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Since this Sox game is boring the holy hell out of me, might as well ask what everybody's been listening to lately. Not much for me, these 2 seem to not want to reliquence there spot in the CD player


Glassjaw "Worship and Tribute"




Lamb of God "As The Palces Burn"



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Why relegate it to CD's...




:headbang One of my all time favorites. The Wilson Brothers know what the f*** is up when it comes to comedy.

this is true, very funny movie.


Owen Wilson's character is hilarious...


"We all know that Custer died at the battle of little big horn, but what my book proposes is, (slight pause) maybe he didn't?"

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Cerb being the radiohead expert, do they still play "creep" when they're on tour? Or are they one of those Beastie Boys kinda groups that don't play their old s***.

Radiohead never plays anything off of Pablo Honey, mainly because they think it sucks. I have to agree. They play anything from The Bends onward, but it is very rare they play Creep. They played Lurgee at Chicago, though.

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Radiohead never plays anything off of Pablo Honey, mainly because they think it sucks. I have to agree. They play anything from The Bends onward, but it is very rare they play Creep. They played Lurgee at Chicago, though.

That really never makes sense to me. The stuff that made you popular in the first place, isn't good enough now? They do it, Madonna does it, Beastie Boys do that. The Fans want to hear it.


Also has that album been getting good reviews, cause I only read one in Playboy (I only read the articles ;) ) and it just ripped it to shreds. They said "... his wails, and single word repetitions have become self-indulgent. Couple that with the fact that he has again largely shelved his once-ferocious in favor of blips, beeps and Casio beats, and you've got trouble." ".... there are some magical moments (I Will, There, There). More often things fall apart, as on 2+2=5, which opens with mournful guitars and then careens into an unhinged coda with Yorke shouting"penetration." The less charitable might be inclined to wonder whether "The Bends" and "OK Computer" were flukes."


Ouch! They usually give good reviews, at least that I have read. This was by far the worst review of any album I've read in Playboy.

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My friends been trying to get me into them lately. I've only head the first track off of ( ) It's definately the most relaxing music I've ever heard. You could use it but baby's to sleep, I'll tell you that much. I'll have to listen to more though. I really have to be committed to listening to a song when they get up in the 8+ minute mark and definately at the 10+ mar as well. The 4 of those on that album.

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