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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (greg775 @ May 29, 2011 -> 10:41 PM)
Our country is great, but bizarre.


Obama can't fix the economy, gas prices are so high, yet he's going to win re-election in a landslide.

Is it because the Republican's have such horrific candidates like Palin or ????


Repulicans got nobody to excite anybody. If it's because of race, are there any good African American Republicans to go against Obama??


Nope, because I think any black Republican would be vilified in the black community as being just another rich capitalist crony.


It does suck that there's no real threat to Obama (at least not yet, still lots of time for someone to emerge). But as I've said before, the GOP message is so ridiculous that they'll never get the independents/moderates to jump to their side. Credit the Dems from painting all republicans as bible-humping rednecks who hate gays, or ubber rich white elite males who hate anyone without money.


I think someone like Newt would be a legitimate positive for the country, since he is focused so squarely on getting the country back on track. He's not concerned with the irrelevant social issues that usually decide these elections. But the latest gaffe he made (which i think was blown a little bit out of proportion, but it still doesn't look good) might have hurt his chances. This is one reason why I think ultimately Palin will fade away come primary time - she has no real legitimate stance on how to fix the economy and get it moving in the right direction. Once these guys get into a debate she's going to get crushed.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ May 31, 2011 -> 02:26 PM)
Nope, because I think any black Republican would be vilified in the black community as being just another rich capitalist crony.


It does suck that there's no real threat to Obama (at least not yet, still lots of time for someone to emerge). But as I've said before, the GOP message is so ridiculous that they'll never get the independents/moderates to jump to their side. Credit the Dems from painting all republicans as bible-humping rednecks who hate gays, or ubber rich white elite males who hate anyone without money.


I think someone like Newt would be a legitimate positive for the country, since he is focused so squarely on getting the country back on track. He's not concerned with the irrelevant social issues that usually decide these elections. But the latest gaffe he made (which i think was blown a little bit out of proportion, but it still doesn't look good) might have hurt his chances. This is one reason why I think ultimately Palin will fade away come primary time - she has no real legitimate stance on how to fix the economy and get it moving in the right direction. Once these guys get into a debate she's going to get crushed.


You say Dems paint all republicans as bible-humping rednecks who hate gays, or ubber rich white elite males who hate anyone without money.


Than you follow that up with the best person to run this country would be the guy who said we are under attack by a gay and secular fascism.



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Credit the Dems from painting all republicans as bible-humping rednecks who hate gays, or ubber rich white elite males who hate anyone without money.


That's a great sentence. Prolly true as well.

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QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 10:04 AM)
You've had months to prepare and that is the best you have got? You need to fire your writers.

I just drove past that one a few times last week. I'm still a fan of MITTENS! but I wanted something new.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 02:07 PM)
Failed Alaskan Senate Candidate Joe Miller also launched a campaign today...the "Stop Romney" campaign.



If the current Tea Party "Leaders" like Miller actually succeed in putting a far right conservative on the ticket, then they have thrown any chance they have in the general in the garbage.


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Although she has not officially declared herself a candidate, Rep. Michelle Bachmann has announced that she will participate in an upcoming Republican Presidential Debate, June 13 in New Hampshire. She will reportedly make an official announcement later this month in the town of Waterloo, Iowa.


Please tell me the Republicans in this thread won't get offended when I say that I'm really looking forward to this.

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John Edwards officially indicted.

The 19-page indictment charges Edwards on six counts -- one count of conspiracy to violate federal campaign finance laws and to make false statements to the Federal Election Commission; four counts of accepting and receiving illegal campaign contributions from two donors and one count of concealing those illegal donations from the FEC.


"Mr. Edwards is alleged to have accepted more than $900,000 in an effort to conceal from the public facts that he believed would harm his candidacy," Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breur said in a statement. "As this indictment shows, we will not permit candidates for high office to abuse their special ability to access the coffers of their political supporters to circumvent our election laws."

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at the rate she is going, she is going to replace a weatherman someday...




