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Sarah Palin


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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 08:44 AM)
You know, I really don't care if Sarah Palin decided to sell the jet on eBay or not. Nor do I care, much, about her standing up to the bridge to nowhere. I also don't care if that trooper gets fired, and in fact, it sounds like he needed to be. These are all very minor things.


But what is building up to be an actual issue is the fact that the McCain/Palin campaign is just plain lying about these things. Repeatedly. They are being dishonest about them. And that bothers the hell out of me.


Except that the Jet didnt sell on Ebay - did you catch that part of the story?

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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:50 AM)
Except that the Jet didnt sell on Ebay - did you catch that part of the story?

That's my point. They lied about it (though in the particular case of McCain's statement, it really may have just been a misstatement).


I could care less how they sell their damn jet. I care that their campaign is lying.


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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:50 AM)
Except that the Jet didnt sell on Ebay - did you catch that part of the story?

that's part of the lie. She makes it sound like it was sold on ebay... which it wasnt. And she makes it sound liek the idea of putting it on e-bay was her idea... which it wasn. She says she opposed the bridge... she didn't. She says she'll cut spending.... but billed the state for time at home.


Like he said, it's the CONSTANT lies. And it's just not her either. The "sex-ed for kindergartners" was a flat out lie. The McCain ad with Wolves lied on both points (that Obama was pushing palin's smears and the 30 people 'air dropped' into Alaska). His constant lies about Obama raising taxes.


It's a trend of flat out lies that are DISCREDITED by independent sources that the McCain campaign continues to push even after being called out on them.


There's a difference between bending the truth to fit a narrative and flat out lying.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:55 AM)
that's part of the lie. She makes it sound like it was sold on ebay... which it wasnt. And she makes it sound liek the idea of putting it on e-bay was her idea... which it wasn. She says she opposed the bridge... she didn't. She says she'll cut spending.... but billed the state for time at home.


Like he said, it's the CONSTANT lies. And it's just not her either. The "sex-ed for kindergartners" was a flat out lie. The McCain ad with Wolves lied on both points (that Obama was pushing palin's smears and the 30 people 'air dropped' into Alaska). His constant lies about Obama raising taxes.


It's a trend of flat out lies that are DISCREDITED by independent sources that the McCain campaign continues to push even after being called out on them.


There's a difference between bending the truth to fit a narrative and flat out lying.

Well, let's not go so far as to say CONSTANT. Repeated, though.


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QUOTE (longshot7 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 11:50 AM)
Except that the Jet didnt sell on Ebay - did you catch that part of the story?



You are just ridiculous. Thats not the f***ing point. It was put on E-bay, it just didnt happen to sell on eBay. It was later sold privately. It wasnt her idea to put it there but it was her idea to get rid of it in the first place. She got rid of it, thats the point. This nitpicking of how exactly she got rid of it is ridiculous. And for anyone who wants to say she said the word "sold", have you ever said to someone "i'm selling such and such on ebay" and then the item didnt sell? This is a non-issue

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QUOTE (Controlled Chaos @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 02:08 AM)
The posts on here are f***in hilarious. I like the screwed up system that gives the same value to my uneducated vote as your all worthy and wise one. There are no educated people that like Senator Palin. McCain and Palin will win this election because me and all my stoopid friends. It's so disgusting isn't it??


oh, so now you've elevated her to senator. is this another attempt to hornswaggle people into thinking she's more qualified than she actually is? geez, you cons will leave no stone unturned when it comes to deceiving the american public.














(yes, i am kidding but my liberal leanings have rendered me unable to figure out green text)


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QUOTE (mreye @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:53 AM)
This is exactly what I mean. Classic stuff. This is the kind of thing worthy of our attention now? :lolhitting

McCain says Obama's record is thin, thereofre every thing is fair game. Hurts liek a b**** when it's turned back around on his own VP.


But dont worry. It's all sexism. The POW/Sexism defense shield is running at full strength.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:57 AM)
McCain says Obama's record is thin, thereofre every thing is fair game. Hurts liek a b**** when it's turned back around on his own VP.


