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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (greg775 @ Jul 31, 2015 -> 03:43 PM)
Cruz was on the radio late last night and said he's looking forward to debating Hillary. He said his parents filed for bankruptcy when he was in high school and he just paid off his student loans six years ago. Meanwhile the Clintons are rolling in dough. He also really attacked Hillary and Bill's ethics. Should be interesting if he's that vicious during the real debates. He's obviously a lock to get the nomination.



Because he's one of the few who didn't actively slam Trump, positioning himself to pick off his supporters?


It's kind of funny how that finances thing does, they're actively using the fact that Marco Rubio had a history of money problems (loans again) and some bad investments for most of his life before the Senate and was still in the process of paying off loans or had just recently done so. So that's being used (in an attempt) to disqualify him from office because of personal financial management...


I don't think that line of attack on a woman in a Presidential race is going to gain any traction because those who don't like her weren't going to vote for her anyway, and the middle/undecideds/moderates/independents (and there won't be as many in this polarizing environment) aren't going to be easily convinced of that argument because it will be cast as part of the "right wing conspiracy" media out to get the Clintons. They're Teflon like that, usually.





This will make Greg happy...Joe Biden (also in his 70's) at least 50/50 about running, definitely will jump in if her favorability numbers stay in the 50's.



Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 1, 2015 -> 09:36 PM)
Because he's one of the few who didn't actively slam Trump, positioning himself to pick off his supporters?


It's kind of funny how that finances thing does, they're actively using the fact that Marco Rubio had a history of money problems (loans again) and some bad investments for most of his life before the Senate and was still in the process of paying off loans or had just recently done so. So that's being used (in an attempt) to disqualify him from office because of personal financial management...


I don't think that line of attack on a woman in a Presidential race is going to gain any traction because those who don't like her weren't going to vote for her anyway, and the middle/undecideds/moderates/independents (and there won't be as many in this polarizing environment) aren't going to be easily convinced of that argument because it will be cast as part of the "right wing conspiracy" media out to get the Clintons. They're Teflon like that, usually.





This will make Greg happy...Joe Biden (also in his 70's) at least 50/50 about running, definitely will jump in if her favorability numbers stay in the 50's.


Won't the Demos be mad if Biden runs? Like he's taking the thunder from Ms. Congenality; Ms. Entitlement (forgive me for being bitter about Hilly; I just don't want somebody that rich to be President when we are all so poor as a country).


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 2, 2015 -> 08:58 PM)
Won't the Demos be mad if Biden runs? Like he's taking the thunder from Ms. Congenality; Ms. Entitlement (forgive me for being bitter about Hilly; I just don't want somebody that rich to be President when we are all so poor as a country).



Trump is multiple billions richer than the Clintons.

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Won't the Demos be mad if Biden runs? Like he's taking the thunder from Ms. Congenality; Ms. Entitlement (forgive me for being bitter about Hilly; I just don't want somebody that rich to be President when we are all so poor as a country).


Hillary will be mad if Biden runs.

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So I haven't been in this thread in a long, long time. I am curious about the GOP'ers in here, what their thoughts are on two things...


1. Is there anyone here who supports Trump?

2. What candidate(s) for the GOP nomination (there are 17 in the field from what I last read) do you like so far?


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 02:40 PM)
So I haven't been in this thread in a long, long time. I am curious about the GOP'ers in here, what their thoughts are on two things...


1. Is there anyone here who supports Trump?

2. What candidate(s) for the GOP nomination (there are 17 in the field from what I last read) do you like so far?


1) I do not.


2) None really. Kasich seems mildly interesting.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 02:40 PM)
So I haven't been in this thread in a long, long time. I am curious about the GOP'ers in here, what their thoughts are on two things...


1. Is there anyone here who supports Trump?

2. What candidate(s) for the GOP nomination (there are 17 in the field from what I last read) do you like so far?

1) No


2) Walker and Perry, although I could probably stomach Rubio if I had to, Was hoping Susanna Martinez in NM would run, would like to hear more about her.

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So I haven't been in this thread in a long, long time. I am curious about the GOP'ers in here, what their thoughts are on two things...


1. Is there anyone here who supports Trump?

2. What candidate(s) for the GOP nomination (there are 17 in the field from what I last read) do you like so far?


1. No (at least not me)



1) Kasich

-Very large gap-

2) Gilmore

3) Paul

4) Bush

5) Christie

-Large gap-

6) Rubio

7) Jindal

8) Pataki

-Large gap-

9) Perry

10) Fiorina

11) Graham

12) Carson

13) Huckabee

14) Trump

15) Walker

16) Santorum

17) Cruz


I'm not voting for Hillary no matter what. The question then is which Republicans do I like enough to get my vote over a 3rd party candidate, and right now it's the Top 5 on my list, but I'm starting to get very iffy on #5. It sucks that Kasich really has absolutely no chance. I think he'd make a great President.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 03:04 PM)
1. No (at least not me)



1) Kasich

-Very large gap-

2) Gilmore

3) Paul

4) Bush

5) Christie

-Large gap-

6) Rubio

7) Jindal

8) Pataki

-Large gap-

9) Perry

10) Fiorina

11) Graham

12) Carson

13) Huckabee

14) Trump

15) Walker

16) Santorum

17) Cruz


I'm not voting for Hillary no matter what. The question then is which Republicans do I like enough to get my vote over a 3rd party candidate, and right now it's the Top 5 on my list, but I'm starting to get very iffy on #5. It sucks that Kasich really has absolutely no chance. I think he'd make a great President.


Why do you think he has no chance? I think when it comes down to the final handful of people he'll be there. No one wants another Bush, no one really wants Trump in charge, and Paul is too far out there for most conservatives. I bet it comes down to Christie and Kasich.

