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If you won the lottery...


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Sure, after the press conference people will know who you are, but if you move a few states away, nooone will remember you. Unless you buy that $100 million mansion on the hill, etc. And there are ways to hide yourself legally that cost less than sharing $60 million with other people. As for the relatives, you set up the ones you want right away, and then disappear. I CAN say no, and WILL say no, if the opportunity ever arises.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Jul 14, 2008 -> 04:09 PM)
Sure, after the press conference people will know who you are, but if you move a few states away, nooone will remember you. Unless you buy that $100 million mansion on the hill, etc. And there are ways to hide yourself legally that cost less than sharing $60 million with other people. As for the relatives, you set up the ones you want right away, and then disappear. I CAN say no, and WILL say no, if the opportunity ever arises.


:notworthy And I'll be there every step of the way to help make that happen for you, buddy. :headbang :cheers














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I've thought about this many times.


First thing would be to hire a lawyer and possibly a financial advisor.

Next would be a bigger house. My kids could finally all have a room of their own.

As for my current house, I'd have to make a decision. I could just pay it off and try to sell it as is for whatever I could get for it., I could fix it up and sell it for a bit higher price. I could fix it up and rent it out. Or I could just bulldoze the thing and build a new one and then either sell it or rent it.


I'd get a bigger trailer and a newer gas-guzzling SUV to pull it. Or possibly just get a permenant site at the campgrounds we always go to. Then I could get a big RV and travel around the country when the kids aren't in school.


I'd probably give some money to my parents and my in-laws.


I could finally afford to catch up technology-wise and get DVR and HDTV and a better computer, etc...


I want a corvette, my wife wants a camaro.


After all that, I'd probably invest the rest.

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QUOTE (Iwritecode @ Jul 15, 2008 -> 01:16 PM)
I've thought about this many times.


First thing would be to hire a lawyer and possibly a financial advisor.

Next would be a bigger house. My kids could finally all have a room of their own.

As for my current house, I'd have to make a decision. I could just pay it off and try to sell it as is for whatever I could get for it., I could fix it up and sell it for a bit higher price. I could fix it up and rent it out. Or I could just bulldoze the thing and build a new one and then either sell it or rent it.


I'd get a bigger trailer and a newer gas-guzzling SUV to pull it. Or possibly just get a permenant site at the campgrounds we always go to. Then I could get a big RV and travel around the country when the kids aren't in school.


I'd probably give some money to my parents and my in-laws.


I could finally afford to catch up technology-wise and get DVR and HDTV and a better computer, etc...


I want a corvette, my wife wants a camaro.


After all that, I'd probably invest the rest.

Why get a permanent site at some crowded campground, when you could buy a few hundred acres to have to yourself? Plus its an investment.



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I'd buy this site for millions off myself so I can say Soxtalk is a million dollar site :)


I honestly wouldn't change much. I'd buy a place in Chicago, the mountains, and Orange County and take care of any debt my parents or close friends would have (that list would extend to my 10 best friends). After that I'd put a good chunk in various savings type mechanisms which would ensure I'd always have enough money to support myself and my family) and than use the rest to be involved in various business investments (I'd also probably put myself back in college for an MBA, just because I think it would be an enjoyable experience which would help benefit my professional career).


I would also have interest in getting involved in a sports franchise if I had enough money. I'd also try to donate to various charities.

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I would expand my family a bit. The first move would be to adopt a girl. A nice 18-22 year old. My wife wouldn't need to worry about the extra work of taking care of her, as I would devote myself to her care. This would be anything from feeding, teaching, to even bathing of the girl. To make her feel right at home, I would ask her to invite all of her friends over for a pajama party. Of course for safety reasons I would need to video tape it, maybe even stream it for a fee. The fee goes to charity of course. Charity being my new adopted 18 year olds girls name. The sad thing is I am willing to take on this burden without the mega million dollars. I have approached my wife about the love we can give to another and she keeps telling me NO. Maybe its that I love too much. Sigh


Look at Megan Fox. No one has adopted her. I would be willing to make that sacrifice.



Edited by southsideirish71
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Long time lurker, first time poster. I can definitely say I'm impressed by such a large contingent of Sox fans that talk some good baseball and just life matters in general…what better people could there be? I apologize for the long post, but I had to think of something during the 35 minute All-Star game introductions.


If I won the lottery, I would have to agree with others who could live comfortably off of say $100,000 a year. After taxes on the $300,000,000, I figure I’d be left taking about $120,000,000 or so in a lump sum payment or around $175,000,000 in installments.


First, I would make sure my Mom had top notch medical care. My parents move to Florida has done wonders for her health, but I still worry about her. My first plan would be to set up trust funds for my cousins and future kids and nieces and nephews so they would have college paid for ($75,000) and partial down payments ($25,000) on houses. With 10 younger cousins and approximately 4-6 children/nieces/nephews, I would put away $1,600,000 in a trust account that not even I could break. The interest earned on the bonds/cds would be donated to a children’s cancer charity.


I would fund 10 endowed scholarships at each of my parents’ alma maters as well as my sisters (so 20 for Illinois State and 10 for Lewis). I would fund an additional 10 for the Illinois State for athletics use. I would also set aside $5,000,000 to fund a new softball complex. I would also donate $5,000,000 to my church to do mission work and upgrade facilities.


My one “thrill purchase” would be to set aside money to buy and renew Sox tickets-12 per game. Four would be donated to charity, and the rest for family and friends to use. I would also buy tickets to every Sox game and follow them around the country for a season.


The rest I would put in safe and relatively safe investments. I would have more than enough money for my family and myself to live off of, so the interest earned could be donated to various charities.


Sorry for the long post, Go Sox!


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Jul 15, 2008 -> 01:28 PM)
Why get a permanent site at some crowded campground, when you could buy a few hundred acres to have to yourself? Plus its an investment.


The place we go to is never really crowded unless it's a holiday weekend.


Sure we could buy a big plot of land and camp on it but that could get pretty boring. At least at a campground there are other people around and other kids for my kids to play with. There's a pool, a playground, a river, REAL bathrooms, a small store, etc...

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QUOTE (whitesoxbrian @ Jul 11, 2008 -> 09:38 PM)
worth 300M, what would you do at first to make sure nobody knew who you were, and what would you buy?


Thought about this while posting in the gamethread today.


I'll share mine a little later.



"I would very much like to go to Montana..."

I'd buy some 1000 acres of land, buy some horses for the Ms., and build our family a sweet log cabin somewhere. Couple of 4x4s.....


Also would give a nice size contribution to my congregation for the worldwide work that they do.

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