But dont worry. It's all sexism. The POW/Sexism defense shield is running at full strength.


It doesn't hurt. It's comical that we have a 34 page thread about a VP choice. Seems to me like he made the right choice if so many of the lefties are freaking out about it.

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Palin adviser told her to appologize because Trooper-gate had become "grave":

Sarah Palin was counseled by an ethics adviser on the gravity of the allegations against her in the burgeoning Trooper-Gate scandal -- and encouraged to apologize -- letters reviewed by the Wall Street Journal show.


A former U.S. attorney, Wevley Shea, wrote two letters (pdf) to the Alaska governor, once in July and once in early August, stating that Palin's "'political advisors' have given you poor cousel; the situation is now grave. . . I am extremely concerned about certain 'wolves' if my recommended action is not taken immediately."

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 11:04 AM)
Oh I'm not freaked out. Just pointing out what she REALLY is, opposed to her "McCain" definition.

Are you kidding? If she was driving home and failed to come to a complete stop for 3 seconds you would be writing another 20 posts about how she has no respect for traffic laws.

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QUOTE (Alpha Dog @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 09:13 AM)
Still no comments about of all the trooper gate players standing being Obama supporters? Folks, this is a VP candidate. If she is unqualified to be a VP, then Obama is unqualified to be President.

Clearly no one from one party should ever investigate a person from the other party.


Therefore, Ken Starr's tome about President Clinton never really existed.

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 10:14 AM)
Clearly no one from one party should ever investigate a person from the other party.


Therefore, Ken Starr's tome about President Clinton never really existed.

well, we've seen how well it works when you hand pick your own investigators to investigate yourself. It's worked great for Bush.

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QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 10:44 AM)
You know, I really don't care if Sarah Palin decided to sell the jet on eBay or not. Nor do I care, much, about her standing up to the bridge to nowhere. I also don't care if that trooper gets fired, and in fact, it sounds like he needed to be. These are all very minor things.


But what is building up to be an actual issue is the fact that the McCain/Palin campaign is just plain lying about these things. Repeatedly. They are being dishonest about them. And that bothers the hell out of me.

That's what I was going to say, who the f*** cares if she sold a jet on eBay, that's not an issue. However, the issue is and continues to be (and won't stop being) the fact that the camp will continue to lie about anything and everything... and it will continue to work.

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 08:17 AM)
well, we've seen how well it works when you hand pick your own investigators to investigate yourself. It's worked great for Bush.

In all seriousness, it could very well be a problem in the end. But that's if the person charged with doing the investigating puts their politics before their job. Senator French is the chairman of the Alaska Judiciary committee, he was put in charge of the investigation by a bi-partisan vote, and up until the day that Governor Palin was nominated for VP, her attitude towards the probe was "Hold me accountable" (and that's a direct quote). It's only after the national party got involved that everyone from Palin's side suddenly was refusing to testify and the political leanings of the people running the investigation became an issue, before that they were happy to work together.


Let's look at it from the Republican side...you guys should be happy about it. If the probe comes back and says she's clean, then even the Dems can't say anything because a Dem said so. If it comes back and says she's dirty as all get out, then you can just say it doesn't matter because a Dem conducted the investigation and never heard the side of the Governor (without saying of course that it's because her side refused to testify).

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 11:14 AM)
Clearly no one from one party should ever investigate a person from the other party.


Therefore, Ken Starr's tome about President Clinton never really existed.

Well, Starr was appointed by a 3 judge panel, and the Democrat on that panel had no problems with Starr, at least at that time. Prior to that investigation, Starr was fairly well respected.


The guy overseeing the troopergate ”investigation” and the man charged with keeping him honest are both proud Obama partisans, who appointed an Obama partisan to do the investigating. If they were simply Democrats and Palin wasn't running against their guy, right now, this wouldn't be such a big deal. That situation reeks of political overtones. Surely, to 'rise above it', wouldn't the Dems want to find someone a little less partisan?

