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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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MILWAUKEE (AP) - Joe Biden has met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili (sah-kahsh-VIH'-leh) in Milwaukee.



Photographers took pictures of the pair at the start of the meeting, but reporters weren't allowed into the session. Phil Walzak, a spokesman for Barack Obama's campaign, calls it a private meeting between the Democratic vice presidential candidate and a head of state.


Earlier this week, reporters were initially barred from meetings between Biden's Republican counterpart, Sarah Palin, and world leaders. But the restriction was later dropped. Walzak is rejecting any comparisons between the two situations






Waiting for the MSM revolt........

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 01:01 PM)
MILWAUKEE (AP) - Joe Biden has met with Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili (sah-kahsh-VIH'-leh) in Milwaukee.



Photographers took pictures of the pair at the start of the meeting, but reporters weren't allowed into the session. Phil Walzak, a spokesman for Barack Obama's campaign, calls it a private meeting between the Democratic vice presidential candidate and a head of state.


Earlier this week, reporters were initially barred from meetings between Biden's Republican counterpart, Sarah Palin, and world leaders. But the restriction was later dropped. Walzak is rejecting any comparisons between the two situations






Waiting for the MSM revolt........


I really wish Biden would get the same type of examiniation that Palin is. The guy is a walking mistake machine, but no one seems to notice or care. At least with Palin you can say she is new and could get better. Biden has been around for decades and he is STILL making this stupid mistakes. He has gotten a completely free pass while the media has Swiftboated Palin at every turn. Its unbelievable.

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House conservatives scored a victory last week when Nancy Pelosi and Co. capitulated on drilling and dropped the bans on offshore and oil-shale leasing from the House version of a continuing resolution funding the government. Then, word came down yesterday that Harry Reid would try to reinsert the ban on oil-shale leasing in the Senate version of the CR. Last night I spoke to a Senate Republican aide who's been working on this issue, and he gave me a few more details.


The way he sees it, Reid is going to try to attach the ban, not to the CR, but to the "economic stimulus package" John mentioned below. The move is intended to ensure that Senate Republicans vote against the package, so that Senate Democrats can claim that they tried to do something for Main Street but were stymied by GOP opposition. This gives them cover to vote for the Wall Street bailout.


If it goes down like my source thinks it will, the economic stimulus package will fail and the bans will expire, opening up both the Outer Continental Shelf and the Mountain West for oil and gas exploration, including oil shale. The attempt to reinsert the ban is just a political trick by Reid.


UPDATE: To be sure, Reid could still try to put the ban on oil-shale leasing into the Senate version of the CR. If he did, he'd be courting a White House veto and putting moderate Dems in an unenviable position — the wrong side of a two-to-one issue.




Now that is politics, er leadership I mean. Well done leader Reid. :headbang

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The Senate just voted (52 - 42, they needed 60) against the Motion to Proceed to S. 3604, the Economic Stimulus Bill. This bill contained the desperate attempt to revive the oil shale regulation ban, and is now dead.


The Senate has now turned to other matters. Although there are media hints that the Dem Leadership would keep trying to sneak the ban back into place in another vehicle, (such as the bail-out) this was their best chance. We will remain vigilant. There seems to be an absurdly fanatical desire to hamstring Colorado’s economy and America’s energy security by certain Members.


Senator Allard said this on the Senate Floor before the vote:


"If the purpose of this amendment is to stimulate the economy, why would we attempt to place one of the largest potential deposits of oil in the world out of reach? This provision would maintain the status quo of sending $700 billion annually to the likes of Hugo Chavez. If we enacted this provision, not only are we sending American dollars abroad, but we're sending American jobs after them."




Edited by Cknolls
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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 02:42 PM)
So, FYI, if you think that the oil shale deposits in the western U.S. are going to be the answer to our energy problems...I have the approaches to a yet-to-be-built bridge in Alaska to sell you.


No gimme subcompact with 2000 D batteries and I'll be on my way.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 01:25 PM)
<!--quoteo(post=1757702:date=Sep 26, 2008 -> 01:07 PM:name=lostfan)-->
QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 01:07 PM)
<!--quotec-->Have you guys seen the ads with the doctors talking about melanoma and then questioning whether it affects McCain's ability to lead? It really makes me cringe.


that is a seriously low blow.

That's f***ed up.

