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How to help your candidate


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I was just thinking about how someone can influence your vote. The types of people you actually will listen to. For me it is guys like the former Republican Chair for Hidalgo County. Even though we disagreed on 75% of the issues, he admitted when he thought his party had the weaker hand, and didn't gloat when they had the upper hand. He taught me that all politics are the same. The business side works by the same rules. He had credibility with me because he kept to the major stuff, never tried to make some mountain out of a mole hill. Was never a "sky is falling" alarmist or an apologist and excuse maker. He would apply the same standards to everyone regardless of party. He was rarely embarrassed for making an error in judgment, perhaps that is why he is a judge today.


On the other end of the line are the fanatics that can be so aggravating I hope their candidate loses just to shut them up, even if I naturally would support that candidate. Or, if their candidate is elected, I hope he fails, again, just to shut up the kool aid drinking, see no wrong, supporter.

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When it comes to supporters in the general sense, I could care less. I just don't associate a candidate's followers with the candidate in any political way. If you try to do that, in the current internet age, you will find yourself hating every candidate out there.


If you are talking about other politicians and their support, that is almost as useless, to me. The exception is the inner circle. Those couple inner layers - in the case of a President, this is their cabinet, their closest advisors, and their VP - do matter to me. One of the reasons I voted for Bush in 2000 was that it appeared he was involving some of the right people, in that inner circle. Powell was someone I had immense respect for. Rumsfeld, whom it turned out I was very wrong about, I also thought was a good name. Even Cheney, who I think really just snapped on 9/11, gave me some level of confidence (at that time, I would have said he had a Richardson-like resume, but on the right). Well, it turns out that Rummy and Cheney were crummy and crappy. But at the time of the election and shortly after, I must admit, those choices helped me decide on Bush.


So as these candidates assemble that inner circle, I will be paying attention. But honestly, I just don't give a s*** about what various internet posters, bloggers, radio hosts, random party backers and talking heads think.


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QUOTE (Texsox @ Jul 28, 2008 -> 09:27 AM)


About about people you know and have a personal link? What can they do to influence your vote?

That's different.


I do talk with certain friends (the ones where politics comes up), and I do listen to their input. But those discussions are usually not things I take at face value - they are vetting discussions. We trade information, and try to get a better picture. I especially like speaking with people when they are not of the same mind as me, because that's when you are more likely to learn something.


Then there are politicians, or people of influence, that I know personally. And I do take their views into account as well.


And truly, I do learn things here on SoxTalk, in the Buster. I just try to filter out the noise, and dig into issues with people willing to have real discussions.


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