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Ann Coulter


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This b**** could do Goebbels proud.


Later, she denounces Congressmen Jim McDermott, D-WA, David Bonior, D-MI, and Mike Thompson, D-CA, for their trip to Iraq in late September 2002, asking, "Weren't any Democrats the tiniest bit irritated that members of Congress were meeting with a tyrant as the U.S. prepared to attack him?" (p. 225) The group did not meet with Saddam, who is obviously the tyrant in question, though they did meet with Iraqi officials.


What about when Rummy met with him and shook his hand???


And Coulter says "In March 1946, Truman ostentatiously rebuffed Winston Churchill after his famous Iron Curtain speech in Fulton, Missouri...[He] instructed Sec. of State Dean Acheson not to attend a reception for Churchill a week later in New York."


First, according to Joe Conason on salon.com, Acheson wasn't appointed to Sec. of State until 1949. Second, it was the Sec. of State at the time, James Byrnes who actually urged Acheson to not attend the event in New York. [Acheson did have a "cordial" lunch with Churchill shortly thereafter] Furthermore, Truman was the one who invited Churchill to his home state of Missouri -- and he read Churchill's speech in reverence, telling him the warning about communism would do "nothing but good."


I know not all Republicans are like Shemp Hannity, Ann Coulter, Rush, etc. It's just fun to see the right's pundits lying so obviously that it makes the left's work easier. :lol:

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I thought you were just going to say Ann Coulter was an über-annoying Nazi b****, but I guess this works, too.

There is no doubt that she is, I just thought that calling her on her lies would be more productive. And I think she should be the poster child for why horses should not have sex with lamp-posts. :)

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I watch CNN Crossfire almost daily and the episode that she appeared in was really appauling. I didn't understand her views at all. I'm not sure how Ann Coulter's views can be viewed so seriously. But it is a free country, so whatever. I'm sure as hell not going to buy into her crap.

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My bro loved her book, treason...that is who we are talking about isn't?

High Crimes and Misdemeanors


Slander: Liberal lies about the American Right




Those are the 3 books she has written. Yes, 1549, that is the Ann Coulter we are talking about. 1549, if he loved the book he may want to see the critiques that she didn't get years right and essentially re-wrote history to fit her ideology. I'm not talking revision, I'm talking changing years things happened etc.


I wonder if she is ever going to find something that she can like as much as she hates liberals. :lol:

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Bringing this post back to life because I saw Ann Coulter, and for a 40 year old she is very attractive.


Also, Sideshowapu's 'speculation' proves once again to be 'speculation'...


The New York Times book review says that thourough research proves Ann Coulter is once again on top of her history.


So she is hot and smart, a real winner if you ask me.


(she is the poster girl for the republican party, and she sure is a lot better looking than the dem's poster girl, Hillary :lol: )


:finger Coulter haters


And never call her a nazi again, you socialists are the ones that want to ban free enterprise.

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...Do you even know what Socialism is? Ann Coulter is the biggest conservative b**** out there. Want proof? After 9/11 she was fired from a Conservative radio station for saying the U.S. should go to the Middle East and convert everyone over there, etc etc. I'm sorry, you have to have a flagpole lodged up your ass to get fired from a conservative radio station.

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