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QUOTE (Felix @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 09:38 AM)
That certainly wasn't my purpose, as I've enjoyed reading these. I apologize if that did happen as a result of me.



And I didn't mean to turn it into anything else. However, if I'm reading these things and something is said that I disagree with, I'm going to say so. I don't think I did anything out of line and I thought the whole purpose of these forums was to promote discussion about baseball (and other things). Now if I were to start talking politics in this thread I could see how it was out of line, but when I was merely talking about the worthiness of saves in a thread about the guy who holds the saves record, which doesn't seem off-topic or out of place at all to me.


Ok, I can appreciate your point of view. But the intent, and effort, that's been put into these threads kind of leads me to believe that this wasn't the really the place to pick on specific point. You may not have intended for it turn into a 'hijack' situation and I can understand how that can happen. But at some point in time, it should become apparent that's its time pull back. In fact, a great thread to argue the point you made would have been the Frankie Rodriguez thread in the Diamond Club forum. Your point is not the issue here, imo. It's where you chose to express it. Yet, I can understand that you didn't foresee things happening the way that they did. So, I'm not trying to condemn you but maybe have you take more things into consideration than just the specific point. And I really hope you understand where I'm coming from here.


Edit to add: Felix, it wasn't just because of you. I didn't want to imply that either and if I did, I apologize.

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QUOTE (YASNY @ Aug 22, 2008 -> 08:50 AM)
Stat worthiness has been discussed on Soxtalk ad nausem, and will continue to be discussed. But you take one sentence out of a "favorite players" bio because you happen to disagree with and start sniping. The man was enjoying writing these bio's and had stepped up and volunteered to help write as many he can. Now, he's washed his hands of the whole damn thing and I don't blame him one iota. This thread, and the others like it are meant to light and fun. There are plenty of threads where discussion and disagreement can take place and be totally appropriate, but this wasn't one them. Basically, by turning into a discussion on the value of a save to judge a player, you hijacked the thread.


Oh, and Milkman, before you jump all over me for this post, I took into consideration what you said about me being critical of negative posts and decided you may have a valid point so I backed off and have refrained from doing that quite so much. However, I couldn't let this go without putting in my two cents. It's not so much the negative posts themselves, it's the thread that they occured and the time and effort being put into these threads by various people to make this a fun and enjoyable series of threads.


Ha, it's all good. :gosox3:

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