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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 01:12 AM)
Wow I did not know that, thanks guys. All of that stuff isn't going to happen, but I've always heard there was a rule against 3 teams, and I always heard it falsely apparently.


Because generally that is what all announcers and sportswriters say and it is true except in the incredibly unlikely circumstance that somehow a conference has the number 1 and 2 ranked teams in the BCS and neither one of them wins the conference championship.

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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 11:39 AM)
Whoa, how did I not see that ""youtube sensation" Sam McGuffie left UM?




Any inside story from someone?


On the UM board they're saying he just went home for a funeral, and he's playing tomorrow.

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QUOTE (WhiteSoxfan1986 @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 03:36 PM)
On the UM board they're saying he just went home for a funeral, and he's playing tomorrow.

Didnt I just post the UM board/blog. Which one are you talking about? I didnt think he would just leave, especailly since everyone was saying it was a bout of depression.


Edit, I see on his page today he said he had a change of heart, but still the other players metioned were still leaving. For the sake of the Big Ten, i hope the unrest in AA stops.

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I think the fact that he painted it and wrote his name on it is by far the best part. It's like the kid in 2nd grade that steals the other kid's ruler, scratches out the other's name, writes his own on there, and thinks there's no way someone will figure it out.

Edited by IlliniKrush
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QUOTE (RockRaines @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 03:45 PM)
Didnt I just post the UM board/blog. Which one are you talking about? I didnt think he would just leave, especailly since everyone was saying it was a bout of depression.


Edit, I see on his page today he said he had a change of heart, but still the other players metioned were still leaving. For the sake of the Big Ten, i hope the unrest in AA stops.


Let's actually think about this with a little logic rather than trying to create drama and hey, let's mix in some fact too. I'll be happy to help you with this.


1. Zion Babb was kicked off the team - he did not quit

2. McGuffie still could choose to leave - but the rumors that started this week are solely based on the fact he has been hurt and he had to go home for a funeral. He returned to Ann Arbor Wed. night and is on the travel roster for today's game. He will get some time, but Brandon Minor and Carlos Brown (who were originally supposed to be the starters before injuries set in) will get the bulk of the carriers. They are by far UM's best two RB's right now.

3. DT Jason Kates left the team. No surprise as he was a career backup as well.

4. Artis Chambers rumors are flying. If he leaves it will be a playing time issue. He played early in the season, but has fallen off the radar in recent weeks. He does play special teams some, however.

5. There WILL be more players leave. This is normal in a coaching transition, especially one as radical in philosophy as Michigan has gone through. Some players leave initially, others leave after going through a year and realizing their isn't a great fit.

6. Don't be surprised to see guys like TE's Martell Webb and Steve Watson leave as they don't have a major role in this offense.

7. There will be seniors that do not come back for the 5th year, which happens every year.

8. There will be some other players that are not primary players that leave, not wishing to continue. Again, no big shock.

9. There has been some insinuation that some of the younger players have not bought in like Coach Rodriguez wants and are not giving the right amount of effort. I think this is somewhat natural and a dangerous consequence when you are recruiting so many players telling them they have a chance to come in and play right away. Recruits are not very realistic and they think they can come in and be a 4-yr starter. While Michigan has played a bunch of freshman, some are standing on the sidelines watching. A few may leave.

10. Coach Rod has said that any players that remain will buy in 100% both in terms of football and academics. There is some scuttlebutt that some players may not be taking the academic side seriously enough, which may cause some attrition and you will never hear about the exact reason why.


To sum up, further attrition is expected. It was discussed in April and again in August/September. This is not unexpected to anyone that actually follows the program. But to insinuate that it is not part of the process is assinine.


One can argue that UM and Rich Rod could have made the transition more smoothly. They could have done so by hiring a different coach or Rod could have done so by bending his philosophies more. Is that the right answer for the long run. Personally I am not smart enough to know for sure. I am confident Michigan will be back and Rich Rodriguez will be a successful coach there. Could he have done things differently? I'm pretty sure he'd tell you yes. But I also remember reading a few things that Nick Saban said at Alabama and he stated that in order ot have success your way, you have to take total control. He also admitted to that last season he had to make some tough decisions because of a lack of depth and there would have been some guys that would have been invited to leave had the situation not been what it was.



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QUOTE (nitetrain8601 @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 08:36 PM)
So who are your picks for the National Championship? I know it is still a little bit away and there are so many different scenarios that can play out which will stop certain teams from playing in it, but this is more about gut feeling. Who do you think will make it there and win it all?

Man, the smart pick would prob be someone from the Big 12, and I think I would have to go with either Oklahoma or Texas out of that conf, but thats assuming Ok beats TT, and I havent really looked at the tie breakers for who makes the title game if that happens. I really do not think that Alabama is a championship team, but stranger things have happened. I also look for Fla to bow out.

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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 10:35 AM)
Let's actually think about this with a little logic rather than trying to create drama and hey, let's mix in some fact too. I'll be happy to help you with this.

I wasnt trying to offend you or cause drama. And I understand your points for a UM POV that you summed up very nicely, but saying this is "normal" is a little stretch considering this is the worst UM team record-wise probably since you have been alive. Bo did have alot of attrition as well, which was expected when they brought in a tough SOB (Miami guy) to change the philosophy of the program. For the Big Ten's sake, I hope they get things figured out., because the conference NEEDS Michigan to be a good team.

