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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Mar 14, 2013 -> 04:08 AM)
Dont get me wrong, I love this complete inability to do anything at all and hope it never ends, but to say were living in a functional democracy is highly debatable.




You clamor for more taxation, more government programs, more legislation, fully subscribing to the "SOMETHING MUST BE DONE" chaos/panic philosophy to legislation. In vacuum it actually makes sense, I understand where you're coming from. But what blows my is that every time our government grows it just asks the market to handle the logistics in exchange for astronomical taxpayer funded subsidies and state-approved monopolies. Sure there's an accompanying bureaucracy to feign oversight and enforce the arbitrary regulations built to entrench the monopolies, this is government were talking about, but mostly its taxpayers being forced to pay private enterprise for stuff.


Its not just the healthcare bill, that was just the latest, most brazen move. They've been doing it for decades now with the military and its huge government contracts, and the justice system is increasingly being subsidized towards private companies. You want government to grow because you think it'll lead to a more even wealth distribution but there's this clear as day f***ing reality that all it really does is loot middle class tax dollars to feed this monster.


you're aware that over the last few decades there have been more republican than democratic presidents yes?

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QUOTE (Reddy @ Mar 14, 2013 -> 05:18 PM)
you're aware that over the last few decades there have been more republican than democratic presidents yes?

Um, how far back are we going?


2008-2016 D

2000-2008 R

1992-2000 D

1980-1992 R

1976-1980 D

1968-1976 R

1960-1968 D


Basically, the rule winds up being...if you stop counting at a year when an R won, they have more years, if yous top counting when a D won, it's even. Since 1960, it'll be 28 years for each party by the time 2016 comes around.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Mar 14, 2013 -> 03:29 PM)
Um, how far back are we going?


2008-2016 D

2000-2008 R

1992-2000 D

1980-1992 R

1976-1980 D

1968-1976 R

1960-1968 D


Basically, the rule winds up being...if you stop counting at a year when an R won, they have more years, if yous top counting when a D won, it's even. Since 1960, it'll be 28 years for each party by the time 2016 comes around.

I wasn't going further back than Reagan. Either way, the reason we're where we are can't be blamed on one party or the other.

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you're aware that over the last few decades there have been more republican than democratic presidents yes?

Presidents dont make laws bud. Its mostly congress, though calls to action by the president undoubtedly have a major effect on legislation being moved. Not that I really think politicians on either side have had any problem growing the federal government for the exact purposes I stated in the post you quoted until very, very recently.

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Medical assistant Adrienne Moton admitted Tuesday that she had cut the necks of at least 10 babies after they were delivered, as Gosnell had instructed her. Gosnell and another employee regularly “snipped” the spines “to ensure fetal demise,” she said.


Moton sobbed as she recalled taking a cellphone photograph of one baby because he was bigger than any she had seen aborted before. She measured the fetus at nearly 30 weeks, and thought he could have survived, given his size and pinkish color. Gosnell later joked that the baby was so big he could have walked to the bus stop, she said.





If only we could find the dullest, rustiest pair of scissors to do the same to this pile of s***....And just let him f***ing squirm until he stops. These people and the people who defend them should all rot in hell.

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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 12:43 PM)
Medical assistant Adrienne Moton admitted Tuesday that she had cut the necks of at least 10 babies after they were delivered, as Gosnell had instructed her. Gosnell and another employee regularly “snipped” the spines “to ensure fetal demise,” she said.


Moton sobbed as she recalled taking a cellphone photograph of one baby because he was bigger than any she had seen aborted before. She measured the fetus at nearly 30 weeks, and thought he could have survived, given his size and pinkish color. Gosnell later joked that the baby was so big he could have walked to the bus stop, she said.





If only we could find the dullest, rustiest pair of scissors to do the same to this pile of s***....And just let him f***ing squirm until he stops. These people and the people who defend them should all rot in hell.




But that wasn't the defense's only argument. Introducing more political complexity to a case already rife with it, the defense argued that Gosnell is being unfairly targeted because he — like most of his clients — is black. ABC News outlines what Gosnell's attorney called an "elitist, racist prosecution."


[Gosnell's attorney Jack] McMahon said city officials are applying "Mayo Clinic" standards to Gosnell's inner-city office in West Philadelphia.


"This is a targeted, elitist and racist prosecution of a doctor who's done nothing but give (back) to the poor and the people of West Philadelphia," the fiery McMahon insisted to the predominantly black jury, as Gosnell sat serenely taking notes. "It's a prosecutorial lynching of Dr. Kermit Gosnell."


