03:45 PM)
When I scrolled through this page of threads, I read that as "Brady Quinn leading in the polls..."


I had to scroll back up and re-read this. :D

haha man I never thought of that before you mentioned it

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Ok, I can't wait any more to post on this one.


There's been accusations in the South Carolina GOP primary for the governorship that one of the candidates had an affair with a staffer/blogger from that state. It's been dragging on for about 2 weeks now.


The thing I find remarkable? The other republican in the race just released the results of his polygraph which he took to prove he didn't push the story.

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Obama will meet with Chavez, Kim Jong-il, and Ahmadinejad, but not BP CEO

Jun 09, 2010 at 7:26 AM PDT in US News8 comments Retweet Want to know how I know Obama is more concerned with his image as President than he is about the American people?Because he said so.During the 2008 election Obama loved to brag about how he would meet with the world's most dangerous dictators including ...

Want to know how I know Obama is more concerned with his image as President than he is about the American people?


Because he said so.


During the 2008 election Obama loved to brag about how he would meet with the world's most dangerous dictators including Ahmadinejad, Chavez, and Kim Jong-il. He even went as far to say that he would do so "without preconditions":



However yesterday he told Matt Lauer that he won't talk to the BP CEO (4:01 in the video):




Barack Obama: “It’s going to cost them money and I’m going to stay on them if it’s the last thing I do in this administration to make sure that…


Matt Lauer: Have you spoken directly with the CEO of BP?


Barack Obama: I have not spoken to him directly and here’s the reason, because my experience is, when you talk to a guy like the BP CEO, he’s going to say all the right things to me. I’m not interested in words. I’m interested in actions…


Matt Lauer: In all due respect that seems strange to me.


I agree Matt, that is very strange.


So I just want to make sure I'm understanding this correctly — you will meet with some of the most evil men in the world without preconditions, but will not meet with the CEO of a company at the center of one of the worst disasters in American history?


That's just sickening.


How come he thinks the monsters he wants to talk to in person wouldn't do the same thing he thinks the BP CEO will do (all words, no action)? I'll tell you why: because he has no experience in virtually anything and has no clue what he's doing as President.


So thank you, Mr. President. Thank you for meeting with the men around the world who want to kill us, but not with the one man who might have more insight on this oil spill than anyone else.


Thank you.

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Barack Obama: I have not spoken to him directly and here’s the reason, because my experience is, when you talk to a guy like the BP CEO, he’s going to say all the right things to me. I’m not interested in words. I’m interested in actions…


And we all know all those other people would never dare do such a thing...

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