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John Edwards Confirms Affair


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Rob Christensen, Staff WriterComment on this story

Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards is pulling the plug on a scholarship program he started at an Eastern North Carolina high school -- a program he once promised would be a model for the nation under an Edwards presidency.


Edwards' presidential hopes have evaporated. And he recently informed Greene County officials that he would end the pilot program at Greene Central High School.


"We sent a communication out to upcoming seniors and their parents," said Randy Bledsoe, principal of Greene Central High. "Some are saddened that the opportunity is not going to be there for their children. But we've had a lot of positive reaction over the years."


Edwards started the "College for Everyone" pilot program at Greene Central High in 2005, shortly after he was the Democratic vice presidential nominee. It was a privately funded effort designed to increase the number of students at a rural high school who attend college.


The program provided the cost of tuition, fees and books at a public college for one year. In exchange, students had to work at least 10 hours a week while in college, take college preparatory courses in high school and stay out of trouble.


The program cost a total of $600,000 for the first two years and helped 190 students go to such colleges as East Carolina University, Lenoir Community College and N.C. State University. The program will help a third class, Greene County students who graduated this spring, attend college starting in the fall.


Rising high school seniors will not be able to participate.


Pamela Hampton-Garland, the director of College for Everyone, said the Greene County effort was always designed as a three-year pilot.


"The program was a huge success," she said. "The numbers soared. The interest from students and parents and the community rose. It seemed the whole notion of college access changed."


Patrick Miller, Greene County school superintendent, said the Edwards program helped raise the college-application rate from about 26 percent several years ago to 94 percent this year.


Although the College for Everyone Program is being phased out, Miller said he hoped it helped create a culture of college-going in the county. He also noted that there were other programs in the Greene schools encouraging students to further their education.


Edwards had been responsible for raising the money for College for Everyone. It was financed by the Center for Promise and Opportunity Foundation, a Greensboro-based nonprofit organization he started. Edwards' spokesmen had previously declined to disclose the foundation's donors.


During his presidential run, Edwards had said he wanted to extend College for Everyone nationally to 2 million students at a cost of $8 billion. Edwards said he would pay for it by changing the way student loans are made, cutting out banks as middlemen.


"The chance to go to college meant everything in my life, and I want every young person to have the same chance," Edwards said last year during a visit to the high school in Snow Hill.


(News researcher Denise Jones contributed to this report.)

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that sucks. The real possibility of college can do wonders for students psyche from what I saw in my high school. When my classmates saw little possibility to rise the social ladder, High School was just going through the motions.

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No one's posted a good, comprehensive account yet of what's going on, so let me direct you here.


If you only read Respectable Newspapers and avoid the morally corrupting influences of blogs, tabloids and Jay Leno, it might be news to you that Democratic boy wonder John Edwards is the alleged star of a creepy sex scandal.


The story has everything a cable-news producer or magazine editor or soap-opera writer could ask for: adultery, political power, a monstrous mansion, betrayal, cash transfers, terrible lies, vanishing evidence, a fall guy, a saintly wife dying of cancer, a late-night hotel rendezvous in Beverly Hills, even a "love child." And it's perfect for the middle of summer, when there's very little real news because the newsmakers are all on vacation.


But nobody wants to touch it, and not just because the unseemly National Enquirer is the main source. The scandal is unmentionable because it's a story that makes everybody look bad -- nobody gets any political points for advancing the strange tale of John Edwards and Rielle Hunter.


Since 2006, there have been stories about Edwards and the New York woman he hired to produce little web videos for his campaign website. The news first appeared in Newsweek, which is not a tabloid, and which noted that Edwards met Hunter in a New York bar. The "webisodes" he hired her to make were notable enough to earn a mention in Business Week (also not a tabloid), which even posted one of the now-rare segments. Then the videos she produced -- for a reported $114,000, which is pretty good money to make some clips for a website -- were all mysteriously removed from Edwards' political action site. That was reported last September by political reporter Sam Stein at the Huffington Post, not by a tabloid.