"Remember to say racist. Oh! And remember to use the word lynch!" If the glove don't fit...

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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Lol, geez:


Although the state health department found violations during site reviews in 1989, 1992 and 1993, it failed to ensure they were corrected, the grand jury report said. A representative of the Pennsylvania Department of Health didn't return calls to comment, and the Department of State referred calls to a spokesman for newly installed Gov. Tom Corbett, a Republican. The governor's spokesman didn't respond to messages for comment.


After 1993, there were no more inspections because the Pennsylvania health department "abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all," the grand jury reported. There was supposed to be an exception for "complaints dumped directly on the department's doorstep," yet the Women's Medical Society wasn't inspected in spite of repeated complaints about Dr. Gosnell, the report said.


In many ways the Department of State "had more damning information than anyone else," the grand jury said, since nearly 10 years ago, a former employee of the doctor's presented the Board of Medicine with a complaint "that laid out the whole scope of his operation: the unclean, unsterile conditions; the unlicensed workers; the unsupervised sedation; the underage abortion patients; even the over-prescribing of pain pills with high resale value on the street."


The state department dismissed the complaint after an investigator interviewed the doctor offsite and never inspected the facility, questioned other employees or reviewed records, the grand jury said.


The grand jury outlined other complaints that the state department also dismissed. It suspended Dr. Gosnell's license only after newscoverage of the clinic last year, the grand jury said.


According to the grand jury report:


But at least the department had been doing something up to that point, however

ineffectual. After 1993, even that pro forma effort came to an end. Not because of

administrative ennui, although there had been plenty. Instead, the Pennsylvania

Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion

clinics at all. The politics in question were not anti-abortion, but pro. With the change of

administration from Governor Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that

inspections would be “putting a barrier up to women” seeking abortions. Better to leave

clinics to do as they pleased, even though, as Gosnell proved, that meant both women and

babies would pay.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Mar 20, 2013 -> 12:20 PM)
No they had to talk about White House Tours and the Egg Roll and, of course, Paul Ryan's (isn't he just dreamy?!) budget.


Seems odd to be complaining about network news coverage when you're linking to AP, though.


Network news= AP. Got it.. Same thing..

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....cause this worked so well the first time around.....



The Obama administration is engaged in a broad push to make more home loans available to people with weaker credit, an effort that officials say will help power the economic recovery but that skeptics say could open the door to the risky lending that caused the housing crash in the first place.


President Obama’s economic advisers and outside experts say the nation’s much-celebrated housing rebound is leaving too many people behind, including young people looking to buy their first homes and individuals with credit records weakened by the recession


In response, administration officials say they are working to get banks to lend to a wider range of borrowers by taking advantage of taxpayer-backed programs — including those offered by the Federal Housing Administration — that insure home loans against default.


Housing officials are urging the Justice Department to provide assurances to banks, which have become increasingly cautious, that they will not face legal or financial recriminations if they make loans to riskier borrowers who meet government standards but later default.


Officials are also encouraging lenders to use more subjective judgment in determining whether to offer a loan and are seeking to make it easier for people who owe more than their properties are worth to refinance at today’s low interest rates, among other steps.


Obama pledged in his State of the Union address to do more to make sure more Americans can enjoy the benefits of the housing recovery, but critics say encouraging banks to lend as broadly as the administration hopes will sow the seeds of another housing disaster and endanger taxpayer dollars.


“If that were to come to pass, that would open the floodgates to highly excessive risk and would send us right back on the same path we were just trying to recover from,” said Ed Pinto, a resident fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former top executive at mortgage giant Fannie Mae.


Administration officials say they are looking only to allay unnecessary hesi­ta­tion among banks and encourage safe lending to borrowers who have the financial wherewithal to pay.


“There’s always a tension that you have to take seriously between providing clarity and rules of the road and not giving any opportunity to restart the kind of irresponsible lending that we saw in the mid-2000s,” said a senior administration official who was not authorized to speak on the record.


The administration’s efforts come in the midst of a housing market that has been surging for the past year but that has been delivering most of the benefits to established homeowners with high credit scores or to investors who have been behind a significant number of new purchases.


“If you were going to tell people in low-income and moderate-income communities and communities of color there was a housing recovery, they would look at you as if you had two heads,” said John Taylor, president of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, a nonprofit housing organization. “It is very difficult for people of low and moderate incomes to refinance or buy homes.”


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