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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Sep 5, 2008 -> 06:38 PM)
I thought McCain gave the speech of his life. It didn't come off as political bulls***....it was genuine and touched a lot of people. There aren't too many speeches I have ever said that about.


I agree. And because of that, I enjoyed it even more than the Palin speech.


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Just a day or so ago, the Great One decried that if any of his staff leveled what could be concieved as personal attacks against Palin, that he would fire them. Enter Howard Gutman, member of the national Finance Committee for Obama.



Gutman gets away scott free, with a weak apology from the Obama camp. Why not fired? Money.

Other notable bundlers include former registered lobbyist and defense attorney Howard Gutman, who in 2001 represented Susan Rosenberg a member of Bill Ayers’s domestic terror group the Weather Underground, someone who was “Lobbyist of the Year” in 2006


Can we expect to hear "That is not the Gutman that I knew..."?

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Seeing that the economy is the #1 issue on voters' minds Palin shows us why she is the best choice for McCain:


Speaking before voters in Colorado Springs, the Republican vice presidential nominee claimed that lending giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac had "gotten too big and too expensive to the taxpayers." The companies, as McClatchy reported, "aren't taxpayer funded but operate as private companies. The takeover may result in a taxpayer bailout during reorganization."


Economists and analysts pounced on the misstatement, saying it demonstrated a lack of understanding about one of the key economic issues likely to face the next administration.


"You would like to think that someone who is going to be vice president and conceivable president would know what Fannie and Freddie do," said Dean Baker, co-director of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. "These are huge institutions and they are absolutely central to our country's mortgage debt. To not have a clue what they do doesn't speak well for her, I'd say."




The emperor has no clothes

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 05:48 PM)
Actually, she's finally going to sit down for an interview this week.


With ABC's Charlie Gibson...the Flag Pin debate moderator.


the stipulations in that interview are embarrassing.

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Better said on TPM:


Well, now I've read them. And it's pretty clear this farce is going to be close to unwatchable. Set aside that this comes just on the heels of McCain campaign manager Rick Davis saying Palin would not sit for any interviews "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference." The tell comes high up in the AP story by David Bauder. The second graf reads ...


Palin will sit down for multiple interviews with Gibson in Alaska over two days, most likely Thursday and Friday, said McCain adviser Mark Salter.

Political interviews are never done like this. Because it makes the questioning entirely at the discretion of the person being interviewed and their handlers. The interviewer has to be on their best behavior, at least until the last of the 'multiple interviews' because otherwise the subsequent sittings just won't happen. For a political journalist to agree to such terms amounts to a form of self-gelding. The only interviews that are done this way are lifestyle and celebrity interviews. And it's pretty clear that that is what this will be.



And there was more, about how Gibson got the interview because he did not question McCain about Palin's family. He thought it was innappropriate. Well, that's all in the framing Charlie boy, because the important part about those questions was everyone wanting to know IF HE KNEW about them when vetting, when and why. So he's going to do a kid gloves interview with Sarah Palin. WE ARE TRULY THANKFUL GIBSON! THIS WILL DEFINITELY MAKE US MORE INFORMED VOTERS!!

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QUOTE (bmags @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 10:04 AM)
And there was more, about how Gibson got the interview because he did not question McCain about Palin's family. He thought it was innappropriate. Well, that's all in the framing Charlie boy, because the important part about those questions was everyone wanting to know IF HE KNEW about them when vetting, when and why. So he's going to do a kid gloves interview with Sarah Palin. WE ARE TRULY THANKFUL GIBSON! THIS WILL DEFINITELY MAKE US MORE INFORMED VOTERS!!

Well, this part I don't really have a problem with, I really don't know if I want the press questioning people about that family beyond a certain level unless there's something really wierd in there (I'd tolerate, for example, questions about the Alaska independence party and her husband's participation in it).

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 06:17 PM)
Well, this part I don't really have a problem with, I really don't know if I want the press questioning people about that family beyond a certain level unless there's something really wierd in there (I'd tolerate, for example, questions about the Alaska independence party and her husband's participation in it).


Well, I disagree, when McCain aides were giving varying answers about when he was told about this, and then you have an interview with him, you ask. It has nothing to do with her. It had to do with the questioning over how much time McCain took before handing over the potential #2 position of the most powerful country in the world to her.

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Hey, this is cute.


Turns out that Palin was a member of an Assembly of God church in Wasilla that preaches that Alaska will be one of the "refuge" states during the End Times. She visited and spoke there in June of this year where she talked about a proposed pipeline being part of God's plan for Alaska. She went to a more traditional church starting in 2002. The same year she ran for Lieutenant Governor.



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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 08:03 PM)
Hey, this is cute.


Turns out that Palin was a member of an Assembly of God church in Wasilla that preaches that Alaska will be one of the "refuge" states during the End Times. She visited and spoke there in June of this year where she talked about a proposed pipeline being part of God's plan for Alaska. She went to a more traditional church starting in 2002. The same year she ran for Lieutenant Governor.



The cuteness of Palin will wear off soon. This pick will blow up in their face before it's all said and done.

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Oooo... this is a puzzler.


When Sarah Palin was mayor, the Alaska state government passed a law requiring law enforcement to provide rape kits, free of charge. Wasilla was billing alleged rape victims for their rape kit. Who opposed this? Wasilla's Police Chief, the guy that Sarah Palin appointed because he didn't want to shut the bars down before 5AM.




