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booker being QB

Cy Young Porzio

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What the hell are you talking about Gary? Where did u hear about Booker becoming qb?


I know many joke about it because Chandler and Miller and the offense is so bad, but I've realized this offense sucks because Shoop sucks and our recievers are way over-rated.


Oh ya, its also cause this team is the most pathetic fundemental football team I've seen in a long long time.

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Originally posted by Cy Young Porzio

That had to be the stupidest thing i had heard in sports. Why take an allstar reciever into a QB. Yea it could work out but you gotta stick with what works sometimes. Plus the last thing we need is for Booker to get sacked because of the piss poor offensive line, and get hurt. But oh well, it didnt happen so its just to laugh at.


run booker at tailback out of the old single wing:D

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

Good god, Booker at qb?  What the hell are they thinking, I Think we all know Leon Johnson is the Bears true qb.  I mean his one pass this season was truly amazing.


I do know I'd take either of them over Burris.  Of course Burris does make it a hillarious game.


you could play booker at QB and be successful...very successful..but you have to design an offense thats contrarian in nature to take advantage of his unique skills...


the biggest hurdle to overcome would be the coaches...coaches never go out on a limb anymore and do something different because if they do and it fails then they have to take the blame (the last coach to do it was buddy ryan with the 46 defense - changed the way the game was played - what happend to him???...he got fired - and never rehired)...if a coach runs the same offense as the superbowl champs he can always say "hey such and such team won the superbowl with this offense...therefore it must be the players and not me"..so even if he gets fired someone else will hire him...i


just look at micheal vick...no coach in his right mind would run michael vick in a drop back offense..you got a guy who is playing QB that could be the best running back in all of football and your trying to make a drop back passer???...thats retarded...but dan reeves does it because if he came out in something like a double or single wing he opens himself up to being judged as a coach...and if it doesnt work..dan never gets another job..he would be called senial...


if i coached the bears right now id line booker up as a direct snap TB...roll him on alot of run/pass options...line up thomas right next to him in the backfield and direct snap to thomas too (you can also run numerous fakes between the 4 backs..its an awesome offense)...booker could lead block on any play along with damion shelton (ill get to his position later)between the tackles so you get an extra lead blocker for thomas at the point of attack because you dont have a real QB (who just hands off and runs a fake the opposite way that no one ever pays attention too)...use dez white as a wing or flanker and those reverses they like to run to dez would be much more effective out of this formation..then you line damion shelton up behind the gaurd as a blocking back and he would have much better angles to kick out on blocks... another advantage to this offense would be you can switch to any shotgun passing offense with few player substitutions...so it also means defense would have a hard time knowing when to go to nickel and dime packages...if they line up in a dime package you shift back to a tight formation and run the ball...against 4 down lineman and one or two linebackers......if they stay in their base you split out 4 recievers and even marty booker would complete 70% of his passes when he has a wr/lb mismatch...


i'd bet my life that the bears would score more points this way then what they are doing now...best thing about this..while opposing defenses get 3 maybe 4 days to practice against this...the bears offense practice it week after week getting better...contrarian in nature...


give it 5 years and some coach will finally have the balls to line a donavan mcnabb or michael vick in a formation like this..and score 30 points a game

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