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After the game ended last night I truly was speechless. Now that I have had the opportunity to collect my thoughts I am more prepared to open this forum with a little more tact. The first thing I want to address is the batting order. What the hell was that. I'll admit it was very intriguing and seemingly productive in the first innning when Lee bombed and the bases were loaded (only to see the staple Joe Crede infield pop-up to end a rally). But after that inning one hit. One freaking hit. Why does JM refuse to stick with one line-up every game?


Secondly what is up with the Sox inability to hit off a pitcher they see for the first time? If Bonderman is that effective how does that explain his overall record. Other teams with less pop in their line-ups have obviously been able to hit off of him. Rigodamndiculous!!!!!!!!


That's it I've gone and upset myself again. I'll let you all sort this one out!

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This team sucks ass. I am beyond fed up with their passionless playing and inability to do the simplest of things such as a bunt. f*** them. This is the first time where I really don't care about baseball this early in the season. f*** Kroch, f*** JM, f*** PK and f*** the rest of this poor excuse of a ML baseball team. :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou :fyou

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This was my fear after making the trades.


We were finally getting hot, then we make the deals and we are totally out of sync again.


I understand the Alomar trade, but now I really don't like the Everett trade after the way Aaron was beginning to turn it around.


Let's hope the all-star break brings some answers for this pitiful offense.

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I think its time for me to get to work on  breaking up this team.  I'm gonna give them about another 10 days before I write my dismanaling the Sox piece.

Jas, as long as you keep Mark B, go ahead and break em up.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i just dont know what to say about this team anymore..........speacheless?? yeah i guess so... cause i dont know how else to describe it...........we have gone way beyond sucking now........swept by the tigers???? its amazing.....mind boggling......and all i can do right now is sit here shaking my head back and forth in wonder........

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Jas, as long as you keep Mark B, go ahead and break em up.

Trust me Buehrle isn't going anywhere. I will not deal any of the young arms.


That basically means that Garland, Wright, Buehrle, Marte and Sanders are safe.


Olivo, Crede, Rowand and Harris are most likely safe as well.

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Trust me Buehrle isn't going anywhere.  I will not deal any of the young arms. 


That basically means that Garland, Wright, Buehrle, Marte and Sanders are safe. 


Olivo, Crede, Rowand and Harris are most likely safe as well.

To be honest, unless they are going to teach Harris to swing the bat they can get rid of him too. I'm really tired of seeing him try to bunt himself on base.

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:fyou Mark Buerhle....send that son of a b**** packing to St Louis too so he can enjoy beating the Sox in the world series like he wants the cards to do

You can't be mad at Buehrle for wanting to play for the Cards. They were his childhood favorite and they still are now. If I was a professional ballplayer I would want to get out of Chicago too. Go to a place where the team has a hope and the players care.

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It's really nice to see that I'm not the only one who feels this way. Did anybody hear Dave Wills comment on the post game show? He said," The Hot Dog that got hit upside the head with the bat last night would have been safe and sound if the White Sox were in the visiting dugout. They would have swung and missed!" SAD BUT TRUE :puke :puke :puke

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You can't be mad at Buehrle for wanting to play for the Cards.  They were his childhood favorite and they still are now.  If I was a professional ballplayer I would want to get out of Chicago too.  Go to a place where the team has a hope and the players care.

And where the fans fill the stadium every night.

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1 - 5 against the worst teams in baseball? As the saying goes "Someone has got to pay!"


You can't fire the players.


If this were my team - Manuel would be packing his bags.

Do we really need to fire our manager? How many more managers are out there that have the fire and in your face approach that Lou Piniella has? Most of the good ones I have seen might get fired up, but for the most part have players who can make adjustments during the game to win and the manager calls the shots with who he has available. If you have to motivate a player or players by the point of a boot then I think it's time to dump the whole bunch and start over again. Right now this group seems to be more worried about whether they are going to the all-star game or the Cardinals, and how many homers they can hit, etc. I think this road trip to TB and Det has been a new low for the Sox in a season of lows. If we lose at Cleveland look out.

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That might have something to do with having players that show up to play everyday.

Mark B has been showing up, the fans should show up to watch him pitch if he continues to win like he has the past month.

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My prediction is if the Sox lose three of four to the Indians or get swept Manuel will and should already be out on his ass! I don't honestly know whom should fill in, but they definitely need someone who will wip these sissies in to shape. Right now I have no desire to go back to another Sox game this year. If you asked me right now who the worst team in baseball is I would say the Chicago F*cking White Sox. PATHETIC! :finger

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