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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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That's a great way of saying "I've got nothing"

edit: also remembered this Guns & Ammo freak-out when one of the editors published an article support some very mild forms of gun control


edit2: also, too, the harassment of the "pajama boy" from an OFA ad about Obamacare to the point where the National Review has written at least six articles on it at this point, his name and address have been widely published and he's had to try to delete his entire online presence thanks to the hordes. All because he appeared in an image in an ad. But, hey, liberals. This guy at least worked for OFA. The woman who happened to be in the stock photo that was on healthcare.gov was just some random model who has been heavily harassed. Again, damn liberals.

Edited by StrangeSox
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That Bashir thing wouldve been better if he didn't go through the whole "time to start feeling guilty again, whitey! Don't forget to pay your taxes" and just said someone should s*** in Palin's mouth. Because someone should s*** in Sarah Palin's mouth, and that is a fantastic idea.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 22, 2013 -> 03:28 AM)
That Bashir thing wouldve been better if he didn't go through the whole "time to start feeling guilty again, whitey! Don't forget to pay your taxes" and just said someone should s*** in Palin's mouth. Because someone should s*** in Sarah Palin's mouth, and that is a fantastic idea.

You just made me feel bad for Sarah Palin.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 11:37 PM)
That's a great way of saying "I've got nothing"

edit: also remembered this Guns & Ammo freak-out when one of the editors published an article support some very mild forms of gun control


edit2: also, too, the harassment of the "pajama boy" from an OFA ad about Obamacare to the point where the National Review has written at least six articles on it at this point, his name and address have been widely published and he's had to try to delete his entire online presence thanks to the hordes. All because he appeared in an image in an ad. But, hey, liberals. This guy at least worked for OFA. The woman who happened to be in the stock photo that was on healthcare.gov was just some random model who has been heavily harassed. Again, damn liberals.

Harassment? They were laughing at him. Oh wait, that is bullying now, sorry. NOT


Just curious what threats you are referring to. I used Bing and Google and got nothing. If you are referring to twitter, just forget it. Twitter users threatens everyone and everything, it doesn't count anymore. For every pajama boy threat you could find there, I could find 3 wanting to rape Michelle Malkin or kill Ann Coulter.

Edited by Alpha Dog
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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Dec 23, 2013 -> 10:46 PM)
Harassment? They were laughing at him. Oh wait, that is bullying now, sorry. NOT


Just curious what threats you are referring to. I used Bing and Google and got nothing. If you are referring to twitter, just forget it. Twitter users threatens everyone and everything, it doesn't count anymore. For every pajama boy threat you could find there, I could find 3 wanting to rape Michelle Malkin or kill Ann Coulter.


His full name and address were being passed around. That is harassment.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 11:37 PM)
That's a great way of saying "I've got nothing"

edit: also remembered this Guns & Ammo freak-out when one of the editors published an article support some very mild forms of gun control


edit2: also, too, the harassment of the "pajama boy" from an OFA ad about Obamacare to the point where the National Review has written at least six articles on it at this point, his name and address have been widely published and he's had to try to delete his entire online presence thanks to the hordes. All because he appeared in an image in an ad. But, hey, liberals. This guy at least worked for OFA. The woman who happened to be in the stock photo that was on healthcare.gov was just some random model who has been heavily harassed. Again, damn liberals.




A Lake Tahoe couple filed a police report saying they received numerous death threats and harassing messages after reporting problems with a black bear that was captured and euthanized by Nevada wildlife officials.



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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 24, 2013 -> 10:45 AM)
Good thing I never made such a ridiculous claim that liberals don't harass people for their beliefs or statements. Otherwise I'd look pretty silly right now.


In case you forgot, my argument was that conservatives also harass people or try to get them fired.


I argued about celebrities/TV personalities getting in trouble for giving an opinion on a topic. So far you've given the one example of the CNN guy who talked about s***ting in someone's mouth. That's not really controversial from a political standpoint, that was just vulgar and unprofessional.


Edit: sorry, you did give the Dixie Chick example too, but that's not really comparable either. People said stop buying their music. I don't recall anyone saying they should be "fired" or that the record industry should stop working with them.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Dec 24, 2013 -> 12:23 PM)
I don't recall anyone saying they should be "fired" or that the record industry should stop working with them.

The largest radio-ownership group in the country, Clearchannel (assembled in part by this dude named Romney) organized protests and boycotts of them as part of their official policy.

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Except this is clearly the most ironic case of outrage I've seen in a bit.


One group goes apes*** claiming someone is expressing their beliefs in a way that they feel marginalizes their ability to express their own. And not in a "gays aren't even human" way, just a "I don't understand being gay, but whatever my beliefs tell me to love them anyways" sort of way. ISNT THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF TOLERANCE? Saying that even s*** that makes no sense to you (and you might even disagree with) but doesn't harm you in any way is just something you have to live with is the actual definition of tolerance. That's being tolerant, if every religious fundie in this country thought like this hilljack you'd be able to get married and do whatever you wanted. The war would be over.


But its been clear for a while that nobody wants this war to end. The 21st century chic is to be persecuted, and if you're not just make up reasons why you are. So next time some gay says "Look, I just want to believe what I want and do what I want and as long as I don't hurt anyone leave me alone" (or whatever common tweetable/hashtaggable variation of that is) I'm going to point to the Christian dude who by merely stating he didn't understand something somehow turned homophone. Freedom of beliefs goes both ways, taking it from Christians to give it to gays doesn't work.


And don't even try to bring up the "happy negro" s*** he said now. You didn't care about it before and do not pretend to suddenly feel outrage because you're scrambling for some way to still demonize this guy.