Then, as the strange tale turned into a southern gothic melodrama, all the media went quiet -- all but the hated National Enquirer, which reported in October that Rielle Hunter (also known as "Lisa Druck") was pregnant, and the father was John Edwards. This actually got a denial from Edwards.


"It's completely untrue, ridiculous," Edwards told reporters on October 11. "I've been in love with the same woman for 30-plus years and, as anybody who's been around us knows, she's an extraordinary human being, warm, loving, beautiful, sexy and as good a person as I have ever known .... So the story's just false."


It got a denial from Hunter, too, through her attorney: "The fact that I am expecting a child is my personal and private business. This has no relationship to nor does it involve John Edwards in any way. Andrew Young is the father of my unborn child."


Andrew Young, a married father and longtime Edwards' loyalist who had most recently been the campaign's North Carolina finance manager, soon had a new neighbor in his gated North Carolina neighborhood: Rielle Hunter and her baby. What Young's wife and kids think of this arrangement has yet to be explored. The Edwards campaign headquarters was just five miles away. What poor Elizabeth Edwards thought of all this, as she fought incurable cancer in the baronial estate built with John's lawyerly riches, is also a mystery.


Edwards' stuttering non-denial last week -- awkwardly preserved on video here -- was just an attack on the Enquirer as "tabloid trash, full of lies."


Yes, John, fine. But what were you doing hiding from Enquirer reporters in the bowels of the Beverly Hills Hilton at 2 a.m. last Tuesday, the same hotel where Rielle Hunter was allegedly occupying a pair of suites? And whatever the merits of the Enquirer, it has had success breaking salacious stories about political figures: Gary Hart and his girlfriend on the "Monkey Business" yacht, Rush Limbaugh doctor-shopping for his pill addiction, Jesse Jackson's illegitimate child and Monica Lewinsky's stained blue dress, to name a few.


Eight days after the bizarre encounter in Beverly Hills -- an encounter Fox News now claims to have confirmed, by interviewing security at the hotel -- there's still nothing in the Respectable Press about the Edwards' scandal. If editors and news producers are hoping the tale will quietly fade away, they're wrong. The Enquirer reporters have now sued the Hilton, claiming they were falsely detained by the guards. (The reporters were registered guests, while Edwards was not.)


The Democratic convention is a month away, and while he wasn't anybody's top choice for Obama's running mate, Edwards was expected to give a prime-time speech at the Denver rally. After all, he won more delegates than anyone but Obama and Hillary Clinton. The unmentionable scandal won't fade after the conventions or even after the election, as Edwards has long been talked about as a potential "anti-poverty czar" in an Obama administration. One day, between now and January, this alleged scandal will have to be addressed -- and if John Edwards did nothing more than pay a friendly late night Beverly Hills hotel visit to his former videographer who was impregnated by his married loyalist friend, so be it. He can explain himself and go back to helping the Two Americas or whatever.


Why is everybody so squeamish about this story? Because it ruins the 2008 campaign narrative, which is all about the grizzled old war veteran vs. the hopeful young star. Because, if true, it is a tawdry and tragic ending to a political love story that was nothing but an empty media performance.


It reminds us that John McCain left his wife, after she was disfigured in a car accident, so he could chase women in bars until he met the beer heiress of his congressional-district dreams.


It reminds us that Bill Clinton squandered a successful second term in a prosperous, peaceful America by shaming his family and the country with his dumb redneck inability to keep his pants on, and it reminds Hillary supporters that she would likely be the Democratic nominee today if Bill wasn't such a self-centered jackass.


It reminds us that the last Agent of Change in Washington was an ambitious young legislator named Newt Gingrich, who divorced his first wife while she was fighting cancer, and left his second wife after she was stricken with multiple sclerosis, and carried on an adulterous affair with a young congressional aide -- now his third wife -- while leading the charge to impeach Bill Clinton for having "sexual relations" with Monica Lewinsky.