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Why do you think he has no chance? I think when it comes down to the final handful of people he'll be there. No one wants another Bush, no one really wants Trump in charge, and Paul is too far out there for most conservatives. I bet it comes down to Christie and Kasich.


I think the Koch brothers and other very rich and very conservative people are going to make sure somebody pretty far right gets this nomination. I think Walker is their guy.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 03:20 PM)
For whatever it's worth, I heard Kasich compared to Hunstman--just an incredibly bland guy for the national stage that'll have a hard time catching on earlier enough to really hang around.


If he can win Ohio for the party though that's a pretty big deal.

Edited by Jenksismybitch
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QUOTE (bmags @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 03:21 PM)
These first debates will be crazy. How can you get more than one question to each candidate in the time allotted?

At least one major polling firm has decided to stop polling the Republican primary field because they're concerned that their polls are being misused to decide who's in and who's out.




As candidates jostle to make the cut for the first GOP presidential debate this week, the McClatchy-Marist Poll has temporarily suspended polling on primary voter choices out of concern that public polls are being misused to decide who will be in and who will be excluded.


....“It’s a problem when it’s shaping who gets to sit at the table,” said Lee Miringoff, director of the Marist Institute....“It’s making candidates change their behavior. Kasich is trying to get a big bounce. Rand Paul has a video with a chain saw. Lindsay Graham is hitting cell phones with golf clubs,” Miringoff said. “Now the public polls are affecting the process they’re supposed to be measuring.”

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QUOTE (Jenksismyb**** @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 03:28 PM)
If he can win Ohio for the part though that's a pretty big deal.

Sure, but then again Walker could make the same argument for Wisconsin and he's more likely to get support from the primary-voting and caucusing base than Kasich is. If a candidate can't pick up enough convention delegates early on, they'll struggle to continue raising funds and stay in the race. If Kasich survives that, I could see him being the "establishment" (or whatever you want to call it) candidate that the party ultimately gathers around, like Romney in 2012. I just don't know if he can make it that far.

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QUOTE (StrangeSox @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 03:34 PM)
Sure, but then again Walker could make the same argument for Wisconsin and he's more likely to get support from the primary-voting and caucusing base than Kasich is. If a candidate can't pick up enough convention delegates early on, they'll struggle to continue raising funds and stay in the race. If Kasich survives that, I could see him being the "establishment" (or whatever you want to call it) candidate that the party ultimately gathers around, like Romney in 2012. I just don't know if he can make it that far.


He's sort of an unknown though, which I guess is one thing i'm happy about. I'm tired of these other guys and I think most of them will be easy targets for dumb things they've said and/or done.

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He's sort of an unknown though, which I guess is one thing i'm happy about. I'm tired of these other guys and I think most of them will be easy targets for dumb things they've said and/or done.


The biggest problem is that most Republican primary voters don't think those things are dumb.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 04:56 PM)
The biggest problem is that most Republican primary voters don't think those things are dumb.

Just to note - "who do you think the Republicans should nominate out of this field" really is a fair question that the Republicans ought to be able to discuss without having people like me come in and offer those sorts of hits. Feel free to make a more detailed point along those lines if you'd like, but both sides should have some ability to discuss their own primary

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Rubio has gone too far to the right because of the Tea Party...the most inspirational/charismatic, would bring in Hispanics, etc.


Christie is perceived as being too friendly with Obama and moderate/centrist, which means he would be a great general election candidate but no chance to survive the current nomination process.


Paul and his father are too far out there for mainstream Republicans.


Jindal doomed himself a long time ago and his LA record won't stand up under scrutiny.


Everyone's arguing that Bush (by simply being reasonable and articulate) has been helped the most by Trump...and I've never met a single person who wanted Cruz to actually be president.


In the end, would want Walker because that's the classic argument of these times....labor unions vs. outsourcing, DC vs. states' right, the protection of the 1% (Koch, etc.) and corporations to the disadvantage of the middle class and poor, wealth gap widening, rejection of Federal Aid at the cost to weakest and most vulnerable and implicit desire to push those people out of state.

Edited by caulfield12
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QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Aug 3, 2015 -> 11:04 PM)
Rubio has gone too far to the right because of the Tea Party...the most inspirational/charismatic, would bring in Hispanics, etc.


Christie is perceived as being too friendly with Obama and moderate/centrist, which means he would be a great general election candidate but no chance to survive the current nomination process.


Paul and his father are too far out there for mainstream Republicans.


Jindal doomed himself a long time ago and his LA record won't stand up under scrutiny.


Everyone's arguing that Bush (by simply being reasonable and articulate) has been helped the most by Trump...and I've never met a single person who wanted Cruz to actually be president.


In the end, would want Walker because that's the classic argument of these times....labor unions vs. outsourcing, DC vs. states' right, the protection of the 1% (Koch, etc.) and corporations to the disadvantage of the middle class and poor, wealth gap widening, rejection of Federal Aid at the cost to weakest and most vulnerable and implicit desire to push those people out of state.


Cruz is the only one with a shot vs. Hilly though. Cruz must emerge and I think he will.


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Bush is my top choice and I actually think he'd have a shot at winning the general election if his last name wasn't Bush. However, since it is, I don't know if he'd get enough of the independent vote in a general election. For all the reasons I like him, smart, moderate, but progressive, he won't actually get the republican nomination. Too much of the party has fallen way too to the right because of how insane Obama is and it just drives me nuts cause a good moderate candidate would be able to win and would be a boon for this country.


The far wacky right drives me just as mad. They are creating the need for a 3rd party, but the problem is it just means while the 3rd party is created, the left can continue to do whatever they want.

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