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Sarah Palin


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I think mine and Balta's main points are the fact that people on "the left" (which also includes me by default) don't like being generalized as sexist for the comments and actions of other asshats, and they bristle at it the same way that "the right" does at being called racist.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:02 PM)
Ok, now you've set yourself up, I'm going to ask you to prove it. Who exactly is it on the left who is making a claim like the one Dr. Laura made that I highlighted there? Who has claimed that because of her family issues she won't have the time to govern or that she has more important things to do or anything like that?


Well many talking heads have been saying all week now that it's questionable for Palin to take the VP spot considering she has several kids including a very young one with down's, and now a pregnant 17 year old. The only channel I watch much is CNN, but just there I have seen several people such as Campbell Brown, Paul Begala, and James Carville among others say it. Now, putting it into those terms is veiling things a bit admittedly, but you know exactly what they mean by it. There have been a couple interesting links posted in this thread showing such question is coming from the right as well, but my point still stands.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:09 PM)
I think mine and Balta's main points are the fact that people on "the left" (which also includes me by default) don't like being generalized as sexist for the comments and actions of other asshats, and they bristle at it the same way that "the right" does at being called racist.


The left isn't sexist at all. My point is moreso that if the right asked the same questions about a woman that some people (I'll be more clear saying that, although by some I do mean a decent amount) on the left are asking about Palin, the right would be blistered as being sexist (and racist for that matter because they are always portrayed that way).

Edited by whitesoxfan101
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QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:11 PM)
The left isn't sexist at all. My point is moreso that if the right asked the same questions about a woman that some people (I'll be more clear saying that, although by some I do mean a decent amount) on the left are asking about Palin, the right would be blistered as being sexist and racist.

I would normally tend to agree, but every time I get ready to think something like that I hear another talking head say something like "come on, isn't it pretty sexist to suggest she's not smart enough to ____"?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 01:07 PM)
Aside from commenters @ DailyKos (You get them and I get the right wing commentors and those are usually quite a bit more fun

On this point, you are SO full of it. Go ahead, find a mainstream conservative site that had tons of front page posts and comments wishing death on Kennedy after his recent hospitalization. And I said mainstream, not some whacko fringe site with 20 hits a day. Koz is a mainstream dem site, like it or not. They even have sitting representatives posting on there (Pelosi). Cheney goes in the hospital, they have to cut off comments because it gets so damn vile it even disgusts Koz. Go there and start a post about Bush having been diagnosed with colon cancer and see how long it takes until the first post says somehting so vile it disgust you. I bet you lass than 5. You can say that Obama hasn't said stuff, of his campaign manager hasn't said stuff, but if referring to the left in general, especially blogs, commentators, etc, you are just wrong. The left side is so way over the top in violence, anger and venom that it is just not funny. (sorry for the thread-veer)

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 01:25 PM)
On this point, you are SO full of it. Go ahead, find a mainstream conservative site that had tons of front page posts and comments wishing death on Kennedy after his recent hospitalization. And I said mainstream, not some whacko fringe site with 20 hits a day. Koz is a mainstream dem site, like it or not. They even have sitting representatives posting on there (Pelosi). Cheney goes in the hospital, they have to cut off comments because it gets so damn vile it even disgusts Koz. Go there and start a post about Bush having been diagnosed with colon cancer and see how long it takes until the first post says somehting so vile it disgust you. I bet you lass than 5. You can say that Obama hasn't said stuff, of his campaign manager hasn't said stuff, but if referring to the left in general, especially blogs, commentators, etc, you are just wrong. The left side is so way over the top in violence, anger and venom that it is just not funny. (sorry for the thread-veer)

I have seen plenty of vile stuff like that throughout the blogosphere from BOTH sides of the aisle. Not sure about Kos because I don't hang there much, but overall, I see no great difference between the parties in terms of the venomous extremists.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:30 PM)
I have seen plenty of vile stuff like that throughout the blogosphere from BOTH sides of the aisle. Not sure about Kos because I don't hang there much, but overall, I see no great difference between the parties in terms of the venomous extremists.

that's something we can both agree on.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 03:25 PM)
On this point, you are SO full of it. Go ahead, find a mainstream conservative site that had tons of front page posts and comments wishing death on Kennedy after his recent hospitalization. And I said mainstream, not some whacko fringe site with 20 hits a day. Koz is a mainstream dem site, like it or not. They even have sitting representatives posting on there (Pelosi). Cheney goes in the hospital, they have to cut off comments because it gets so damn vile it even disgusts Koz. Go there and start a post about Bush having been diagnosed with colon cancer and see how long it takes until the first post says somehting so vile it disgust you. I bet you lass than 5. You can say that Obama hasn't said stuff, of his campaign manager hasn't said stuff, but if referring to the left in general, especially blogs, commentators, etc, you are just wrong. The left side is so way over the top in violence, anger and venom that it is just not funny. (sorry for the thread-veer)

I've found that in general, people on the internet are stupid. Because they can be, and on the Internet, nobody knows who they are, and they can say what they want with no consequences. Go to somewhere that isn't moderated, like the comments section of Youtube videos, or Yahoo's old message boards before they shut them down because they were so awful. It's pretty bad. That's just the Internet for you.