It even reminds us that Barack Obama and his picture-perfect wife and kids on the cover of People magazine are not "normal" at all. They are the idealized American family, successful and attractive, somehow rising from modest backgrounds and all the American prejudices against single parents, minorities and mixed-race kids.


It reminds us that politicians in Washington are creeps and weirdos, and whether they're Senator Larry Craig cruising for gay sex in an airport bathroom or ex-Senator John Edwards hiding from tabloid reporters in a Beverly Hills hotel bathroom, they are twisted little Caligulas pretending to be statesmen, on your dime.

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QUOTE (Gregory Pratt @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 08:45 AM)
No one's posted a good, comprehensive account yet of what's going on, so let me direct you here.

Sure, take a Democratic scandal and make sure to get in all the Republicans you can name in the article, including McCain, and then show how great Obama is at the end. A wonderful way to twist this into something positive for Obama, when it has nothing to do with Obama. Or McCain.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 02:20 PM)
Sure, take a Democratic scandal and make sure to get in all the Republicans you can name in the article, including McCain, and then show how great Obama is at the end. A wonderful way to twist this into something positive for Obama, when it has nothing to do with Obama. Or McCain.

It seems fair to write what pigs we've elected and showing that it doesn't matter which side of the aisle they caucus. This is both a Dem and GOP issue.


If this was an article on philanthropy and only Dems were mentioned, conservatives would be screaming that there was bias and they should have been mentioned.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 02:48 PM)
It seems fair to write what pigs we've elected and showing that it doesn't matter which side of the aisle they caucus. This is both a Dem and GOP issue.


If this was an article on philanthropy and only Dems were mentioned, conservatives would be screaming that there was bias and they should have been mentioned.

No, because this was a story about 1 man f***ing up, almost literally. Not the Democratic party, not politicians, but just John 'Two Americas" Edwards. No need to mention McCain, Newt or Obama. Now if it was a news story about how all politicians are twofaced, then go ahead.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 03:53 PM)
No, because this was a story about 1 man f***ing up, almost literally. Not the Democratic party, not politicians, but just John 'Two Americas" Edwards. No need to mention McCain, Newt or Obama. Now if it was a news story about how all politicians are twofaced, then go ahead.


Dude it was one article on a left of center blog. Relax.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 1, 2008 -> 04:53 PM)
No, because this was a story about 1 man f***ing up, almost literally. Not the Democratic party, not politicians, but just John 'Two Americas" Edwards. No need to mention McCain, Newt or Obama. Now if it was a news story about how all politicians are twofaced, then go ahead.

I think that the story was about *what was written*, which is about a string of politicians who have failed in their marriages. And that seems like a very good story idea. It is not a Dem or Rep problem, actually it is something that happens throughout society.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 2, 2008 -> 07:01 AM)
I think that the story was about *what was written*, which is about a string of politicians who have failed in their marriages. And that seems like a very good story idea. It is not a Dem or Rep problem, actually it is something that happens throughout society.

Even though it takes 14 paragraphs to mention anyone other than Edwards? Yeah, it was just an article about politicians in general who have failed their marraiges. That's bull. The writer just found a way to take a story that was about one politician, a Democrat, and twist it into something negative about the Republican candidate and positive for the Democratic candidate. There is no other way you can take that with the first 'other' politician mentioned in the bad being McCain, and him ending with Obama's 'picture perfect wife and kids'. And sure, he mentioned Bill, but that only furthur serves to diss Hillary, which the Obamaites hate anyway.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 2, 2008 -> 08:22 AM)
Even though it takes 14 paragraphs to mention anyone other than Edwards? Yeah, it was just an article about politicians in general who have failed their marraiges. That's bull. The writer just found a way to take a story that was about one politician, a Democrat, and twist it into something negative about the Republican candidate and positive for the Democratic candidate. There is no other way you can take that with the first 'other' politician mentioned in the bad being McCain, and him ending with Obama's 'picture perfect wife and kids'. And sure, he mentioned Bill, but that only furthur serves to diss Hillary, which the Obamaites hate anyway.

