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Outdoor Games As Kids

Rooftop Shots

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This is kind of a "Part 2" to "shipps" topic on favorite kids games

What I meant by "call outs" was "How did you start your game"?

Examples below:

If we played hide and go seek or catch one catch all or ghosts in the gravewyard, to start the game, everyone would put one of their feet in a circle with everyone elses. Then each person would take a turn at a "call out" to see who would be eliminated. As you said each word in your call out, you finger would touch another shoe. Whoever had the shoe that your finger was on at the end of a call-out, he would be OUT. When you get to the last 2 individuals, whoever was left at the end was "IT" and would have to seek out everyone else.

The standard call was "Blue shoe blue shoe, how old are you?" You'd count to that persons age,and whoever your finger landed on, he was out.

Another one was "Engine engine # 9 coming down Chicago line, if it fell off the track, would you get your money back. O-U-T spells out you go!

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