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Has Michigan officially submitted to Allah?


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Some judge over there needs to be removed from the bench for this. This waste of cells should have his ass behind bars for a long time. And this line, "While Zorkot openly supports Hezbollah on his Web site — www.zorkot.org — he has not been identified as a terrorist or linked to any terrorist group, according to law enforcement officials." is just wrong. Do you have to have a signed membership card with hahas or AlQ to be a terrorist nowadays? His very actions and words brand his as a terrorist. Or do we need to wait until he shoots someone or blows something up? He was arrested for a FELONY! Resisting arrest like he did is usually enough for 6 months all by itself.


Hemlock Park gunman gets 2 years probation


By Sean Delaney, Press & Guide Newspapers


PUBLISHED: August 17, 2008


DEARBORN - Houssein Ali Zorkot — a once-promising medical student at Wayne State University — was sentenced on July 29 to two years probation after pleading guilty to charges stemming from a Sept. 8, 2007, incident in Dearborn's Hemlock Park.


The controversial case gained national attention in late 2007 when Zorkot, then 26 years old, was observed carrying a loaded AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle near the west side of the park, which is located north of Ford Road near Schaefer.


Following his arrest, Zorkot's status as a Lebanese American and his open support of Hezbollah, which has been designated as a terrorist organization by the United States, led some to classify the Dearborn resident as a terrorist.


Zorkot was arraigned on charges on Sept. 11, 2007, in Dearborn's 19th District Court — the same day city officials issued a press release about the incident.


Dearborn Mayor Jack O'Reilly has defended the city's decision to delay releasing the information three days, and told the Press & Guide the information was withheld until after Zorkot's arraignment to avoid stirring up fears of another terrorist attack.


While Zorkot openly supports Hezbollah on his Web site — www.zorkot.org — he has not been identified as a terrorist or linked to any terrorist group, according to law enforcement officials.


The Dearborn resident pled guilty last month to the charges of possessing a weapon in a vehicle, possessing a weapon with unlawful intent and felony firearm.


According to Dearborn police, Zorkot was dressed in dark clothing and had his face painted black when officers located him on Sept. 8, 2007, inside his 2007 Ford Escape, which was parked on the park's west side. The engine was still running.


Officers approached the vehicle, which proceeded to pull out of the parking space and head northbound toward the park's entrance. Dearborn police were able to block the vehicle in before it was able to leave the park.


When approached by officers, Zorkot opened the driver's side door, but remained inside the vehicle. He then asked officers why they had stopped him, and said, "You guys are always harassing me."


During the confrontation, officers observed Zorkot lower his right hand toward the center console, which was out of view. According to police reports, officers feared Zorkot may have been reaching for a weapon and grabbed his left wrist while ordering him to exit the vehicle.


An officer at the scene observed the AK-47 in the vehicle's backseat, and alerted her fellow officers that the Dearborn resident was armed. Zorkot was then forcibly removed from the vehicle through the driver's side door — although he initially refused to let go of the door.


When he refused to release the door, officers struck Zorkot's arm once with a plastic flashlight, however, the Dearborn resident refused to let go.


A Taser was then deployed, which struck Zorkot between his shoulder blades. The electrical jolt caused Zorkot to fall to the ground, where he began rolling back-and-forth.


When Zorkot refused to comply with the officers' commands, he was stunned again and taken into custody.


Evidence technicians then searched Zorkot's vehicle and found two pairs of cloth gloves, a military combat belt with a canteen and two knives, boots with socks, a receipt for the AK-47 rifle and ammo, a gunlock and keys, a list of Metro Detroit shooting ranges, numerous photographs of Zorkot standing in front of billboard depicting "various Muslim extremists," a briefcase containing a laptop and a cell phone.


Two cameras, a portable AM/FM radio, a pair of binoculars, four computer CDs, an Army surplus bag, a camouflage face paint kit, a Lebanon flag, a VCR cassette of "The Never Ending Story," and eight prepaid international phone cards were also found inside the vehicle.


Based on the statements he made at time of his arrest, and the materials found inside his vehicle, a search warrant was issued for Zorkot's home. Police have not disclosed the results of that search.


Contact Staff Writer Sean Delaney at (313) 359-7820 or [email protected].



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To your headline, not the story:

We have to get rid of that stupid religious freedom thing from the Constitution. What the hell were the founding fathers thinking when they came up with that? We need to adopt a national Church, just like England. That way we stop this Allah stuff while we can.


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Let's look at what he did.


He had a weapon in his car. Call the NRA. A man has to protect himself.

Lowered his hand. Dangerous stuff.

Had his face painted. Face painting should be a crime. Especially at carnivals, NFL games, and during hunting season.

And look at what was in his car! Boots WITH socks. Cell Phone (more like terrorist cell phones), a laptop, 2 knives, 4! Count them 4 cds, AM/FM radio, Binoculars, 2 cameras, international calling cards. Dammit, I have those things in my car. I must be a terrorist. Plus I've been seen burning American flags and teaching kids to do it.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 07:43 AM)
Let's look at what he did.


He had a weapon in his car. Call the NRA. A man has to protect himself.

Lowered his hand. Dangerous stuff.

Had his face painted. Face painting should be a crime. Especially at carnivals, NFL games, and during hunting season.

And look at what was in his car! Boots WITH socks. Cell Phone (more like terrorist cell phones), a laptop, 2 knives, 4! Count them 4 cds, AM/FM radio, Binoculars, 2 cameras, international calling cards. Dammit, I have those things in my car. I must be a terrorist. Plus I've been seen burning American flags and teaching kids to do it.

If you have an AK-47 in yoru car then I'm all for you being labeled a terrorist.

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QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 10:21 AM)
If you have an AK-47 in yoru car then I'm all for you being labeled a terrorist.

