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The Republican Thread

Rex Kickass

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QUOTE (ron883 @ Sep 13, 2015 -> 09:34 PM)
He isn't a politician? I beg to differ. Here is why.

1. He is a world renouned brain surgeon. He is a master about everything regarding the brain. If that's the case, why does he hold completely archaic views on marijuana? He thinks marijuana has a detrimental effect on the brain if you use it in your mid 20's or earlier. He thinks it decreases your IQ. Those claims have been proven to be false for a long time now. That is stuff you'd see in 1960's American anti-weed propaganda. Marijuana has been proven to be beneficial to the brain in many situations.


Being an expert on the brain, he should know of the numerous benefits marijuana can have on the brain. There is no way he actually believes that. He is lying for the lobbyists and for the votes on that issues.


2. He is a creationist. There is absolutely no excuse for being a creationist if you are as educated as him. Plain and simple. You don't get my vote if you a creationist. Maybe he actually believes this. His history shows he always had this view, so maybe he isn't putting on a facade for the votes. I still struggle to believe that any of these politicians are actually creationists.


He is a politician that was also smart enough to be a surgeon. Just because he isn't a "lifetime politician" doesn't mean he isn't going to act like a politician. These points prove that.


I do not consider myself Liberal or Conservative, but the Republicans once again fail to provide a candidate I would even consider to vote for. I kind of want Donald to win the nomination, though I fear for us all if actually became President. No matter how unlikely he is to win against Bernie or Hillary, I don't want to take that chance...


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I'll watch the highlights. Heard some facebook grumblings that CNN was not asking about issues, trying instead to get the candidates to blast each other. These debates have turned into opportunities for the journos to "build their brand." Meghan whatever her last name is built her brand with her fight with Trump. Any media 'stars' tonight? Any media moment like Meghan?

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QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 10:17 PM)
The only republican that seemed tolerable was that Governor from Ohio, John Kasich.


He is extremely likable. I thought he and Fiorina looked the best. Trump was exposed and was fun to see others fight back at him.


Thought Jeb was doing well until he said his brother protected the country.

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He is extremely likable. I thought he and Fiorina looked the best. Trump was exposed and was fun to see others fight back at him.


Thought Jeb was doing well until he said his brother protected the country.


I think Kasich by far would make the best President of any candidate from either party, but the Republican primary voters are just way too far right to nominate him.


Jeb is in a no-win situation. If he defends his brother he's defending a lot of bad decisions, if he doesn't defend his brother then he's viewed as betraying his brother to win votes.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 07:38 AM)
I think Kasich by far would make the best President of any candidate from either party, but the Republican primary voters are just way too far right to nominate him.


Jeb is in a no-win situation. If he defends his brother he's defending a lot of bad decisions, if he doesn't defend his brother then he's viewed as betraying his brother to win votes.


Kasich is better than Hillary but Bernie Sanders is the man right now.

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QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 12:38 PM)
I think Kasich by far would make the best President of any candidate from either party, but the Republican primary voters are just way too far right to nominate him.


Jeb is in a no-win situation. If he defends his brother he's defending a lot of bad decisions, if he doesn't defend his brother then he's viewed as betraying his brother to win votes.


Impressions from a moderate who watched about half of it:


Totally out of their depth: Trump, Carson

Trying too hard: Walker, Christie

No impact: Fiorina

Nuts: Cruz, Huckabee, Rubio

Seemed reasonable: Paul, Kasich, Bush

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I'll also add my not-with-a-specific-party take on the debate. I watched most of it, up through medical marijuana and climate change or so...


Winner: Carly Fiorina, no doubt. She had the best performance of any candidate in either debate so far. Her conflation and overstatement for dramatic effect on the abortion thing was laughable, but was serious red meat for the crowd she was targeting. Most of the rest of her debate she handled very well, especially her response on Trump's comments about her looks. I was impressed.


The lunatic fringe: Cruz and Huckabee did their usual - using sweet and syrupy dialogue to deliver wholly impossible policy ideas while barely masking the obvious hate that drives them. Nothing new to see here.


Trump: You could tell he was trying to come off as more "reasonable", and when he wasn't being pressed too hard, he managed to come off as competent and understandable. But as soon as somoene pushed a button, the obnoxious jackass would come out. I'd say he did more harm than good, as people start to see who he really is, but he didn't flop either.