I guarantee you, if I wanted to go somewhere and find Internet comments on somebody wanting to do (insert violent activity) to Obama because of (insert racial or other reason for hatred slur here) it would not take me more than 4-5 minutes. It may be blatant, it may be subtle... I don't have to veer outside of the mainstream, either. This isn't the left, this isn't the right, this is just people in general, not even in just America, but humanity as a whole.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 03:30 PM)
I have seen plenty of vile stuff like that throughout the blogosphere from BOTH sides of the aisle. Not sure about Kos because I don't hang there much, but overall, I see no great difference between the parties in terms of the venomous extremists.

A much less wordy version of what i was trying to say.

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I believe Barack Obama went to a recent DailyKos convention, and I was very saddened to hear that. He should know better than to associate with those people, although a lot of prominent democrats certainly don't ignore the site. I still refuse to relate things said on that site to them though, because that site is really a bastion of ignorance and I certainly don't think high ranking members of the democratic party are ignorant.

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QUOTE (lostfan @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 01:31 PM)
I've found that in general, people on the internet are stupid. Because they can be, and on the Internet, nobody knows who they are, and they can say what they want with no consequences. Go to somewhere that isn't moderated, like the comments section of Youtube videos, or Yahoo's old message boards before they shut them down because they were so awful. It's pretty bad. That's just the Internet for you.


I guarantee you, if I wanted to go somewhere and find Internet comments on somebody wanting to do (insert violent activity) to Obama because of (insert racial or other reason for hatred slur here) it would not take me more than 4-5 minutes. It may be blatant, it may be subtle... I don't have to veer outside of the mainstream, either. This isn't the left, this isn't the right, this is just people in general, not even in just America, but humanity as a whole.


I think the internet, like driving a car, decreases most people's IQ by about 20%. And some people don't have that 20% to give.

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:10 PM)
For real this is an odd assertion, but on the otherhand it's coming from women that's she's trying to court.

Which I think demonstrates that the onus of childrearing USUALLY (but not always) falls to the woman. Even in egalitarian relationships. (The NYT did a really fascinating article on this a couple of months ago.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 02:34 PM)
I think the internet, like driving a car, decreases most people's IQ by about 20%. And some people don't have that 20% to give.



In fairness, i think it really can help, you just need to have an internal filter. I feel that the internet has made me far smarter and more aware of the world at large. But, i also have a good filter in my brain that knows when to throw out the crap. My grandma on the other hand, forwards every piece of crap e-mail she gets.

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QUOTE (Soxy @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 03:07 PM)
Which I think demonstrates that the onus of childrearing USUALLY (but not always) falls to the woman. Even in egalitarian relationships. (The NYT did a really fascinating article on this a couple of months ago.

I've always wondered why, in custody battles, unless the woman is a completely incompetent dumbass like my brother's ex-wife, the woman almost always gets default custody rights?

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It's Open Mic Day on MSNBC. WOW! (Some language here, so be careful)


The voices are Mike Murphy (Republican political consultant) and Peggy Noonan with a little Chuck Todd.


Church Todd: "Was she really the most qualified woman?"

Noonan: "no... I think they went for the political bulls*** about narratives". She added: "It's Over" for McCain.

Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (DrunkBomber @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 04:19 PM)
Let me see if I understand correctly...


Iran ISNT a threat because of the geographic size of the land...


Palin ISNT qualified to be VP despite being the Governor of the largest state in the Union size wise...


Can someone say hypocrisy?

? this doesn't make sense.


Red does not match the number 8, so I'm an idiot for driving my car 45 in a 50 mph zone.

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QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 10:27 AM)
At the end of the day I just hope 60 days is enough time to hammer on the fact that Obama clearly isn't fit to run this country. The problem is he's such a tremendous speaker that many Americans will ignore his record.


I wouldn't necessarily say that he's "not fit," but I completely agree with your second point. If you're comfortable with a Euro-socialist in the Oval Office (as at least some people here are), that's fine. At least you're paying attention. But there are A LOT of people who are completely sucked into his cult of personality and aren't even listening to his platform. They don't realize that "hope" and "change" actually refer to "economic redistribution" and "a massive sell-off on Wall Street." Jesus, I know Ron Paul supporters who are now voting for Obama. I mean, WTF? Politically, Ron Paul is the freaking POLAR OPPOSITE of Obama. What in the hell kind of logic is that?


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QUOTE (WCSox @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 03:26 PM)
I wouldn't necessarily say that he's "not fit," but I completely agree with your second point. If you're comfortable with a Euro-socialist in the Oval Office (as at least some people here are), that's fine. At least you're paying attention. But there are A LOT of people who are completely sucked into his cult of personality and aren't even listening to his platform. They don't realize that "hope" and "change" actually refer to "economic redistribution" and "a massive sell-off on Wall Street." Jesus, I know Ron Paul supporters who are now voting for Obama. I mean, WTF? Politically, Ron Paul is the freaking POLAR OPPOSITE of Obama. What in the hell kind of logic is that?


To be frank, many of Ron Paul's supporters really wouldn't have supported Ron Paul if they knew what he stood for to begin with.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 3, 2008 -> 12:28 PM)
To be frank, many of Ron Paul's supporters really wouldn't have supported Ron Paul if they knew what he stood for to begin with.


True dat. The overall ignorance of the general public is astounding.


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