Edited by RockRaines
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QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 10:35 AM)
One can argue that UM and Rich Rod could have made the transition more smoothly. They could have done so by hiring a different coach or Rod could have done so by bending his philosophies more. Is that the right answer for the long run. Personally I am not smart enough to know for sure. I am confident Michigan will be back and Rich Rodriguez will be a successful coach there. Could he have done things differently? I'm pretty sure he'd tell you yes. But I also remember reading a few things that Nick Saban said at Alabama and he stated that in order ot have success your way, you have to take total control. He also admitted to that last season he had to make some tough decisions because of a lack of depth and there would have been some guys that would have been invited to leave had the situation not been what it was.


I have NO DOUBT that Michigan will be back eventually, the doubt is whether or not Rodriguez will be their coach when they are. I still know he's a fine coach, but so much has gone against him this year that it will take a lot to turn it around, and I'll give him all the credit in the world if he is able to do so. It's hard to compare this years Michigan squad to Alabama last year though. Yes Saban's first Alabama team struggled and lost it's last 4 regular season games, but they did start 6-2, end up 7-6 after winning a bowl game (Independence over Colorado), and their losses were by 3 (OT), 7, 7, 5, 7, and 7. Plus, they are on their way to an SEC title game if not National title game appearance this year, and I can't see Michigan starting 11-0 next year.

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I think any Michigan fan that wants Rod gone after 1 year is an idiot. You always have to give him a few years to see how HIS recruits do and he has a good class coming in next year.

This team, record wise, is worse than I thought they would be, but if they didn't turn the ball over so much, they may have 1 or two more W's. Who knows.


And for the kids leaving, see ya! Don't want to commit yourself to the team or the program, leave. Buh bye.

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To both Rock and whitesoxfan101, I am not sure how you interpreted my post, but let me clarify.


The only thing I intimated as normal was attrition after a transition with a new coach/program, especially one as difficult and dramatic (in terms of degree of change in system/style) as this one has been.


What I did not intend to portray as the results on the field as being normal or expected.


I did not compare Michigan to Alabama, wsfan101. Bringing up Alabama was strictly to illustrate that there is more way than one for a coach to approach such a transition. Nick Saban himself believes that it needs to be a "my way or the highway" approach if you want to turn things around quickly, but even he pulled back from that last year when every other week he was having players arrested/suspended because he had no depth. But he certainly cleaned up some messes after the season.


Michigan will return to the top and I believe it will be with Rodriguez. But it will take some time. If another coach would have been brought in, we may be watching a Michigan team with Ryan Mallett, Adrian Arrington, Mario Manningham (less likely) and Justin Boren. That would make for a COMPLETELY different offense. This team has been beset by inexperience and injuries on offense. The defense has been unfairly burdened due to an offense that has been horrible. Think about it, 50+ plays for negative yardage on the season. At about the midway point of the season, 46% of Michigan's offensive plays went for 0 or negative yards. How in the hell can you succeed in that situation? The offensive line and QB are terrible, which makes designing any kind of potentially successful plays nearly impossible. They have had to resort to running 10 WR screens/swing passes a game in hopes that they can break one. Problem is, half the time the QB can't even lead the receiver correctly so he can catch it with forward momentum or catch it at all.


Statistically this has been the worst Michigan defense of all time. But I think that is an unfair burden put on them because they have had no offense to support them. Don't get me wrong, it has been atrocious at times and Stevie Brown has to be the worst safety ever at Michigan. The reason he is the worst is that he makes a few big plays which are enough to fool you into thinking he has potential. But for every good tackly on Pryor (1st play) and interception (1st possession) there are three times as many missed tackles, bad angles and blown coverages. If he didn't mix in a few big plays, he'd never seen the field, so for a guy that actually plays, he has to be the worst!


What I do like about this team is that they have never quit. They can look absolutely horrible and they don't seem to realize how bad they are and just keep plugging away. If they had any quit in them, they would have already laid down in this game and it would be 24-0 right now. I am not sure I really like the spread option offense that much, but I do respect Rodriguez' ability to coach and recruit. He'll be successful, but it won't be easy the first 2-3 years. This will not be a 2nd year turnaround success like Tressel and Saban pulled off. Next year will start with a new QB, a true frosh. There will be more bumps along the way, I just hope they don't continue to include losses to freakin Toledo!!!

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QUOTE (Brian @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 12:26 PM)
I think any Michigan fan that wants Rod gone after 1 year is an idiot. You always have to give him a few years to see how HIS recruits do and he has a good class coming in next year.

This team, record wise, is worse than I thought they would be, but if they didn't turn the ball over so much, they may have 1 or two more W's. Who knows.


And for the kids leaving, see ya! Don't want to commit yourself to the team or the program, leave. Buh bye.


I agree. This year has been disappointing. But not a reason to run off a guy after a year.


The thing that I think will really take time is rebuilding the offensive and defensive lines. The OL is incredibly young and aside from potentially some true freshmen, I am not convinced it is very talented all the way down the depth chart. The defensive line will have to completely start over after this year and there is not much depth so we are looking at a couple of years before that unit will completely rebound.

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