Rubio: He's got this odd thing where he comes off as so, so stiff and rehearsed, which makes him seem shallow. But honestly, it was when he got firey that I liked him best. I think overall he helped himself in this one.


Clearly overmatched on that stage: Walker just isn't smart enough to keep up. Not a surprise he is falling like a rock. I'm not sure he even makes it to Iowa. Carson in the same boat, there just isn't much substance there. Carson is a lot smarter than Walker, but they both lack any real depth as candidates.


Kasich: I want to like the guy, and I do in terms of policy, and in his more positive messaging. But he's starting to get too repetitive on his record and not engaging enough. Also the GOP primaries just won't nominate him, much like Huntsman in the last cycle (nevermind that Kasich is closer to Reagan policy-wise than anyone else on that stage).


Paul: Smug, smug, smug. As always. Unelectable personality-wise. Has some novel ideas I like, but doesn't matter.


Christie: I'm not sure what to make of him. He's trying so hard for the Common Man thing, but it doesn't come off as believable. He also really goes to that 9/11 stuff way too often. Policy-wise I think he'd actually be quite moderate, which is great, but he comes off more as the President of a fraternity than of the US.


Bush: Helped himself a lot, closest to winning outside of Fiorina. Showed some fire, defended his family, struck a slightly more centrist tone. He should jump in the polls soon.


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QUOTE (greg775 @ Sep 16, 2015 -> 08:19 PM)
I'll watch the highlights. Heard some facebook grumblings that CNN was not asking about issues, trying instead to get the candidates to blast each other. These debates have turned into opportunities for the journos to "build their brand." Meghan whatever her last name is built her brand with her fight with Trump. Any media 'stars' tonight? Any media moment like Meghan?

The CNN debate was horribly ran by the moderators and didn't even compare to the FoxNews debate. That said, the candidates were much more aggressive in this debate. But Greg, Meghan Kelly is fantastic at what she does and the way Trump has handled her after is just despicable and goes back to a testament as to how he is. Would anyone think it is a good idea if Trump treated other world leaders the way he treats people he didn't like? In what world is that a good idea. I don't understand the Trump fascination (other then pure entertainment value for how dumb he is). It is despicable.

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QUOTE (Brian @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 03:28 AM)
He is extremely likable. I thought he and Fiorina looked the best. Trump was exposed and was fun to see others fight back at him.


Thought Jeb was doing well until he said his brother protected the country.

I thought Jeb did pretty well and I agree, his brother did protect the country. I don't think many would disagree with the statement that he made the country safer. Jeb never said he George didn't have his faults, just said the country was a safer place (and the crowd ate it up and other candidates sure jumped in and backed it up as well). In fact, I think the opposite, the way Trump handled that situation could be one of the first signs of weakness for him as I don't think people liked that reaction. But I'm the wrong judge cause I don't like much anything Trump says.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:58 AM)
I thought Jeb did pretty well and I agree, his brother did protect the country. I don't think many would disagree with the statement that he made the country safer. Jeb never said he George didn't have his faults, just said the country was a safer place (and the crowd ate it up and other candidates sure jumped in and backed it up as well). In fact, I think the opposite, the way Trump handled that situation could be one of the first signs of weakness for him as I don't think people liked that reaction. But I'm the wrong judge cause I don't like much anything Trump says.


Define protect the country.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 06:58 AM)
I'll also add my not-with-a-specific-party take on the debate. I watched most of it, up through medical marijuana and climate change or so...


Winner: Carly Fiorina, no doubt. She had the best performance of any candidate in either debate so far. Her conflation and overstatement for dramatic effect on the abortion thing was laughable, but was serious red meat for the crowd she was targeting. Most of the rest of her debate she handled very well, especially her response on Trump's comments about her looks. I was impressed.


The lunatic fringe: Cruz and Huckabee did their usual - using sweet and syrupy dialogue to deliver wholly impossible policy ideas while barely masking the obvious hate that drives them. Nothing new to see here.


Trump: You could tell he was trying to come off as more "reasonable", and when he wasn't being pressed too hard, he managed to come off as competent and understandable. But as soon as somoene pushed a button, the obnoxious jackass would come out. I'd say he did more harm than good, as people start to see who he really is, but he didn't flop either.


