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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
The word INVITED appears once in that article. It describes exactly what happened - a campaign staffer was INVITED to attend a meeting where, as it happens, some unsavory characters were also INVITED.


And to answer your question, I am 100% sure that McCain staffers have ended up at meetings with some slimeballs. And I don't care, as long as there isn't any sort of endorsement or encouragement of anything illegal or slimy.

OK, you guys are misreading what i said. One poster on here would have been creaming his jean with joy at the story, and would have it posted within seconds, much like he did with the troopergate post. Then the others would be on here trying to downplay the initial posting as not being a slam dunk (much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779258), but still say that it is bad and not good (again, much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779291). Second, as far as the meeting goes, you would think that ANY staffer going to a Muslim outreach meeting would at least inquire as to who the hell would be there before committing to go. Unless his Muslim outreach staffers are all brain dead f***ing idiots, which wouldn't speak too well for Obama's Hr skills then, would it. Yes, NSS, they both hang around with some scummy people, usually lobbists or people who take and/or receive bribes. CAIR and KKK are a bit fringy there, and neither one deserve to be heard by presidential candidates.

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an excellent article about the tactics being used by Obama and the Dems.




"I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors," Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. "I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face."


oh great. now the Obama fanatics are going to be out yelling at people and getting in their face as to appease the great leader.


Obama supporters have threatened critics with criminal prosecution. In September, St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch and St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce warned citizens that they would bring criminal libel prosecutions against anyone who made statements against Obama that were "false."




Corporate liberals have done their share in shutting down anti-liberal speech, too. "Saturday Night Live" ran a spoof of the financial crisis that skewered Democrats like House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and liberal contributors Herbert and Marion Sandler, who sold toxic-waste-filled Golden West to Wachovia Bank for $24 billion. Kind of surprising, but not for long. The tape of the broadcast disappeared from NBC's Website and was replaced with another that omitted the references to Frank and the Sandlers. Evidently NBC and its parent, General Electric, don't want people to hear speech that attacks liberals.




Then there's the Democrats' "card check" legislation, which would abolish secret ballot elections in determining whether employees are represented by unions. The unions' strategy is obvious: Send a few thugs over to employees' homes -- we know where you live -- and get them to sign cards that will trigger a union victory without giving employers a chance to be heard.


typical authoritarian tactics

Edited by mr_genius
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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 12, 2008 -> 02:02 AM)
an excellent article about the tactics being used by Obama and the Dems.


Corporate liberals have done their share in shutting down anti-liberal speech, too. "Saturday Night Live" ran a spoof of the financial crisis that skewered Democrats like House Financial Services Chairman Barney Frank and liberal contributors Herbert and Marion Sandler, who sold toxic-waste-filled Golden West to Wachovia Bank for $24 billion. Kind of surprising, but not for long. The tape of the broadcast disappeared from NBC's Website and was replaced with another that omitted the references to Frank and the Sandlers. Evidently NBC and its parent, General Electric, don't want people to hear speech that attacks liberals.


That sketch is still up on NBC.com and the part with the Sandlers isn't gone.



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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 11, 2008 -> 07:48 PM)
OK, you guys are misreading what i said. One poster on here would have been creaming his jean with joy at the story, and would have it posted within seconds, much like he did with the troopergate post. Then the others would be on here trying to downplay the initial posting as not being a slam dunk (much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779258), but still say that it is bad and not good (again, much like some of you did in the troopergate post http://www.soxtalk.com/forums/index.php?s=...&p=1779291). Second, as far as the meeting goes, you would think that ANY staffer going to a Muslim outreach meeting would at least inquire as to who the hell would be there before committing to go. Unless his Muslim outreach staffers are all brain dead f***ing idiots, which wouldn't speak too well for Obama's Hr skills then, would it. Yes, NSS, they both hang around with some scummy people, usually lobbists or people who take and/or receive bribes. CAIR and KKK are a bit fringy there, and neither one deserve to be heard by presidential candidates.


Well, as long as you are admitting you are on the same level as AHB I guess we're good.