Actually they took an article about one Republican, McCain and all his failed marriages and dragged all these Dems into it. Why? Edwards isn't even in the race. Damn vast right wing conspiracy. They probably held the article waiting for a Dem to be in the news (An Enquirer Article at that!). Pretty careful disguise I think. They knew they needed to continue the liberal media slant and by finding a Dem to attack they could also mention McCain and not be accused. Sneaky.


Actually isn't this what you always want? Balanced? Find someone from the opposing party and show they too do the same stuff? When it's a GOP, you always point to Dems that do it too.


Let's do the twist, like we did last summer. ;) The article is what it is.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 2, 2008 -> 09:00 AM)
Actually they took an article about one Republican, McCain and all his failed marriages and dragged all these Dems into it. Why? Edwards isn't even in the race. Damn vast right wing conspiracy. They probably held the article waiting for a Dem to be in the news (An Enquirer Article at that!). Pretty careful disguise I think. They knew they needed to continue the liberal media slant and by finding a Dem to attack they could also mention McCain and not be accused. Sneaky.


Actually isn't this what you always want? Balanced? Find someone from the opposing party and show they too do the same stuff? When it's a GOP, you always point to Dems that do it too.


Let's do the twist, like we did last summer. ;) The article is what it is.

That's fine then. When the next article about ted Stevens comes out right around election time, i look forward to it also mentioning all the dirty Democrats as well, including those that have yet to retire like Jefferson.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 2, 2008 -> 10:09 AM)
That's fine then. When the next article about ted Stevens comes out right around election time, i look forward to it also mentioning all the dirty Democrats as well, including those that have yet to retire like Jefferson.



How about the first article here? Where was the balance? No mention of anyone other then Edwards. No wait, they also dragged Obama's name into it. Of course he's a Dem and Fox News would never think to mention a GOP or miss a chance to link Obama to a scandle. ;) :cheers

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 2, 2008 -> 09:19 AM)
How about the first article here? Where was the balance? No mention of anyone other then Edwards. No wait, they also dragged Obama's name into it. Of course he's a Dem and Fox News would never think to mention a GOP or miss a chance to link Obama to a scandle. ;) :cheers

Edwards is 'current'. He is (was) connected to Obama as a potential running mate. He was at the time rumored to be considered for a cabinet post. His connection to the campaign is RELEVANT, at least to mention it. What does Newt have to do with Edwards f***ing another woman? Nothing, except just another way to try and diffuse the stain of Edwards by dumping some Repubs in the story as well.

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QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 02:06 PM)

What an asshole. He's a hypocritical douchebag who prayed off of everyone, including his own wife, to try to gain something out of her illness.


I know John Edwards snowed a lot of people, but he should be ashamed.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 01:09 PM)
Holy crap.


Bad enough it happened at all. Worse if he did it while his wife was battling cancer. Worst of all if it also resulted in a child.


What an asshole.




f*** John Edwards and his "life changing experiences".

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 02:09 PM)
Holy crap.


Bad enough it happened at all. Worse if he did it while his wife was battling cancer. Worst of all if it also resulted in a child.


What an asshole.

He and the woman still claim the baby isn't his.

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 02:14 PM)
i'll throw out the first joke...


guess John Edwards really knows what its like to have "Two America's". One where you have a wife battling cancer, and one where you have a little somethin-somethin on the side.

Reminds me of McCain and his ill first wife.

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QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Aug 8, 2008 -> 11:14 AM)
i'll throw out the first joke...


guess John Edwards really knows what its like to have "Two America's". One where you have a wife battling cancer, and one where you have a little somethin-somethin on the side.

And since we're deservedly bashing the man...hell let's note the old story about what happened to their other son a decade ago.

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