While the Alaska State Troopers and most municipal police agencies have covered the cost of exams, which cost between $300 to $1,200 apiece, the Wasilla police department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests.


Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon does not agree with the new legislation, saying the law will require the city and communities to come up with more funds to cover the costs of the forensic exams.


In the past weve charged the cost of exams to the victims insurance company when possible. I just dont want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer, Fannon said.


According to Fannon, the new law will cost the Wasilla Police Department approximately $5,000 to $14,000 a year to collect evidence for sexual assault cases.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 09:48 PM)
Oooo... this is a puzzler.


When Sarah Palin was mayor, the Alaska state government passed a law requiring law enforcement to provide rape kits, free of charge. Wasilla was billing alleged rape victims for their rape kit. Who opposed this? Wasilla's Police Chief, the guy that Sarah Palin appointed because he didn't want to shut the bars down before 5AM.



The story doesn't say when the practice of charging for them began. Are you saying that she started this? And your 5 Am thing must be in a different story. Love how the other guy there, Zager, is all high and mighty about not charging the victims. I wonder if his town offers free ambulance services as well? Fannon's last line is what should happen, the criminal should be theone to pay.

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QUOTE (Rex Kicka** @ Sep 8, 2008 -> 10:48 PM)
Oooo... this is a puzzler.


When Sarah Palin was mayor, the Alaska state government passed a law requiring law enforcement to provide rape kits, free of charge. Wasilla was billing alleged rape victims for their rape kit. Who opposed this? Wasilla's Police Chief, the guy that Sarah Palin appointed because he didn't want to shut the bars down before 5AM.



Her appointee isn't her. Unless she was part of the decision.


And while I certainly think that the kits SHOULD be free, this was an unfunded state mandate. $12,000 a year is not a small number for the Wasilla Police Department. Not saying that the chief's refusal was good - it wasn't - but I hope people realize that the money isn't insignificant for a department like that.


I don't like Palin, and I think in the long run, she will end up making a lousy VP pick. But unless she herself participated in the decision to charge for the kits, then I think this is a stretch.


And before someone says it, a mayor does NOT necessarily have the power to tell the police chief how to do their job. It depends on the way the city/locality's charter is set up.


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 9, 2008 -> 01:25 PM)
Her appointee isn't her. Unless she was part of the decision.


And while I certainly think that the kits SHOULD be free, this was an unfunded state mandate. $12,000 a year is not a small number for the Wasilla Police Department. Not saying that the chief's refusal was good - it wasn't - but I hope people realize that the money isn't insignificant for a department like that.


I don't like Palin, and I think in the long run, she will end up making a lousy VP pick. But unless she herself participated in the decision to charge for the kits, then I think this is a stretch.


And before someone says it, a mayor does NOT necessarily have the power to tell the police chief how to do their job. It depends on the way the city/locality's charter is set up.


eh, when you run millions in debt what's 12 grand?

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new polls: Obama-McCain tied, but McCain-Palin surge among women


Suddenly, it's Poll City around here today.


As The Ticket reported earlier, the new Gallup/USA Today poll found a significant post-convention bounce for the John McCain-Sarah Palin ticket, a turnaround of 8 points to give the M-S ticket a 4-point lead over Barack Obama-Joe Biden.


A new political button for the Republican presidential ticket of Senator John McCain of Arizona and Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska


But now this afternoon come two more national polls essentially confirming the same trends with some significant subterranean changes:


-- the ABC News/Washington Post national poll of registered voters, which shows Obama's 6-point August lead has evaporated to produce a 47-46 Obama-McCain statistical tie,


-- and a CNN/Opinion Research poll, which shows the race still tied at 48% apiece but McCain making significant gains in how voters view his handling of the economy, Iraq and healthcare.


The most surprising results -- and surely the most disturbing for the freshman Illinois senator's camp -- are the immense gains McCain has made among white women following the Republican National Convention and the well-received prime-time speech by Palin.


In barely three weeks since before the Democratic convention last month, that crucial group of female voters has moved from 50-42 in Obama's favor to 53-41 for McCain now.


That's a huge 20-point shift in almost as many days, no doubt attributed in large part to the addition of a woman to the Republican ticket, Alaskan Gov. Palin, for the first time in the party's 164-year history.


The same poll also revealed a large shift toward McCain in Midwest battleground states from a 19-point deficit to a 7-point edge. The same numbers also indicated Obama making little or no progress in the areas of having sufficient experience and wooing to his side former supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton.


Obama still leads slightly among those who think he represents their values (48-44) and those who think he will bring change (51-39).


But McCain-Palin have pulled ahead among independents (50-43), among married women (48-44) and especially among white Catholics (59-36).


-- Andrew Malcolm

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Palin Billed State for Nights Spent at Home

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has billed taxpayers for 312 nights spent in her own home during her first 19 months in office, charging a "per diem" allowance intended to cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business.


The governor also has charged the state for travel expenses to take her children on official out-of-town missions. And her husband, Todd, has billed the state for expenses and a daily allowance for trips he makes on official business for his wife.


Palin, who earns $125,000 a year, claimed and received $16,951 as her allowance, which officials say was permitted because her official "duty station" is Juneau, according to an analysis of her travel documents by The Washington Post.


The governor's daughters and husband charged the state $43,490 to travel, and many of the trips were between their house in Wasilla and Juneau, the capital city 600 miles away, the documents show.

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