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I almost put this is the journalism bias thread, but this is more than bias, or at least something different. According to this paper, they discovered over 10,000 duplicate registrations and thousands of fictitious ones in Ohio. That is pretty bad, especially considering Democratic efforts to not have to verify anyone who is voting, there could be thousands of people who vote as someone they are not! (After the article was printed, a higher court issued a stay, so Ohio doesn't have to comply with the law for now) So what is the headline? "Bogus registrations a pain, not a danger". Wouldn't the possibility of massive voter fraud be a danger? And of course the article contained this little tidbit:

"The problem appears to be particularly prevalent in registrations collected by the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, or ACORN. " So once again, an organization that gets a s***load of money from Democrats, and even gets government contracts, is screwing things up. " Also this bit of info: "Of the more than 40,000 documents received from ACORN, about 10,000 have been duplicates and many have come back with invalid addresses. Of the remaining documents “I do believe fictitious ones are registered,” said Williams “We don’t cross check this. That’s supposed to be done on a state-wide database. So if that isn’t done, we don’t have the resources to do it.” So 25% of what they submit is crap. Of the rest, they can't check because they don't have the resources and/or the state is suppoed to do it, one controlled by a democrat that is doing everything in her power to not have to check id's. For all the howling that democrats did last election cycle about 'stolen elections', why is there silence about this? Oh yeah, because if true, this time it would benefit them. I am so sick of politics.


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another Biden gaffe




Sen. Joe Biden said Monday that the tenor of the presidential campaign has gone “over the edge” and that if John McCain continues to push some lines of attack against Barack Obama he may regret it “for the rest of his life.”


Talking about recent charges leveled against Obama on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” Biden said, “I just think it’s unhealthy, you don’t throw race [and] terrorism” into the presidential campaign.


the only person bring race into the election are the Democrats.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 13, 2008 -> 10:22 PM)
the only person bring race into the election are the Democrats.

As far as I can tell, most of the "race" discussion has been created and amped up by the media. Very few in either party (not none), and neither Presidential campaign, are making an issue of it unless it comes to their doorstep.


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Negative Advertising

Thomas Sowell

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


One of the oldest phenomena of American elections-- criticism of one's opponent-- has in recent times been stigmatized by much of the media as "negative advertising."


Is this because the criticism has gotten more vicious or more personal? You might think so, if you were totally ignorant of history, as so many of the graduates of even our elite universities are.


Although Grover Cleveland was elected President twice, he had to overcome a major scandal that he had fathered a child out of wedlock, which was considered more of a disgrace then than today. Even giants like Lincoln and Jefferson were called names that neither McCain nor Obama has been called.


Why then is "negative advertising" such a big deal these days? The dirty little secret is this: Liberal candidates have needed to escape their past and pretend that they are not liberals, because so many voters have had it with liberals.


In 1988, Governor Michael Dukakis of Massachusetts called himself a "technocrat," a pragmatic solver of problems, despite a classic liberal track record of big spending, big taxes, and policies that were anti-business and pro-criminal.


When the truth about what he actually did as governor was brought out during the Presidential election campaign, the media were duly shocked-- not by Dukakis' record, but by the Republicans' exposing his record.


John Kerry, with a very similar ultra-liberal record, topped off by inflammatory and unsubstantiated attacks on American military men in Vietnam, disdained the whole process of labeling as something unworthy. And the mainstream media closed ranks around him as well, deploring those who labeled Kerry a liberal.


Barack Obama is much smoother. Instead of issuing explicit denials, he gives speeches that sound so moderate, so nuanced and so lofty that even some conservative Republicans go for them. How could anyone believe that such a man is the very opposite of what he claims to be-- unless they check out the record of what he has actually done?


In words, Obama is a uniter instead of a divider. In deeds, he has spent years promoting polarization. That is what a "community organizer" does, creating a sense of grievance, envy and resentment, in order to mobilize political action to get more of the taxpayers' money or to force banks to lend to people they don't consider good risks, as the community organizing group ACORN did.


After Barack Obama moved beyond the role of a community organizer, he promoted the same polarization in his other roles.


That is what he did when he spent the money of the Woods Fund bankrolling programs to spread the politics of grievance and resentment into the schools. That is what he did when he spent the taxpayers' money bankrolling the grievance and resentment ideology of Michael Pfleger.


When Barack Obama donated $20,000 to Jeremiah Wright, does anyone imagine that he was unaware that Wright was the epitome of grievance, envy and resentment hype? Or were Wright's sermons too subtle for Obama to pick up that message?


How subtle is "Goddamn America!"?


Yet those in the media who deplore "negative advertising" regard it as unseemly to dig up ugly facts instead of sticking to the beautiful rhetoric of an election year. The oft-repeated mantra is that we should trick to the "real issues."


What are called "the real issues" are election-year talking points, while the actual track record of the candidates is treated as a distraction-- and somehow an unworthy distraction.