Yep, any self respecting American Patriot would have a M16

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I think you guys are all missing the scariest part of the entire article:


Evidence technicians then searched Zorkot's vehicle and found two pairs of cloth gloves, a military combat belt with a canteen and two knives, boots with socks, a receipt for the AK-47 rifle and ammo, a gunlock and keys, a list of Metro Detroit shooting ranges, numerous photographs of Zorkot standing in front of billboard depicting "various Muslim extremists," a briefcase containing a laptop and a cell phone.


Two cameras, a portable AM/FM radio, a pair of binoculars, four computer CDs, an Army surplus bag, a camouflage face paint kit, a Lebanon flag, a VCR cassette of "The Never Ending Story," and eight prepaid international phone cards were also found inside the vehicle.



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QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 10:52 AM)
I really think it was the copy of the Never Ending Story that makes this man a terrorist obviously.


All he had to do was get that dog/dragon thing to come to life and then who is laughing!


haha, Jinx!

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 02:39 PM)
oh here we go again with the psychos who think everyone should be able to own a AK-47. Hell, why stop there? Everyone should be able to build their own chemical weapons for self defense purposes. Don't mess with Texas!

Simply owning the AK-47 wasn't the problem. Carrying it in the back seat, brandishing it in a park, resisting arrest and spouting off jihad talk all add up to a dangerous person. That is why it is so odd that he got probation. Maybe the judge didn't want to 'offend' anyone of a certain religious persuasion?

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 02:44 PM)
Simply owning the AK-47 wasn't the problem. Carrying it in the back seat, brandishing it in a park, resisting arrest and spouting off jihad talk all add up to a dangerous person. That is why it is so odd that he got probation. Maybe the judge didn't want to 'offend' anyone of a certain religious persuasion?


nope. nope. thats fine too. he was just taking a stand against the evil Bush regime. you see, that is completely acceptable.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 02:44 PM)
Simply owning the AK-47 wasn't the problem. Carrying it in the back seat, brandishing it in a park, resisting arrest and spouting off jihad talk all add up to a dangerous person. That is why it is so odd that he got probation. Maybe the judge didn't want to 'offend' anyone of a certain religious persuasion?


Unless our Constitution is now a religion, I'm guessing the judge didn't go with that new George Dubya, "we know what you're thinking and you are guilty law".


Unfortunately we still have the right to "spouting off jihad talk" aka freedom of speech. The article you posted mentions the cops seeing it in the backseat, how that becomes "brandishing it in the park". But congrats Alpha, a rare double! Typical liberal whining about guns and a follow up with typical conservative whining about speech they do not agree with. :cheers Both in the same post.

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QUOTE (mr_genius @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 02:39 PM)
oh here we go again with the psychos who think everyone should be able to own a AK-47. Hell, why stop there? Everyone should be able to build their own chemical weapons for self defense purposes. Don't mess with Texas!


The right to a chemical weapons just doesn't have the same ring to it as the right to bare arms (with tattoos) . But you do have the right to certain chemical weapons. Poison, mixing ammonia and bleach, etc.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 03:03 PM)
Unfortunately we still have the right to "spouting off jihad talk" aka freedom of speech.


Depends on the speech. If your Jihad talk is "I am going to kill you, infidel" you have committed a crime. You cannot threaten to kill people, especially threatening to kill someone while holding an AK-47 :P

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 03:06 PM)
The right to a chemical weapons just doesn't have the same ring to it as the right to bare arms (with tattoos)



Nope, chemical weapons would be considered arms. You will need them to arm your militia. Hell, you should save up for a nuclear weapon too if you plan on keeping the US government in check or fight the king of england.



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I've always wanted to own a ICBM with a strategic nuclear warhead. Can I buy one of those at Wal-Mart? That would be pretty bad ass. Well except for the part about getting radiation poisoning and all that. But damn, talk about home self-defense.

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If your Jihad talk is "I am going to kill you, infidel" you have committed a crime.


Really what law is that?


I really doubt that if I go to the game tonight and yell:


"Im going to kill you Felix Hernandez"


Ill be arrested, but maybe I will be...


My guess is the prosecutor tried his best to convict this person of the most punishable offense he could, most likely just did not have the evidence to support it.


Although i doubt that they really went into the whole dragon/dog argument and how troublesome it is that "The Never Ending Story" has an ending.

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QUOTE (Texsox @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 04:03 PM)
Unless our Constitution is now a religion, I'm guessing the judge didn't go with that new George Dubya, "we know what you're thinking and you are guilty law".


Unfortunately we still have the right to "spouting off jihad talk" aka freedom of speech. The article you posted mentions the cops seeing it in the backseat, how that becomes "brandishing it in the park". But congrats Alpha, a rare double! Typical liberal whining about guns and a follow up with typical conservative whining about speech they do not agree with. :cheers Both in the same post.

From the story,

The controversial case gained national attention in late 2007 when Zorkot, then 26 years old, was observed carrying a loaded AK-47 semi-automatic assault rifle near the west side of the park, which is located north of Ford Road near Schaefer.
And when did I whine about guns? I have several, am in the NRA and have fired an AK-47. It is loud and has a nice kick. And he can say all the jihad stuff he wants. but coupled with the guns and resisting arrest, i can't see how he got no jail time. Tex, even in the gun-happy state of Texas, if you were driving around with a gun in the back seat and resisted arrest, you would be spending a few nights in jail.


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QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 19, 2008 -> 03:12 PM)
I've always wanted to own a ICBM with a strategic nuclear warhead. Can I buy one of those at Wal-Mart? That would be pretty bad ass. Well except for the part about getting radiation poisoning and all that. But damn, talk about home self-defense.


hey man, no one ever said being a true patriot doesn't come with a cost (possible radiation poisoning).

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