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Yet ANOTHER attempt to silence speech they don't like. This time, they are trying to preempt it with the threats. When GWB was elected, they warned us that people would try to use the law to silence thier critics. I guess they were right.


A quick timeline of this and other instances when they have tried this tactic.


Edited by Alpha Dog
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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 10:56 PM)
Just a funny bit of irony (?) Olbermann giving McCain crap because he had a mispronunciation of Imadinnerjacket, but no mention of Obama calling McCain 'Jack'.

Dude. It's Keith Olbermann. Seriously. I think he beats off to video clips of Obama speeches at night.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 26, 2008 -> 10:01 PM)
Dude. It's Keith Olbermann. Seriously. I think he beats off to video clips of Obama speeches at night.

I know, I just thought of all the things for him to go off about, he chose that. That man has issues.

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From NRO:


Wanted to share with you an arresting letter from a friend:


Just thought I’d send some thoughts from small-business America. My husband’s business is a canary in the coalmine. When tax policies are favorable to business, he hires more guys, buys more goods, etc. When he is taxed more heavily, he fires people, doesn’t buy anything new, etc. Well, duh. So, at the mere thought of a President Obama, he has paid off his debt, canceled new spending, and jotted a list of whom to “let go.”



The first of the guys will get the news tomorrow. And these are not minimum-wage earners. These are “rich” guys, making between $200,000 and $250,000 a year.



My husband will make sure that we’re okay, money-wise, but he won’t give himself a paycheck that will just be sent to Washington. He’ll make sure that he’s not in “rich guy” tax territory. So, he will not spend his money, not show a profit, and scale his workforce down to the bare minimum.



Multiply this scenario across the country and you’ll see the Obama effect: unemployment, recession, etc. No business owner will vote for this man, but many a “middle-class worker” will vote himself out of a job. Sad the Republican can’t articulate this.



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A mainstream media reporter speaks to Instapundit, without identifying himself or herself: "Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working."


Hmm. They refer to the New York Times, so it's not that institution. Which media institution has "editors" and "publishes"(newspaper or magazine, presumably), that has four people in Alaska and four in Arizona right now? What publication has those kind of resources?


I have no idea.











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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Sep 30, 2008 -> 12:17 PM)
A mainstream media reporter speaks to Instapundit, without identifying himself or herself: "Off the record, every suspicion you have about MSM being in the tank for O is true. We have a team of 4 people going thru dumpsters in Alaska and 4 in arizona. Not a single one looking into Acorn, Ayers or Freddiemae. Editor refuses to publish anything that would jeopardize election for O, and betting you dollars to donuts same is true at NYT, others. People cheer when CNN or NBC run another Palin-mocking but raising any reasonable inquiry into obama is derided or flat out ignored. The fix is in, and its working."


Hmm. They refer to the New York Times, so it's not that institution. Which media institution has "editors" and "publishes"(newspaper or magazine, presumably), that has four people in Alaska and four in Arizona right now? What publication has those kind of resources?


I have no idea.





This is hilarious. Poor John "The Media IS my base" McCain!

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MILWAUKEE — Oprah Winfrey's mother says she shouldn't have to pay a nearly $156,000 debt to a high-end fashion store because store officials shouldn't have extended credit to her.


Valentina Inc. alleges that Vernita Lee of Milwaukee racked up $155,547 in purchases and interest as of July 1. The company sued, saying Lee fell behind in minimum monthly payments of $2,000.


Lee filed a counterclaim Friday contending that Valentina took advantage of her "lack of knowledge, ability, and-or capacity" when creating her credit account




I'm not responsible for my actions. It is someone else's fault. :huh

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On that Oprah's mother story there is a strange wrinkle that is not really talked about but is really strange...


Court papers say Lee resolved a 2002 case with the company over a $175,000 bill. The resolution prohibited Valentina from extending further credit to her.


That means that when the store extended credit to her after 2002 that they were in violation of the resolution. Thus the argument is that in 2002 they agreed that they would not extend more credit to her, they broke their part of the agreement, therefore they should not be repaid.


Its really odd, because generally a store would not extend that much credit to anyone, yet they did it twice?


There has to be more to this, but my guess is that it has something to do with using Oprah's mother to influence Oprah and when Oprah didnt wear the clothes that Valentina wanted they then wanted the money for those clothes.


(Thats purely my opinion not based on any facts.)


Its just really odd as I said before.

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