Does anyone in real life put more faith in what people say than in what they do? A few gullible people do-- and they often get deceived and defrauded big time.


Barack Obama has carried election-year makeovers to a new high, presenting himself a uniter of people, someone reaching across the partisan divide and the racial divide-- after decades of promoting polarization in each of his successive roles and each of his choices of political allies.


Yet the media treat exposing a fraudulent election-year image as far worse than letting someone acquire the powers of the highest office in the land through sheer deception.




Copyright © 2008 Salem Web Network. All Rights Reserved.



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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 06:32 AM)
As far as I can tell, most of the "race" discussion has been created and amped up by the media. Very few in either party (not none), and neither Presidential campaign, are making an issue of it unless it comes to their doorstep.


na, the Democrats and Obama campaign have been bringing it up. Biden just recently was talking about it. Why? I have no idea. The MSM also goes with what the Obama camp tells them to, not the other way around.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 12:10 PM)
na, the Democrats and Obama campaign have been bringing it up. Biden just recently was talking about it. Why? I have no idea. The MSM also goes with what the Obama camp tells them to, not the other way around.

Biden was discussing the tone of recent McCain rallies. But yes, he brought it up.


What I see is the media, MSM and otherwise, trying to stir the pot. Race can be a hot button issue for some, and the media thrives on controversy. Both campaigns have, generally, stayed away from it. Not 100%, but I don't see them making it a major issue.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 06:48 PM)
Actually, I believe being ARAB is a race. Arabic is a language, as well as a family of languages.


True. I wonder what the word is for being prejudice against languages.

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"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."


"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody




Its not that I want to punish your success, I just want to give more of your money to people who pay no income taxes. :D


If McCain does not mention this tomorrow night, he deserves to lose. And if he does and gets no traction from it, I think he may need to realize he is the 2008 version of Bob Dole.

Edited by Cknolls
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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 02:58 PM)
"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."


"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody



Its not that I want to punish your success, I just want to give more of your money to people who pay no income taxes. :D


If McCain does not mention this tomorrow night, he deserves to lose. And if he does and gets no traction from it, I think he may need to realize he is the 2008 version of Bob Dole.

You are exactly right. RSO outright claims socialism here. OUTRIGHT. That is a textbook definition of redistrubition of wealth. You think there's class envy now? Just wait.


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QUOTE (Cknolls @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 01:58 PM)
"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."


"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody




Its not that I want to punish your success, I just want to give more of your money to people who pay no income taxes. :D


If McCain does not mention this tomorrow night, he deserves to lose. And if he does and gets no traction from it, I think he may need to realize he is the 2008 version of Bob Dole.

Where is this from, BTW?


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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 06:02 PM)
hmm, don't know. maybe we can put together a government program to come up with one.


That's a cute answer, a nice dodge from the realization that the republicans are pumping race into this election.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 04:40 PM)
That's a cute answer, a nice dodge from the realization that the republicans are pumping race into this election.

Ok, so now McCain is to be guilty by association for a few idiots that show up to his rallies? Since day one the Democrats have been pumping race into thsi election, constantly 'warning us' that the evil Republicans are going to try and scare you, remind you that Obama is 'different' that the Presidents on the currency. Up until a few idiots recently at a few events (idiots who COULD be Democrat plants, not a huge stretch), the only mentions of race have come from Dems.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 04:50 PM)
Ok, so now McCain is to be guilty by association for a few idiots that show up to his rallies? Since day one the Democrats have been pumping race into thsi election, constantly 'warning us' that the evil Republicans are going to try and scare you, remind you that Obama is 'different' that the Presidents on the currency. Up until a few idiots recently at a few events (idiots who COULD be Democrat plants, not a huge stretch), the only mentions of race have come from Dems.



QUOTE (bmags @ Oct 14, 2008 -> 05:01 PM)
You think the sudden nasty turn has happened on its own AD? You think there is no connection between the suddenly nasty crowds and the campaign the last 3 weeks.


It could also just be the idiot fringe getting panicked on both sides. Just a thought.


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John McCain claims he is all about America, and has stated several times he knows how to get Bin Laden. What's he been waiting for? He has to be the President? The current regime won't listen to him? What is it? Wouldn't "getting Bin Laden" and giving McCain a lot of credit help him with the election? Or is he just talking s***? He's had 7 years to deliver his plan, and he considers himself a true leader. He suspended his campaign until he fixed the economy.

Edited by Dick Allen
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