Rubio: He's got this odd thing where he comes off as so, so stiff and rehearsed, which makes him seem shallow. But honestly, it was when he got firey that I liked him best. I think overall he helped himself in this one.


Clearly overmatched on that stage: Walker just isn't smart enough to keep up. Not a surprise he is falling like a rock. I'm not sure he even makes it to Iowa. Carson in the same boat, there just isn't much substance there. Carson is a lot smarter than Walker, but they both lack any real depth as candidates.


Kasich: I want to like the guy, and I do in terms of policy, and in his more positive messaging. But he's starting to get too repetitive on his record and not engaging enough. Also the GOP primaries just won't nominate him, much like Huntsman in the last cycle (nevermind that Kasich is closer to Reagan policy-wise than anyone else on that stage).


Paul: Smug, smug, smug. As always. Unelectable personality-wise. Has some novel ideas I like, but doesn't matter.


Christie: I'm not sure what to make of him. He's trying so hard for the Common Man thing, but it doesn't come off as believable. He also really goes to that 9/11 stuff way too often. Policy-wise I think he'd actually be quite moderate, which is great, but he comes off more as the President of a fraternity than of the US.


Bush: Helped himself a lot, closest to winning outside of Fiorina. Showed some fire, defended his family, struck a slightly more centrist tone. He should jump in the polls soon.

I agree with pretty much everything you said. I also think that Rubio would be my #2 ranked from pure who won the debates (considering both). He is very good and electric in front of a Mike and like you, I like when I get passionate. Trump, who I can't stand, did much better today then last debate (not that it impacted the polls) but he's still awful. I'll give him credit at times he tried to be a bit more polite, but he's such a smug, egotistical jackass. With Carson, I realize everyone likes him, but I see no reason any of what he discusses could ever happen (and I want to like the guy, but I couldn't vote for him).


I think, outside of Bush, the best actual president would be Kasich (he might even be better then Bush in my eyes) but unfortunately I don't see him getting elected. I like Rubio / Kasich as potential VP candidates (don't think Bush / Fiorina would be VP's). I don't even mind Christie as a VP. For whatever reason I like the guy, but I tend to like the more moderate republicans.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:56 AM)
The CNN debate was horribly ran by the moderators and didn't even compare to the FoxNews debate. That said, the candidates were much more aggressive in this debate. But Greg, Meghan Kelly is fantastic at what she does and the way Trump has handled her after is just despicable and goes back to a testament as to how he is. Would anyone think it is a good idea if Trump treated other world leaders the way he treats people he didn't like? In what world is that a good idea. I don't understand the Trump fascination (other then pure entertainment value for how dumb he is). It is despicable.


Politics has moved from speeches, to clips, to blurbs, to tweets, and now to meme's. At some point we started decided candidates by who had the best quotes instead of things like policy and the like. Trump is a quote machine, for those who like to decide by simple things, he is ideal. People get what they deserve.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:56 AM)
The CNN debate was horribly ran by the moderators and didn't even compare to the FoxNews debate. That said, the candidates were much more aggressive in this debate. But Greg, Meghan Kelly is fantastic at what she does and the way Trump has handled her after is just despicable and goes back to a testament as to how he is. Would anyone think it is a good idea if Trump treated other world leaders the way he treats people he didn't like? In what world is that a good idea. I don't understand the Trump fascination (other then pure entertainment value for how dumb he is). It is despicable.

Forgot to say it, but I agree on the bolded. I was initially happy when they said they were going for more interplay - and they did get that - but they set those up mostly as just "X said this, how did that make you feel?" which is weak sauce. It isn't often I complement Fox (Faux) News, but they did far better with their debate.


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By the way, of all the candidates, I feel bad for Bush. He has to deal with trump and it just isn't a pretty situation for him when they go back and forth. Bush makes a good statement, Trump just blutters and jumps over...Bush tries to be the gentlemen but looks bad either way and to a reasonable person, you realize Trump is the ass, but somehow I just imagine everyone will go, yeah Donald...stick it to Bush for making a true statement about how you tried to BUY / bribe your way into Casino gambling.