February 28, 2010: “Pelosi Says Democrats Will Keep Control of the House”


March 1, 2010: “Nancy Pelosi predicts Democrats will hold the House”


May 19, 2010: “Bring it on: Pelosi predicts ‘for sure’ that Dems will win House”


July 15, 2010: “Pelosi guarantees Dems will retain House in November”


September 14, 2010: “Speaker Pelosi ‘Absolutely’ Confident Dems Will Retain House Majority”


September 28, 2010: “’I fully expect to be speaker of the House five weeks from now,’ Pelosi replied.”


October 9, 2010: “Vilified or Not, Pelosi Insists She’s Winning”


Midday of Election Day, November 2, 2010: “’With the early returns and the overwhelming number of democrats who are coming out, we’re on pace to maintain the majority in the House of Representatives,’ Pelosi said.”


To refresh your memory, the Democrats lost 63 seats, more than the 39 seats required to shift control of the House.


Today: “Exclusive: Pelosi Says Democrats Have ‘Very Good Chance’ to Win Back the House in 2012.”

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I'm hoping our lawyer type can weigh in on the Edwards case a bit.


From my reading, it actually seems like the Government has something of a difficult case to make here. The person who made the "contributions" that went to Edwards's mistress appears to have been a supporter who had already maxed out in what she was contributing. The Edwards campaign appears to be ready to argue that the money that was passed along to his mistress was therefore not actually campaign contributions, but instead money given between the independent people.


I'd be surprised if there is current law on this issue. If I'm running for office and you've maxed out on your contributions to me, that doesn't mean you can't contribute to other people running, and that also doesn't mean you can't make private gifts to people you meet if you happen to decide to do so. It seems like there's illegality here in a lot of places, but I'm not sure that the law itself is prepared to deal with it.

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Why not? If he wants to keep up pretending he's in, I'll keep playing along.

TPM caught up with Trump at the Faith & Freedom Conventionm after he left a closed door meeting with event organizer Ralph Reed and other social conservatives and asked how he figured he'd do as an independent.


"I think I'd do great," he said, telling TPM he believed he could win the White House. As for whether he'll run, he said it depended on the GOP nominee.


"Let's see what happens with the Republicans, who they put up," he said.


Asked if he was consulting with pollsters on a run, he said "I was leading in the polls when I decided to sign a very big contract -- I was actually leading."

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 5, 2011 -> 02:53 PM)
John Huntsman will not compete in the Iowa caucuses, joining MITTens in that decision. That may leave Iowa as a Pawlenty versus Palin/Bachmann type contest.


Don't forget about Ron Paul.


Huntsman is against farm subsidies, so he figured Iowa is a lost cause.

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WASHINGTON (AP) -- AP sources: Senior aides on Gingrich presidential campaign resign en masse



Newt Gingrich's campaign manager and numerous other key aides have resigned together, a strong blow to his hopes for the Republican presidential nomination.


Ginrgrich press spokesman Rick Tyler told The Associated Press that he's resigned along with campaign manager Rob Johnson, senior strategists and aides in key early primary states.


Update 2: Rick Tyler is the campaign staffer who penned this press release.

"The literati sent out their minions to do their bidding. Washington cannot tolerate threats from outsiders who might disrupt their comfortable world. The firefight started when the cowardly sensed weakness. They fired timidly at first, then the sheep not wanting to be dropped from the establishment's cocktail party invite list unloaded their entire clip, firing without taking aim their distortions and falsehoods. Now they are left exposed by their bylines and handles.


"But surely they had killed him off. This is the way it always worked. A lesser person could not have survived the first few minutes of the onslaught. But out of the billowing smoke and dust of tweets and trivia emerged Gingrich, once again ready to lead those who won't be intimated by the political elite and are ready to take on the challenges America faces."

(Posted entirely to post that press release again)
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Here appears to be the why on l'affair Gingrich.

ABC News has learned that one of the major issues between former Speaker Newt Gingrich and his (now former) senior campaign staff revolves around the myriad projects he and his wife Callista work on, which staffers describe as a constant distraction from the campaign.


Senior staffers demanded that Gingrich focus on pressing the flesh and fundraising and stop touring the country promoting film projects with his wife. At one point Gingrich was so focused on film premiers and book signings, one senior staffer emailed the team: "We didn’t sign up to be hucksters for products for sale"


But sources say Callista controls the schedule. They say she refused to allow the candidate to attend a Memorial Day Weekend parade in key early primary state South Carolina unless a film screening was set up in the state.

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