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it's not all video games. some parents won't let kids have any fun anymore. they are so freaked out about child abductions they won't let them out of their sight, they won't let them play with toy guns, etc.

Right, but most of these parents are the same one who starts fights with the coach of the little league team because his kid didn't play. Get over yourself, you're not some kind of f***ing hero dad. :finger

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No s***.


I payed $299 for PS1 and  $350 or something of the kind for PS2.


Good thing I didn't buy X-BOX.

PS1 cost $300 bucks??? Gee, I didn't know that..Got it as a gift..I thought they were $200..and even that seems kinda high...


I payed $300 for my PS2 plus tax :D

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Oh jesus, you sound like an old man. "Back in my day..."  :lol:




Didn't have any buddies growing up, so it was video games for me.




No, it's because people eat all the f***ing time. I don't play any sports or do any other activities that require much effort, and I'm skinny.




haha. I love how the thread went from video games, to Jason ranting on the children of america.  As far as smoking goes, people smoke because they want to, not because the marbolo man makes it look cool.

Didn't have any buddies growing up, so it was video games for me.


That's nice :rolleyes:


No, it's because people eat all the f***ing time. I don't play any sports or do any other activities that require much effort, and I'm skinny.


Well, do you eat 3 big macs, 2 super sized fries, a strawberry milkshake and nuggets for breakfast, lunch and dinner??? It all depends..it's part genetics, and just not eating alto like you said. If you eat normal, then you can sit around all day and still be skinny..


haha. I love how the thread went from video games, to Jason ranting on the children of america. As far as smoking goes, people smoke because they want to, not because the marbolo man makes it look cool.


Wait a sec, you telling me that a kid seeing a big ass camel smoking a cig doesn't encourage kids to smoke?!?!??! Well, you're right...also the nicotine may have something to do with it....I just substitute the nic for caffiene..that damn caff is also a b****...and addictive :bang

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Agree with everything you said...it seems like when i was a kid we would be out all freakin day..playing, riding our bikes everywhere and s***...Now a days, you really don't see that, i look twice if Ieven see a bunch a kids riding their bikes around...


I miss those days...

I'm the opposite, I'm hate it when I look outside and see kids. Maybe that's because they'll make fun of me? I could always run them down in my car though. ;)

Well, ain't that wonderful... :rolleyes:

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PS1 cost $300 bucks??? Gee, I didn't know that..Got it as a gift..I thought they were $200..and even that seems kinda high...


I payed $300 for my PS2 plus tax :D

Well, I bought my PS1 within a week of it coming out, plus I bought it at FuncoLand. Which was a huge rip off videogame store.

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Hey Ian, you don't own a trenchcoat or anything..do ya :D

I've got a big Nike winter jacket, that's two sizes too big. So it goes down to about my knee, does that count? However, it doesn't have many pockets, so I couldn't use it for a killing spree if that's what you're refering to.

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I've got a big Nike winter jacket, that's two sizes too big. So it goes down to about my knee, does that count? However, it doesn't have many pockets, so I couldn't use it for a killing spree if that's what you're refering to.

I too have an over sized winter jacket that's 3 sizes to big and goes down to my kness...Wearing it makes it look like I weigh 450lbs...I can barley walk in it..all someone would have to do is push me with their pinky and I'd fall over like a bowling pin....Those grandmas are something, aren't they :rolleyes:

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