Sucks cause the debate should be more about the policies and it just doesn't happen with Trump in their. That said, as the night went on and questions got more pointed, you could see Trump take a back seat. But seriously...do people think for a second about his sound bites...on day 1 as president I am going to evict 11M people. How the f*** are you going to do that? Are we going to have whack an illegal day and just take a national holiday with everyone beating anyone they thinks is an illegal till they all flee the country? Lets apply some realism to the scenario, which I will give Kasich and Bush credit for (more then anyone else), who understand, you can't just do the things that some of these people are saying..it is f***ing impossible (let alone in most cases stupid).


Do people not have BS meters or do they just ignore reality. By the way, I also think what Bush says about 4% growth is absurd, but s***, at least what he's talking about is to try and create positive energy and vibe and something that is ultimately good for our country (no one could argue that if we had 4% growth that was sustained over a few year run that it would be a great thing). Maybe I'm just an optimist but I like the people who talk about making this country great and being great. I don't want to hear what a s***hole this place is and blah blah blah and how we suck at everything (see the Donald). And his solution is, he's smarter and his friends are smarter and he's a billionaire, so yeah, I'll make it great again. I'll build walls and magically evict all illegal's and I'll solve the foreign issues by getting along with these people better (HOW Mr Trump...How?). I don't think having a scotch and cigar with Russia's president is going to solve much of anything.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 17, 2015 -> 10:08 AM)
Forgot to say it, but I agree on the bolded. I was initially happy when they said they were going for more interplay - and they did get that - but they set those up mostly as just "X said this, how did that make you feel?" which is weak sauce. It isn't often I complement Fox (Faux) News, but they did far better with their debate.

It appeared that the moderators goal was to get candidates to bicker with each other vs. talk strategy. It was deplorable and awful, but I expect nothing less out of CNN. They are an awful news station. Fox has its own issues, although I do enjoy Kelly & O'Reilly (but can't stand Hannidy). With Fox, you know you'll get some slanted news, but CNN's coverage over the last 10 years has gone to the tubes. It is a news stations and half the time I go to see what is on, I get some non news related television. If I want to watch news in a live feed, I'll go to BBCNews.

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One other sidebar, but a lot of these candidates need to go away. I am looking at you Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and to be frank Chris Christie. The longer all of these candidates stay, the more fragmented the republican base is and the more likely it is Trump wins the primaries. The more the other candidates go away and I think the more that vote goes to candidates not named Donald Trump. You started to see it a bit when Walker and Christie came to defense of Bush...but If we are going to not have Trump win this thing (and as a republican I don't even want to imagine that clown winning...I think I'd rather be ran by a socialist like Bernie then a clown like Trump), the other candidates are going to have to get in cahoots and push up the few non Trump candidates. That might mean you push Carson up as well (as I think he'll get some of that vote) but I still don't buy into Trump getting a lot more of the vote as others exit (but then again...I never thought he'd be where he is today, so what do I know).

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And Greg...how do you like Donald just lying to the entire audience (and not some little white lie or minor mistake, but a big f*** you kind of lie). Guy is a f***wad. He could care less about anyone but himself. Trump is by definition a megalomaniac.


BUSH: "The one guy that had some special interests that I know of that tried to get me to change my views on something — that was generous and gave me money — was Donald Trump. He wanted casino gambling in Florida."


TRUMP: "I didn't. ... Totally false...."


BUSH: "I'm not going to be bought by anybody."


View galleryRepublican presidential candidate, businessman Donald …

Republican presidential candidate, businessman Donald Trump speaks during the CNN Republican preside …

TRUMP: "I promise if I wanted it, I would have gotten it."


THE FACTS: Trump's hopes of expanding casino operations in Florida in the mid-1990s were well known at the time. Trump employed a prominent lobbyist to represent his gambling interests in Florida. And news reports from that time show he hosted a fundraiser to help Bush's campaign for governor and donated $50,000 to the Florida Republican Party during that campaign.


Bush did not bend in his opposition to casino gambling. It is not clear whether Trump approached Bush directly on the casino matter, but his interest in the enterprise is a matter of record.


But in honor of fair and balance, I will give Trump credit for saying he would waive the right to have social security and I do agree with him that the breaks around hedge funds are a joke (Bush and a few others also agree).

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