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It looks like the GOP is primed to retake the Senate and expand it's lead in the House. Not because the Republicans have done much of anything, but the extremist Obama Regime's attacks on the middle class have turned people against the Democrat brand.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 24, 2013 -> 06:45 PM)
One group goes apes*** claiming someone is expressing their beliefs in a way that they feel marginalizes their ability to express their own. And not in a "gays aren't even human" way, just a "I don't understand being gay, but whatever my beliefs tell me to love them anyways" sort of way.


No, in a "being gay is like a step away from raping animals" sort of way. Nice whitewashing.


QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 24, 2013 -> 06:45 PM)
ISNT THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF TOLERANCE? Saying that even s*** that makes no sense to you (and you might even disagree with) but doesn't harm you in any way is just something you have to live with is the actual definition of tolerance. That's being tolerant, if every religious fundie in this country thought like this hilljack you'd be able to get married and do whatever you wanted. The war would be over.


I haven't seen any indication that Robertson is supportive of gay marriage. The fact that homosexuality was literally the first thing he named on the topic of how America is becoming morally corrupt would indicate to me that he's the type of guy who opposes equality.


I'd say he's more likely to be supportive of throwing gay people in jail than allowing them to marry.

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No, in a "being gay is like a step away from raping animals" sort of way. Nice whitewashing.




I haven't seen any indication that Robertson is supportive of gay marriage. The fact that homosexuality was literally the first thing he named on the topic of how America is becoming morally corrupt would indicate to me that he's the type of guy who opposes equality.


I'd say he's more likely to be supportive of throwing gay people in jail than allowing them to marry.


Try actually reading what he said and then come back here to contribute.

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IIRC he said "just love em anyways", which I would typically take as a pretty clear sign he doesn't want homos incarcerated.


A&E let him back on the show anyways, just milking some outrage and the culture war to raise some publicity. We all got duped.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 28, 2013 -> 05:28 PM)
IIRC he said "just love em anyways", which I would typically take as a pretty clear sign he doesn't want homos incarcerated.


Making an "I'm a Christian and we're supposed to love everybody" comment doesn't mean you don't favor criminalization of things you consider sins. His comment about that also specifically mentioned terrorists, who I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a problem with locking up.

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Dude there is no way you could get that from the quotes. He mostly expressed bewilderment at choosing men's butts over women's vaginas and went from there. He didn't say he wanted to just "let dem f**gots die in holes and burn in hell" or anything close to it. Again, its getting to the point where if you don't openly offer to give some dude a blowjob and extol the virtues of homosexuality you're just labeled a bigot. The whole gay rights movement has abandoned tolerance and even acceptance as the goal and gone big for universal endorsement.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 29, 2013 -> 09:49 AM)
Dude there is no way you could get that from the quotes. He mostly expressed bewilderment at choosing men's butts over women's vaginas and went from there. He didn't say he wanted to just "let dem f**gots die in holes and burn in hell" or anything close to it. Again, its getting to the point where if you don't openly offer to give some dude a blowjob and extol the virtues of homosexuality you're just labeled a bigot. The whole gay rights movement has abandoned tolerance and even acceptance as the goal and gone big for universal endorsement.

Why the f*** does he have to comment on it all in the first place? I don't go around offering opinions on hetero sex for no reason.

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I read the article in question, Magary never explains what got Robertson started. I hardly think he just started spouting off about gays without warning. Maybe he did? I don't know. You don't either. But what he actually said has been said millions of times with nobody really caring.

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 29, 2013 -> 06:49 PM)
Dude there is no way you could get that from the quotes.


During a discussion about how America is going downward, he was asked what he considered sinful, and the first thing he went to was homosexuality. He then compared it to having sex with animals.


Yeah, how did I ever conclude that the guy might be against marriage equality? What leads YOU to believe he is in favor of it?


QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 29, 2013 -> 06:49 PM)
Again, its getting to the point where if you don't openly offer to give some dude a blowjob and extol the virtues of homosexuality you're just labeled a bigot.


You're practically an animal rapist, Duke.


Hey hey hey, why are you getting upset? Jeez, it's like I can't say ANYTHING! I'm being persecuted here. Free speech is dead.


QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 29, 2013 -> 06:49 PM)
The whole gay rights movement has abandoned tolerance and even acceptance as the goal and gone big for universal endorsement.


Phil Robertson doesn't offer tolerance or acceptance. He offers demonization.

Edited by CrimsonWeltall
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let's not forget the other things he's said elsewhere, where he makes the implicit hatred of gays very, very explicit. Absolutely no one should be shocked that a man who compares being gay to bestiality and terrorism holds these views.


QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Dec 21, 2013 -> 10:59 AM)
Oh hey, totally shocked that there's a video of the guy who compared homosexuality to bestiality saying a bunch of other awful things.



“Women with women, men with men, they committed indecent acts with one another, and they received in themselves the due penalty for their perversions,” Robertson said in the 2010 speech. “They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant, God-haters. They are heartless, they are faithless, they are senseless, they are ruthless. They invent ways of doing evil. That’s what you have 235 years, roughly, after your forefathers founded the country.”


“They’re full of murder, envy, strife, hatred. They are insolent, arrogant God-haters. They are heartless. They are faithless. They are senseless. They are truthless. They invent ways of doing evil.”


That's also why nobody should ever buy the "I don't hate gays, but..." bulls***

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QUOTE (DukeNukeEm @ Dec 29, 2013 -> 07:36 PM)
There's some crazy for you. Look I still don't care but my sympathy for him is a little drained.

The thing is his horrible beliefs were really apparent when he compared lgbt to bestiality, not to mention the other crap he said. There never was any plausible deniability, but this old video makes it perfectly clear at least.

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