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QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 10:23 AM)
he was put in charge of the investigation by a bi-partisan vote, and up until the day that Governor Palin was nominated for VP, her attitude towards the probe was "Hold me accountable" (and that's a direct quote). It's only after the national party got involved that everyone from Palin's side suddenly was refusing to testify and the political leanings of the people running the investigation became an issue, before that they were happy to work together.

the part that really bothers me is all the "clamming up" that has gone on since she was named VP. She said she'd talk... now she's trying to shut the investigation down. Seven people were set to testify.... a few days after she was named VP, the decided they didn't want to talk. It's all very fishy and I'm cynical of stuff like this to begin with. It's normally much to do about nothing. But. my radar is pinging off the charts right now.


I also think she may have known she'd have gotten busted, but it wouldn't have cost her job as Gov. So, she agreed to go along and just take the hit. But now that she is VP, the GOP is scared and fear this will hurt her credibility and want to shut it down ASAP.



from ABC this morning, the committee investigating her is made up of 5 democrats and 10 republicans. He said the McCain campaign is actively trying to discredit the report based ont he 5 democrats, but he added the "failed" to tell ABC that there are 10 republicans. OOPS! Guess they forgot those people. Edited by Athomeboy_2000
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QUOTE (southsideirish71 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 10:29 AM)
Ah Yes, The bastard child of Yahoo Serious and Johnny Depp.

He's only saying what the rest of the world is thinking though (well except for Turkey).


Everyone will lose more faith in America and its people if you elect John McCain (and then end up having a female president with only 2 years experience from Alaska).

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QUOTE (DBAHO @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 11:37 AM)
He's only saying what the rest of the world is thinking though (well except for Turkey).


Everyone will lose more faith in America and its people if you elect John McCain (and then end up having a female president with only 2 years experience from Alaska).


Really? Well, that does it. I'm voting for Obama now. It's what the rest of the world wants me to do.

Edited by mreye
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well, isnt this just lovely. If you got raped in Wasilla, you had to pay for the tests out of your own pocket. Just lovely.


Under Palin, rape victims paid for exam

Two state leaders lashed out at the public record of Gov. Sarah Palin on Wednesday as witnesses in a new "Alaska Mythbusters" forum coordinated by supporters of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.


Speaking to a teleconference audience of reporters around the nation, former Gov. Tony Knowles and current Ketchikan Mayor Bob Weinstein - both Democrats - accused Palin of misleading the public in her new role as the vice-presidential running mate of Arizona Sen. John McCain.


While some of their complaints have already been aired, Knowles broke new ground while answering a reporter's question on whether Wasilla forced rape victims to pay for their own forensic tests when Palin was mayor.


True, Knowles said.


Eight years ago, complaints about charging rape victims for medical exams in Wasilla prompted the Alaska legislature to pass a bill - signed into law by Knowles - that banned the practice statewide.


"There was one town in Alaska that was charging victims for this, and that was Wasilla," Knowles said


A May 23, 2000, article in Wasilla's newspaper, The Frontiersman, noted that Alaska state troopers and most municipal police agencies regularly pay for such exams, which cost between $300 and $1,200 apiece.


"(But) the Wasilla Police Department does charge the victims of sexual assault for the tests," the newspaper reported.


It also quoted Wasilla Police Chief Charlie Fannon objecting to the law. Fannon was appointed to his position by Palin after her dismissal of the previous police chief. He said it would cost Wasilla $5,000 to $14,000 a year if the city had to foot the bill for rape exams.


"In the past we've charged the cost of exams to the victims' insurance company when possible," Fannon told the newspaper. "I just don't want to see any more burden put on the taxpayer."

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QUOTE (Athomeboy_2000 @ Sep 11, 2008 -> 11:14 AM)
well, isnt this just lovely. If you got raped in Wasilla, you had to pay for the tests out of your own pocket. Just lovely.


Under Palin, rape victims paid for exam

This was already posted and discussed at length (though I do not recall where offhand).



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